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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2861



No. 2171 Session of 1998

           DeLUCA, FEBRUARY 3, 1998


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for the purchase of
     3     retirement credit for service as an employee of the Allegheny
     4     County Department of Health.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 5304(c), 5505(f) and 5705(a) of Title 71
     8  of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     9  § 5304.  Creditable nonstate service.
    10     * * *
    11     (c)  Limitations on nonstate service.--Creditable nonstate
    12  service credit shall be limited to:
    13         (1)  intervening military service;
    14         (2)  military service other than intervening military
    15     service and military service purchasable under section
    16     5302(d) (relating to credited State service) not exceeding
    17     five years, provided that a member with multiple service may
    18     not purchase more than a total of five years of military

     1     service in both the system and the Public School Employees'
     2     Retirement System;
     3         (3)  in the case of an academic administrator, teacher or
     4     instructor employed in the Department of Education, the State
     5     System of Higher Education, any State-owned educational
     6     institution or The Pennsylvania State University, provided
     7     that the total amount of service creditable under this
     8     paragraph shall not exceed the lesser of ten years or the
     9     number of years of active membership in the system as an
    10     academic administrator, teacher or instructor in the
    11     Department of Education, State System of Higher Education,
    12     any State-owned educational institution or The Pennsylvania
    13     State University:
    14             (i)  nonstudent service as an academic administrator,
    15         teacher or instructor in any public school or public
    16         educational institution in any state other than this
    17         Commonwealth; or
    18             (ii)  nonstudent service as an academic
    19         administrator, teacher or instructor in the field of
    20         education for any agency or department of the Federal
    21         Government, whether or not such area was under the
    22         jurisdiction of the United States;
    23         (4)  previous service with a governmental agency other
    24     than the Commonwealth which employment with said agency was
    25     terminated because of the transfer by statute of the
    26     administration of such service or of the entire agency to the
    27     Commonwealth;
    28         (5)  service as a temporary Federal employee assigned to
    29     an air quality control complement for the Pennsylvania
    30     Department of Environmental Resources at any time during the
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     1     period of 1970 through 1975. This service time may be
     2     purchased only if the member makes an election to purchase
     3     within one year of the effective date of this paragraph, and
     4     the member shall pay an amount which is equal to the full
     5     actuarial cost of the increased benefit obtained by virtue of
     6     the purchase as provided in section 5505(f);
     7         (6)  service in the Cadet Nurse Corps with respect to any
     8     period of training as a student or graduate nurse under a
     9     plan approved under section 2 of the act of June 15, 1943
    10     (Public Law 78-73, 57 Stat. 153), if the total period of
    11     training under such plan was at least two years, the credit
    12     for such service not to exceed three years;
    13         (7)  service prior to July 1, 1971, at a community
    14     college established under the act of August 24, 1963
    15     (P.L.1132, No.484), known as the Community College Act of
    16     1963; [or]
    17         (8)  service as a justice of the peace prior to January
    18     1970[.]; or
    19         (9)  service as an employee of the Allegheny County
    20     Department of Health after May 23, 1956, and before November
    21     27, 1982, subject to the following limitations:
    22             (i)  that during the service the member was a full-
    23         time employee;
    24             (ii)  that the member may only make the election to
    25         purchase the service after accruing ten eligibility
    26         points;
    27             (iii)  that the member makes the election to purchase
    28         the service within three years of the later of the
    29         effective date of this paragraph or the date of accruing
    30         ten eligibility points;
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     1             (iv)  that the member pays a contribution that is
     2         equal to the full actuarial cost of the increased benefit
     3         obtained by virtue of the purchase as provided in section
     4         5505(f); and
     5             (v)  that the portion of the contribution the member
     6         pays to purchase the service credit that represents
     7         employer costs shall not be payable as a lump sum under
     8         section 5705(a)(4)(iii) (relating to member's options).
     9     * * *
    10  § 5505.  Contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
    11             nonstate service.
    12     * * *
    13     (f)  Temporary Federal service and service as an employee of
    14  the Allegheny County Department of Health.--Contributions on
    15  account of credit for service as a temporary Federal employee
    16  assigned to an air quality control complement for the Department
    17  of Environmental Resources during the period of 1970 through
    18  1975 or service as an employee of the Allegheny County
    19  Department of Health during the period after May 23, 1956, and
    20  before November 27, 1982, as authorized in section 5304(c)(5) or
    21  (9) (relating to creditable nonstate service), shall be equal to
    22  the full actuarial cost of the increased benefit obtained by
    23  virtue of the purchase. The increased benefit attributable to
    24  the purchased service shall be the difference between:
    25         (1)  the annual amount of a standard single life annuity,
    26     beginning at the earliest possible superannuation age,
    27     calculated assuming no future salary increases, assuming
    28     credit for the service to be purchased; and
    29         (2)  the annual amount of a standard single life annuity,
    30     calculated on the same basis, but excluding credit for the
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     1     service to be purchased.
     2  The earliest possible superannuation age shall be the age at
     3  which the member becomes first eligible for superannuation
     4  retirement assuming continued full-time service and credit for
     5  the amount of service which the member has elected to purchase,
     6  or the current attained age of the member, whichever is later.
     7  The full actuarial cost of the increased benefit attributable to
     8  the purchased service shall be the actuarial present value of a
     9  deferred annuity equal to the amount of the increased benefit
    10  determined above, beginning at the earliest possible
    11  superannuation age and payable for life, calculated using a
    12  preretirement interest assumption of 1.5%, a postretirement
    13  interest assumption of 4%, no preretirement mortality assumption
    14  and standard postretirement mortality assumptions. The purchase
    15  payment shall be made in lump sum by the member within 30 days
    16  of certification by the board of the required purchase amount or
    17  may be amortized through salary deductions in amounts agreed
    18  upon by the member and the board with interest payable on the
    19  unpaid balance at the rate applicable to the most recently
    20  issued 30-year bonds of the United States Treasury Department.
    21     * * *
    22  § 5705.  Member's options.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Any special vestee who has attained
    24  superannuation age, any vestee having ten or more eligibility
    25  points or any other eligible member upon termination of State
    26  service who has not withdrawn his total accumulated deductions
    27  as provided in section 5701 (relating to return of total
    28  accumulated deductions) may apply for and elect to receive
    29  either a maximum single life annuity, as calculated in
    30  accordance with the provisions of section 5702 (relating to
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     1  maximum single life annuity), or a reduced annuity certified by
     2  the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the maximum single
     3  life annuity and in accordance with one of the following
     4  options; except that no member shall elect an annuity payable to
     5  one or more survivor annuitants other than his spouse or
     6  alternate payee of such a magnitude that the present value of
     7  the annuity payable to him for life plus any lump sum payment he
     8  may have elected to receive is less than 50% of the present
     9  value of his maximum single life annuity:
    10         (1)  Option 1.--A life annuity to the member with a
    11     guaranteed total payment equal to the present value of the
    12     maximum single life annuity on the effective date of
    13     retirement with the provision that, if, at his death, he has
    14     received less than such present value, the unpaid balance
    15     shall be payable to his beneficiary.
    16         (2)  Option 2.--A joint and survivor annuity payable
    17     during the lifetime of the member with the full amount of
    18     such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor annuitant, if
    19     living at his death.
    20         (3)  Option 3.--A joint and fifty percent (50%) survivor
    21     annuity payable during the lifetime of the member with one-
    22     half of such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor
    23     annuitant, if living at his death.
    24         (4)  Option 4.--Some other benefit which shall be
    25     certified by the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the
    26     maximum single life annuity, subject to the following
    27     restrictions:
    28             (i)  any annuity shall be payable without reduction
    29         during the lifetime of the member;
    30             (ii)  the sum of all annuities payable to the
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     1         designated survivor annuitants shall not be greater than
     2         one and one-half times the annuity payable to the member;
     3         and
     4             (iii)  a portion of the benefit may be payable as a
     5         lump sum, except that such lump sum payment shall not
     6         exceed an amount equal to the total accumulated
     7         deductions standing to the credit of the member[.] and
     8         shall not include the portion of the service credit
     9         purchase contribution by the member representing employer
    10         cost for the purchase of credit under sections 5304(c)(9)
    11         (relating to creditable nonstate service) and 5505(f)
    12         (relating to contributions for the purchase of credit for
    13         creditable nonstate service) for service as an employee
    14         of the Allegheny County Department of Health. The balance
    15         of the present value of the maximum single life annuity
    16         adjusted in accordance with section 5702(b) shall be paid
    17         in the form of an annuity with a guaranteed total
    18         payment, a single life annuity, or a joint and survivor
    19         annuity or any combination thereof but subject to the
    20         restrictions of subparagraphs (i) and (ii) under this
    21         option.
    22     * * *
    23     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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