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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2731



No. 2068 Session of 2001

           OCTOBER 23, 2001

           OCTOBER 23, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Prescription Drug Commission in the Department
     2     of Health and providing for its powers and duties; and
     3     imposing penalties.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Prescription
     8  Drug Diversion Prevention Plan Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Board."  The governing body of the Prescription Drug
    14  Commission.
    15     "Commission."  The Prescription Drug Commission established
    16  by this act.
    17     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.

     1     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth.
     2  Section 3.  Commission and governing body.
     3     (a)  Commission established.--The Prescription Drug
     4  Commission is hereby established within the Department of Health
     5  to develop and maintain a Prescription Drug Diversion Prevention
     6  Plan.
     7     (b)  Board of commissioners.--The powers of the commission
     8  shall be exercised by a board of commissioners. The board shall
     9  consist of the following members:
    10         (1)  The secretary.
    11         (2)  The Attorney General or a designee.
    12         (3)  The Commissioner of Professional and Occupational
    13     Affairs.
    14         (4)  The Director of the Bureau of Alcohol and Drug
    15     Programs in the department.
    16         (5)  Seven members appointed by the secretary as follows:
    17             (i)  One representative from the Pennsylvania
    18         Pharmacists Association.
    19             (ii)  One representative from the State Board of
    20         Pharmacy.
    21             (iii)  One representative from the American Society
    22         of Addiction Medicine.
    23             (iv)  One representative from the Association for
    24         Impaired Professionals.
    25             (v)  One representative from the Pennsylvania
    26         District Attorneys Association.
    27             (vi)  Two private citizens.
    28         (6)  Additional members appointed by the secretary as are
    29     necessary to implement relevant programs authorized by
    30     Federal or State law.
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     1     (c)  Term of office.--Except for the secretary, Attorney
     2  General, Commissioner of Professional and Occupational Affairs
     3  and Director of the Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Programs, members
     4  shall serve for a four-year term and may be appointed for no
     5  more than one additional consecutive term. The terms of those
     6  members who serve by virtue of the public office they hold shall
     7  be concurrent with their service in the office from which they
     8  derive their membership.
     9     (d)  Vacancies.--Should any member cease to be affiliated
    10  with an organization or agency he is appointed to represent or
    11  cease to be a private citizen, his membership on the commission
    12  shall terminate immediately and a new member shall be appointed
    13  in the same manner as his predecessor to fill the unexpired
    14  portion of a term. Other vacancies occurring, except those by
    15  the expiration of a term, shall be filled for the balance of the
    16  unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
    17     (e)  Chairman.--The secretary shall serve as chairman of the
    18  board. A vice chairman shall be designated by the chairman and
    19  shall preside at meetings in the absence of the chairman.
    20     (f)  Quorum.--A majority of the members shall constitute a
    21  quorum, and a vote of the majority of the members present shall
    22  be sufficient for all actions.
    23     (g)  Termination of appointment.--Three consecutive unexcused
    24  absences from regular meetings, except for temporary illness, or
    25  failure to attend at least 50% of the regularly called meetings
    26  in any calendar year shall be considered cause for termination
    27  of appointment.
    28     (h)  Compensation and expenses.--Members who are not
    29  Commonwealth officers or State, county or municipal employees
    30  shall be paid $75 a day for attendance at any official meeting.
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     1  Reasonable expenses incurred by members shall be allowed and
     2  paid upon the presentation of itemized vouchers.
     3     (i)  Advisory committees.--The board may establish advisory
     4  committees, in addition to those provided for in this act, as it
     5  deems advisable, but only the commission may set policy or take
     6  other official action. Members of advisory committees shall
     7  serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for necessary
     8  travel and other expenses in accordance with applicable law and
     9  regulations.
    10     (j)  Meetings.--All meetings of the board and of its advisory
    11  committees, at which formal action is taken, shall conform to 65
    12  Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
    13     (k)  Records.--The board and any advisory committee
    14  established for the purposes of this act shall provide for
    15  public access to all records relating to its functions under
    16  this act, except records that are required to be kept
    17  confidential by any provision of Federal or State law.
    18  Section 4.  Continuing education and addiction counseling.
    19     The board shall have the power and its duty relative to
    20  continuing education and addiction counseling shall be to:
    21         (1)  Set standards and develop regulations for the
    22     continuing education of pharmacists licensed by the State
    23     Board of Pharmacy.
    24         (2)  Work with the Association for Impaired Professionals
    25     to ensure intervention, treatment and ongoing monitoring.
    26         (3)  Develop a program to enable individual patients who
    27     are identified and have become addicted to prescription
    28     medication to receive addiction treatment.
    29         (4)  Design and promote comprehensive research-based
    30     initiatives to assist communities and community-based
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     1     organizations in reducing illegal use and abuse of
     2     prescription drugs.
     3         (5)  Define, develop and coordinate programs and projects
     4     and establish priorities for abuse prevention and education.
     5         (6)  Promulgate rules and regulations as the commission
     6     deems necessary for the proper administration of this act.
     7         (7)  Upon request, advise and assist the executive and
     8     legislative branches of State government in developing
     9     policies, plans, programs and budgets for improving the
    10     coordination, administration and effectiveness of continuing
    11     education of pharmacists and identification, treatment and
    12     prevention of prescription drug abuse.
    13         (8)  Prepare special reports and studies of prescription
    14     drug and pharmacy issues upon the request of the Governor or
    15     the General Assembly or a standing committee of the General
    16     Assembly.
    17         (9)  Obtain data necessary from all appropriate sources.
    18         (10)  Request the form and content of records which must
    19     be kept by persons and agencies in order to insure the
    20     correct reporting of data to the board.
    21         (11)  Instruct persons and agencies in the installation,
    22     maintenance and use of records and in the reporting of data
    23     to the board.
    24         (12)  Process, tabulate, analyze and interpret the data
    25     obtained from persons and agencies.
    26         (13)  Give adequate interpretation of statistics and
    27     present the information that may be of value in guiding the
    28     policies of the board and of those involved in the continuing
    29     education of pharmacists and identification, treatment and
    30     prevention of prescription drug abuse.
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     1  Section 5.  Computerized tracking system.
     2     The board shall develop a plan for the implementation of a
     3  computerized tracking system. The system, at a minimum, shall:
     4         (1)  Track prescriptions for controlled substances listed
     5     in Schedule II, III or IV that are filled by a pharmacy
     6     licensed to do business in this Commonwealth.
     7         (2)  Be designed to provide information regarding the
     8     inappropriate use by a patient of controlled substances
     9     listed in Schedules II, III and IV to pharmacies,
    10     practitioners and appropriate agencies in this Commonwealth
    11     to prevent the improper, potentially dangerous or illegal use
    12     of controlled substances.
    13         (3)  Be designed to provide information regarding
    14     statistical data relating to the use of controlled substances
    15     that is not specific to a particular patient.
    16         (4)  Allow the board to access information via the
    17     computerized tracking system for the purpose of identifying
    18     any suspected fraudulent or illegal activity related to the
    19     dispensing of controlled substances.
    20  Section 6.  Violation.
    21     (a)  Failure to transmit information.--Any licensed pharmacy
    22  or pharmacist in this Commonwealth who knowingly fails to
    23  transmit information regarding the dispensing of controlled
    24  substances to the computerized tracking system as required by
    25  the board commits a summary offense. For the purposes of this
    26  act, each prescription not transmitted constitutes a separate
    27  offense.
    28     (b)  Disclosure of transmitted information.--A person may not
    29  knowingly disclose to a person not authorized under this act any
    30  information obtained through the computerized tracking system
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     1  regarding the dispensing of controlled substances. A violation
     2  of this subsection constitutes a summary offense.
     3     (c)  Notification.--The court shall transmit a certified copy
     4  of a conviction for a violation of this section to the State
     5  Board of Pharmacy.
     6  Section 7.  Reporting.
     7     The board shall report any activity it reasonably believes is
     8  fraudulent or illegal to the appropriate law enforcement agency
     9  and occupational licensing or certifying board and provide them
    10  with the relevant information obtained from the computerized
    11  tracking system.
    12  Section 8.  Legal use.
    13     No system, program or policy developed by the board shall
    14  infringe on the legal use of a controlled substance for
    15  management of severe or intractable pain.
    16  Section 9.  Duty of others.
    17     It shall be the duty of any entity and every other person or
    18  agency dealing with the continuing education of pharmacists and
    19  identification, treatment and prevention of prescription drug
    20  abuse, when requested by the commission:
    21         (1)  To install and maintain records and recording
    22     systems needed for the correct reporting of statistical data
    23     required by the board.
    24         (2)  To report statistical data to the board at the time
    25     and in the manner as the board prescribes.
    26         (3)  To give to the staff of the board access to
    27     statistical data for the purpose of carrying out the duties
    28     of the board relative to the continuing education of
    29     pharmacists and identification, treatment and prevention of
    30     prescription drug abuse.
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     1  Section 10.  Confidentiality of reports.
     2     (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this act,
     3  information obtained from the computerized tracking system and
     4  reports made to law enforcement or professional licensing boards
     5  pursuant to this act shall be confidential and may not be
     6  released without the written consent of the person who is the
     7  subject of the information obtained. This information may only
     8  be released:
     9         (1)  Upon the request of the person who is the subject of
    10     the information or upon the request of his attorney on the
    11     subject's behalf.
    12         (2)  Upon the lawful order of a court of competent
    13     jurisdiction.
    14     (b)  Construction.--This section shall not restrict judges of
    15  the courts of this Commonwealth from disclosing information to
    16  the Pennsylvania State Police, or any other law enforcement
    17  agency, for the purpose of enforcing any provision of this act
    18  or any other statute in this Commonwealth. Nothing in this act
    19  shall be construed to conflict with the act of April 14, 1972
    20  (P.L.221, No.63), known as the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol
    21  Abuse Control Act.
    22  Section 11.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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