No. 2262 Session of 1991

           AND D. W. SNYDER, DECEMBER 10, 1991


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further defining manufacturing and processing;
    11     repealing provisions imposing sales tax on various services;
    12     imposing taxes to support the Public Transportation
    13     Assistance Fund; further providing for exclusions from the
    14     sales and use tax; further providing for household income and
    15     dependent allowances for poverty tax provisions; providing
    16     for setoffs of State lottery prizes for taxes and other
    17     debts; further providing for certain surtaxes; and providing
    18     for a limited tax amnesty program.

    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21     Section 1.  Section 201(b), (c), (d), (f), (k), (l), (m),

     1  (o), (t), (x), (y), (z), (aa), (bb), (cc), (dd), (ee), (ff),
     2  (gg), (hh), (ii), (jj), (kk) and (mm) of the act of March 4,
     3  1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971,
     4  amended or added August 4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22), are amended
     5  and a clause is added to read:
     6     Section 201.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
     7  phrases when used in this Article II shall have the meaning
     8  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
     9  clearly indicates a different meaning:
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  "Maintaining a place of business in this Commonwealth."
    12     (1)  Having or maintaining within this Commonwealth, directly
    13  or by a subsidiary, an office, distribution house, sales house,
    14  warehouse, service enterprise or other place of business, or any
    15  agent of general or restricted authority irrespective of whether
    16  the place of business or agent is located here permanently or
    17  temporarily or whether the person or subsidiary maintaining such
    18  place of business or agent is authorized to do business within
    19  this Commonwealth; [or]
    20     (2)  The engaging in any activity as a business within this
    21  Commonwealth by any person, directly or by a subsidiary, in
    22  connection with the lease, sale or delivery of tangible personal
    23  property or the performance of services thereon for use, storage
    24  or consumption or in connection with the sale or delivery for
    25  use of the services described in [subclauses (11) through (18)]
    26  subclause (11) of clause (k) of this section including, but not
    27  limited to, having, maintaining or using any office,
    28  distribution house, sales house, warehouse or other place of
    29  business, any stock of goods or any solicitor, salesman, agent
    30  or representative under its authority, at its direction or with
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     1  its permission, regardless of whether the person or subsidiary
     2  is authorized to do business in this Commonwealth[.]; or
     3     (3)  Regularly or substantially soliciting orders within this
     4  Commonwealth in connection with the lease, sale or delivery of
     5  tangible personal property to or the performance thereon of
     6  services or in connection with the sale or delivery of the
     7  services described in [subclauses (11) through (18)] subclause
     8  (11) of clause (k) of this section for residents of this
     9  Commonwealth by means of catalogues or other advertising,
    10  whether such orders are accepted within or without this
    11  Commonwealth.
    12     (c)  "Manufacture." The performance of manufacturing,
    13  fabricating, compounding, processing or other operations,
    14  engaged in as a business, which place any tangible personal
    15  property in a form, composition or character different from that
    16  in which it is acquired whether for sale or use by the
    17  manufacturer, and shall include, but not be limited to--
    18     (1)  Every operation commencing with the first production
    19  stage and ending with the completion of tangible personal
    20  property having the physical qualities (including packaging, if
    21  any, passing to the ultimate consumer) which it has when
    22  transferred by the manufacturer to another;
    23     (2)  The publishing of books, newspapers, magazines and other
    24  periodicals and printing;
    25     (3)  Refining, blasting, exploring, mining and quarrying for,
    26  or otherwise extracting from the earth or from waste or stock
    27  piles or from pits or banks any natural resources, minerals and
    28  mineral aggregates including blast furnace slag;
    29     (4)  Building, rebuilding, repairing and making additions to,
    30  or replacements in or upon vessels designed for commercial use
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     1  of registered tonnage of fifty tons or more when produced upon
     2  special order of the purchaser, or when rebuilt, repaired or
     3  enlarged, or when replacements are made upon order of, or for
     4  the account of the owner;
     5     (5)  Research having as its objective the production of a new
     6  or an improved (i) product or utility service, or (ii) method of
     7  producing a product or utility service, but in either case not
     8  including market research or research having as its objective
     9  the improvement of administrative efficiency.
    10     (6)  Remanufacture for wholesale distribution by a
    11  remanufacturer of motor vehicle parts from used parts acquired
    12  in bulk by the remanufacturer using an assembly line process
    13  which involves the complete disassembly of such parts and
    14  integration of the components of such parts with other used or
    15  new components of parts, including the salvaging, recycling or
    16  reclaiming of used parts by the remanufacturer.
    17     (7)  The process of making bakery products.
    18     The term "manufacture," shall not include constructing,
    19  altering, servicing, repairing or improving real estate or
    20  repairing, servicing or installing tangible personal property,
    21  nor the cooking, freezing or baking of fruits, vegetables,
    22  mushrooms, fish, seafood, meats[,] or poultry [or bakery
    23  products].
    24     * * *
    25     (d)  "Processing." The performance of the following
    26  activities when engaged in as a business enterprise:
    27     (1)  The cooking, baking or freezing of fruits, vegetables,
    28  mushrooms, fish, seafood, meats[,] or poultry [or bakery
    29  products], when the person engaged in such business packages
    30  such property in sealed containers for wholesale distribution.
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     1     (2)  The scouring, carbonizing, cording, combing, throwing,
     2  twisting or winding of natural or synthetic fibers, or the
     3  spinning, bleaching, dyeing, printing or finishing of yarns or
     4  fabrics, when such activities are performed prior to sale to the
     5  ultimate consumer.
     6     (3)  The electroplating, galvanizing, enameling, anodizing,
     7  coloring, finishing, impregnating or heat treating of metals or
     8  plastics for sale or in the process of manufacturing.
     9     (4)  The rolling, drawing or extruding of ferrous and non-
    10  ferrous metals.
    11     (5)  The fabrication for sale of ornamental or structural
    12  metal or of metal stairs, staircases, gratings, fire escapes or
    13  railings (not including fabrication work done at the
    14  construction site).
    15     (6)  The preparation of animal feed or poultry feed for sale.
    16     (7)  The production, processing and bottling of non-alcoholic
    17  beverages for wholesale distribution.
    18     (8)  The operation of a saw mill or planing mill for the
    19  production of lumber or lumber products for sale.
    20     (9)  The milling for sale of flour or meal from grains.
    21     (10)  The slaughtering and dressing of animals for meat to be
    22  sold or to be used in preparing meat products for sale, and the
    23  preparation of meat products including lard, tallow, grease,
    24  cooking and inedible oils for wholesale distribution.
    25     (11)  The processing of used lubricating oils.
    26     (12)  The broadcasting of radio and television programs of
    27  licensed commercial or educational stations.
    28     * * *
    29     (f)  "Purchase at retail."
    30     (1)  The acquisition for a consideration of the ownership,
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     1  custody or possession of tangible personal property other than
     2  for resale by the person acquiring the same when such
     3  acquisition is made for the purpose of consumption or use,
     4  whether such acquisition shall be absolute or conditional, and
     5  by whatsoever means the same shall have been effected.
     6     (2)  The acquisition of a license to use or consume, and the
     7  rental or lease of tangible personal property, other than for
     8  resale regardless of the period of time the lessee has
     9  possession or custody of the property.
    10     (3)  The obtaining for a consideration of those services
    11  described in subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of clause (k) of this
    12  section other than for resale.
    13     (4)  A retention after March 7, 1956, of possession, custody
    14  or a license to use or consume pursuant to a rental contract or
    15  other lease arrangement (other than as security), other than for
    16  resale.
    17     (5)  The obtaining for a consideration of those services
    18  described in [subclauses (11) through (18)] subclause (11) of
    19  clause (k) of this section.
    20     The term "purchase at retail" with respect to "liquor" and
    21  "malt or brewed beverages" shall include the purchase of
    22  "liquor" from any "Pennsylvania Liquor Store" by any person for
    23  any purpose, and the purchase of "malt or brewed beverages" from
    24  a "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages," "distributor" or
    25  "importing distributor" by any person for any purpose, except
    26  purchases from a "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages" by a
    27  "distributor" or "importing distributor" or purchases from an
    28  "importing distributor" by a "distributor" within the meaning of
    29  the "Liquor Code." The term "purchase at retail" shall not
    30  include any purchase of "malt or brewed beverages" from a
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     1  "retail dispenser" or any purchase of "liquor" or "malt or
     2  brewed beverages" from a person holding a "retail liquor
     3  license" within the meaning of and pursuant to the provisions of
     4  the "Liquor Code," but shall include any purchase or acquisition
     5  of "liquor" or "malt or brewed beverages" other than pursuant to
     6  the provisions of the "Liquor Code."
     7     * * *
     8     (k)  "Sale at retail."
     9     (1)  Any transfer, for a consideration, of the ownership,
    10  custody or possession of tangible personal property, including
    11  the grant of a license to use or consume whether such transfer
    12  be absolute or conditional and by whatsoever means the same
    13  shall have been effected.
    14     (2)  The rendition of the service of printing or imprinting
    15  of tangible personal property for a consideration for persons
    16  who furnish, either directly or indirectly the materials used in
    17  the printing or imprinting.
    18     (3)  The rendition for a consideration of the service of--
    19     (i)  Washing, cleaning, waxing, polishing or lubricating of
    20  motor vehicles of another, whether or not any tangible personal
    21  property is transferred in conjunction therewith; and
    22     (ii)  Inspecting motor vehicles pursuant to the mandatory
    23  requirements of "The Vehicle Code."
    24     (4)  The rendition for a consideration of the service of
    25  repairing, altering, mending, pressing, fitting, dyeing,
    26  laundering, drycleaning or cleaning tangible personal property
    27  other than wearing apparel or shoes, or applying or installing
    28  tangible personal property as a repair or replacement part of
    29  other tangible personal property except wearing apparel or shoes
    30  for a consideration, whether or not the services are performed
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     1  directly or by any means other than by coin-operated self-
     2  service laundry equipment for wearing apparel or household goods
     3  and whether or not any tangible personal property is transferred
     4  in conjunction therewith, except such services as are rendered
     5  in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair or
     6  maintenance of real estate: Provided, however, That this
     7  subclause shall not be deemed to impose tax upon such services
     8  in the preparation for sale of new items which are excluded from
     9  the tax under clause (26) of section 204, or upon diaper
    10  service.
    11     (8)  Any retention of possession, custody or a license to use
    12  or consume tangible personal property or any further obtaining
    13  of services described in subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of this
    14  clause pursuant to a rental or service contract or other
    15  arrangement (other than as security).
    16     The term "sale at retail" shall not include (i) any such
    17  transfer of tangible personal property or rendition of services
    18  for the purpose of resale, or (ii) such rendition of services or
    19  the transfer of tangible personal property including, but not
    20  limited to, machinery and equipment and parts therefor and
    21  supplies to be used or consumed by the purchaser directly in the
    22  operations of--
    23     (A)  The manufacture of tangible personal property;
    24     (B)  Farming, dairying, agriculture, horticulture or
    25  floriculture when engaged in as a business enterprise. The term
    26  "farming" shall include the propagation and raising of ranch
    27  raised fur-bearing animals and the propagation of game birds for
    28  commercial purposes by holders of propagation permits issued
    29  under 34 Pa.C.S. (relating to game);
    30     (C)  The producing, delivering or rendering of a public
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     1  utility service, or in constructing, reconstructing, remodeling,
     2  repairing or maintaining the facilities which are directly used
     3  in producing, delivering or rendering such service;
     4     (D)  Processing as defined in clause (d) of this section.
     5     The exclusions provided in paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
     6  shall not apply to any vehicle required to be registered under
     7  The Vehicle Code, except those vehicles used directly by a
     8  public utility engaged in business as a common carrier; to
     9  maintenance facilities; or to materials, supplies or equipment
    10  to be used or consumed in the construction, reconstruction,
    11  remodeling, repair or maintenance of real estate other than
    12  directly used machinery, equipment, parts or foundations
    13  therefor that may be affixed to such real estate.
    14     The exclusions provided in paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
    15  shall not apply to tangible personal property or services to be
    16  used or consumed in managerial sales or other nonoperational
    17  activities, nor to the purchase or use of tangible personal
    18  property or services by any person other than the person
    19  directly using the same in the operations described in
    20  paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D) herein.
    21     The exclusion provided in paragraph (C) shall not apply to
    22  (i) construction materials, supplies or equipment used to
    23  construct, reconstruct, remodel, repair or maintain facilities
    24  not used directly by the purchaser in the production, delivering
    25  or rendition of public utility service, (ii) construction
    26  materials, supplies or equipment used to construct, reconstruct,
    27  remodel, repair or maintain a building, road or similar
    28  structure, or (iii) tools and equipment used but not installed
    29  in the maintenance of facilities used directly in the
    30  production, delivering or rendition of a public utility service.
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     1     The exclusions provided in paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
     2  shall not apply to the services enumerated in [clauses (k)(11)
     3  through (18), (w) through (kk)] clauses (k)(11) and (w).
     4     (9)  Where tangible personal property or services are
     5  utilized for purposes constituting a "sale at retail" and for
     6  purposes excluded from the definition of "sale at retail," it
     7  shall be presumed that such tangible personal property or
     8  services are utilized for purposes constituting a "sale at
     9  retail" and subject to tax unless the user thereof proves to the
    10  department that the predominant purposes for which such tangible
    11  personal property or services are utilized do not constitute a
    12  "sale at retail."
    13     (10)  The term "sale at retail" with respect to "liquor" and
    14  "malt or brewed beverages" shall include the sale of "liquor" by
    15  any "Pennsylvania liquor store" to any person for any purpose,
    16  and the sale of "malt or brewed beverages" by a "manufacturer of
    17  malt or brewed beverages," "distributor" or "importing
    18  distributor" to any person for any purpose, except sales by a
    19  "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages" to a "distributor" or
    20  "importing distributor" or sales by an "importing distributor"
    21  to a "distributor" within the meaning of the "Liquor Code." The
    22  term "sale at retail" shall not include any sale of "malt or
    23  brewed beverages" by a "retail dispenser" or any sale of
    24  "liquor" or "malt or brewed beverages" by a person holding a
    25  "retail liquor license" within the meaning of and pursuant to
    26  the provisions of the "Liquor Code," but shall include any sale
    27  of "liquor" or "malt or brewed beverages" other than pursuant to
    28  the provisions of the "Liquor Code."
    29     (11)  The rendition for a consideration of lobbying services.
    30     [(12)  The rendition for a consideration of adjustment
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     1  services, collection services or credit reporting services.
     2     (13)  The rendition for a consideration of secretarial or
     3  editing services.
     4     (14)  The rendition for a consideration of disinfecting or
     5  pest control services, building maintenance or cleaning
     6  services.
     7     (15)  The rendition for a consideration of employment agency
     8  services, help supply services or other personnel supply
     9  services.
    10     (16)  The rendition for a consideration of computer
    11  programming services or other computer-related services,
    12  including, but not limited to, providing computer integrated
    13  systems design, computer processing, data preparation or
    14  processing services, information retrieval services or computer
    15  facilities management services.
    16     (17)  The rendition for a consideration of lawn care service.
    17     (18)  The rendition for a consideration of storage service.]
    18     (l)  "Storage."  Any keeping or retention of tangible
    19  personal property within this Commonwealth for any purpose
    20  including the interim keeping, retaining or exercising any right
    21  or power over such tangible personal property. [This term is in
    22  no way limited to the provision of storage service.]
    23     (m)  "Tangible personal property." Corporeal personal
    24  property including, but not limited to, goods, wares,
    25  merchandise, steam and natural and manufactured and bottled gas
    26  for non-residential use, electricity for non-residential use,
    27  [pay television] premium pay television, except for minimum pay
    28  television, spirituous or vinous liquor and malt or brewed
    29  beverages and soft drinks, interstate telephone, telegraph and
    30  telecommunications service originating or terminating in the
    19910H2262B2860                 - 11 -

     1  Commonwealth and charged to a service address in this
     2  Commonwealth, intrastate telephone, telegraph and
     3  telecommunications service with the exception of subscriber line
     4  charges and basic local telephone service for residential use,
     5  provided further, the service address of any intrastate
     6  telephone, telegraph or telecommunications service is deemed to
     7  be within this Commonwealth or within a political subdivision,
     8  regardless of how or where billed or paid. In the case of any
     9  such interstate or intrastate telephone, telegraph and
    10  telecommunications service, any charge paid through a credit or
    11  payment mechanism which does not relate to a service address,
    12  such as a bank, travel, credit or debit card, is deemed
    13  attributable to the address of origination of the telephone,
    14  telegraph or telecommunications service.
    15     * * *
    16     (o)  "Use."
    17     (1)  The exercise of any right or power incidental to the
    18  ownership, custody or possession of tangible personal property
    19  and shall include, but not be limited to transportation, storage
    20  or consumption.
    21     (2)  The obtaining by a purchaser of the service of printing
    22  or imprinting of tangible personal property when such purchaser
    23  furnishes, either directly or indirectly, the articles used in
    24  the printing or imprinting.
    25     (3)  The obtaining by a purchaser of the services of (i)
    26  washing, cleaning, waxing, polishing or lubricating of motor
    27  vehicles whether or not any tangible personal property is
    28  transferred to the purchaser in conjunction with such services,
    29  and (ii) inspecting motor vehicles pursuant to the mandatory
    30  requirements of "The Vehicle Code."
    19910H2262B2860                 - 12 -

     1     (4)  The obtaining by a purchaser of the service of
     2  repairing, altering, mending, pressing, fitting, dyeing,
     3  laundering, drycleaning or cleaning tangible personal property
     4  other than wearing apparel or shoes or applying or installing
     5  tangible personal property as a repair or replacement part of
     6  other tangible personal property other than wearing apparel or
     7  shoes, whether or not the services are performed directly or by
     8  any means other than by means of coin-operated self-service
     9  laundry equipment for wearing apparel or household goods, and
    10  whether or not any tangible personal property is transferred to
    11  the purchaser in conjunction therewith, except such services as
    12  are obtained in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling,
    13  repair or maintenance of real estate: Provided, however, That
    14  this subclause shall not be deemed to impose tax upon such
    15  services in the preparation for sale of new items which are
    16  excluded from the tax under clause (26) of section 204, or upon
    17  diaper service: And provided further, That the term "use" shall
    18  not include--
    19     (A)  Any tangible personal property acquired and kept,
    20  retained or over which power is exercised within this
    21  Commonwealth on which the taxing of the storage, use or other
    22  consumption thereof is expressly prohibited by the Constitution
    23  of the United States or which is excluded from tax under other
    24  provisions of this article.
    25     (B)  The use or consumption of tangible personal property,
    26  including but not limited to machinery and equipment and parts
    27  therefor, and supplies or the obtaining of the services
    28  described in subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of this clause directly
    29  in the operations of--
    30     (i)  The manufacture of tangible personal property;
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     1     (ii)  Farming, dairying, agriculture, horticulture or
     2  floriculture when engaged in as a business enterprise. The term
     3  "farming" shall include the propagation and raising of ranch
     4  raised furbearing animals and the propagation of game birds for
     5  commercial purposes by holders of propagation permits issued
     6  under 34 Pa.C.S. (relating to game);
     7     (iii)  The producing, delivering or rendering of a public
     8  utility service, or in constructing, reconstructing, remodeling,
     9  repairing or maintaining the facilities which are directly used
    10  in producing, delivering or rendering such service;
    11     (iv)  Processing as defined in subclause (d) of this section.
    12     The exclusions provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and
    13  (iv) shall not apply to any vehicle required to be registered
    14  under The Vehicle Code except those vehicles directly used by a
    15  public utility engaged in the business as a common carrier; to
    16  maintenance facilities; or to materials, supplies or equipment
    17  to be used or consumed in the construction, reconstruction,
    18  remodeling, repair or maintenance of real estate other than
    19  directly used machinery, equipment, parts or foundations
    20  therefor that may be affixed to such real estate. The exclusions
    21  provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) shall not
    22  apply to tangible personal property or services to be used or
    23  consumed in managerial sales or other nonoperational activities,
    24  nor to the purchase or use of tangible personal property or
    25  services by any person other than the person directly using the
    26  same in the operations described in subparagraphs (i), (ii),
    27  (iii) and (iv).
    28     The exclusion provided in subparagraph (iii) shall not apply
    29  to (A) construction materials, supplies or equipment used to
    30  construct, reconstruct, remodel, repair or maintain facilities
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     1  not used directly by the purchaser in the production, delivering
     2  or rendition of public utility service or (B) tools and
     3  equipment used but not installed in the maintenance of
     4  facilities used directly in the production, delivering or
     5  rendition of a public utility service.
     6     The exclusion provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and
     7  (iv) shall not apply to the services enumerated in clauses
     8  (o)(9) [through (15), (w) through (kk)] and (w).
     9     (5)  Where tangible personal property or services are
    10  utilized for purposes constituting a "use," as herein defined,
    11  and for purposes excluded from the definition of "use," it shall
    12  be presumed that such property or services are utilized for
    13  purposes constituting a "sale at retail" and subject to tax
    14  unless the user thereof proves to the department that the
    15  predominant purposes for which such property or services are
    16  utilized do not constitute a "sale at retail."
    17     (6)  The term "use" with respect to "liquor" and "malt or
    18  brewed beverages" shall include the purchase of "liquor" from
    19  any "Pennsylvania liquor store" by any person for any purpose
    20  and the purchase of "malt or brewed beverages" from a
    21  "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages," "distributor" or
    22  "importing distributor" by any person for any purpose, except
    23  purchases from a "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages" by a
    24  "distributor" or "importing distributor," or purchases from an
    25  "importing distributor" by a "distributor" within the meaning of
    26  the "Liquor Code." The term "use" shall not include any purchase
    27  of "malt or brewed beverages" from a "retail dispenser" or any
    28  purchase of "liquor" or "malt or brewed beverages" from a person
    29  holding a "retail liquor license" within the meaning of and
    30  pursuant to the provisions of the "Liquor Code," but shall
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     1  include the exercise of any right or power incidental to the
     2  ownership, custody or possession of "liquor" or "malt or brewed
     3  beverages" obtained by the person exercising such right or power
     4  in any manner other than pursuant to the provisions of the
     5  "Liquor Code."
     6     (7)  The use of tangible personal property purchased at
     7  retail upon which the services described in subclauses (2), (3)
     8  and (4) of this clause have been performed shall be deemed to be
     9  a use of said services by the person using said property.
    10     (8)  The term "use" shall not include the providing of a
    11  motor vehicle to a nonprofit private or public school to be used
    12  by such a school for the sole purpose of driver education.
    13     (9)  The obtaining by the purchaser of lobbying services.
    14     [(10)  The obtaining by the purchaser of adjustment services,
    15  collection services or credit reporting services.
    16     (11)  The obtaining by the purchaser of secretarial or
    17  editing services.
    18     (12)  The obtaining by the purchaser of disinfecting or pest
    19  control services, building maintenance or cleaning services.
    20     (13)  The obtaining by the purchaser of employment agency
    21  services, help supply services or other personnel supply
    22  services.
    23     (14)  The obtaining by the purchaser of computer programming
    24  services or other computer-related services, including, but not
    25  limited to, providing computer integrated systems design,
    26  computer processing, data preparation or processing services,
    27  information retrieval services or computer facilities management
    28  services.
    29     (15)  The obtaining by the purchaser of lawn care service.]
    30     * * *
    19910H2262B2860                 - 16 -

     1     (t)  "Transient vendor."
     2     (1)  Any person who--
     3     (i)  Brings into the Commonwealth, by automobile, truck or
     4  other means of transportation, or purchases in the Commonwealth
     5  tangible personal property the sale or use of which is subject
     6  to the tax imposed by this article [or comes into the
     7  Commonwealth to perform services the sale or use of which is
     8  subject to the tax imposed by this article];
     9     (ii)  Offers or intends to offer such tangible personal
    10  property [or services] for sale at retail within the
    11  Commonwealth; and
    12     (iii)  Does not maintain an established office, distribution
    13  house, saleshouse, warehouse, service enterprise, residence from
    14  which business is conducted or other place of business within
    15  the Commonwealth.
    16     (2)  The term shall not include a person who delivers
    17  tangible personal property within the Commonwealth pursuant to
    18  orders for such property which were solicited or placed by mail
    19  or other means.
    20     (3)  The term shall not include a person who handcrafts items
    21  for sale at special events, including, but not limited to,
    22  fairs, carnivals, art and craft shows and other festivals and
    23  celebrations within this Commonwealth.
    24     * * *
    25     [(x)  "Adjustment services, collection services or credit
    26  reporting services."  Providing collection or adjustments of
    27  accounts receivable or mercantile or consumer credit reporting
    28  including, but not limited to, services of the type provided by
    29  adjustment bureaus or collection agencies, consumer or
    30  mercantile credit reporting bureaus, credit bureaus or agencies,
    19910H2262B2860                 - 17 -

     1  credit clearinghouses or credit investigation services. Such
     2  services do not include providing credit card service with
     3  collection by a central agency, providing debt counseling or
     4  adjustment services to individuals or billing or collection
     5  services provided by local exchange telephone companies.
     6     (y)  "Secretarial or editing services."  Providing services
     7  which include, but are not limited to, editing, letter writing,
     8  proofreading, resume writing, typing or word processing. Such
     9  services shall not include court reporting and stenographic
    10  services.
    11     (z)  "Disinfecting or pest control services."   Providing
    12  disinfecting, termite control, insect control, rodent control or
    13  other pest control services. Such services include, but are not
    14  limited to, deodorant servicing of rest rooms, washroom
    15  sanitation service, rest room cleaning service, extermination
    16  service or fumigating service.
    17     (aa)  "Building maintenance or cleaning services."  Providing
    18  services which include, but are not limited to, janitorial, maid
    19  or housekeeping service, office or interior building cleaning or
    20  maintenance service, window cleaning service, floor waxing
    21  service, lighting maintenance service such as bulb replacement,
    22  cleaning, chimney cleaning service, acoustical tile cleaning
    23  service, venetian blind cleaning, cleaning and maintenance of
    24  telephone booths, or cleaning and degreasing of service
    25  stations. This term shall not include repairs on buildings and
    26  other structures.
    27     (bb)  "Employment agency services."  Providing employment
    28  services to a prospective employer or employe other than
    29  employment services provided by theatrical employment agencies
    30  and motion picture casting bureaus. Such services shall include,
    19910H2262B2860                 - 18 -

     1  but are not limited to, services of the type provided by
     2  employment agencies, executive placing services, labor
     3  contractor employment agencies other than farm labor.
     4     (cc)  "Help supply services."  Providing temporary or
     5  continuing help where the help supplied is on the payroll of the
     6  supplying person or entity, but is under the supervision of the
     7  individual or business to which help is furnished. Such services
     8  include, but are not limited to, service of a type provided by
     9  labor and manpower pools, employe leasing services, office help
    10  supply services, temporary help services, usher services,
    11  modeling services or fashion show model supply services. Such
    12  services shall not include providing farm labor services.
    13     (dd)  "Computer programming services."  Providing computer
    14  programming or computer software design and analysis. Such
    15  services include, but are not limited to, services of the type
    16  provided by or through computer programming services, customer
    17  computer programming services, computer code authors and free-
    18  lance computer software writers, software modification, custom
    19  software programming, custom computer programs or system
    20  software development, custom computer software systems analysis
    21  and design, custom applications software programming, computer
    22  code authors or free-lance computer software writers.
    23     (ee)  "Computer integrated systems design."  Developing or
    24  modifying computer software and packaging or bundling the
    25  software with computer hardware (computers and computer
    26  peripheral equipment) to create and market an integrated system
    27  for specific application. A business is providing such services
    28  under this subparagraph only if it provides each of the
    29  following services:
    30     (1)  the development or modification of the computer
    19910H2262B2860                 - 19 -

     1  software;
     2     (2)  the marketing of computer hardware; and
     3     (3)  involvement in all phases of systems development from
     4  design through installation.
     5  Such services under this clause include, but are not limited to,
     6  computer systems integration, computer network systems
     7  integration, local area network (LAN) systems integration,
     8  office automation, computer systems value-added resellers,
     9  computer systems turnkey vendors, computer-aided design (CAD)
    10  systems services, computer-aided engineering (CAE) systems
    11  services or computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems services.
    12     (ff)  "Computer processing, data preparation or processing
    13  services."  Such services include, but are not limited to,
    14  providing processing and preparation of reports from data
    15  supplied by the customer or a specialized service, such as data
    16  entry; making data processing equipment available on an hourly,
    17  time-sharing or other basis; computer time-sharing and leasing
    18  or rental of computer time; computer tabulating and calculating
    19  services; data entry, processing or verification services; key-
    20  punch services; or optical scanning data services.
    21     (gg)  "Information retrieval services."  Providing computer
    22  on-line information retrieval services. Such services include,
    23  but are not limited to, data base information retrieval
    24  services, on-line information retrieval services, on-line data
    25  base information retrieval services or remote data base
    26  information retrieval services.
    27     (hh)  "Computer facilities management services."  Providing
    28  on-site management or controlling the operation of data
    29  processing facilities or similar services.
    30     (ii)  "Other computer-related services."  Supplying computer-
    19910H2262B2860                 - 20 -

     1  related services not described elsewhere in clauses (dd) through
     2  (hh). Such services include, but are not limited to, computer
     3  consulting services; data base development and data processing
     4  consulting services; disk, diskette or tape conversion services;
     5  disk, diskette or tape recertification services; computer
     6  hardware and software requirement analysis services; software
     7  documentation services; software installation services; software
     8  training services; or reformatting or editing services.
     9     (jj)  "Lawn care service."  Providing services for lawn
    10  upkeep including, but not limited to, fertilizing, lawn mowing,
    11  shrubbery trimming or other lawn treatment services.
    12     (kk)  "Storage service."  A building or portion of a building
    13  or similar structure for purposes of storing corporeal personal
    14  property, including, but not limited to, goods, wares or
    15  merchandise, spiritous or vinous liquor and malt or brewed
    16  beverages, furniture and household goods, automobiles, furs,
    17  textiles, perishable goods under refrigeration, farm products,
    18  cotton compresses or tobacco. The term excludes storage of such
    19  property which is unloaded from maritime vessels and then later
    20  stored or which is stored and then later loaded on maritime
    21  vessels when such storage or loading takes place within twenty-
    22  five miles of a "port district," as defined by the act of July
    23  10, 1989 (P.L.291, No.50), known as the "Philadelphia Regional
    24  Port Authority Act."]
    25     * * *
    26     (mm)  "Minimum pay television."  [That portion of pay
    27  television for which a periodic minimum fee is paid to receive
    28  pay television on an ongoing basis.] All pay television services
    29  and devices except for premium pay television.
    30     (nn)  "Premium pay television."  That portion of cable
    19910H2262B2860                 - 21 -

     1  television services, community antenna television services, or
     2  any other television services distributed with or without the
     3  use of wires to subscribers or paying customers or users, which
     4  consists of one or more primarily subscriber-supported channels,
     5  such as channels composed primarily of uninterrupted, full-
     6  length motion pictures or sporting events, which are customarily
     7  made available to a subscriber or other paying customer or user
     8  for a fee or charge in addition to any other fees or charges for
     9  other cable, community antenna or other television services. The
    10  term shall not include separately stated charges for
    11  installation and repairs related to premium pay television, or
    12  upgrade, downgrade, additional outlet, or any other charge
    13  except that specifically identified as a charge or fee for
    14  premium pay television.
    15     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    16     Section 202.1.  Taxes to Support Public Transportation
    17  Assistance Fund.--(a)  There is hereby imposed a fee on each
    18  sale in this Commonwealth of new tires for highway use at the
    19  rate of one dollar ($1) per tire. The fee shall be collected by
    20  the seller from the purchaser and remitted to the Department of
    21  Revenue. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to
    22  the purchase of a new or used motor vehicle.
    23     (b)  (1)  There is hereby imposed a tax of six per cent of
    24  the purchase price upon each separate sale at retail of a
    25  periodical and upon each separate mail order subscription for a
    26  periodical. The exclusion set forth in section 204(30) shall not
    27  be applied to the tax imposed under this subsection.
    28     (2)  As used in this subsection, the term "periodical" means
    29  a periodical regularly published at intervals not exceeding
    30  three months, which is circulated to the general public and
    19910H2262B2860                 - 22 -

     1  which contains either matters of general interest or reports of
     2  current events or is devoted to literature, sports, the
     3  sciences, art or some other special industry or area of
     4  interest.
     5     (c)  There is hereby imposed on each lease of a motor vehicle
     6  subject to tax under section 202 an additional tax of three per
     7  cent of the total lease price charged.
     8     (d)  There is hereby imposed on each rental of a motor
     9  vehicle subject to tax under section 202 a fee of two dollars
    10  ($2) for each day or part of a day for which the vehicle is
    11  rented.
    12     (e)  Every entity required to pay the tax imposed under
    13  Article XI-A of this act shall, in addition to that tax, pay an
    14  additional tax of twelve (12) mills upon each dollar of the
    15  State taxable value of its utility realty at the end of the
    16  preceding calendar year. The tax imposed by this subsection
    17  shall be reported by the affected entity and collected by the
    18  department in the same manner as the tax imposed under Article
    19  XI-A of this act.
    20     Section 3.  Section 204(29) of the act, amended August 4,
    21  1991 (P.L.97, No.22), is amended and the section is amended by
    22  adding a clause to read:
    23     Section 204.  Exclusions from Tax.--The tax imposed by
    24  section 202 shall not be imposed upon
    25     * * *
    26     (29)  The sale at retail or use of food and beverages for
    27  human consumption including candy and gum, except that this
    28  exclusion shall not apply with respect to--
    29     (i)  Soft drinks;
    30     (ii)  Malt and brewed beverages and spirituous and vinous
    19910H2262B2860                 - 23 -

     1  liquors;
     2     (iii)  Food or beverages ready to eat, whether sold for
     3  consumption on or off the premises or on a "take-out" or "to go"
     4  basis or delivered to the purchaser or consumer, when purchased
     5  (i) from persons engaged in the business of catering, or (ii)
     6  from persons engaged in the business of operating
     7  establishments, including, but not limited to, restaurants,
     8  cafes, lunch counters, private and social clubs, taverns, dining
     9  cars, hotels, night clubs, fast food operations, pizzerias,
    10  fairs, carnivals, lunch carts, ice cream stands, vending
    11  machines, snack bars, cafeterias, employe cafeterias, theaters,
    12  stadiums, arenas, amusement parks[,] and carryout shops[, coffee
    13  shops, bakery, pastry and donut shops and other establishments
    14  whether mobile or immobile from which food or beverages ready to
    15  eat are sold. For purposes of this clause, a delicatessen,
    16  grocery store, supermarket, farmer's market or a convenience
    17  store shall not be considered an establishment from which food
    18  or beverages ready to eat are sold except for the sale of meals,
    19  cooked chicken, sandwiches, prepared salads, salad bars,
    20  prepared desserts, hot soup, hot pizza and other hot food items,
    21  brewed coffee and hot beverages]. The sale at retail of food and
    22  beverages at or from a school or church in the ordinary course
    23  of the activities of such organization is not subject to tax.
    24     * * *
    25     (49)  The sale at retail or use of toothpaste, toothbrushes,
    26  dental floss or baby wipes.
    27     Section 4.  Section 304(d) of the act, amended August 4, 1991
    28  (P.L.97, No.22), is amended to read:
    29     Section 304.  Special Tax Provisions for Poverty.--
    30     * * *
    19910H2262B2860                 - 24 -

     1     (d)  Any claim for special tax provisions hereunder shall be
     2  determined in accordance with the following:
     3     (1)  If total household income is [seven thousand dollars
     4  ($7,000)] eleven thousand dollars ($11,000) or less, the
     5  claimant shall be entitled to a refund or forgiveness of any
     6  moneys which have been paid over to (or would except for the
     7  provisions of this act be payable to) the Commonwealth under the
     8  provisions of this article, with an additional income allowance
     9  of [two thousand dollars ($2,000)] one thousand five hundred
    10  dollars ($1,500) for each dependent and household member.
    11     (2)  If total household income does not exceed the
    12  limitations prescribed by clause (1) by more than the dollar
    13  category contained in subclauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v),
    14  (vi), (vii), (viii) or (ix) of this clause, the claimant shall
    15  be entitled to a refund or forgiveness based on the per centage
    16  prescribed in such subclauses of any moneys which have been paid
    17  over to (or would except for the provisions herein be payable
    18  to) the Commonwealth under this article:
    19     (i)  Ninety per cent if not in excess of one hundred dollars
    20  ($100).
    21     (ii)  Eighty per cent if not in excess of two hundred dollars
    22  ($200).
    23     (iii)  Seventy per cent if not in excess of three hundred
    24  dollars ($300).
    25     (iv)  Sixty per cent if not in excess of four hundred dollars
    26  ($400).
    27     (v)  Fifty per cent if not in excess of five hundred dollars
    28  ($500).
    29     (vi)  Forty per cent if not in excess of six hundred dollars
    30  ($600).
    19910H2262B2860                 - 25 -

     1     (vii)  Thirty per cent if not in excess of seven hundred
     2  dollars ($700).
     3     (viii)  Twenty per cent if not in excess of eight hundred
     4  dollars ($800).
     5     (ix)  Ten per cent if not in excess of nine hundred dollars
     6  ($900).
     7     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     8     Section 352.2.  Offset of Lottery Prizes for Taxes and Other
     9  Debts.--(a)  The Secretary of Revenue may delay payment of any
    10  State lottery prize that exceeds twenty-five hundred dollars
    11  ($2,500) where debts are owed by the claimant to a State agency.
    12     (b)  For a State agency to participate in this program of
    13  withholding and for the Secretary of Revenue to be responsible
    14  to order such withholding, the State agency must furnish to the
    15  Secretary of Revenue the following minimum information: The
    16  State agency or program identifier, the first name, last name,
    17  middle initial and Social Security number of the debtor, and the
    18  amount of the debt. This information shall be in such form and
    19  manner as the Secretary of Revenue may prescribe. Each State
    20  agency shall certify the information and update the information
    21  monthly.
    22     (c)  The Secretary of Revenue shall match the information
    23  submitted by the State agency with persons who are entitled to a
    24  State lottery prize payment in an amount in excess of twenty-
    25  five hundred dollars ($2,500). If there is a match, the
    26  Secretary of Revenue shall set off the amount of the debt from
    27  the prize due and notify the person of the person's right to
    28  appeal to the appropriate court, or to request a review by the
    29  State agency. The person shall make such a request or appeal
    30  within thirty (30) days after the setoff. If the setoff accounts
    19910H2262B2860                 - 26 -

     1  for only a portion of the State lottery prize due, the remainder
     2  of the State lottery prize shall be paid to the prize winner.
     3  The Secretary of Revenue shall promptly transfer the setoff,
     4  less the amount of the fee of the Secretary of Revenue, to the
     5  State agency.
     6     (d)  If a person requests a review by the State agency or
     7  provides the State agency with proof that an appeal has been
     8  taken to the appropriate court within thirty (30) days after the
     9  setoff and it is determined that the setoff was made in error
    10  under this section, the agency shall reimburse the person, with
    11  interest as determined.
    12     (e)  The basis for a request for review shall not include the
    13  validity of the claim if its validity has been established at a
    14  State agency hearing, by judicial review in a court of competent
    15  jurisdiction in this or any other state, or by final
    16  administrative decision and shall state with specificity why the
    17  person claims the obligation does not exist or why the amount of
    18  the obligation is incorrect.
    19     (f)  The Secretary of Revenue may determine and set a
    20  reasonable fee to be collected from each State lottery prize
    21  winner of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) or more to cover
    22  the expenses of the State agency and the Department of Revenue
    23  when the procedures required by this section are used. The
    24  amount of the fee shall reasonably reflect the actual cost of
    25  the procedure, and the Secretary of Revenue shall reimburse the
    26  department and the State agency on a monthly basis for expenses.
    27     (g)  If a State agency or State agencies have two or more
    28  delinquent accounts for the same person, the Secretary of
    29  Revenue shall apportion the State lottery prize, meeting the
    30  requirements of section 8(b) of the act of August 26, 1971
    19910H2262B2860                 - 27 -

     1  (P.L.351, No.91), known as the "State Lottery Law."
     2     (h)  If the State lottery prize is insufficient to satisfy
     3  the entire debt, the remainder of the debt may be collected by
     4  the State agency as provided by law or may be resubmitted for
     5  setoff against any other prize awarded.
     6     (i)  A State agency shall not enter into an agreement with a
     7  debtor for the assignment of any prospective State lottery prize
     8  to the State agency in satisfaction of the debt.
     9     (j)  For purposes of this section, the word "debt" means an
    10  amount owed to any State agency by a person and may include
    11  interest, penalties, charges, costs, assessments or fees.
    12     Section 6.  Sections 402 and 602 of the act, amended August
    13  4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22), are amended to read:
    14     Section 402.  Imposition of Tax.--Every corporation shall be
    15  subject to, and shall pay for the privilege of (i) doing
    16  business in this Commonwealth; or (ii) carrying on activities in
    17  this Commonwealth; (iii) having capital or property employed or
    18  used in this Commonwealth; or (iv) owning property in this
    19  Commonwealth, by or in the name of itself, or any person,
    20  partnership, association, limited partnership, joint-stock
    21  association, or corporation, a State excise tax at the rate of
    22  twelve per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of
    23  such corporation received by, and accruing to, such corporation
    24  during the calendar year 1971 and the first six months of 1972
    25  and at the rate of eleven per cent per annum upon each dollar of
    26  taxable income of such corporation received by, and accruing to,
    27  such corporation during the second six months of calendar year
    28  1972 through the calendar year 1973 and at the rate of nine and
    29  one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income
    30  of such corporation received by, and accruing to, such
    19910H2262B2860                 - 28 -

     1  corporation during the calendar years 1974, 1975 and 1976 and at
     2  the rate of ten and one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar
     3  of taxable income of such corporation received by, and accruing
     4  to, such corporation during the calendar year 1977 through the
     5  calendar year 1984 and at the rate of nine and one-half per cent
     6  per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such corporation
     7  received by and accruing to such corporation during the calendar
     8  year 1985 through calendar year 1986 and at the rate of eight
     9  and one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable
    10  income of such corporation received by and accruing to such
    11  corporation during the calendar year 1987 through the calendar
    12  year 1990 and at the rate of ten and one-half per cent per annum
    13  upon each dollar of taxable income of such corporation received
    14  by and accruing to such corporation during calendar year 1991
    15  and during each calendar year thereafter with an additional
    16  surtax equal to one and seventy-five hundredths per cent per
    17  annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such corporation
    18  received by and accruing to such corporation during calendar
    19  year 1991 and [during each calendar year thereafter] an
    20  additional surtax equal to eighty-seven hundredths per cent per
    21  annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such corporation
    22  received by and accruing to such corporation during calendar
    23  year 1992, except where a corporation reports to the Federal
    24  Government on the basis of a fiscal year, and has certified such
    25  fact to the department as required by section 403 of this
    26  article, in which case, such tax, at the rate of twelve per
    27  cent, shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all taxable
    28  income received by, and accruing to, such corporation during the
    29  first six months of the fiscal year commencing in the calendar
    30  year 1972 and at the rate of eleven per cent, shall be levied,
    19910H2262B2860                 - 29 -

     1  collected, and paid upon all taxable income received by, and
     2  accruing to, such corporation during the second six months of
     3  the fiscal year commencing in the calendar year 1972 and during
     4  the fiscal year commencing in the calendar year 1973 and at the
     5  rate of nine and one-half per cent, shall be levied, collected,
     6  and paid upon all taxable income received by, and accruing to,
     7  such corporation during the fiscal year commencing in the
     8  calendar years 1974, 1975 and 1976 and at the rate of ten and
     9  one-half per cent, shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all
    10  taxable income received by, and accruing to, such corporation
    11  during the fiscal year commencing in the calendar year 1977
    12  through the fiscal year commencing in 1984 and at the rate of
    13  nine and one-half per cent, shall be levied, collected, and paid
    14  upon all taxable income received by and accruing to such
    15  corporation during the fiscal year commencing in 1985 through
    16  the fiscal year commencing in 1986 and at the rate of eight and
    17  one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income
    18  of such corporation received by and accruing to such corporation
    19  during the fiscal year commencing in 1987 through the fiscal
    20  year commencing in 1990 and at the rate of ten and one-half per
    21  cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such
    22  corporation received by and accruing to such corporation during
    23  the fiscal year commencing in 1991 and during each fiscal year
    24  thereafter, with an additional surtax equal to one and seventy-
    25  five hundredths per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable
    26  income of such corporation received by and accruing to such
    27  corporation during the fiscal year commencing in 1991 and
    28  [during each fiscal year thereafter] an additional surtax equal
    29  to eighty-seven hundredths per cent per annum upon each dollar
    30  of taxable income of such corporation received by and accruing
    19910H2262B2860                 - 30 -

     1  to such corporation during the fiscal year commencing in 1992.
     2  No penalty prescribed by subsection (e) of section 3003 shall be
     3  assessed against a corporation for the additional tax which may
     4  be due as a result of the increase in tax rate from nine and
     5  one-half per cent to ten and one-half per cent imposed
     6  retroactively by this section for the calendar year 1977 or for
     7  the fiscal year commencing in 1977.
     8     Section 602.  Imposition of Tax.--(a)  That every domestic
     9  entity from which a report is required under section 601 hereof,
    10  shall be subject to, and pay to the department annually, a tax
    11  which is the greater of (i) three hundred dollars ($300) or (ii)
    12  the amount computed at the rate of ten mills upon each dollar of
    13  the capital stock value as defined in section 601(a) for the
    14  calendar year 1971 and the fiscal year beginning in 1971 through
    15  calendar year 1986 and fiscal years beginning in 1986, at the
    16  rate of nine mills upon each dollar of the capital stock value
    17  as defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year 1987 and
    18  fiscal years beginning in 1987 , at the rate of nine and one-
    19  half mills upon each dollar of the capital stock value as
    20  defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year 1988 and fiscal
    21  years beginning in 1988 through calendar year 1990 and fiscal
    22  years beginning in 1990 and at the rate of eleven mills upon
    23  each dollar of the capital stock value as defined in section
    24  601(a) for the calendar year 1991 and fiscal years beginning in
    25  1991 and each year thereafter, with an additional surtax equal
    26  to two mills upon each dollar of the capital stock value as
    27  defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year 1991 and fiscal
    28  years beginning in 1991 and with an additional surtax equal to
    29  one [and three-quarters mills] mill upon each dollar of the
    30  capital stock value as defined in section 601(a) for the
    19910H2262B2860                 - 31 -

     1  calendar year 1992 and fiscal years beginning in 1992 [and each
     2  year thereafter], except that any domestic entity or company
     3  subject to the tax prescribed herein may elect to compute and
     4  pay its tax under and in accordance with the provisions of
     5  subsection (b) of this section 602: Provided, That, except for
     6  the imposition of the three hundred dollar ($300) minimum tax,
     7  the provisions of this section shall not apply to the taxation
     8  of the capital stock of entities organized for manufacturing,
     9  processing, research or development purposes, which is invested
    10  in and actually and exclusively employed in carrying on
    11  manufacturing, processing, research or development within the
    12  State, except such entities as enjoy and exercise the right of
    13  eminent domain, but every entity organized for the purpose of
    14  manufacturing, processing, research or development except such
    15  entities as enjoy and exercise the right of eminent domain shall
    16  pay the State tax of the greater of (i) three hundred dollars
    17  ($300) or (ii) the amount computed at the rate of ten mills upon
    18  each dollar of the capital stock value as defined in section
    19  601(a) for the calendar year 1971 and the fiscal year beginning
    20  in 1971 through calendar year 1986 and fiscal years beginning in
    21  1986, at the rate of nine mills upon each dollar of the capital
    22  stock value as defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year
    23  1987 and fiscal years beginning in 1987 and at the rate of nine
    24  and one-half mills upon each dollar of the capital stock value
    25  as defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year 1988 and
    26  fiscal years beginning in 1988 through calendar year 1990 and
    27  fiscal years beginning in 1990 and at the rate of eleven mills
    28  upon each dollar of the capital stock value as defined in
    29  section 601(a) for the calendar year 1991 and each year
    30  thereafter, with an additional surtax equal to two mills upon
    19910H2262B2860                 - 32 -

     1  each dollar of the capital stock value as defined in section
     2  601(a) for the calendar year 1991 and fiscal years beginning in
     3  1991 and with an additional surtax equal to one [and three-
     4  quarters mills] mill upon each dollar of the capital stock value
     5  as defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year 1992 and
     6  fiscal years beginning in 1992 [and each year thereafter], upon
     7  such proportion of its capital stock, if any, as may be invested
     8  in any property or business not strictly incident or appurtenant
     9  to the manufacturing, processing, research or development
    10  business, in addition to the local taxes assessed upon its
    11  property in the district where located, it being the object of
    12  this provision to relieve from State taxation, except for
    13  imposition of the three hundred dollar ($300) minimum tax under
    14  this section, only so much of the capital stock as is invested
    15  purely in the manufacturing, processing, research or development
    16  plant and business.
    17     (b)  (1)  Every foreign entity from which a report is
    18  required under section 601 hereof, shall be subject to and pay
    19  to the department annually, a franchise tax which is the greater
    20  of (i) three hundred dollars ($300) or (ii) the amount computed
    21  at the rate of ten mills for the calendar year 1971 and the
    22  fiscal years beginning in 1971 through calendar year 1986 and
    23  fiscal years beginning in 1986, at the rate of nine mills for
    24  the calendar year 1987 and for fiscal years beginning in 1987,
    25  at the rate of nine and one-half mills for calendar year 1988
    26  and fiscal years beginning in 1988 through calendar year 1990
    27  and fiscal years beginning in 1990 and at the rate of eleven
    28  mills upon each dollar of the capital stock value as defined in
    29  section 601(a) for the calendar year 1991 and fiscal years
    30  beginning in 1991 and each year thereafter, with an additional
    19910H2262B2860                 - 33 -

     1  surtax equal to two mills upon each dollar of the capital stock
     2  value as defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year 1991
     3  and fiscal years beginning in 1991 and with an additional surtax
     4  equal to one [and three-quarters mills] mill upon each dollar of
     5  the capital stock value as defined in section 601(a) for the
     6  calendar year 1992 and fiscal years beginning in 1992 [and each
     7  year thereafter], upon a taxable value to be determined in the
     8  following manner. The capital stock value shall be ascertained
     9  in the manner prescribed in section 601(a) of this article. The
    10  taxable value shall then be determined by employing the relevant
    11  apportionment factors set forth in Article IV: Provided, That
    12  the manufacturing, processing, research and development
    13  exemptions contained under section 602(a) shall also apply to
    14  foreign corporations and in determining the relevant
    15  apportionment factors the numerator of the property, payroll, or
    16  sales factors shall not include any property, payroll or sales
    17  attributable to manufacturing, processing, research or
    18  development activities in the Commonwealth. Any foreign
    19  corporation, joint-stock association, limited partnership or
    20  company subject to the tax prescribed herein may elect to
    21  compute and pay its tax under section 602(a): Provided, That any
    22  foreign corporation, joint-stock association, limited
    23  partnership or company electing to compute and pay its tax under
    24  section 602(a) shall be treated as if it were a domestic
    25  corporation for the purpose of determining which of its assets
    26  are exempt from taxation and for the purpose of determining the
    27  proportion of the value of its capital stock which is subject to
    28  taxation.
    29     (2)  The provisions of this article shall apply to the
    30  taxation of entities organized for manufacturing, processing,
    19910H2262B2860                 - 34 -

     1  research or development purposes, but shall not apply to such
     2  entities as enjoy and exercise the right of eminent domain.
     3     (d)  It shall be the duty of the treasurer or other officers
     4  having charge of any domestic or foreign entity, upon which a
     5  tax is imposed by this section, to transmit the amount of tax to
     6  the department within the time prescribed by law: Provided, That
     7  for the purposes of this act interest in limited partnerships or
     8  joint-stock associations shall be deemed to be capital stock,
     9  and taxable accordingly: Provided, further, That entities liable
    10  to a tax under this section, shall not be required to pay any
    11  further tax on the mortgages, bonds, and other securities owned
    12  by them and in which the whole body of stockholders or members,
    13  as such, have the entire equitable interest in remainder; but
    14  entities owning or holding such securities as trustees,
    15  executors, administrators, guardians, or in any other manner
    16  than for the whole body of stockholders or members thereof as
    17  sole equitable owners in remainder, shall return and pay the tax
    18  imposed by this act upon all securities so owned or held by
    19  them, as in the case of individuals.
    20     (e)  Any holding company subject to the capital stock tax or
    21  the franchise tax imposed by this section may elect to compute
    22  the capital stock or franchise tax by applying the rate of tax
    23  of ten mills for the calendar year 1971 and the fiscal year
    24  beginning in 1971 through the calendar year 1986 and fiscal
    25  years beginning in 1986, at the rate of nine mills for the
    26  calendar year 1987 and fiscal years beginning in 1987, at the
    27  rate of nine and one-half mills for calendar year 1988 and
    28  fiscal years beginning in 1988 through calendar year 1990 and
    29  fiscal years beginning in 1990 and at the rate of eleven mills
    30  for calendar year 1991 and fiscal years beginning in 1991 and
    19910H2262B2860                 - 35 -

     1  each year thereafter, with an additional surtax equal to two
     2  mills for calendar year 1991 and fiscal years beginning in 1991
     3  and with an additional surtax equal to one [and three-quarters
     4  mills] mill upon each dollar of the capital stock value as
     5  defined in section 601(a) for the calendar year 1992 and fiscal
     6  years beginning in 1992 [and each year thereafter], upon each
     7  dollar to ten per cent of the capital stock value, but in no
     8  case shall the tax so computed be less than three hundred
     9  dollars ($300). If exercised, this election shall be in lieu of
    10  any other apportionment or allocation to which such company
    11  would otherwise be entitled.
    12     (f)  Every domestic corporation and every foreign corporation
    13  (i) registered to do business in Pennsylvania; (ii) which
    14  maintains an office in Pennsylvania; (iii) which has filed a
    15  timely election to be taxed as a regulated investment company
    16  with the Federal Government; and (iv) which duly qualifies to be
    17  taxed as a regulated investment company under the provisions of
    18  the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended, shall be taxed as
    19  a regulated investment company and shall be subject to the
    20  capital stock or franchise tax imposed by section 602, in either
    21  case for the privilege of having an office in Pennsylvania,
    22  which tax shall be computed pursuant to the provisions of this
    23  subsection in lieu of all other provisions of this section 602.
    24  The tax shall be in an amount which is the greater of three
    25  hundred dollars ($300) or the sum of the amounts determined
    26  pursuant to clauses (1) and (2):
    27     (1)  The amount determined pursuant to this clause shall be
    28  seventy-five dollars ($75) times that number which is the result
    29  of dividing the net asset value of the regulated investment
    30  company by one million, rounded to the nearest multiple of
    19910H2262B2860                 - 36 -

     1  seventy-five dollars ($75). Net asset value shall be determined
     2  by adding the monthly net asset values as of the last day of
     3  each month during the taxable period and dividing the total sum
     4  by the number of months involved. Each such monthly net asset
     5  value shall be the actual market value of all assets owned
     6  without any exemptions or exclusions, less all liabilities,
     7  debts and other obligations.
     8     (2)  The amount determined pursuant to this clause shall be
     9  the amount which is the result of multiplying the rate of
    10  taxation applicable for purposes of the personal income tax
    11  during the same taxable year times the apportioned undistributed
    12  personal income tax income of the regulated investment company.
    13  For the purposes of this clause:
    14     (A)  Personal income tax income shall mean income to the
    15  extent enumerated and classified in section 303.
    16     (B)  Undistributed personal income tax income shall mean all
    17  personal income tax income other than personal income tax income
    18  undistributed on account of the capital stock or foreign
    19  franchise tax, less all personal income tax income distributed
    20  to shareholders. At the election of the company, income
    21  distributed after the close of a taxable year, but deemed
    22  distributed during the taxable year for Federal income tax
    23  purposes, shall be deemed distributed during that year for
    24  purposes of this clause. If a company in a taxable year has both
    25  current income and income accumulated from a prior year,
    26  distributions during the year shall be deemed to have been made
    27  first from current income.
    28     (C)  Undistributed personal income tax income shall be
    29  apportioned to Pennsylvania by a fraction, the numerator of
    30  which is all income distributed during the taxable period to
    19910H2262B2860                 - 37 -

     1  shareholders who are resident individuals, estates or trusts and
     2  the denominator of which is all income distributed during the
     3  taxable period. Resident trusts shall not include charitable,
     4  pension or profit-sharing, or retirement trusts.
     5     (D)  Personal income tax income and other income of a company
     6  shall each be deemed to be either distributed to shareholders or
     7  undistributed in the proportion each category bears to all
     8  income received by the company during the taxable year.
     9     (g)  In the event that a domestic or foreign entity is
    10  required to file a report pursuant to section 601(b) on other
    11  than an annual basis, the tax imposed by this section, including
    12  the three hundred dollars ($300) minimum tax, shall be prorated
    13  to reflect the portion of a taxable year for which the report is
    14  filed by multiplying the tax liability by a fraction equal to
    15  the number of days in the taxable year divided by three hundred
    16  sixty-five days.
    17     Section 7.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    18                            ARTICLE XXIX
    19                        TAX AMNESTY PROGRAM
    20     Section 2901.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    21  phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings
    22  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
    23  clearly indicates a different meaning:
    24     "Amnesty period."  March 1, 1992, through 12 midnight May 31,
    25  1992.
    26     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    27     "Eligible tax."  Any tax imposed by the act of March 4, 1971
    28  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971."
    29     "Program."  The tax amnesty program as provided for in this
    30  article.
    19910H2262B2860                 - 38 -

     1     "Taxpayer."  Any person, association, fiduciary, partnership,
     2  corporation or other entity required to pay or collect any of
     3  the taxes imposed by this act. The term shall not include a
     4  taxpayer who, as of February 29, 1992, has received notice that
     5  he is the subject of a criminal investigation for an alleged
     6  violation of this act, has been named as a defendant in a
     7  criminal complaint alleging a violation of this act or is a
     8  defendant in a pending criminal action for an alleged violation
     9  of this act.
    10     Section 2902.  Establishment of Amnesty Program.--(a)  There
    11  is hereby established a tax amnesty program which shall be
    12  administered by the department.
    13     (b)  The amnesty program shall apply to a taxpayer who is
    14  delinquent on payment of an eligible tax as of February 29,
    15  1992, including tax on returns not filed, tax liabilities
    16  according to records of the department as of February 29, 1992,
    17  tax liabilities not reported, underreported or not established,
    18  but delinquent as of February 29, 1992.
    19     Section 2903.  Required Payments.--(a)  All taxpayers who
    20  participate in the program shall make payment of all taxes due
    21  the Commonwealth as of February 29, 1992, plus fifty per cent of
    22  the total amount of interest due within the amnesty period. The
    23  department shall not seek to collect the remaining fifty per
    24  cent of the total amount of interest due and any penalties owed
    25  by the taxpayer.
    26     (b)  In addition to filing an amnesty tax return, a taxpayer
    27  must file complete tax returns for all years for which the
    28  taxpayer previously has not filed a tax return and file complete
    29  amended returns for all years for which the taxpayer
    30  underreported income.
    19910H2262B2860                 - 39 -

     1     (c)  The department shall not pursue an administrative or
     2  judicial proceeding against a taxpayer with respect to any tax
     3  that is disclosed on an amnesty tax return.
     4     Section 2904.  Installment Payment Agreement.--The department
     5  may enter into an installment payment agreement in the cases of
     6  severe financial hardship, as determined by the department, in
     7  lieu of complete payment of all taxes due and fifty per cent of
     8  the total amount of interest. Failure by the taxpayer to fully
     9  comply with the terms of the installment payment agreement shall
    10  terminate the taxpayer's participation in the amnesty program
    11  and all taxes due the Commonwealth and the total amount of
    12  interest and penalties due the Commonwealth shall be considered
    13  to be delinquent and shall be immediately due and payable.
    14     Section 2905.  Limitation of Deficiency Assessment.--If
    15  subsequent to May 31, 1992, the department issues a deficiency
    16  assessment upon a return filed pursuant to this article, the
    17  department shall have the authority to impose penalties and to
    18  pursue a criminal action only with respect to the difference
    19  between the amount shown on that return and the current amount
    20  of tax.
    21     Section 2906.  Overpayment of Tax.--Notwithstanding any other
    22  provisions of this or any other act, if an overpayment of tax is
    23  refunded or credited within one hundred eighty days after the
    24  return is filed under this article, no interest shall be allowed
    25  on the overpayment.
    26     Section 2907.  Previously Paid Interest and Penalties.--No
    27  refund or credit shall be allowed for any interest and penalty
    28  paid to the department prior to February 29, 1992.
    29     Section 2908.  Proceedings Relating to Amnesty Return
    30  Barred.--Participation in the amnesty program is conditioned
    19910H2262B2860                 - 40 -

     1  upon the taxpayer's agreement that the right to protest or
     2  pursue an administrative or judicial proceeding with regard to
     3  returns filed under the amnesty program or to claim any refund
     4  of money paid under the amnesty program is barred.
     5     Section 2909.  Undisclosed Liabilities.--Nothing in this
     6  article shall be construed to prohibit the department from
     7  instituting civil or criminal proceedings against any taxpayer
     8  with respect to any amount of tax that is not disclosed on the
     9  amnesty return.
    10     Section 2910.  Duties of Department.--(a)  The department
    11  shall develop regulations to implement the provisions of this
    12  article. The regulations must be published in the Pennsylvania
    13  Bulletin within sixty days of the effective date of this article
    14  and shall contain, but not be limited to, the following
    15  information:
    16     (1)  An explanation of the tax amnesty program and the
    17  requirements for eligibility for the program.
    18     (2)  The dates during which a tax amnesty return may be
    19  filed.
    20     (3)  An explanation of the procedure for obtaining an
    21  installment payment agreement.
    22     (4)  A specimen copy of the tax amnesty return.
    23     (b)  The department shall publicize the tax amnesty program
    24  to maximize public awareness of and participation in the
    25  program. The department shall coordinate to the highest degree
    26  possible its publicity efforts and other actions taken to
    27  implement this article.
    28     (c)  The department shall issue a report to the General
    29  Assembly by August 1, 1992, detailing the implementation of the
    30  program. The reports shall contain, but not be limited to, the
    19910H2262B2860                 - 41 -

     1  following information:
     2     (1)  A detailed breakdown of the department's administrative
     3  costs in implementing the program.
     4     (2)  The number of tax amnesty returns filed and a breakdown
     5  of the number and dollar amount of revenue raised for each tax.
     6     (3)  The total dollar amount of revenue raised by the
     7  program.
     8     (4)  The number of amnesty returns for which an installment
     9  payment agreement was authorized and the guidelines under which
    10  the department authorized the installment payment agreements.
    11     (d)  The department shall notify in writing all taxpayers who
    12  owe taxes in excess of four thousand dollars ($4,000) to the
    13  Commonwealth of the amnesty program established under this
    14  article. The sole purpose of the letter sent by the department
    15  to taxpayers must be notification of the amnesty program.
    16     Section 2911.  Method of Payment.--All tax payments under the
    17  amnesty program shall be made by certified check or money order.
    18     Section 2912.  Feasibility Study.--The department shall study
    19  and report to the General Assembly concerning the feasibility of
    20  acquiring the services of private collection agencies in a
    21  competitive bid process for collecting delinquent tax payments
    22  that remain outstanding at the close of the amnesty period.
    23  Items to be considered in the study include:
    24     (1)  Maintenance of taxpayer confidentiality.
    25     (2)  The effect of private collection process on future
    26  criminal and/or judicial proceedings.
    27     (3)  The savings in personnel and other resources from
    28  privatizing the collection process.
    29     (4)  Identification of delinquent tax accounts that are
    30  appropriate for collection by private collection agencies.
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     1     Section 2913.  Exemption from Review Process.--
     2  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary the regulations issued
     3  by the department for the amnesty program shall be exempt from
     4  the regulatory review process provided in the act of June 25,
     5  1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the "Regulatory Review Act."
     6     Section 2914.  Use of Revenue.--All revenue generated by this
     7  article shall be distributed in the following order:
     8     (1)  Repayment of any cost for administration of the amnesty
     9  program to the department.
    10     (2)  The remaining funds shall be deposited into the General
    11  Fund.
    12     Section 8.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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