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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2215



No. 1751 Session of 2001


           JUNE 13, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment of rural technology enterprise
     2     zones in rural areas of this Commonwealth.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Rural
     7  Technology Enterprise Zone Act.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
     9     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    10         (1)  The 1990's have been a decade of considerable
    11     advancement in telecommunications and the way people
    12     communicate worldwide. The greatest technological advancement
    13     has been the Internet.
    14         (2)  Accordingly, telecommunications in general, and the
    15     Internet in particular, are becoming increasingly important
    16     to the efficiency and effectiveness of private and public

     1     sector institutions.
     2         (3)  With the advent of the Internet and its various
     3     commercial, educational, medical and cultural applications,
     4     the ability of people in all parts of this Commonwealth to
     5     access the Internet has become an important component in the
     6     ability of the Commonwealth and its people and institutions
     7     to remain competitive in the information-based global
     8     economy.
     9         (4)  Although a majority of the people in this
    10     Commonwealth live in rural communities, a great disparity
    11     currently exists in the ability of people living in urban and
    12     suburban areas and people living in rural areas to access the
    13     Internet because of a lack of adequate technology,
    14     infrastructure and advanced telecommunications services in
    15     rural communities.
    16         (5)  Internet access is a major concern for rural health
    17     care. Telemedicine gives rural health care providers the
    18     ability to share data with medical experts in academia and
    19     large urban hospitals in this Commonwealth and country,
    20     thereby greatly enhancing the level of health care in such
    21     areas.
    22         (6)  Internet access is also a concern for rural
    23     education. Access to the Internet will complement the
    24     learning experiences of children in rural areas by giving
    25     them a window to the world and allowing them to gather data
    26     from the information superhighway which would not otherwise
    27     be available to them. Moreover, Internet access will give
    28     rural children planning to attend college a direct connection
    29     to academic information provided on-line by institutions of
    30     higher education in this Commonwealth and throughout the
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     1     world.
     2         (7)  The benefits of the Internet are useless to people
     3     living in rural communities who are neither connected to nor
     4     able to access the information superhighway.
     5         (8)  Therefore it is the policy of the Commonwealth to
     6     encourage private sector investments in the technology
     7     infrastructure of rural areas in order to improve the
     8     telecommunications capabilities in such areas and to provide
     9     affordable access to the Internet and other interactive
    10     information services to people living in rural communities.
    11  Section 3.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    16     "Dedicated Internet service provider."  An entity that offers
    17  a connection to the Internet and that may or may not offer
    18  proprietary content.
    19     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    20     "End-user."  A person that uses the Internet primarily to
    21  receive information and a content creator that uses the Internet
    22  to distribute information to other end-users.
    23     "Internet."  The international interconnected global computer
    24  network of tens of thousands of packet-switched networks which
    25  use the Internet Protocol to transmit data.
    26     "Internet service provider."  A dedicated Internet service
    27  provider or on-line service provider.
    28     "On-line service provider."  An entity that provides user
    29  access to proprietary content and that allows end-users to
    30  access the Internet, usually for a fee.
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     1     "Program."  The rural technology enterprise zone program.
     2     "Rural area."  A county, town, borough or township or other
     3  political subdivision which, according to the latest United
     4  States Decennial Census, is classified as rural.
     5     "Rural technology enterprise zone."  A defined geographic
     6  area comprised of one or more political subdivisions or portions
     7  thereof located in a rural area as designated by the
     8  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission under section 4.
     9     "Qualified investment."  Any capital investment or activity
    10  made or proposed to be made by a person to enhance the
    11  technology infrastructure of a rural technology enterprise zone.
    12     "Taxpayer."  A person subject to tax under the act of March
    13  4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971.
    14     "Technology infrastructure."  The equipment or facilities,
    15  including all features, functions and capabilities, and
    16  technical support used in the provision of advanced
    17  telecommunications and information services.
    18  Section 4.  Rural technology enterprise zone program.
    19     (a)  Establishment and purpose of program.--There is
    20  established a program providing for the designation of rural
    21  areas of this Commonwealth as rural technology enterprise zones.
    22  The purpose of the program is to foster the development of
    23  technology infrastructure and increase access to the Internet in
    24  areas of this Commonwealth designated by the commission as rural
    25  technology enterprise zones.
    26     (b)  Technology needs assessment and inventory.--By April 30,
    27  2002, the commission shall conduct a technology infrastructure
    28  needs assessment and inventory to determine the status of
    29  telecommunications services and Internet accessibility in rural
    30  areas of this Commonwealth. The needs assessment and inventory
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     1  shall specifically examine the following:
     2         (1)  The current status of telecommunications
     3     infrastructure in rural areas of this Commonwealth, including
     4     an examination of advanced telecommunications and information
     5     services currently offered by Internet service providers in
     6     rural areas.
     7         (2)  The existence and identification of barriers which
     8     prevent or reduce Internet access in rural areas.
     9         (3)  The need and ability to provide or improve Internet
    10     access in rural areas in this Commonwealth, including the
    11     ability to improve the level of bandwidth available to
    12     Internet end-users in rural areas.
    13         (4)  The types of technology infrastructure, including
    14     advanced communications services and emerging technologies,
    15     which would improve Internet access in rural areas.
    16         (5)  Measures to foster the development of market-based
    17     solutions which will make access to the Internet and other
    18     interactive services widespread and affordable in rural
    19     areas.
    20     (c)  Public hearings.--After conducting the needs and
    21  assessment inventory under subsection (b), but by December 31,
    22  2002, the commission shall conduct a series of public hearings
    23  in selected rural areas of this Commonwealth on the designation
    24  of rural technology enterprise zones. The commission shall
    25  provide public notice of such hearings to residents living
    26  within any proposed rural technology enterprise zone and to any
    27  other interested parties the commission may identify. The
    28  commission shall consider any testimony or other evidence
    29  presented at such hearings in designating an area as a rural
    30  technology enterprise zone.
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     1     (d)  Designation of zones.--The commission shall designate
     2  rural areas in this Commonwealth as rural technology enterprise
     3  zones based upon the needs and assessment inventory and the
     4  evidence received during the public hearings. In making such
     5  designations, the commission shall specify by order, based upon
     6  the needs and assessment inventory and the evidence received at
     7  the public hearings, the specific technology infrastructure
     8  needs of each rural technology enterprise zone and the types of
     9  technology investments which will meet those needs. For each
    10  rural technology enterprise zone designated under this section,
    11  the commission shall specify the following:
    12         (1)  The boundaries of the rural technology enterprise
    13     zone.
    14         (2)  The potential for increasing Internet access within
    15     the rural technology enterprise zone.
    16         (3)  The specific technology infrastructure required to
    17     provide adequate and affordable Internet access within the
    18     zone and any unique needs or characteristics of the zone.
    19         (4)  The specific investments in technology
    20     infrastructure which will qualify for income tax credit under
    21     section 5.
    22         (5)  Recommendations for integrating telecommunications
    23     and regional economic development.
    24         (6)  Other information the commission deems pertinent.
    25  Section 5.  Investment in technology infrastructure; tax credit.
    26     (a)  Technology infrastructure tax credit.--A taxpayer that
    27  has made a qualified capital investment in the technology
    28  infrastructure required to provide Internet access or improve
    29  telecommunications services in a rural technology enterprise
    30  zone shall receive a tax credit as provided in subsection (c) if
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     1  the commission annually approves a proposal submitted by the
     2  taxpayer.
     3     (b)  Proposals.--
     4         (1)  A taxpayer desiring to participate in the program
     5     must submit a written proposal to the commission in the
     6     manner the commission prescribes. The proposal must set forth
     7     all of the following:
     8             (i)  The rural technology enterprise zone selected
     9         for investment.
    10             (ii)  The specific technology investment proposed for
    11         the zone.
    12             (iii)  The estimated amount to be invested.
    13             (iv)  The plan for implementing the proposal.
    14             (v)  The time frame for implementing the proposal.
    15         (2)  The decision of the commission to approve or
    16     disapprove a proposal shall be in writing and, if the
    17     proposal is approved, shall state the maximum tax credit
    18     allowable to the person. A copy of the decision approving a
    19     proposal shall be forwarded to the department.
    20         (3)  The commission shall develop procedures to govern
    21     the resubmission of proposals that are not approved.
    22     (c)  Grant of tax credit.--
    23         (1)  The department shall grant a tax credit against any
    24     tax due under Article III, IV, VI, VII, VII-A, VIII, VIII-A,
    25     IX, X or XV of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known
    26     as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, or any tax substituted in
    27     lieu thereof, for income tax years commencing after December
    28     31, 2002, but prior to January 1, 2008, in an amount equal to
    29     10% of the amount of total investment made during such years
    30     in technology infrastructure required to improve
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     1     telecommunications services or provide Internet access in a
     2     rural technology enterprise zone.
     3         (2)  A tax credit not to exceed 20% of the total amount
     4     invested by a person during the taxable year may be allowed
     5     for investments in special programs uniquely designed by a
     6     program participant, in collaboration with the commission, to
     7     improve the technology infrastructure in a rural technology
     8     enterprise zone. The tax credit may be claimed only for
     9     specific capital investments in technology infrastructure or
    10     specific activities designed to improve the technology
    11     infrastructure which are in a rural technology enterprise
    12     zone, as determined by the commission.
    13         (3)  A tax credit claimed by a person under this
    14     subsection shall not exceed $500,000 in any one tax year. If
    15     the tax credit allowed under this subsection exceeds the
    16     taxes otherwise due, the amount of the credit not used as an
    17     offset against taxes may be carried forward as a tax credit
    18     against subsequent years' tax liability for a period not to
    19     exceed five years and shall be applied first to the earliest
    20     years possible.
    21     (d)  Amount of tax credit.--The total amount of tax credit
    22  granted for programs under this act shall not exceed $5,000,000
    23  of tax credits in a fiscal year.
    24     (e)  Report.--The commission shall submit a report to the
    25  Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee of the
    26  Senate and the Consumer Affairs Committee of the House of
    27  Representatives by December 31, 2005. The report shall outline
    28  the progress in improving the technology infrastructure and
    29  Internet access within each rural technology enterprise zone.
    30  The report shall include, at least, the following:
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     1         (1)  The number of taxpayers participating in the
     2     program.
     3         (2)  The total amount of capital investment made by the
     4     taxpayers in the technology infrastructure of each rural
     5     technology enterprise zone.
     6         (3)  The total amount of all tax credits allowed for
     7     capital investments.
     8         (4)  An analysis of the changes made in technology
     9     infrastructure in each rural technology enterprise zone to
    10     improve Internet access and the effects of those changes.
    11         (5)  Any recommendations the commission or department may
    12     deem appropriate.
    13  Section 6.  Duties of commission and department.
    14     (a)  Duties of commission.--The commission shall implement
    15  the provisions of this act and shall promulgate regulations to
    16  carry out the provisions of this act. Regulations shall include
    17  an enumeration of the specific activities which, in the
    18  determination of the commission, will improve the technology
    19  infrastructure in a rural technology enterprise zone and which
    20  will qualify for tax credit.
    21     (b)  Specific regulations by department.--Notwithstanding
    22  subsection (a), the department shall promulgate regulations as
    23  necessary to carry out the provisions of section 5(a), (c) and
    24  (d).
    25     (c)  Memorandum of understanding.--The commission and the
    26  department shall collaborate to determine a division of
    27  responsibilities for the enforcement of the provisions of this
    28  act and any regulations promulgated under this act to ensure
    29  uniform standards in each rural technology enterprise zone. To
    30  ensure uniform enforcement, the commission and department shall
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     1  enter into a memorandum of understanding. The memorandum of
     2  understanding shall set forth the specific responsibilities of
     3  the commission and the department and shall include procedures
     4  to facilitate the sharing of program information between the two
     5  agencies.
     6  Section 7.  Construction.
     7     Nothing in this act shall be construed to obliterate, rescind
     8  or modify any taxpayer's universal service obligations mandated
     9  under Federal or State law or regulation.
    10  Section 20.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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