No. 1834 Session of 1983



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     2     with the approval of the Governor and the Secretary of Public
     3     Welfare, to convey to the City of Allentown a parcel of land
     4     situate in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County,
     5     Pennsylvania.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The Department of General Services, with the
     9  approval of the Governor and the Secretary of Public Welfare, is
    10  hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
    11  to grant and convey for a consideration of $1, to the City of
    12  Allentown, the following tract of land situate in the City of
    13  Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
    14  follows:
    15     All that certain tract or parcel of land situate on the
    16  southerly side of River Drive as located and defined according
    17  to City Council Bill No. 2060, in the 15th Ward of the City of
    18  Allentown, County of Lehigh, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
    19  bounded and described as follows, to wit;

     1     Beginning on the southerly right-of-way line of the
     2  aforementioned River Drive, said point lying on the course north
     3  46 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds west a distance of 137.47 feet
     4  from Station 761 + 75.81 of the stone monumented center line of
     5  the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad (now Consolidated Rail
     6  Corporation); thence along the southerly right-of-way line of
     7  River Drive the following four courses and distances: north 19
     8  degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds east 52.73 feet to a point; around
     9  a curve to the right with a central angle of 38 degrees 59
    10  minutes, a radius of 176.69 feet, an arc length of 120.21 feet,
    11  the chord of which bears north 38 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds
    12  east 117.92 feet to a point; north 58 degrees 12 minutes 40
    13  seconds east 388.28 feet to a point; north 51 degrees 57 feet 10
    14  seconds east 152.51 feet to a point; thence along lands of the
    15  Consolidated Rail Corporation the following three courses and
    16  distances: south 44 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds west 96.32
    17  feet to a point; south 46 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds west
    18  528.50 feet to a point; south 84 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds
    19  west 89.56 feet to a point, the point or place of beginning.
    20     Containing 35,219.0876 square feet.
    21     Being a portion of the same premises which Matilda Ritter by
    22  deed dated April 3, 1903, and recorded in the Office of the
    23  Recorder of Deeds in and for the County of Lehigh at Allentown,
    24  Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Volume 179, Page 116, did grant and
    25  convey unto the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    26     Section 2.  The conveyance shall be made under and subject to
    27  all easements, servitudes and rights of others, including but
    28  not confined to streets, roadways and rights of any telephone,
    29  telegraph, water, electric, sewer, gas or pipeline companies, as
    30  well as under and subject to any interest, estate or tenancies
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     1  vested in third persons, whether or not appearing of record, for
     2  any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.
     3     Section 3.  The deed of conveyance shall contain a clause
     4  that the lands conveyed shall be used by the City of Allentown
     5  for highway purposes and if at any time the City of Allentown or
     6  its successor in function conveys said property or authorizes or
     7  permits said property to be used for any purpose other than
     8  highway purposes, the title thereto shall immediately revert to
     9  and revest in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    10     Section 4.  The deed of conveyance shall be approved as
    11  provided by law and shall be executed by the Secretary of
    12  General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of
    13  Pennsylvania.
    14     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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