See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2968



No. 2252 Session of 2000


           FEBRUARY 10, 2000

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 2, 1996 (P.L.500, No.84), entitled "An
     2     act providing for a real estate transfer disclosure
     3     statement," further providing for the contents of the
     4     disclosure form.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 5 of the act of July 2, 1996 (P.L.500,
     8  No.84), known as the Real Estate Seller Disclosure Act, is
     9  amended to read:
    10  Section 5.  Disclosure form.
    11     The disclosures required by this act pertaining to the
    12  property proposed to be transferred are set forth in and shall
    13  be made on a form that is substantially similar to the following
    14  disclosure form. Nothing in this act shall preclude a seller
    15  from including in this form additional provisions which require
    16  greater specificity or which call for the disclosure of the

     1  condition or existence of other features of the property.
     3         Property address: .......................................
     4         .........................................................
     5         Seller: .................................................
     6             A seller must disclose to a buyer all known material
     7         defects about property being sold that are not readily
     8         observable. This disclosure statement is designed to
     9         assist the seller in complying with disclosure
    10         requirements and to assist the buyer in evaluating the
    11         property being considered.
    12             This statement discloses the seller's knowledge of
    13         the condition of the property as of the date signed by
    14         the seller and is not a substitute for any inspections or
    15         warranties that the buyer may wish to obtain. This
    16         statement is not a warranty of any kind by the seller or
    17         a warranty or representation by any listing real estate
    18         broker, any selling real estate broker or their agents.
    19         The buyer is encouraged to address concerns about the
    20         conditions of the property that may not be included in
    21         this statement. This statement does not relieve the
    22         seller of the obligation to disclose a material defect
    23         that may not be addressed on this form.
    24             A material defect is a problem with the property
    25         or any portion of it that would have a significant
    26         adverse impact on the value of the residential real
    27         property or that involves an unreasonable risk to
    28         people on the land.
    29         (1)  Seller's expertise.  The seller does not possess
    30             expertise in contracting, engineering, architecture
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     1             or other areas related to the construction and
     2             conditions of the property and its improvements,
     3             except as follows: ..................................
     4         (2)  Occupancy.  Do you, the seller, currently occupy
     5              this property? ..... yes  ..... no
     6              If "no," when did you last occupy the property? ....
     7         (3)  Roof.
     8             (i)  Date roof was installed: ......................
     9                 Documented? ..... yes  ..... no  ..... unknown
    10             (ii)  Has the roof been replaced or repaired during
    11                 your ownership? ..... yes  ..... no
    12                 If "yes," were the existing shingles removed?
    13                 ..... yes  ..... no  ..... unknown
    14             (iii)  Has the roof ever leaked during your
    15                 ownership? ..... yes  ..... no
    16             (iv)  Do you know of any problems with the roof,
    17                 gutters or downspouts? ..... yes  ..... no
    18         Explain any "yes" answers that you give in this section:
    19         .........................................................
    20         .........................................................
    21         (4)  Basements and crawl spaces (Complete only if
    22             applicable).
    23             (i)  Does the property have a sump pump?
    24                 ..... yes  ..... no  ..... unknown
    25             (ii)  Are you aware of any water leakage,
    26                 accumulation or dampness within the basement or
    27                 crawl space? ..... yes  ..... no
    28                 If "yes," describe in detail: ...................
    29                 .................................................
    30             (iii)  Do you know of any repairs or other attempts
    20000H2252B2968                  - 3 -

     1                 to control any water or dampness problem in the
     2                 basement or crawl space? ..... yes  ..... no
     3                 If "yes," describe the location, extent, date
     4                 and name of the person who did the repair or
     5                 control effort: .................................
     6                 .................................................
     7         (5)  Termites/wood destroying insects, dry rot, pests.
     8             (i)  Are you aware of any termites/wood destroying
     9                 insects, dry rot or pests affecting the
    10                 property? ..... yes  ..... no
    11             (ii)  Are you aware of any damage to the property
    12                 caused by termites/wood destroying insects, dry
    13                 rot or pests? ..... yes  ..... no
    14             (iii)  Is your property currently under contract by
    15                 a licensed pest control company?
    16                 ..... yes  ..... no
    17             (iv)  Are you aware of any termite/pest control
    18                 reports or treatments for the property in the
    19                 last five years? ..... yes  ..... no
    20         Explain any "yes" answers that you give in this section:
    21         .........................................................
    22         .........................................................
    23         (6)  Structural items.
    24             (i)  Are you aware of any past or present water
    25                 leakage in the house or other structures?
    26                 ..... yes  ..... no
    27             (ii)  Are you aware of any past or present movement,
    28                 shifting, deterioration or other problems with
    29                 walls, foundations or other structural
    30                 components? ..... yes  ..... no
    20000H2252B2968                  - 4 -

     1             (iii)  Are you aware of any past or present problems
     2                 with driveways, walkways, patios or retaining
     3                 walls on the property? ..... yes  ..... no
     4         Explain any "yes" answers that you give in this section.
     5         When explaining efforts to control or repair, please
     6         describe the location and extent of the problem and the
     7         date and person by whom the work was done, if known:
     8         .........................................................
     9         .........................................................
    10         (7)  Additions/remodeling.  Have you made any additions,
    11             structural changes or other alterations to the
    12             property? ..... yes  ..... no
    13             If "yes," please describe: ..........................
    14             .....................................................
    15         (8)  Water and sewage.
    16             (i)  What is the source of your drinking water?
    17             ..... public  ..... community system
    18             ..... well on property  ..... other
    19             If you answered "well on property," has the well
    20             ever failed during your ownership? ..... yes .... no
    21             If "yes," how often? ..... How recently? .....
    22             How was it restored? .....
    23             If a new well was dug, or if other water source is
    24             used, are old well(s) capped? ..... yes ..... no
    25             If "other," please explain: .........................
    26             ..................................................
    27             (ii)  If your drinking water source is not public:
    28                 when was your water last tested? ................
    29                 what was the result of the test? ................
    30                 Is the pumping system in working order?
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     1                 ..... yes  ..... no
     2                 If "no," please explain: ........................
     3                 .................................................
     4             (iii)  Do you have a softener, filter or other
     5                 purification system? ..... yes  ..... no
     6                 If "yes," is the system: ..... leased ..... owned
     7             (iv)  What is the type of sewage system?
     8                 ..... public sewer  ..... private sewer
     9                 ..... septic tank  ..... cesspool  ..... other
    10                 If "other," please explain: .....................
    11                 .................................................
    12             (v)  Is there a sewage pump? ..... yes  ..... no
    13                 If "yes," is it in working order?
    14                 ..... yes  ..... no
    15             (vi)  When was the septic system or cesspool last
    16                  serviced? ......................................
    17             (vii)  If there is no public sewer or existing
    18                 approved sewage treatment system on the property,
    19                 has the soil been tested and deemed to meet the
    20                 requirements for conventional sewage treatment
    21                 methods? ..... yes  ..... no
    22                 If "no," please explain: ........................
    23                 .................................................
    24                 NOTE TO BUYER:  The act of January 24, 1966
    25                 (1965 P.L.1535, No.537), known as the
    26                 Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, prohibits the
    27                 construction or occupancy of any structure for
    28                 which an individual or commercial sewage system
    29                 is to be installed, altered or replaced without
    30                 first obtaining a permit from a sewage
    20000H2252B2968                  - 6 -

     1                 enforcement officer. Some soil and slope types
     2                 cannot support conventional sewage treatment
     3                 methods and additional testing and use of
     4                 higher-cost, alternative sewage treatment methods
     5                 may be required. For more information contact the
     6                 local sewage enforcement officer.
     7             [(vii)]  (viii)  Is either the water or sewage
     8                 system shared? ..... yes  ..... no
     9                 If "yes," please explain: .......................
    10                 .................................................
    11             [(viii)]  (ix)  Are you aware of any leaks, backups
    12                 or other problems relating to any of the,
    13                 plumbing, water and sewage-related items?
    14                 ..... yes  ..... no
    15                 If "yes," please explain: .......................
    16                 .................................................
    17         (9)  Plumbing system.
    18             (i)  Type of plumbing: ..... copper  ..... galvanized
    19                 ..... lead  ..... PVC  ..... unknown  ..... other
    20                 If "other," please explain: .....................
    21                 .................................................
    22             (ii)  Are you aware of any problems with any of your
    23                 plumbing fixtures (including, but not limited
    24                 to: kitchen, laundry or bathroom fixtures, wet
    25                 bars, hot water heater, etc.)?
    26                 ..... yes  ..... no
    27                 If "yes," please explain: .......................
    28                 .................................................
    29         (10)  Heating and air conditioning.
    30             (i)  Type of air conditioning: ..... central electric
    20000H2252B2968                  - 7 -

     1                 ..... central gas  ..... wall  ..... none
     2                 Number of window units included in sale: ........
     3                 Location: .......................................
     4                 .................................................
     5             (ii)  List any areas of the house that are not air
     6                 conditioned: ....................................
     7                 .................................................
     8             (iii)  Type of heating:  ..... electric
     9                 ..... fuel oil  ..... natural gas  ..... other
    10                 If "other," please explain: .....................
    11                 .................................................
    12             (iv)  List any areas of the house that are not
    13                 heated: .........................................
    14             (v)  Type of water heating: ..... electric ..... gas
    15                 ..... solar  ..... other
    16                 If "other," please explain: .....................
    17                 .................................................
    18             (vi)  Are you aware of any underground fuel tanks or
    19                 uncapped gas or oil wells on the property?
    20                 ..... yes  ..... no
    21                 If "yes," please describe: ......................
    22                 .................................................
    23         Are you aware of any problems with any item in this
    24         section? ..... yes  ..... no
    25         If "yes," please explain: ...............................
    26         .........................................................
    27         (11)  Electrical system.  Are you aware of any problems
    28             or repairs needed in the electrical system?
    29             ..... yes  ..... no
    30             If "yes," please explain: ...........................
    20000H2252B2968                  - 8 -

     1             .....................................................
     2         (12)  Other equipment and appliances included in sale
     3             (complete only if applicable).
     4             (i)  ..... Electric garage door opener
     5                 Number of transmitters .....
     6             (ii)  ..... Smoke detectors  How many? .....
     7                 Location: .......................................
     8                 .................................................
     9             (iii)  ..... Security alarm system
    10                 ..... owned  ..... leased
    11                 Lease information: ..............................
    12                 .................................................
    13             (iv)  ..... Lawn sprinkler
    14                 Number .....  Automatic timer .....
    15             (v)  ..... Swimming pool  ..... Pool heater
    16                 ..... Spa/hot tub
    17                 List all pool/spa equipment: ...................
    18                 ................................................
    19              (vi)  ..... Refrigerator  ..... Range
    20                 ..... Microwave oven  ..... Dishwasher
    21                 ..... Trash compactor  ..... Garbage disposal
    22              (vii)  ..... Washer  ..... Dryer
    23              (viii)  ..... Intercom
    24              (ix)  ..... Ceiling fans  ..... Number
    25                 Location: .......................................
    26              (x)  Other: ........................................
    27         Are any items in this section in need of repair or
    28         replacement? ..... yes  ..... no  ..... unknown
    29         If "yes," please explain: ...............................
    30         .........................................................
    20000H2252B2968                  - 9 -

     1         (13)  Land (soils, drainage and boundaries).
     2             (i)  Are you aware of any fill or expansive soil on
     3                 the property? ..... yes  ..... no
     4             (ii)  Are you aware of any sliding, settling, earth
     5                 movement, upheaval, subsidence or earth stability
     6                 problems that have occurred on or that affect the
     7                 property? ..... yes  ..... no
     8         NOTE TO BUYER: Your property may be subject to mine
     9         subsidence damage. Maps of the counties and mines where
    10         mine subsidence damage may occur and mine subsidence
    11         insurance are available through:
    12         Department of Environmental Protection
    13         Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund
    14         3913 Washington Road
    15         McMurray, PA 15317
    16         [412-941-7100] 724-941-7100
    17             (iii)  Are you aware of any existing or proposed
    18                 mining, strip mining or any other excavations
    19                 that might affect this property?
    20                 ..... yes  ..... no
    21             (iv)  To your knowledge, is this property or part of
    22                 it located in a flood zone or wetlands area?
    23                 ..... yes  ..... no
    24             (v)  Do you know of any past or present drainage or
    25                 flooding problems affecting the property?
    26                 ..... yes  ..... no
    27             (vi)  Do you know of any encroachments, boundary
    28                 line disputes or easements? ..... yes  ..... no
    29                 NOTE TO BUYER: Most properties have easements
    30                 running across them for utility services and
    20000H2252B2968                 - 10 -

     1                 other reasons. In many cases, the easements do
     2                 not restrict the ordinary use of the property,
     3                 and the seller may not be readily aware of them.
     4                 Buyers may wish to determine the existence of
     5                 easements and restrictions by examining the
     6                 property and ordering an abstract of title or
     7                 searching the records in the Office of the
     8                 Recorder of Deeds for the county before entering
     9                 into an agreement of sale.
    10             (vii)  Are you aware of any shared or common areas
    11                 (for example, driveways, bridges, docks, walls,
    12                 etc.) or maintenance agreements?
    13                 ..... yes  ..... no
    14         Explain any "yes" answers that you give in this section:
    15         .........................................................
    16         .........................................................
    17         (14)  Hazardous substances.
    18             (i)  Are you aware of any underground tanks or
    19                 hazardous substances present on the property
    20                 (structure or soil), including, but not limited
    21                 to, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
    22                 radon, lead paint, urea-formaldehyde foam
    23                 insulation (UFFI), etc.? ..... yes  ..... no
    24             (ii)  To your knowledge, has the property been tested
    25                 for any hazardous substances? ..... yes  ..... no
    26             (iii)  Do you know of any other environmental
    27                 concerns that might impact upon the property?
    28                 ..... yes  ..... no
    29         Explain any "yes" answers that you give in this section:
    30         .........................................................
    20000H2252B2968                 - 11 -

     1         .........................................................
     2         (15)  Condominiums and other homeowners associations
     3             (complete only if applicable).
     4                 Type: ..... condominium   ..... cooperative
     5                 ..... homeowners association  ..... other
     6                 If "other," please explain: .....................
     7                 .................................................
     9         According to section 3407 of the Uniform Condominium Act
    10         (68 Pa.C.S. § 3407 (relating to resales of units) and 68
    11         Pa.C.S. § 4409 (relating to resales of cooperative
    12         interests), a buyer of a resale unit in a condominium or
    13         cooperative must receive a certificate of resale issued
    14         by the association in the condominium or cooperative. The
    15         buyer will have the option of canceling the agreement
    16         with return of all deposit moneys until the certificate
    17         has been provided to the buyer and for five days
    18         thereafter or until conveyance, whichever occurs first.
    19         (16)  Miscellaneous.
    20             (i)  Are you aware of any existing or threatened
    21                 legal action affecting the property?
    22                 ..... yes  ..... no
    23             (ii)  Do you know of any violations of Federal, State
    24                 or local laws or regulations relating to this
    25                 property? ..... yes  ..... no
    26             (iii)  Are you aware of any public improvement,
    27                 condominium or homeowner association assessments
    28                 against the property that remain unpaid or of any
    29                 violations of zoning, housing, building, safety
    30                 or fire ordinances that remain uncorrected?
    20000H2252B2968                 - 12 -

     1                 ..... yes  ..... no
     2             (iv)  Are you aware of any judgment, encumbrance,
     3                 lien (for example, comaker or equity loan) or
     4                 other debt against this property that cannot be
     5                 satisfied by the proceeds of this sale?
     6                 ..... yes  ..... no
     7             (v)  Are you aware of any reason, including a defect
     8                 in title, that would prevent you from giving a
     9                 warranty deed or conveying title to the property?
    10                 ..... yes  ..... no
    11             (vi)  Are you aware of any material defects to the
    12                 property, dwelling or fixtures which are not
    13                 disclosed elsewhere on this form?
    14                 ..... yes  ..... no
    15         A material defect is a problem with the property
    16         or any portion of it that would have a significant
    17         adverse impact on the value of the residential
    18         real property or that involves an unreasonable risk
    19         to people on the land.
    20             Explain any "yes" answers that you give in
    21         this section:
    22         .........................................................
    23         .........................................................
    24             The undersigned seller represents that the
    25         information set forth in this disclosure statement is
    26         accurate and complete to the best of the seller's
    27         knowledge. The seller hereby authorizes any agent for the
    28         seller to provide this information to prospective buyers
    29         of the property and to other real estate agents. The
    30         seller alone is responsible for the accuracy of the
    20000H2252B2968                 - 13 -

     1         information contained in this statement. The seller shall
     2         cause the buyer to be notified in writing of any
     3         information supplied on this form which is rendered
     4         inaccurate by a change in the condition of the property
     5         following the completion of this form.
     6         SELLER .............................. DATE ..............
     7         SELLER .............................. DATE ..............
     8         SELLER .............................. DATE ..............
     9         .........................................................
    11             The undersigned has never occupied the property and
    12         lacks the personal knowledge necessary to complete this
    13         disclosure statement.
    14         .........................................................
    15         .........................................................
    16         ..................................... DATE ..............
    17         .........................................................
    18         .........................................................
    20             The undersigned buyer acknowledges receipt of this
    21         disclosure statement. The buyer acknowledges that this
    22         statement is not a warranty and that, unless stated
    23         otherwise in the sales contract, the buyer is purchasing
    24         this property in its present condition. It is the buyer's
    25         responsibility to satisfy himself or herself as to the
    26         condition of the property. The buyer may request that
    27         the property be inspected, at the buyer's expense and by
    28         qualified professionals, to determine the condition of
    29         the structure or its components.
    30         BUYER ............................... DATE ..............
    20000H2252B2968                 - 14 -

     1         BUYER ............................... DATE ..............
     2         BUYER ............................... DATE ..............
     3     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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