1Providing for the annual designation and holiday observance of
2the third Saturday in June as "Juneteenth National Freedom
3Day" in this Commonwealth.

4The General Assembly hereby finds and declares as follows:

5(1) Originating in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865,
6when slaves in that state learned that they had been freed,
7"Juneteenth National Freedom Day" is the oldest African-
8American holiday observance in the United States.

9(2) "Juneteenth National Freedom Day" commemorates the
10survival instinct of Africans who endured a transatlantic
11journey, known as the Middle Passage, on slave ships from
12their homeland to this country.

13(3) Approximately 11.5 million Africans survived the
14harsh voyage to slave markets in the New World during the

1late 17th century, and the slave population in the American
2colonies grew quickly.

3(4) "Juneteenth National Freedom Day" further
4commemorates the impact of slavery, the abolition movement
5and African-American emancipation in the United States and
6has become a traditional celebration of independence, human
7rights and African-American culture in many communities.

8(5) Recognition of "Juneteenth National Freedom Day" in
9this Commonwealth would encourage all governmental entities,
10civic organizations, schools and institutions of higher
11education in this Commonwealth to observe the day in a manner
12that emphasizes the meaning and importance of the
13emancipation proclamation that ended slavery in the United
14States and to recognize and celebrate the importance of this
15day to every person who cherishes liberty and equality for
16all people.

17(6) "Juneteenth National Freedom Day" is celebrated
18annually in at least 37 states nationwide.

19The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
20hereby enacts as follows:

21Section 1. Designation.

22The third Saturday in June is designated as "Juneteenth
23National Freedom Day" in this Commonwealth.

24Section 2. Effective date.

25This act shall take effect immediately.