See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2844



No. 2132 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," providing for contribution limitations and
    12     independent expenditures.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known
    16  as the Pennsylvania Election Code, is amended by adding a
    17  section to read:
    18     Section 1627.1.  Limitations on Certain Contributions.--
    19     (a)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    20  contributions, from any person to any candidate for the office
    21  of Senator or Representative in the General Assembly, court of
    22  common pleas or a county or local office, his authorized

     1  committee or agent shall not exceed two hundred dollars ($200)
     2  for each election. Furthermore, for each election, no such
     3  candidate, his authorized committee or agent shall accept or
     4  receive more than two hundred dollars ($200) in aggregate
     5  contributions, including in-kind contributions from any person.
     6     (b)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
     7  contributions, from any person to any candidate for Statewide
     8  office, his authorized committee or agent shall not exceed two
     9  thousand dollars ($2,000) for each election. Furthermore, for
    10  each election, no candidate, his authorized committee or agent
    11  shall accept or receive more than two thousand dollars ($2,000)
    12  in aggregate contributions, including in-kind contributions from
    13  any person.
    14     (c)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    15  contributions, from a single political action committee, its
    16  affiliate or agent or candidate's political committee, its
    17  affiliate or agent to any candidate for the office of Senator or
    18  Representative in the General Assembly, court of common pleas or
    19  a county or local office, his authorized committee or agent
    20  shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each
    21  election. Furthermore, for each election, no candidate for such
    22  office, his authorized committee or agent shall accept or
    23  receive more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) in aggregate
    24  contributions, including in-kind contributions, from single
    25  political action committee or agent or candidate's political
    26  committee.
    27     (d)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    28  contributions, from single political action committee, its
    29  affiliate or agent or candidate's political committee to any
    30  candidate for Statewide office, his authorized committee or
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     1  agent shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each
     2  election. Furthermore, for each election, no candidate, his
     3  authorized committee or agent shall accept or receive more than
     4  ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in aggregate contributions,
     5  including in-kind contributions, from a single political action
     6  committee, its affiliate or agent or candidate's political
     7  committee.
     8     (e)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
     9  contributions, from a single political party committee, its
    10  affiliate or agent to any candidate for the office of Senator or
    11  Representative in the General Assembly, court of common pleas or
    12  a county or local office, his authorized committee or agent,
    13  shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) per election.
    14  Furthermore, no candidate for the office of Senator or
    15  Representative in the General Assembly, court of common pleas or
    16  a county or local office, his authorized committee or agent,
    17  shall accept or receive more than five thousand dollars ($5,000)
    18  in aggregate contributions from any single political party
    19  committee, its affiliate or agent.
    20     (f)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    21  contributions, from a single political party committee, its
    22  affiliate or agent to any candidate for Statewide office, his
    23  authorized committee or agent, or any political action
    24  committee, its affiliate or agent or political party committee,
    25  its affiliate or agent, or any other political committee, its
    26  affiliate or agent, shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars
    27  ($20,000) per election. Furthermore, no candidate for Statewide
    28  office, his authorized committee or agent or any political
    29  action committee or political committee shall accept or receive
    30  more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) in aggregate
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     1  contributions from any single political party committee, its
     2  affiliate or agent.
     3     (g)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
     4  contributions, from any person or a single political action
     5  committee, its affiliate or agent or any single candidate's
     6  political committee, its affiliate or agent to a single
     7  political action committee, its affiliate or agent shall not
     8  exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) during any calendar year.
     9  Furthermore, for each election, no political action committee,
    10  its affiliate or agent shall accept or receive more than five
    11  thousand dollars ($5,000) in aggregate contributions, including
    12  in-kind contributions, from a single political action committee,
    13  its affiliate or agent during any calendar year.
    14     (h)  Aggregate contributions from any person, a single
    15  candidate's political committee, its affiliate or agent or a
    16  single political action committee, its affiliate or agent or any
    17  other political committee to a single political party committee
    18  shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) in a calendar
    19  year. Furthermore, no single political party committee shall
    20  accept or receive more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) in
    21  aggregate contributions from any single candidate's political
    22  committee or agent or a single political action committee, its
    23  affiliate or agent or any political committee.
    24     (i)  No person shall make contributions in accordance with
    25  this section aggregating more than twenty-five thousand dollars
    26  ($25,000) in any calendar year.
    27     (j)  A gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit of money
    28  or anything of value to a candidate shall be considered a
    29  contribution both by the original source of the contribution and
    30  by any intermediary or conduit if the intermediary or conduit:
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     1     (1)  exercises any direction over the making of the
     2  contribution; or
     3     (2)  solicits the contribution or arranges for the
     4  contribution made and directly or indirectly makes the candidate
     5  aware of such intermediary or conduit's role in soliciting or
     6  arranging the contribution for the candidate.
     7     (k)  For purposes of subsection (j), a contribution shall not
     8  be considered to be a contribution by an intermediary or conduit
     9  to the candidate if:
    10     (1)  the intermediary or conduit has been retained by the
    11  candidate's committee for the purpose of fundraising and is
    12  reimbursed for expenses incurred in soliciting contributions;
    13     (2)  in the case of an individual, the candidate has
    14  expressly authorized the intermediary or conduit to engage in
    15  fundraising, or the individual occupies a significant position
    16  within the candidate's campaign organization; or
    17     (3)  in the case of a political committee, the intermediary
    18  or conduit is the authorized committee of the candidate.
    19     (l)  No candidate for Statewide office who accepts public
    20  funding, if a system of public funding of campaigns is in
    21  effect, may contribute more than $25,000 per election from their
    22  personal funds. No candidate for the offices of Senator or
    23  Representative in the General Assembly who accepts public
    24  funding, if a system for public funding of campaigns is in
    25  effect, may contribute more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
    26  per election from their personal funds.
    27     (m)  The provisions of this section are applicable to any
    28  contribution made for the purpose of influencing any election to
    29  all public offices except Federal offices.
    30     (n)  For purposes of this section, any contribution made to a
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     1  candidate in a year other than the calendar year in which the
     2  election is held with respect to which such contribution is
     3  made, is considered to be made during the calendar year in which
     4  such election is held.
     5     Section 2.  The dollar figures contained in section 1627.1
     6  shall be adjusted annually at a rate equal to the average
     7  percentage change in the All-Urban Consumer Price Index for the
     8  Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Scranton standard metropolitan
     9  statistical areas as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
    10  of the United States Department of Labor, or any successor
    11  agency, occurring in the prior calendar year. The base year
    12  shall be 2001. The average shall be calculated and certified
    13  annually by the Pennsylvania State Board of Elections by adding
    14  the percentage increase in each of the three areas and dividing
    15  by three. The calculation and resulting new figures shall be
    16  published for the dollar figures contained in section 1627.1 in
    17  March in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    18     Section 3.  The provisions of this act are severable. If any
    19  provision of this act or its application to any person or
    20  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
    21  other provisions or applications of this act which can be given
    22  effect without the invalid provision or application.
    23     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 120 days.

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