1Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An 
2act relating to the public school system, including certain 
3provisions applicable as well to private and parochial 
4schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the 
5laws relating thereto," in alcohol, chemical and tobacco
6abuse program, providing for instruction in problem gambling

8The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
9hereby enacts as follows:

10Section 1. Section 1547 of the act of March 10, 1949
11(P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
12amended December 19, 1990 (P.L.1362, No.211), is amended to

14Section 1547. Alcohol, Chemical [and], Tobacco Abuse and 
15Problem Gambling Awareness Program.--(a) Beginning with school
16year 1991-1992 and each year thereafter, each public school
17student shall receive mandatory instruction in alcohol, chemical
18and tobacco abuse in every year in every grade from kindergarten
19through grade twelve. The instruction shall be integrated within
20the health course of study required in accordance with the State

1Board of Education regulations. In grades where health is
2offered, instruction may also be integrated into other
3appropriate courses of study. In grades where health is not
4offered, instruction shall be integrated into an appropriate
5curriculum requirement as listed in 22 Pa. Code § 5.4(b).
6Beginning with school year 2014-2015, and each year thereafter, 
7the instruction mandated under this section shall be expanded to 
8include instruction in compulsive and problem gambling 

10(1) This instruction:

11(i) Shall be age appropriate.

12(ii) Shall be sequential in method of study.

13(iii) Shall discourage the use of alcohol, tobacco and
14controlled substances and engaging in any form of recreational 
15or legalized gambling.

16(iv) Shall communicate that the use of illicit drugs and the
17improper use of legally obtained drugs is wrong.

18(v) Shall communicate that gambling is an activity that
19carries risk beyond losing money.

20(vi) Shall communicate the negative effects of compulsive
21and problem gambling.

22(2) School districts may utilize any appropriate public or
23private materials, personnel and other resources in developing
24and implementing this program of instruction. The Department of
25[Health, Office of] Drug and Alcohol Programs, shall make
26available information about appropriate curriculum materials
27upon request of a school district. In developing its alcohol,
28chemical and tobacco abuse and compulsive and problem gambling 
29awareness instructional program, each school district shall
30consult with the single county authority designated by the

1Department of [Health] Drug and Alcohol Programs to provide drug
2and alcohol services and services related to compulsive and 
3problem gambling awareness in the school district's area.

4(b) Each school district is hereby authorized to develop and
5offer programs relating to alcohol, chemical and tobacco abuse
6and compulsive and problem gambling for parents of students
7enrolled in the public schools. If a school district does
8develop such programs, they shall be developed in consultation
9with the single county authority designated by the Department of
10[Health] Drug and Alcohol Programs to provide drug and alcohol
11services and services related to compulsive and problem gambling
12in the school district's area. Such programs shall be offered at
13no cost to parents.

14(c) The Secretary of Education, in consultation with the
15Secretary of [Health] Drug and Alcohol Programs, shall develop
16curriculum guidelines for instruction on alcohol, chemical and
17tobacco abuse and the laws governing their use and misuse, and 
18for instruction on compulsive and problem gambling awareness and 
19the applicable laws governing underage gambling. These
20guidelines shall encourage the inclusion of the following
21elements where appropriate in the instruction:

22(1) Detailed factual information regarding the
23physiological, psychological, sociological and legal aspects of
24substance abuse and compulsive and problem gambling.

25(2) Detailed information regarding the availability of help
26and assistance for students and their families with alcohol,
27chemical and tobacco dependency problems and gambling problems.

28(3) The goals of quality education as set forth in 22 Pa.
29Code § 5.13(f).

30(4) Skills needed to evaluate advertisements for and media

1portrayals of alcohol, chemical and tobacco products and 
2recreational gambling.

3(5) Detailed instruction on the need for and the role of
4lawful authority and law-abiding behavior, including interaction
5with members of the legal and justice community.

6(6) Data on the social, behavior and economic risks of
7recreational and legalized gambling.

8(7) Classroom activities or instructions focused on the
9concepts of risk, healthy choices and addiction associated with
10recreational gambling designed to integrate and reinforce
11instructions on the negative effects of alcohol, chemical and
12tobacco abuse along with recreational gambling.

13(8) Information on the warning signs associated with
14compulsive and problem gambling.

15(9) Background information and data concerning youth

17(10) Information to help reduce the prevalence of youth

19(d) Beginning with the 1991-1992 school year and each year
20thereafter, the Secretary of Education, in consultation with the
21Secretary of [Health] Drug and Alcohol Programs, shall make
22available, to all school districts and intermediate units, in-
23service training programs based upon the instruction
24requirements established in subsection (a) and the curriculum
25guidelines established in subsection (c). The programs shall
26provide preparation for the teaching of mandated instruction in
27alcohol, chemical and tobacco abuse and compulsive and problem 
28gambling awareness. The in-service programs may utilize the
29single county authorities designated by the Department of
30[Health] Drug and Alcohol Programs or such other institutions,

1agencies or persons as the Secretary of Education deems

3(e) (1) Beginning with the 1991-1992 school year, each
4school district shall provide, as part of its in-service
5training, programs on alcohol, drugs, tobacco and dangerous
6controlled substances for all instructors whose teaching
7responsibilities include courses of study in which mandated
8instruction concerning alcohol, chemical and tobacco abuse is
9integrated. To comply with this requirement, a school district
10may utilize the programs made available by the Department of
11Education or use other alternative programs.

12(2) Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, the in-service
13training required for certain instructors under paragraph (1)
14shall incorporate instruction on compulsive and problem
15gambling. A school district may utilize programs made available
16by the Department of Education, the Department of Health or the
17Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs to develop its
18compulsive and problem gambling awareness program.

19(f) The governing board of each intermediate unit in which a
20nonpublic school is located shall have the authority and the
21duty to loan to all students attending nonpublic schools within
22the intermediate unit all educational materials developed by
23either the Department of Education [or], the Department of
24Health or the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, pursuant
25to this act for the instruction of public school students on the
26nature and effects of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and dangerous
27controlled substances and recreational and legalized gambling.
28Local school boards need not expend funds which are not provided
29by either the Federal or State Government for drug education
30programs for the use or loan of these materials. A nonpublic

1school may utilize the in-service training programs made
2available by the Department of Education through the
3intermediate unit.

4(g) (1) On or before June 1, 1991, the Secretary of
5Education shall recommend to the General Assembly a plan to
6require and assist each school district to establish and
7maintain a program to provide appropriate counseling and support
8services to students who experience problems related to the use
9of drugs, alcohol and dangerous controlled substances.

10(2) If deemed necessary, the Secretary of Education, in
11consultation with the Secretary of Drug and Alcohol Programs and
12the Secretary of Health, may periodically recommend to the
13General Assembly a plan for a program to provide counseling and
14support services to students who experience problems related to
15compulsive and problem gambling in targeted school districts.
16The plan may include recommendations for the allocation of funds
17from the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund
18established under 4 Pa.C.S. (relating to amusements) to school
19districts for school-based compulsive and problem gambling

21(h) On or before June 1, 1992, the Secretary of Education
22shall report to the General Assembly concerning the 1991-1992
23school year activities of the Department of Education pertaining
24to the provisions of this section and concerning proposed 1992-
251993 school year activities of the Department of Education
26pertaining to this section.

27(h.1) Two years after the effective date of this subsection,
28the Secretary of Education, in consultation with the Secretary
29of Drug and Alcohol Programs, shall submit a report to the
30General Assembly concerning the activities of both departments

1related to the administration of this section. The report shall
2include data and information, if available, on student attitudes
3toward recreational and legalized gambling, demographic trends
4and descriptions of activities and programs instituted to assist
5students with suspected or actual problems related to
6recreational gambling.

7(i) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules and
8regulations necessary for the implementation of this section.

9Section 2. This act shall take effect immediately.