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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2987



No. 2165 Session of 2005

           SCAVELLO AND E. Z. TAYLOR, OCTOBER 31, 2005

           OCTOBER 31, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 4 (Amusements) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for the rate of the slot machine
     3     tax; deleting provisions for various distributions from the
     4     State Gaming Fund; revising distributions from the
     5     Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund, the Pennsylvania
     6     Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund and the State
     7     Gaming Fund; and providing for the Property Tax Reduction
     8     Fund.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Sections 1102, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407, 1408
    12  and 1409 of Title 4 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes
    13  are amended to read:
    14  § 1102.  Legislative intent.
    15     The General Assembly recognizes the following public policy
    16  purposes and declares that the following objectives of the
    17  Commonwealth are to be served by this part:
    18         (1)  The primary objective of this part to which all
    19     other objectives and purposes are secondary is to protect the
    20     public through the regulation and policing of all activities

     1     involving gaming and practices that continue to be unlawful.
     2         (2)  The authorization of limited gaming by the
     3     installation and operation of slot machines as authorized in
     4     this part is intended to enhance live horse racing, breeding
     5     programs, entertainment and employment in this Commonwealth.
     6         (3)  The authorization of limited gaming is intended to
     7     provide a significant source of new revenue to the
     8     Commonwealth to support property tax [relief, wage tax
     9     reduction, economic development opportunities] reduction and
    10     other similar initiatives.
    11         (4)  The authorization of limited gaming is intended to
    12     positively assist the Commonwealth's horse racing industry,
    13     support programs intended to foster and promote horse
    14     breeding and improve the living and working conditions of
    15     personnel who work and reside in and around the stable and
    16     backside areas of racetracks.
    17         (5)  The authorization of limited gaming is intended to
    18     provide broad economic opportunities to the citizens of this
    19     Commonwealth and shall be implemented in such a manner as to
    20     prevent possible monopolization by establishing reasonable
    21     restrictions on the control of multiple licensed gaming
    22     facilities in this Commonwealth.
    23         (6)  The authorization of limited gaming is intended to
    24     enhance the further development of the tourism market
    25     throughout this Commonwealth, including, but not limited to,
    26     year-round recreational and tourism locations in this
    27     Commonwealth.
    28         (7)  Participation in limited gaming authorized under
    29     this part by any licensee or permittee shall be deemed a
    30     privilege, conditioned upon the proper and continued
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     1     qualification of the licensee or permittee and upon the
     2     discharge of the affirmative responsibility of each licensee
     3     to provide the regulatory and investigatory authorities of
     4     the Commonwealth with assistance and information necessary to
     5     assure that the policies declared by this part are achieved.
     6         (8)  Strictly monitored and enforced control over all
     7     limited gaming authorized by this part shall be provided
     8     through regulation, licensing and appropriate enforcement
     9     actions of specified locations, persons, associations,
    10     practices, activities, licensees and permittees.
    11         (9)  Strict financial monitoring and controls shall be
    12     established and enforced by all licensees or permittees.
    13         (10)  The public interest of the citizens of this
    14     Commonwealth and the social effect of gaming shall be taken
    15     into consideration in any decision or order made pursuant to
    16     this part.
    17         (11)  It is necessary to maintain the integrity of the
    18     regulatory control and legislative oversight over the
    19     operation of slot machines in this Commonwealth; to prevent
    20     the actual or appearance of corruption that may result from
    21     large campaign contributions; ensure the bipartisan
    22     administration of this part; and avoid actions that may erode
    23     public confidence in the system of representative government.
    24  § 1403.  Establishment of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine
    25             revenue distribution.
    26     (a)  Fund established.--There is hereby established the State
    27  Gaming Fund within the State Treasury.
    28     (b)  Slot machine tax.--The department shall determine and
    29  each slot machine licensee shall pay a daily tax of [34% and a
    30  local share assessment of 4%] 38% of its daily gross terminal
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     1  revenue from the slot machines in operation at its facility into
     2  the fund.
     3     (c)  Transfers and distributions.--The department shall[:
     4         (1)  Transfer] transfer the slot machine tax and
     5     assessment imposed in subsection (b) to the fund.
     6         [(2)  From the local share assessment established in
     7     subsection (b), make quarterly distributions among the
     8     counties hosting a licensed facility in accordance with the
     9     following schedule:
    10             (i)  If the licensed facility is a Category 1
    11         licensed facility that is located at a harness racetrack
    12         and the county, including a home rule county, in which
    13         the licensed facility is located is:
    14                 (A)  A county of the first class:  4% of the
    15             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    16             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    17             Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary,
    18             funds from licensed gaming entities located within a
    19             county of the first class shall not be distributed
    20             outside of a county of the first class.
    21                 (B)  A county of the second class:  2% of the
    22             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    23             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    24                 (C)  A county of the second class A:  1% of the
    25             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    26             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    27             An additional 1% of the gross terminal revenue to the
    28             county hosting the licensed facility from each such
    29             licensed facility for the purpose of municipal grants
    30             within the county in which the licensee is located.
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     1                 (D)  A county of the third class:  2% of the
     2             gross terminal revenue from each such licensed
     3             facility shall be deposited into a restricted account
     4             established in the Department of Community and
     5             Economic Development to be used exclusively for
     6             grants for health, safety and economic development
     7             projects to municipalities within the county where
     8             the licensed facility is located. Municipalities that
     9             are contiguous to the municipality hosting such
    10             licensed facility shall be given priority by the
    11             Department of Community and Economic Development in
    12             the award of such grants.
    13                 (E)  A county of the fourth class:  2% of the
    14             gross terminal revenue from each such licensed
    15             facility shall be deposited into a restricted account
    16             established in the Department of Community and
    17             Economic Development to be used exclusively for
    18             grants to the county, to economic development
    19             authorities or organizations within the county or
    20             redevelopment authorities within the county for
    21             grants for economic development projects, job
    22             training, community improvement projects, other
    23             projects in the public interest and reasonable
    24             administrative costs. Notwithstanding the provisions
    25             of the act of February 9, 1999 (P.L.1, No.1), known
    26             as the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act, grants
    27             made under this clause may be utilized as local
    28             matching funds for other grants or loans from the
    29             Commonwealth.
    30                 (F)  Counties of the fifth through eighth
    20050H2165B2987                  - 5 -     

     1             classes:  2% of the gross terminal revenue from each
     2             such licensed facility shall be deposited into a
     3             restricted account established in the Department of
     4             Community and Economic Development to be used
     5             exclusively for grants to the county.
     6                 (G)  Any county not specifically enumerated in
     7             clauses (A) through (F), 2% of the gross terminal
     8             revenue to the county hosting the licensed facility
     9             from each such licensed facility.
    10             (ii)  If the licensed facility is a Category 1
    11         licensed facility and is located at a thoroughbred
    12         racetrack and the county in which the licensed facility
    13         is located is:
    14                 (A)  A county of the first class:  4% of the
    15             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    16             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    17             Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary,
    18             funds from licensed gaming entities located within
    19             the county of the first class shall not be
    20             distributed outside of a county of the first class.
    21                 (B)  A county of the second class:  2% of the
    22             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    23             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    24                 (C)  A county of the second class A:  1% of the
    25             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    26             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    27             An additional 1% of the gross terminal revenue to the
    28             county hosting the licensed facility from each such
    29             licensed facility for the purpose of municipal grants
    30             within the county in which the licensee is located.
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     1                 (D)  A county of the third class:  1% of the
     2             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
     3             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
     4             An additional 1% of the gross terminal revenue to the
     5             county hosting the licensed facility from each such
     6             licensed facility for the purpose of municipal grants
     7             within the county in which the licensee is located.
     8                 (E)  A county of the fourth class:  2% of the
     9             gross terminal revenue from each such licensed
    10             facility shall be deposited into a restricted account
    11             established in the Department of Community and
    12             Economic Development to be used exclusively for
    13             grants to the county, to economic development
    14             authorities or organizations within the county or
    15             redevelopment authorities within the county for
    16             grants for economic development projects, community
    17             improvement projects, job training, other projects in
    18             the public interest and reasonable administrative
    19             costs. Notwithstanding the Capital Facilities Debt
    20             Enabling Act, grants made under this clause may be
    21             utilized as local matching funds for other grants or
    22             loans from the Commonwealth.
    23                 (F)  Counties of the fifth through eighth
    24             classes:  2% of the gross terminal revenue from each
    25             such licensed facility shall be deposited into a
    26             restricted account established in the Department of
    27             Community and Economic Development to be used
    28             exclusively for grants to the county.
    29                 (G)  Any county not specifically enumerated in
    30             clauses (A) through (F), 2% of the gross terminal
    20050H2165B2987                  - 7 -     

     1             revenue to the county hosting the licensed facility
     2             from each such licensed facility.
     3             (iii)  If the facility is a Category 2 licensed
     4         facility and if the county in which the licensed facility
     5         is located is:
     6                 (A)  A county of the first class:  4% of the
     7             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
     8             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
     9             Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary,
    10             funds from licensed gaming entities located within
    11             the county of the first class shall not be
    12             distributed outside of a county of the first class.
    13                 (B)  A county of the second class:  2% of the
    14             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    15             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    16                 (C)  A county of the second class A:  1% of the
    17             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    18             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    19             An additional 1% of the gross terminal revenue to the
    20             county hosting the licensed facility from each such
    21             licensed facility for the purpose of municipal grants
    22             within the county in which the licensee is located.
    23                 (D)  A county of the third class:  1% of the
    24             gross terminal revenue to the county hosting the
    25             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
    26             An additional 1% of the gross terminal revenue to the
    27             county hosting the licensed facility from each such
    28             licensed facility for the purpose of municipal grants
    29             within the county in which the licensee is located.
    30                 (E)  A county of the fourth class:  2% of the
    20050H2165B2987                  - 8 -     

     1             gross terminal revenue from each such licensed
     2             facility shall be deposited into a restricted account
     3             established in the Department of Community and
     4             Economic Development to be used exclusively for
     5             grants to the county, to economic development
     6             authorities or organizations within the county or
     7             redevelopment authorities within the county for
     8             grants for economic development projects, community
     9             improvement projects, job training, other projects in
    10             the public interest and reasonable administrative
    11             costs. Notwithstanding the Capital Facilities Debt
    12             Enabling Act, grants made under this clause may be
    13             utilized as local matching funds for other grants or
    14             loans from the Commonwealth.
    15                 (F)  Counties of the fifth through eighth
    16             classes:  2% of the gross terminal revenue from each
    17             such licensed facility shall be deposited into a
    18             restricted account established in the Department of
    19             Community and Economic Development to be used
    20             exclusively for grants to the county, to contiguous
    21             counties, to economic development authorities or
    22             organizations within the county or contiguous
    23             counties or redevelopment authorities within the
    24             county or contiguous counties for grants for economic
    25             development projects, community improvement projects,
    26             other projects in the public interest and reasonable
    27             administrative costs. Notwithstanding the Capital
    28             Facilities Debt Enabling Act, grants made under this
    29             clause may be utilized as local matching funds for
    30             other grants or loans from the Commonwealth.
    20050H2165B2987                  - 9 -     

     1                 (G)  Any county not specifically enumerated in
     2             clauses (A) through (F), 2% of the gross terminal
     3             revenue to the county hosting the licensed facility
     4             from each such licensed facility.
     5             (iv)  If the facility is a Category 3 licensed
     6         facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue from each such
     7         licensed facility shall be deposited into a restricted
     8         account established in the Department of Community and
     9         Economic Development to be used exclusively for grants to
    10         the county, to economic development authorities or
    11         organizations within the county or redevelopment
    12         authorities within the county for grants for economic
    13         development projects and community improvement projects.
    14             (v)  Unless otherwise specified, for the purposes of
    15         this paragraph money designated for municipal grants
    16         within a county, other than a county of the first class,
    17         in which a licensed facility is located shall be used to
    18         fund grants to the municipality in which the licensed
    19         facility is located, to the county in which the licensed
    20         facility is located and to the municipalities which are
    21         contiguous to the municipality in which the licensed
    22         facility is located and which are located within the
    23         county in which the licensed facility is located. Grants
    24         shall be administered by the county through its economic
    25         development or redevelopment authority in which the
    26         licensed facility is located. Grants shall be used to
    27         fund the costs of human services, infrastructure
    28         improvements, facilities, emergency services, health and
    29         public safety expenses associated with licensed facility
    30         operations. If at the end of a fiscal year uncommitted
    20050H2165B2987                 - 10 -     

     1         funds exist, the county shall pay to the economic
     2         development or redevelopment authority of the county in
     3         which the licensed facility is located the uncommitted
     4         funds.
     5             (vi)  If the licensed facility is located in more
     6         than one county, the amount available shall be
     7         distributed on a pro rata basis determined by the
     8         percentage of acreage located in each county to the total
     9         acreage of all counties occupied by the licensed
    10         facility.
    11             (vii)  The distributions provided in this paragraph
    12         shall be based upon county classifications in effect on
    13         the effective date of this section. Any reclassification
    14         of counties as a result of a Federal decennial census or
    15         of a State statute shall not apply to this subparagraph.
    16             (viii)  If any provision of this paragraph is found
    17         to be unenforceable for any reason, the distribution
    18         provided for in the unenforceable provision shall be made
    19         to the county in which the licensed facility is located
    20         for the purposes of grants to municipalities in that
    21         county, including municipal grants as specified in
    22         subparagraph (v).
    23             (ix)  Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent any of
    24         the above counties from entering into intergovernmental
    25         cooperative agreements with other jurisdictions for
    26         sharing this money.
    27         (3)  From the local share assessment established in
    28     subsection (b), make quarterly distributions among the
    29     municipalities, including home rule municipalities, hosting a
    30     licensed facility in accordance with the following schedule:
    20050H2165B2987                 - 11 -     

     1             (i)  To a city of the second class hosting a licensed
     2         facility or facilities, other than a Category 3 licensed
     3         facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or $10,000,000
     4         annually, whichever is greater, of all licensed
     5         facilities located in that city. In the event that the
     6         revenues generated by the 2% do not meet the $10,000,000
     7         minimum specified in this paragraph, the licensed gaming
     8         entity operating the licensed facility or facilities in
     9         the city shall remit the difference to the municipality.
    10             (ii)  To a city of the second class A hosting a
    11         licensed facility or facilities, other than a Category 3
    12         licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    13         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, of all
    14         licensed facilities located in that city subject,
    15         however, to the budgetary limitation in this
    16         subparagraph. The amount allocated to the designated
    17         municipalities shall not exceed 50% of their total budget
    18         for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted for inflation in
    19         subsequent years by an amount not to exceed an annual
    20         cost-of-living adjustment calculated by applying the
    21         percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All
    22         Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
    23         Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent 12-month
    24         period for which figures have been officially reported by
    25         the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
    26         Statistics, immediately prior to the date the adjustment
    27         is due to take effect. Any remaining moneys shall be
    28         distributed in accordance with paragraph (2) based upon
    29         the county where the licensed facility or facilities is
    30         located. In the event that the revenues generated by the
    20050H2165B2987                 - 12 -     

     1         2% do not meet the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this
     2         subparagraph, the licensed gaming entity operating the
     3         licensed facility or facilities in the city shall remit
     4         the difference to the municipality.
     5             (iii)  To a city of the third class hosting a
     6         licensed facility or facilities, other than a Category 3
     7         licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
     8         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, of all
     9         licensed facilities located in that city subject,
    10         however, to the budgetary limitation in this
    11         subparagraph. However, the foregoing limitations shall
    12         not apply, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary,
    13         if the licensed facility or facilities have executed a
    14         written agreement with the city prior to the effective
    15         date of this part to provide additional compensation to
    16         the city in excess of the difference between 2% of the
    17         gross terminal revenue and $10,000,000. The amount
    18         allocated to the designated municipalities shall not
    19         exceed 50% of their total budget for fiscal year 2003-
    20         2004, adjusted for inflation in subsequent years by an
    21         amount not to exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment
    22         calculated by applying the percentage change in the
    23         Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the
    24         Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for
    25         the most recent 12-month period for which figures have
    26         been officially reported by the United States Department
    27         of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, immediately prior
    28         to the date the adjustment is due to take effect. Any
    29         remaining moneys shall be distributed in accordance with
    30         paragraph (2) based upon the county where the licensed
    20050H2165B2987                 - 13 -     

     1         facility or facilities is located. In the event that the
     2         revenues generated by the 2% do not meet the $10,000,000
     3         minimum specified in this subparagraph, the licensed
     4         gaming entity operating the licensed facility or
     5         facilities in the city shall remit the difference to the
     6         municipality.
     7             (iv)  To a township of the first class hosting a
     8         licensed facility or facilities, other than a Category 3
     9         licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    10         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, of all
    11         licensed facilities located in the township subject,
    12         however, to the budgetary limitation in this
    13         subparagraph. The amount allocated to the designated
    14         municipalities shall not exceed 50% of their total budget
    15         for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted for inflation in
    16         subsequent years by an amount not to exceed an annual
    17         cost-of-living adjustment calculated by applying the
    18         percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All
    19         Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
    20         Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent 12-month
    21         period for which figures have been officially reported by
    22         the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
    23         Statistics, immediately prior to the date the adjustment
    24         is due to take effect. Any remaining money shall be
    25         distributed in accordance with paragraph (2) based upon
    26         the county where the licensed facility or facilities is
    27         located. In the event that the revenues generated by the
    28         2% do not meet the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this
    29         subparagraph, the licensed gaming entity operating the
    30         licensed facility or facilities in the township shall
    20050H2165B2987                 - 14 -     

     1         remit the difference to the municipality.
     2             (v)  To a township of the second class hosting a
     3         licensed facility or facilities, other than a Category 3
     4         licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
     5         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, of all
     6         licensed facilities located in the township subject,
     7         however, to the budgetary limitation in this
     8         subparagraph. The amount allocated to the designated
     9         municipalities shall not exceed 50% of their total budget
    10         for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted for inflation in
    11         subsequent years by an amount not to exceed an annual
    12         cost-of-living adjustment calculated by applying the
    13         percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All
    14         Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
    15         Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent 12-month
    16         period for which figures have been officially reported by
    17         the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
    18         Statistics, immediately prior to the date the adjustment
    19         is due to take effect. Any remaining money shall be
    20         distributed in accordance with paragraph (2) based upon
    21         the county where the licensed facility or facilities is
    22         located. In the event that the revenues generated by the
    23         2% do not meet the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this
    24         subparagraph, the licensed gaming entity operating the
    25         licensed facility or facilities in the township shall
    26         remit the difference to the municipality.
    27             (vi)  To a borough hosting a licensed facility or
    28         facilities, other than a Category 3 licensed facility, 2%
    29         of the gross terminal revenue or $10,000,000 annually,
    30         whichever is greater, of all licensed facilities located
    20050H2165B2987                 - 15 -     

     1         in that borough subject, however, to the budgetary
     2         limitation in this subparagraph. The amount allocated to
     3         the designated municipalities shall not exceed 50% of
     4         their total budget for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted
     5         for inflation in subsequent years by an amount not to
     6         exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment calculated by
     7         applying the percentage change in the Consumer Price
     8         Index for All Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New
     9         Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent
    10         12-month period for which figures have been officially
    11         reported by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau
    12         of Labor Statistics, immediately prior to the date the
    13         adjustment is due to take effect. Any remaining money
    14         shall be distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)
    15         based upon the county where the licensed facility or
    16         facilities is located. In the event that the revenues
    17         generated by the 2% do not meet the $10,000,000 minimum
    18         specified in this subparagraph, the licensed gaming
    19         entity operating the licensed facility or facilities in
    20         the borough shall remit the difference to the
    21         municipality.
    22             (vii)  To an incorporated town hosting a licensed
    23         facility or facilities, other than a Category 3 licensed
    24         facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or $10,000,000
    25         annually, whichever is greater, of all licensed
    26         facilities located in the town subject, however, to the
    27         budgetary limitation in this subparagraph. The amount
    28         allocated to the designated municipalities shall not
    29         exceed 50% of their total budget for fiscal year 2003-
    30         2004, adjusted for inflation in subsequent years by an
    20050H2165B2987                 - 16 -     

     1         amount not to exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment
     2         calculated by applying the percentage change in the
     3         Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the
     4         Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for
     5         the most recent 12-month period for which figures have
     6         been officially reported by the United States Department
     7         of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, immediately prior
     8         to the date the adjustment is due to take effect. Any
     9         remaining money shall be distributed in accordance with
    10         paragraph (2) based upon the county where the licensed
    11         facility or facilities is located. In the event that the
    12         revenues generated by the 2% do not meet the $10,000,000
    13         minimum specified in this subparagraph, the licensed
    14         gaming entity operating the licensed facility or
    15         facilities in the town shall remit the difference to the
    16         municipality.
    17             (viii)  To a municipality of any class hosting a
    18         Category 3 facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue
    19         from the Category 3 licensed facility located in the
    20         municipality, subject, however, to the budgetary
    21         limitation in this subparagraph. The amount allocated to
    22         the designated municipalities shall not exceed 50% of
    23         their total budget for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted
    24         for inflation in subsequent years by an amount not to
    25         exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment calculated by
    26         applying the percentage change in the Consumer Price
    27         Index for All Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New
    28         Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent
    29         12-month period for which figures have been officially
    30         reported by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau
    20050H2165B2987                 - 17 -     

     1         of Labor Statistics, immediately prior to the date the
     2         adjustment is due to take effect. Any remaining money
     3         shall be distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)
     4         based upon the county where the licensed facility or
     5         facilities is located.
     6             (ix)   Any municipality not specifically enumerated
     7         in subparagraphs (i) through (viii), 2% of the gross
     8         terminal revenue to the municipality hosting the licensed
     9         facility from each such licensed facility.
    10             (x)  If the licensed facility is located in more than
    11         one municipality, the amount available shall be
    12         distributed on a pro rata basis determined by the
    13         percentage of acreage located in each municipality to the
    14         total acreage of all municipalities occupied by the
    15         licensed facility.
    16             (xi)  If the licensed facility is located at a resort
    17         which is also an incorporated municipality, such
    18         municipality shall not be eligible to receive any
    19         distribution under this paragraph. The distribution it
    20         would have otherwise been entitled to under this
    21         paragraph shall instead be distributed in accordance with
    22         paragraph (2) based upon the county where the licensed
    23         facility is located.
    24             (xii)  The distributions provided in this paragraph
    25         shall be based upon municipal classifications in effect
    26         on the effective date of this section. For the purposes
    27         of this paragraph, any reclassification of municipalities
    28         as a result of a Federal decennial census or of a State
    29         statute shall not apply to this paragraph.
    30             (xiii)  If any provision of this paragraph is found
    20050H2165B2987                 - 18 -     

     1         to be unenforceable for any reason, the distribution
     2         provided for in such unenforceable provision shall be
     3         made to the municipality in which the licensed facility
     4         is located.
     5             (xiv)  Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent any of
     6         the above municipalities from entering into
     7         intergovernmental cooperative agreements with other
     8         jurisdictions for sharing this money.
     9             (xv)  Notwithstanding any other law, agreement or
    10         provision in this part to the contrary, all revenues
    11         provided, directed or earmarked under this section to or
    12         for the benefit of a city of the second class in which an
    13         intergovernmental cooperation authority has been
    14         established and is in existence pursuant to the act of
    15         February 12, 2004 (P.L.73, No.11), known as the
    16         Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority Act for Cities of
    17         the Second Class, shall be directed to and under the
    18         exclusive control of such intergovernmental cooperation
    19         authority to be used:
    20                 (A)  to reduce the debt of the second class city;
    21                 (B)  to increase the level of funding of the
    22             municipal pension funds of the second class city; or
    23                 (C)  for any other purposes as determined to be
    24             in the best interest of the second class city by such
    25             intergovernmental cooperation authority. Such
    26             revenues shall not be directed to or under the
    27             control of such city of the second class or any
    28             coordinator appointed pursuant to the act of July 10,
    29             1987 (P.L.246, No.47), known as the Municipalities
    30             Financial Recovery Act, for such city of the second
    20050H2165B2987                 - 19 -     

     1             class.
     2  § 1404.  Distributions from licensee's revenue receipts.
     3     For holders of Category 1 licenses, an amount not less than
     4  $5,000,000 over the initial five-year period following the
     5  initial issuance of a Category 1 slot machine license and an
     6  amount not less than $250,000 nor more than $1,000,000 per year
     7  for five years thereafter shall be deposited by each licensee
     8  into a segregated account and used for improvement and
     9  maintenance of the backside area and related buildings and
    10  structures at the racetrack at which the licensee operates. The
    11  licensed racing entity designee and the designee of the
    12  recognized horsemen's organization at each racetrack shall
    13  jointly consider the appropriate amount of the funds and how the
    14  money shall be spent at the racetrack. Disputes involving the
    15  amount and expenditure of funds under this section shall be
    16  resolved by the State Horse Racing Commission or the State
    17  Harness Racing Commission, whichever is appropriate, which shall
    18  oversee the use of these funds. Notwithstanding other provisions
    19  of this section, a licensed racing entity that has not
    20  previously conducted live racing and is constructing a new
    21  racetrack, backside area and related buildings and structures
    22  that can establish to the satisfaction of the board that the
    23  licensed racing entity has spent no less than $5,000,000 in the
    24  construction of the new racetrack's backside area, related
    25  buildings and structures shall not be subject to the
    26  expenditures required by this section until the tenth year after
    27  the completion of such construction at the new racetrack. The
    28  board may extend the time frame for distributions under this
    29  section for a newly constructed racetrack for up to an
    30  additional two years if, upon inspection, either the State Horse
    20050H2165B2987                 - 20 -     

     1  Racing Commission or the State Harness Racing Commission,
     2  whichever is applicable, determines that the physical condition
     3  of the backside area and related buildings and structures of the
     4  racetrack is sufficient to protect the health and safety of
     5  backside employees.]
     6  § 1405.  Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund.
     7     (a)  Fund established.--There is hereby established a
     8  Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund within the State
     9  Treasury.
    10     (b)  Pennsylvania race horse improvement assessment.--Each
    11  active and operating licensed gaming entity shall pay a daily
    12  assessment to the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund as
    13  determined by the department. Subject to the daily assessment
    14  cap established under subsection (c), the licensed gaming
    15  entity's assessment shall be a percentage of each licensed
    16  gaming entity's gross terminal revenue, equal to an amount
    17  calculated as "A" multiplied by "B", with "A" being equal to
    18  each licensed gaming entity's gross terminal revenue for that
    19  day divided by the total gross terminal revenue for that day
    20  from all licensed gaming entities, and "B" being equal to 18% of
    21  that day's gross terminal revenue for all active and operating
    22  Category 1 licensees conducting live racing.
    23     (c)  Daily assessment cap.--If the resulting daily assessment
    24  for a licensed gaming entity exceeds 12% of that licensed gaming
    25  entity's gross terminal revenue for the day, the licensed gaming
    26  entity shall pay a daily assessment of 12% of its gross terminal
    27  revenue for that day.
    28     (d)  Distributions.--In accordance with section 1406
    29  (relating to distributions from Pennsylvania Race Horse
    30  Development Fund), the department shall make [distributions]
    20050H2165B2987                 - 21 -     

     1  monthly transfers from the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development
     2  Fund to [each of the active and operating Category 1 licensees
     3  conducting live racing] the Property Tax Reduction Fund.
     4  § 1406.  Distributions from Pennsylvania Race Horse Development
     5             Fund.
     6     [(a)  Distributions.--]Funds from the Pennsylvania Race Horse
     7  Development Fund shall be [distributed to each active and
     8  operating Category 1 licensee conducting live racing in the
     9  following manner:
    10         (1)  An amount equal to 18% of the daily gross terminal
    11     revenue of each Category 1 licensee shall be distributed to
    12     each active and operating Category 1 licensee conducting live
    13     racing unless the daily assessments are affected by the daily
    14     assessment cap provided for in section 1405(c) (relating to
    15     Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund). In cases in which
    16     the daily assessment cap affects daily assessments, the
    17     distribution to each active and operating Category 1 licensee
    18     conducting live racing for that day shall be a percentage of
    19     the total daily assessments paid into the Pennsylvania Race
    20     Horse Development Fund for that day equal to the gross
    21     terminal revenue of each active and operating Category 1
    22     licensee conducting live racing for that day divided by the
    23     total gross terminal revenue of all active and operating
    24     Category 1 licensees conducting live racing for that day. The
    25     distributions to licensed racing entities from the
    26     Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund shall be allocated
    27     as follows:
    28             (i)  Eighty percent to be deposited weekly into a
    29         separate, interest-bearing purse account to be
    30         established by and for the benefit of the horsemen. The
    20050H2165B2987                 - 22 -     

     1         earned interest on the account shall be credited to the
     2         purse account. Licensees shall combine these funds with
     3         revenues from existing purse agreements to fund purses
     4         for live races consistent with those agreements with the
     5         advice and consent of the horsemen.
     6             (ii)  From licensees that operate at thoroughbred
     7         tracks, 16% to be deposited on a monthly basis into the
     8         Pennsylvania Breeding Fund as defined in section 223 of
     9         the Race Horse Industry Reform Act. From licensees that
    10         operate at standardbred tracks, 8% to be deposited on a
    11         monthly basis in the Pennsylvania Sire Stakes Fund as
    12         defined in section 224 of the Race Horse Industry Reform
    13         Act and 8% to be deposited on a monthly basis into a
    14         restricted account in the State Racing Fund to be known
    15         as the Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders Development
    16         Fund. The State Harness Racing Commission shall, in
    17         consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture by rule or
    18         by regulation, adopt a standardbred breeders program that
    19         will include the administration of Pennsylvania Stallion
    20         Award, Pennsylvania Bred Award and a Pennsylvania Sired
    21         and Bred Award.
    22             (iii)  Four percent to be used to fund health and
    23         pension benefits for the members of the horsemen's
    24         organizations representing the owners and trainers at the
    25         racetrack at which the licensed racing entity operates
    26         for the benefit of the organization's members, their
    27         families, employees and others in accordance with the
    28         rules and eligibility requirements of the organization,
    29         as approved by the State Horse Racing Commission or the
    30         State Harness Racing Commission. This amount shall be
    20050H2165B2987                 - 23 -     

     1         deposited within five business days of the end of each
     2         month into a separate account to be established by each
     3         respective horsemen's organization at a banking
     4         institution of its choice. Of this amount, $250,000 shall
     5         be paid annually by the horsemen's organization to the
     6         thoroughbred jockeys or standardbred drivers organization
     7         at the racetrack at which the licensed racing entity
     8         operates for health insurance, life insurance or other
     9         benefits to active and disabled thoroughbred jockeys or
    10         standardbred drivers in accordance with the rules and
    11         eligibility requirements of that organization.
    12     (b)  Guidelines.--The board shall establish guidelines that
    13  ensure that funds allocated to the horsemen's organization are
    14  used to finance the programs to benefit all horsemen of this
    15  Commonwealth and that administrative and overhead costs are
    16  reasonably related to such programs.
    17     (c)  Eligible recipients.--Funds allocated to the horsemen's
    18  organization under this part must be used to benefit all
    19  horsemen. Funds acquired from other sources shall be kept
    20  separate and apart from funds obtained under this part.
    21     (d)  Reasonableness.--Funding for benevolent programs,
    22  including, but not limited to, pension, health and insurance
    23  plans, will be considered reasonable if such program funding on
    24  an annual basis is at least 85% of the total statutory
    25  allocation.
    26     (e)  Filing of audit.--All horsemen's organizations that
    27  receive funds under this section shall file annually with the
    28  appropriate commission and the board an audit prepared by a
    29  certified public accountant of all funds received. Such filings
    30  shall be open to public review. The horsemen's organizations
    20050H2165B2987                 - 24 -     

     1  shall maintain adequate records concerning receipt and
     2  distribution of funds allocated to them.
     3     (f)  Contracts.--All health and pension benefits contracts
     4  shall be reviewed and approved by the board.
     5     (g)  Penalty.--Any violation of the provisions of this
     6  section may subject the horsemen's organization to a fine not to
     7  exceed $10,000 per violation] transferred monthly to the
     8  Property Tax Reduction Fund.
     9  § 1407.  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism
    10             Fund.
    11     (a)  Fund established.--There is hereby established a
    12  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund within
    13  the State Treasury.
    14     (b)  Fund administration and distribution.--The Pennsylvania
    15  Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund shall be
    16  administered by the [Department of Community and Economic
    17  Development] State Treasurer. All moneys in the Pennsylvania
    18  Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund shall be
    19  [distributed pursuant to a subsequently enacted Economic
    20  Development Capital Budget that appropriates money from the fund
    21  pursuant to this section. The procedures for enactment,
    22  authorization and release of economic development and tourism
    23  funds authorized under this section for both capital projects
    24  and operational expenditures shall be the same as those provided
    25  for in sections 303(a), (b) and (c) and 318(a) of the act of
    26  February 9, 1999 (P.L.1, No.1), known as the Capital Facilities
    27  Debt Enabling Act, without reference to the nature or purpose of
    28  the project, and any other statutory provision, if any,
    29  necessary to effectuate the release of funds appropriated in
    30  such economic development capital budget.
    20050H2165B2987                 - 25 -     

     1     (c)  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism
     2  Fund Assessment.--Each licensed gaming entity shall pay a daily
     3  assessment of 5% of its gross terminal revenue to the
     4  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund.
     5     (d)  Restrictions on projects for certain counties and
     6  cities.--For a ten-year period beginning with the first fiscal
     7  year during which deposits are made into this fund, no moneys
     8  from the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism
     9  Fund shall be distributed for any project located in a city or
    10  county of the first or second class except as authorized by this
    11  subsection. Moneys not used for the authorized projects in
    12  cities and counties of the first and second classes may be used
    13  throughout this Commonwealth. Moneys from the fund for projects
    14  within cities and counties of the first and second classes may
    15  only be used for the following projects during this ten-year
    16  period:
    17         (1)  for reimbursement to a city of the first class for
    18     debt service made by such city to the extent that such
    19     payments have been made for the expansion of the Pennsylvania
    20     Convention Center;
    21         (2)  for distribution to the General Fund to the extent
    22     that the Commonwealth has made debt service payments for the
    23     expansion of the Pennsylvania Convention Center;
    24         (3)  for reimbursement to a city of the first class for
    25     payments made by such city for the operation expenses of the
    26     Pennsylvania Convention Center during the prior calendar
    27     year;
    28         (4)  for debt service and for development and economic
    29     development projects for an international airport located in
    30     a county of the second class;
    20050H2165B2987                 - 26 -     

     1         (5)  for distribution to a community infrastructure
     2     development fund of a county of the second class to fund
     3     construction, development, improvement and maintenance of
     4     infrastructure projects;
     5         (6)  for the retirement of the indebtedness of an urban
     6     redevelopment authority created pursuant to the act of May
     7     24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment
     8     Law, in a city of the second class which is financed in part
     9     with the utilization of funds transferred to the regional
    10     asset district pursuant to Article XXXI-B of the act of July
    11     28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class County
    12     Code;
    13         (7)  for retirement of indebtedness and for financing of
    14     a hotel or convention center in a city of the second class
    15     established pursuant to the authority of the act of July 29,
    16     1953 (P.L.1034, No.270), known as the Public Auditorium
    17     Authorities Law;
    18         (8)  for retirement of indebtedness of a county of the
    19     second class development fund created pursuant to the
    20     authority of Article XXXI-B of the Second Class County Code
    21     and the Urban Redevelopment Law;
    22         (9)  for retirement of indebtedness of a convention
    23     center in a city of the second class established pursuant to
    24     the authority of the Public Auditorium Authorities Law;
    25         (10)  for payment of the operating deficit for the
    26     operation of a convention center in a city of the second
    27     class established pursuant to the Public Auditorium
    28     Authorities Law.] transferred monthly to the Property Tax
    29     Reduction Fund.
    30  § 1408.  Transfers from State Gaming Fund.
    20050H2165B2987                 - 27 -     

     1     [(a)  Transfer for compulsive problem gambling treatment.--
     2  Each year, the sum of $1,500,000 or an amount equal to .001
     3  multiplied by the total gross terminal revenue of all active and
     4  operating licensed gaming entities, whichever is greater, shall
     5  be transferred into the Compulsive Problem Gambling Treatment
     6  Fund established in section 1509 (relating to compulsive and
     7  problem gambling program).
     8     (b)  Transfer for Volunteer Fire Company Grant Program.--
     9  Annually, the sum of $25,000,000 shall be transferred from the
    10  State Gaming Fund to the Volunteer Fire Company Grant Program
    11  established under the act of July 31, 2003 (P.L.73, No.17),
    12  known as the Volunteer Fire Company and Volunteer Ambulance
    13  Service Grant Act.
    14     (c)  Local law enforcement grants.--Annually, the sum of
    15  $5,000,000 shall be transferred to the board for the purpose of
    16  issuing grants to local law enforcement agencies to enforce and
    17  prevent the unlawful operation of slot machines in this
    18  Commonwealth.
    19     (d)  Annual transfers.--Annually, the following sums shall be
    20  transferred from the State Gaming Fund as follows:
    21         (1)  To each county, 80¢ per acre for each acre of land
    22     in the county for which a payment is made under the act of
    23     May 17, 1929 (P.L.1798, No.591), referred to as the Forest
    24     Reserves Municipal Financial Relief Law, or under 34 Pa.C.S.
    25     § 708 (relating to payments in lieu of taxes).
    26         (2)  To each school district, 80¢ per acre for each acre
    27     of land in the school district for which a payment is made
    28     under the Forest Reserves Municipal Financial Relief Law or
    29     under 34 Pa.C.S. § 708.
    30         (3)  To each township, 80¢ per acre for each acre of land
    20050H2165B2987                 - 28 -     

     1     in the township for which a payment is made under the Forest
     2     Reserves Municipal Financial Relief Law or under 34 Pa.C.S. §
     3     708.
     4     (e)  Transfer to Property Tax Relief Fund.--]Monthly, the
     5  State Treasurer shall transfer the remaining balance in the
     6  State Gaming Fund [which is not allocated in subsections (a),
     7  (b), (c) and (d)] to the Property Tax [Relief] Reduction Fund
     8  established in section 1409 (relating to Property Tax [Relief]
     9  Reduction Fund).
    10  § 1409.  Property Tax [Relief] Reduction Fund.
    11     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established in the State
    12  Treasury a special fund to be known as the Property Tax [Relief]
    13  Reduction Fund, which shall receive money from the State Gaming
    14  Fund and any other money from any source designated for deposit
    15  in the Property Tax [Relief] Reduction Fund.
    16     (b)  Use of money.--Money in the Property Tax [Relief]
    17  Reduction Fund shall be used for local property and wage tax
    18  relief as specified by law and is hereby appropriated.
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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