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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3068



No. 2283 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a birth defects registry.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Birth Defects
     6  Registry Act.
     7  Section 2.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Birth defect."  An abnormality of the body's structure or
    12  inherent function which is present at birth, whether such
    13  abnormality is manifest at the time of delivery or becomes
    14  apparent later in life.
    15     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    16     "Infant."  A child from birth to one year of age.

     1  Section 3.  Reporting requirements.
     2     (a)  Birth or becoming resident.--Any infant who is born to a
     3  resident of Pennsylvania or who becomes a resident of
     4  Pennsylvania before one year of age, and who shows evidence of a
     5  birth defect either at birth or any time during the first year
     6  of life, shall be reported to the department.
     7     (b)  Reportable defects.--For reporting purposes the
     8  conditions listed as congenital anomalies (Diagnostic Codes
     9  740.00 through 759.90) in the most recent revision of the
    10  International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification,
    11  shall constitute reportable defects. In addition, there are
    12  several other conditions considered to be defects that are not
    13  listed under diagnostic codes 740.00 through 759.90 which
    14  described Congenital Anomalies.
    15     (c)  Specific defects.--The following birth defects are also
    16  required to be reported to the department:
    17         (1)  Congenital anomalies including anencephalus and
    18     similar anomalies, such as craniorachischisis and
    19     inencephaly.
    20         (2)  Spina bifida, with and without mention of
    21     hydrocephalus.
    22         (3)  Other congenital anomalies of the nervous system,
    23     such as: encephalocele; microcephalus; reduction deformities
    24     of the brain; congenital hydrocephalus; congenital cerebral
    25     palsies, congenital muscular dystrophies; and other
    26     anomalies, congenital diseases, lesions and any other
    27     deformities of the brain, nervous system or spinal cord.
    28         (4)  Congenital anomalies of the eye, such as:
    29     anophthalmos; microphthalmos; buphthalmos; congenital
    30     cataract and lens anomalies; coloboma and other anomalies of
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     1     the anterior or posterior segment; congenital anomalies of
     2     eyelids, lacrimal system and orbit; and any other anomalies
     3     of the eye.
     4         (5)  Congenital anomalies of the ear, face and neck, such
     5     as: anomalies of the ear causing impairment of hearing;
     6     accessory auricle and any other anomalies of the ear;
     7     branchial cleft cyst or fistula; preauricular sinus; webbing
     8     of the neck; and any other anomalies of face and neck.
     9         (6)  Bulbus cordis anomalies and anomalies of cardiac
    10     septal closure such as: common truncus; transposition of
    11     great vessels; Tetralogy of Fallot; Common ventricle;
    12     ventricular septal defect; ostium secundum type atrial septal
    13     defect; endocardial cushion defects; cor biloculare; and any
    14     other defects of septal closure.
    15         (7)  Other congenital anomalies of the heart, such as:
    16     anomalies of pulmonary valve; congenital tricuspid atresia
    17     and stenosis; Ebstein's anomaly; congenital stenosis of
    18     aortic valve; congenital mitral stenosis of aortic valve;
    19     congenital mitral stenosis or insufficiency; hypoplastic left
    20     heart syndrome; and any other structural anomalies of the
    21     heart.
    22         (8)  Other congenital anomalies of the circulatory
    23     system, such as: patent ductus arteriosus; coarctation of
    24     aorta and other anomalies of the aorta, aortic arch or
    25     atresia and stenosis of the aorta; anomalies of pulmonary
    26     artery; anomalies of great veins, absence or hypoplasia of
    27     umbilical artery; other anomalies of peripheral vascular
    28     system; or other unspecified anomalies of circulatory system.
    29         (9)  Congenital anomalies of the respiratory system, such
    30     as: choanal atresia; other anomalies of nose; webbing of
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     1     larynx; other anomalies of larynx, trachea and bronchus;
     2     congenital cyctic lung; agenesis, hypoplasia and dysplasia of
     3     lung; other anomalies of the lung; and other unspecified
     4     anomalies of respiratory system.
     5         (10)  Cleft palate and cleft lip.
     6         (11)  Other congenital anomalies of upper alimentary
     7     tract, such as: tongue tie and other anomalies of the tongue;
     8     anomalies of mouth and pharynx; tracheoesophageal fistula,
     9     esophageal atresia, and stenosis and other anomalies of
    10     esophagus; congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,
    11     congenital hiatus hernia; other anomalies of stomach; and
    12     other unspecified anomalies of upper alimentary tract.
    13         (12)  Other congenital anomalies of digestive system,
    14     such as: Meckel's diverticulum; atresia and stenosis of small
    15     intestine, large intestine, rectum and anal canal;
    16     Hirchsprung's disease and other congenital functional
    17     disorders of colon; anomalies of intestinal fixation; other
    18     anomalies of intestine, gall bladder, bile ducts, liver and
    19     pancreas; disorders of tooth formation, development and
    20     eruption, dentofacial anomalies, and other unspecified
    21     anomalies of the digestive system.
    22         (13)  Congenital anomalies of genital organs, such as:
    23     anomalies of ovaries, fallopian tubes and broad ligaments;
    24     doubling of uterus and other anomalies of uterus; anomalies
    25     of cervix, vagina and external female genitalia; undescended
    26     testicle; hypospadas and congenital chordee; indeterminate
    27     sex and pseudohermaphroditism; and other unspecified
    28     anomalies of the genital system.
    29         (14)  Congenital anomalies of urinary system, such as:
    30     renal agenesis and dysgenesis; cystic kidney disease;
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     1     obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter; other
     2     anomalies of kidney and ureter; exstrophy of urinary bladder;
     3     atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck; anomalies
     4     of urachus; other anomalies of bladder and urethra; and other
     5     unspecified anomalies of the urinary system.
     6         (15)  Certain congenital musculoskeletal deformities,
     7     such as: of skull, face and jaw; of sternocleidomastoid
     8     muscle; of spine; congenital dislocation of hip; congenital
     9     genu recurvatum and bowing of long bones of leg; varus and
    10     valgus deformities of feet; other congenital deformities of
    11     feet such as talipes cavus, calcaneus or equinus; and other
    12     specified nonteratogenic anomalies such as pectus excavatum,
    13     pectus carinatum; club hand; congenital deformity of chest
    14     wall; dislocation of elbow; generalized flexion contractures
    15     of lower limbs; spade-like hand.
    16         (16)  Other congenital anomalies of limbs, such as:
    17     polydactyly; syndactyly; reduction deformities of upper limb;
    18     reduction deformities of lower limb; other anomalies of upper
    19     limb, including shoulder girdle; and other anomalies of lower
    20     limb, including pelvic girdle.
    21         (17)  Other congenital musculoskeletal anomalies, such
    22     as: anomalies of skull and facial bones; anomalies of spine;
    23     cervical rib; other anomalies of ribs and sternum;
    24     chondrodystrophy; osteodystrophies; anomalies of diaphragm;
    25     anomalies of abdominal wall such as prune belly syndrome;
    26     other specified anomalies of muscle, tendon, fascia and
    27     connective tissue; and other unspecified anomalies of
    28     musculoskeletal system.
    29         (18)  Congenital anomalies of the integument, significant
    30     anomalies of skin, subcutaneous tissue, hair, nails and
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     1     breast, such as birthmarks or nevi measuring four inches or
     2     greater in size, multiple skin tags (more than five in
     3     number).
     4         (19)  Chromosomal anomalies, such as: Down's syndrome;
     5     Patau's syndrome; Edwards' syndrome; autosomal deleton
     6     syndromes and other conditions due to autosomal anomalies;
     7     gonadal dysgenesis; Klinefelter's syndrome; and other
     8     conditions due to sex chromosome anomalies or anomalies of
     9     unspecified chromosome.
    10         (20)  Other and unspecified congenital anomalies, such
    11     as: anomalies of spleen, situs inversus; conjoined twins;
    12     tuberous sclerosis; other hamartoes; multiple congenital
    13     anomalies; and other congenital anomalies including
    14     congenital malformation syndromes affecting multiple organ
    15     systems including Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, Marfan's
    16     syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.
    17     (d)  Other conditions.--Other conditions under this section
    18  include:
    19         (1)  Certain endocrine, nutritional and metabolic
    20     diseases and immunity disorders, includes congenital
    21     hypothyroidism; idiopatphic hypoglycemia; congenital
    22     hypoparathyroidism; hypopituitarism; diencephalic syndrome;
    23     adrenogenital syndrome; testicular feminization syndrome;
    24     phenylketonuria; albinism, maple syrup urine disease;
    25     argininosuccinic aciduria; hyperglybcinemia; glycogen storage
    26     diseases; cystic fibrosis; alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency;
    27     and DiGeorge's syndrome; congenital deficiencies of humoral
    28     immunity; cell-mandated immunity; combined immunity
    29     deficiencies; and other specified and unspecified disorders
    30     of the immune mechanisms.
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     1         (2)  Certain diseases of the blood and blood forming
     2     organs, includes hemolytic diseases of the new born; G-6PD
     3     deficiency; demophilia (all types); and Von Willebrand's
     4     disease.
     5         (3)  Certain diseases of the nervous system and sense
     6     organs, includes hereditary and degenerative diseases of the
     7     central nervous system such as Tay Sachs disease and familial
     8     degenerative CNS diseases; Werdnig-Hoffmann disease; cerebral
     9     palsy; Moebius syndrome; hereditary retinal dystrophies, and
    10     chorioretinitis.
    11         (4)  Certain diseases of the circulatory system, includes
    12     endocardial fibroelastosis; congenital Wolfe-Parkinson-White
    13     syndrome; cardiac arrhythmias, NEC; and Budd-Chiari syndrome.
    14         (5)  Certain diseases of the digestive system, includes
    15     abnormalities of jaw size, micrognathia and macrognathia;
    16     inguinal hernia with gangrene, inguinal hernia with
    17     obstruction with no mention of gangrene, inguinal hernia
    18     without obstruction with no mention of gangrene, umbilical
    19     hernia, epigastric hernia.
    20         (6)  Certain complications of pregnancy, childbirth and
    21     the puerperium, includes amniotic bands, amniotic cyst.
    22         (7)  Certain diseases of the skin and subcutaneous
    23     tissue, includes pilonidal sinus or dimple (sacrodermal).
    24         (8)  Certain conditions originating in the perinatal
    25     period, includes fetal alcohol syndrome, probable fetal
    26     alcohol syndrome (includes facies), fetal hydantoin
    27     (dilantin) syndrome, hyaline membrane disease,
    28     bronchopulmonary dysplasia, neonatal hepatitis, meconium
    29     ileus, meconium peritonitic, congenital ascites, congenital
    30     hydrocele, and certain congenital infections including
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     1     congenital syphilis, congenital rubella, unspecified TORCH
     2     infection, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, herpes simplex
     3     including encephalitis, meningoencephalitis.
     4         (9)  Neoplasms, including lipomas of skin and
     5     subcutaneous tissue of face and other skin and subcutaneous
     6     tissue, intrathoracic and intra-abdominal organs, spermatic
     7     cord, other specified sites, lumbar, sacral, paraspinal, and
     8     other unspecified sites; benign neoplasms of skin includes
     9     blue nevus, pigmented nevus, papilloma, dermatofibrome,
    10     syringoadenoma, dermoid cyst, hydrocystoma, syringma; other
    11     benign neoplasms of lip, eyelid, ear and external auditory
    12     canal, skin and other and unspecified parts of face, scalp
    13     and skin of neck, skin of trunk, skin of upper limb, lower
    14     limb, other specified and unspecified sites including hairy
    15     naevus; hemangioma (include if greater than 4 inches
    16     diameter, if multiple hemangiomas or if cavernous hemangioma)
    17     of skin and subcutaneous tissue, intracrantal intra-abdominal
    18     cystic hygroma and lymphangioma of any site, hemangioma of
    19     other and unspecified site; certain malignant neoplasms
    20     including Wilm's tumor, retinoblastoma, other congenital
    21     neoplasms including neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, teratoma,
    22     fibrosarcoma, histiocytosis (malignant), neurofibromatosis.
    23     (e)  Death after live birth.--Any live born infant with a
    24  birth defect and who subsequently expires shall be reported.
    25  Such reports shall indicate that the infant has expired.
    26     (f)  Reporting procedures.--The administrative officer of
    27  every health care facility shall be responsible for establishing
    28  the reporting procedures for that facility. The reporting
    29  procedures must insure that every infant who is initially
    30  diagnosed as having a birth defect shall be reported to the
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     1  department. If an infant is transported from one health care
     2  facility to another, the health care facilities at which the
     3  diagnosis is made shall be responsible for reporting.
     4     (g)  Persons to report.--Every physician, dentist and
     5  certified nurse midwife shall report to the department, on
     6  initial diagnosis, each infant diagnosed as having a birth
     7  defect not known to be previously reported.
     8     (h)  Laboratory reports.--The director of every clinical
     9  laboratory shall report to the department results of postmortem
    10  examination from any infant indicating the existence of a birth
    11  defect, not known to be previously reported.
    12     (i)  Forms.--The information to be reported shall be provided
    13  upon forms supplied by the department.
    14     (j)  Department.--The reports made pursuant to rules under
    15  this act are to be used only by the department and other
    16  agencies that may be designated by the department and shall not
    17  otherwise be divulged or made public so as to disclose the
    18  identity of any person; and such reports shall not be included
    19  under materials available to public inspection.
    20     (k)  Time table.--All registrations shall be made within 30
    21  days of the date when the birth defect was diagnosed.
    22     (l)  Information to parent.--When a live infant is
    23  registered, the department shall inform the parent or legal
    24  guardian of the registration.
    25     (m)  Access of information.--Every health care facility and
    26  independent clinical laboratory shall allow access to, or
    27  provide necessary information on infants with birth defects and
    28  other patients specified by characteristics for research studies
    29  related to birth defects conducted by the department and which
    30  have been approved by the department after appropriate review
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     1  for assuring protection of human subjects. This shall include
     2  patients who came under the care of the health care facility
     3  prior to the effective date of the regulations.
     4  Section 4.  Effective date.
     5     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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