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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2509



No. 1843 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955, No.265), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act to promote public health, safety, morals,
     3     and welfare by declaring the necessity of creating public
     4     bodies, corporate and politic, to be known as housing
     5     authorities to engage in slum clearance, and to undertake
     6     projects, to provide dwelling accommodations for persons of
     7     low income; providing for the organization of such housing
     8     authorities; defining their powers and duties; providing for
     9     the exercise of such powers, including the acquisition of
    10     property by purchase, gift or eminent domain, the renting and
    11     selling of property, and including borrowing money, issuing
    12     bonds, and other obligations, and giving security therefor;
    13     prescribing the remedies of obligees of housing authorities;
    14     authorizing housing authorities to enter into agreements,
    15     including agreements with the United States, the
    16     Commonwealth, and political subdivisions and municipalities
    17     thereof; defining the application of zoning, sanitary, and
    18     building laws and regulations to projects built or maintained
    19     by such housing authorities; exempting the property and
    20     securities of such housing authorities from taxation; and
    21     imposing duties and conferring powers upon the State Planning
    22     Board, and certain other State officers and departments,"
    23     further providing for rentals and tenants and for State aid;
    24     and making an appropriation.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:
    27     Section 1.  Section 13 of the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955,
    28  No.265), known as the Housing Authorities Law, amended May 20,

     1  1949 (P.L.1614, No.486), is amended to read:
     2     Section 13.  Establishment of Rentals and Selection of
     3  Tenants.--An Authority may rent or lease dwelling accommodations
     4  only to persons of low income and at rentals within their
     5  financial reach. It may rent or lease to a tenant a dwelling
     6  consisting of the number of rooms (but no greater number) which
     7  it deems necessary to provide safe and sanitary accommodations
     8  to the proposed occupants thereof without overcrowding. It shall
     9  not accept any person as a tenant in any housing project if the
    10  person or persons, who would occupy the dwelling, have an
    11  aggregate annual income in excess of six times the annual rental
    12  of the quarters to be furnished such person or persons. In
    13  computing rental for the purpose of selecting tenants, there
    14  shall be included in the rental the average annual cost, as
    15  determined by the Authority, to the occupants of heat, water,
    16  electricity, gas, cooking range, and other necessary services or
    17  facilities, whether or not the charge for such services and
    18  facilities is in fact included in the rental. Every Authority
    19  shall file a schedule of its rental charges for dwelling
    20  accommodations with the State Planning Board.
    21     Each lease shall include a condition permitting a tenant to
    22  rescind the lease without penalty upon verification by a law
    23  enforcement agency that the tenant is required to vacate the
    24  premises because of cooperation with the law enforcement agency.
    25     Nothing contained in this or the preceding section shall be
    26  construed as limiting the power of an Authority to vest in an
    27  obligee the right, in the event of a default by the Authority,
    28  to take possession of a housing project, or cause the
    29  appointment of a receiver thereof, or acquire title thereto
    30  through foreclosure proceedings, free from all the restrictions
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     1  imposed by this or the preceding section.
     2     Section 2.  Section 22.1 of the act, added June 5, 1947
     3  (P.L.449, No.203) is amended to read:
     4     Section 22.1.  Aid from State Government.--In addition to the
     5  powers conferred upon an Authority by other provisions of this
     6  act, an Authority is empowered to act as agent of the State, or
     7  any of its instrumentalities or agencies, for the public
     8  purposes set out in this act.
     9     Further to effectuate the purposes and provisions of this
    10  act, and in a manner requisite therefor, an Authority is
    11  empowered to receive, accept or borrow any and all funds
    12  appropriated, given, granted, loaned or donated to it, and to
    13  receive and accept any real estate and appurtenances thereto
    14  given, granted or donated to it by the State or any of its
    15  instrumentalities.
    16     At the end of each fiscal year, the Pennsylvania Commission
    17  on Crime and Delinquency shall reimburse Authorities for rental
    18  losses during that fiscal year due to lease rescission for
    19  cooperation with law enforcement under section 13. If funds are
    20  insufficient for full reimbursement, reimbursement shall be made
    21  in proportion to losses suffered.
    22     Section 3.  The sum of $100,000, or as much thereof as may be
    23  necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Pennsylvania Commission
    24  on Crime and Delinquency for the fiscal year July 1, 2007, to
    25  June 30, 2008, to carry out the provisions of the amendment of
    26  section 22.1 of the act.
    27     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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