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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2947



No. 2187 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 24 (Education) and 71 (State Government) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     creditable nonschool service and creditable nonstate service
     4     for service performed as a crewleader with the Pennsylvania
     5     Conservation Corps.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 8304(b) of Title 24 of the Pennsylvania
     9  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a paragraph to read:
    10  § 8304.  Creditable nonschool service.
    11     * * *
    12     (b)  Limitations on nonschool service.--Creditable nonschool
    13  service credit shall be limited to:
    14         * * *
    15         (9)  Service as a crewleader prior to July 1, 2002, with
    16     the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps, not to exceed a total of
    17     five years. In order to elect to purchase the service credit,
    18     an active member shall file an application with the board no
    19     later than the later of three years after the effective date

     1     of this subsection or three years after subsequent entry into
     2     school service. The Department of Labor and Industry may
     3     charge an applicant a fee necessary to cover the
     4     administrative costs incurred in verifying the applicant's
     5     eligibility for the purchase of service.
     6     Section 2.  Section 8324(e) of Title 24 is amended by adding
     7  a subsection to read:
     8  § 8324.  Contributions for purchase of credit for creditable
     9             nonschool service.
    10     * * *
    11     (g)  Creditable service as a crewleader with the Pennsylvania
    12  Conservation Corps.--Contributions on account of T-C credit for
    13  creditable service as a crewleader with the Pennsylvania
    14  Conservation Corps pursuant to section 8304(b)(9) (relating to
    15  creditable nonschool service) shall be the present value of the
    16  full actuarial cost of the increase in the projected
    17  superannuation annuity caused by the additional service credited
    18  on account of the purchase of service as a crewleader with the
    19  Pennsylvania Conservation Corps. The amount paid for the
    20  purchase of credit for service as a crewleader with the
    21  Pennsylvania Conservation Corps shall not be payable as a lump
    22  sum under section 8345(a)(4)(iii) (relating to member's
    23  options.)
    24     Section 3.  Sections 5304 and 5505 of Title 71 are amended by
    25  adding subsections to read:
    26  § 5304.  Creditable nonstate service.
    27     * * *
    28     (g)  Service as crewleader.--Service as a crewleader prior to
    29  July 1, 2002, with the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps not to
    30  exceed a total of five years. In order to elect to purchase the
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     1  service credit, an active member shall file an application with
     2  the board no later than the later of three years after the
     3  effective date of this subsection or three years after
     4  subsequent entry into State service. The Department of Labor and
     5  Industry may charge an applicant a fee necessary to cover the
     6  administrative costs incurred in verifying the applicant's
     7  eligibility for the purchase of service.
     8  § 5505.  Contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
     9             nonstate service.
    10     * * *
    11     (i)  Creditable service as a crewleader with the Pennsylvania
    12  Conservation Corps.--Contributions on account of Class A credit
    13  for creditable service as a crewleader with the Pennsylvania
    14  Conservation Corps pursuant to section 5304(g) (relating to
    15  creditable nonstate service) shall be the present value of the
    16  full actuarial cost of the increase in the projected
    17  superannuation annuity caused by the additional service credited
    18  on account of the purchase of service as a crewleader with the
    19  Pennsylvania Conservation Corps. The amount paid for the
    20  purchase of credit for service as a crewleader with the
    21  Pennsylvania Conservation Corps shall not be payable as a lump
    22  sum under section 5705(a)(4)(iii) (relating to member's
    23  options).
    24     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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