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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2852



No. 2033 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 22, 1989 (P.L.687, No.90), entitled
     2     "An act providing for the regulation and licensing of
     3     mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers; imposing additional
     4     powers and duties on the Department of Banking and the State
     5     Real Estate Commission; and providing penalties," further
     6     providing for licensee limitations and for penalties.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Sections 309 and 314 of the act of December 22,
    10  1989 (P.L.687, No.90), known as the Mortgage Bankers and Brokers
    11  and Consumer Equity Protection Act, amended June 25, 2001
    12  (P.L.621, No.55), are amended to read:
    13  Section 309.  Licensee limitations.
    14     (a)  Prohibitions.--A licensee shall not:
    15         (1)  Transact any business subject to the provisions of
    16     this chapter under any other name except those designated in
    17     its license. A licensee that changes its name or place or
    18     places of business shall immediately notify the department,
    19     which shall issue a certificate, if appropriate, to the

     1     licensee which shall specify the licensee's new name or
     2     address.
     3         (2)  Conduct any business other than any business
     4     regulated by the department in any place of business licensed
     5     pursuant to this chapter without at least 90 days' prior
     6     written notification to the department.
     7         (3)  Disburse the proceeds of a mortgage loan in any form
     8     other than cash, electronic fund transfer, certified check or
     9     cashier's check where such proceeds are disbursed by the
    10     licensee to a closing agent. This paragraph shall not be
    11     construed as requiring a lender to utilize a closing agent
    12     and shall not apply to disbursements by check directly from
    13     the licensee's account payable to the borrower, borrower
    14     designees or other parties due funds from the closing.
    15         (4)  In the case of a loan correspondent, service
    16     mortgage loans.
    17         (5)  In the case of a mortgage broker or limited mortgage
    18     broker, commit to close or close mortgage loans in its own
    19     name, service mortgage loans, enter into lock-in agreements
    20     or collect lock-in fees, provided, however, that a mortgage
    21     broker or limited mortgage broker can provide a lender's
    22     lock-in agreement to a borrower on behalf of that lender and
    23     collect lock-in fees on the lender's behalf payable to that
    24     lender.
    25         (6)  Execute additional extensions of credit unless the
    26     extension is secured by a lien on a principal residence and
    27     the borrower has agreed to each specific extension of credit
    28     in writing.
    29     (b)  Authority to close loans in attorneys' and title
    30  insurance companies or agencies' offices.--Nothing contained in
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     1  this chapter shall prohibit any licensee or person exempt from
     2  licensure hereunder from closing any loans made under the
     3  provisions of this chapter in the offices of attorneys-at-law
     4  licensed by and located in this Commonwealth and title insurance
     5  companies or agencies licensed by and located in this
     6  Commonwealth.
     7  Section 314.  Penalties.
     8     (a)  Nonlicensees.--Any person who is not licensed by the
     9  department or is not exempted from the licensing requirements in
    10  accordance with the provisions of this chapter and who engages
    11  in the business of a mortgage banker, loan correspondent,
    12  mortgage broker or limited mortgage broker commits a felony of
    13  the third degree. In addition, a person violating this
    14  subsection shall be subject to a civil penalty equal to treble
    15  the damages sustained by each person who sustained damages
    16  because of the unlicensed activities.
    17     (b)  Nonlicensees subject to the provisions of this
    18  chapter.--Any person who is subject to the provisions of this
    19  chapter, even though not licensed hereunder, or any person who
    20  is not licensed by the department or is not exempt from the
    21  licensing requirements, who violates any of the provisions to
    22  which it is subject shall be subject to a [fine] civil penalty
    23  levied by the department or commission of [up to $2,000 for each
    24  offense.] treble the damage sustained by each person harmed by
    25  the actions of the nonlicensee, to be awarded by the department
    26  to each of the persons harmed. Any [such] nonlicensed person who
    27  commits [three or more offenses may, at the discretion of the
    28  department or commission,] an offense under this subsection
    29  shall be prohibited from engaging in the first mortgage loan
    30  business [unless licensed] as defined under this chapter.
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     1     (c)  Violations by licensees.--Any person licensed under the
     2  provisions of this chapter or any director, officer, employee or
     3  agent of a licensee who shall violate the provisions of this
     4  chapter or shall direct or consent to such violations shall be
     5  subject to a fine levied by the department of up to [$2,000]
     6  $10,000 for each offense. In addition, any person licensed under
     7  the provisions of this chapter or any officer, employee or agent
     8  of a licensee who shall intentionally or knowingly violate the
     9  provisions of section 309(a) shall be required to surrender its
    10  license and shall be prohibited from engaging in any business
    11  activities regulated under this act.
    12     (d)  Limited powers.--The powers conferred upon the
    13  commission by subsection (b) shall only be exercised by the
    14  commission in relation to persons licensed pursuant to the
    15  provisions of the act of February 19, 1980 (P.L.15, No.9), known
    16  as the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act, who are
    17  subject to subsection (b) under section 303(b)(3) and the
    18  exercise of such power by the commission in relation to such
    19  persons shall be exclusive.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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