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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2701



No. 2051 Session of 2001

           E. Z. TAYLOR AND WILT, OCTOBER 22, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937
     2     P.L.2897, No.1), entitled "An act establishing a system of
     3     unemployment compensation to be administered by the
     4     Department of Labor and Industry and its existing and newly
     5     created agencies with personnel (with certain exceptions)
     6     selected on a civil service basis; requiring employers to
     7     keep records and make reports, and certain employers to pay
     8     contributions based on payrolls to provide moneys for the
     9     payment of compensation to certain unemployed persons;
    10     providing procedure and administrative details for the
    11     determination, payment and collection of such contributions
    12     and the payment of such compensation; providing for
    13     cooperation with the Federal Government and its agencies;
    14     creating certain special funds in the custody of the State
    15     Treasurer; and prescribing penalties," further providing for
    16     State employee contributions and for election of
    17     reimbursement for employees of nonprofit organizations and of
    18     political subdivisions.

    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21     Section 1.  Section 1003 of the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd
    22  Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment
    23  Compensation Law, amended July 21, 1983 (P.L.68, No.30), is
    24  amended to read:
    25     Section 1003.  Contributions.--(a)  In lieu of contributions

     1  required to be paid by employers under this act, the
     2  Commonwealth [of Pennsylvania] shall pay into the Unemployment
     3  Compensation Fund an amount equal to the amount of regular
     4  benefits and of one-half of the extended benefits paid, (after
     5  December 31, 1978 the full amount of extended benefits paid)
     6  that is attributable to service in the employ of the
     7  Commonwealth and all its departments, bureaus, boards, agencies,
     8  commissions and authorities. If the Commonwealth has filed a
     9  notice with the department under department regulations within
    10  the prescribed time limits, the Commonwealth shall not be
    11  assessed for any portion of benefits paid to an individual who
    12  is:
    13     (1)  collecting benefits based on a separation from another
    14  employer; and
    15     (2)  engaged in part-time employment for the Commonwealth
    16  which continues without material change.
    17     (b)  The amount which the Commonwealth shall pay into the
    18  Unemployment Compensation Fund, as hereinabove set forth, shall
    19  be computed by the department and reported quarterly to the
    20  State Treasurer who shall thereupon pay such amount from the
    21  General Fund of the Commonwealth, upon approval thereof in
    22  accordance with the law then in effect, except that to the
    23  extent that compensation is paid on the basis of wages paid by
    24  an authority of the Commonwealth from its funds such authority
    25  shall pay such amount into the Unemployment Compensation Fund
    26  from its own funds.
    27     (c)  Past due payments of amounts in lieu of contributions,
    28  or reports with respect thereto, shall be subject to the same
    29  interest and penalties that, pursuant to section 308 apply to
    30  past due contributions and section 206 apply to past due
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     1  reports.
     2     Section 2.  Sections 1104 and 1202.2 of the act, amended July
     3  6, 1977 (P.L.41, No.22), are amended to read:
     4     Section 1104.  Election of Reimbursement.--(a)  Any nonprofit
     5  organization which, on or after January 1, 1972, is or becomes
     6  liable to the contribution provisions of this act may, in lieu
     7  of payment of such contributions, elect to pay to the department
     8  for the Unemployment Compensation Fund an amount equal to the
     9  amount of regular benefits and of one-half of the extended
    10  benefits paid, that is attributable to service in the employ of
    11  such nonprofit organization. If a nonprofit organization has
    12  filed a notice with the department under department regulations
    13  within the prescribed time limits, the nonprofit organization
    14  shall not be assessed for any portion of benefits paid to an
    15  individual who is collecting benefits based on a separation from
    16  another employer and engaged in part-time employment for the
    17  nonprofit organization which continues without material change.
    18  Such employer shall continue to be liable for reimbursement of
    19  benefit payments based on wages paid prior to the termination
    20  date of such election.
    21     (b)  Such election shall be for a period of not less than two
    22  taxable years unless sooner terminated by the department as
    23  hereinafter provided.
    24     Section 1202.2.  Election of Reimbursement.--(a)  Any
    25  political subdivision of the Commonwealth or any instrumentality
    26  of one or more thereof, which on or after January 1, 1978 and
    27  prior to January 1, 1979 is or becomes liable to the
    28  contribution provisions of the act may, in lieu of payment of
    29  such contributions, elect to pay to the department for the
    30  Unemployment Compensation Fund, an amount equal to the amount of
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     1  regular benefits and of one-half of the extended benefits paid,
     2  (after December 31, 1978 the full amount of extended benefits
     3  paid) that is attributable to service in the employ of such
     4  political subdivision of the Commonwealth or any instrumentality
     5  of one or more thereof. If an employer subject to this section
     6  has filed a notice with the department under department
     7  regulations within the prescribed time limits, the employer
     8  shall not be assessed for any portion of benefits paid to an
     9  individual who is collecting benefits based on a separation from
    10  another employer and engaged in part-time employment for the
    11  employer subject to this section which continues without
    12  material change. Such employer shall continue to be liable for
    13  reimbursement of benefit payments based on wages paid prior to
    14  the termination date of such election.
    15     (b)  Such election shall be for a period of not less than two
    16  taxable years unless sooner terminated by the department as
    17  hereinafter provided.
    18     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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