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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3115



No. 2302 Session of 1990

           MARCH 12, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the regulation and licensure of radiologic
     2     technologists; establishing the Radiologic Technology Board
     3     of Examiners; and providing penalties and discipline.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Medical
     8  Radiation Health and Safety Act.
     9  Section 2.  Findings and declaration of policy.
    10     The General Assembly hereby finds and declares as follows:
    11         (1)  The citizens of this Commonwealth are entitled to
    12     the maximum protection practicable from the harmful effects
    13     of excessive and improper exposure to ionizing radiation.
    14         (2)  The protection can be increased by requiring
    15     appropriate education and training of persons operating
    16     medical and dental equipment emitting ionizing radiation.
    17         (3)  It is therefore necessary to establish standards of

     1     education and training for those who apply ionizing radiation
     2     for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes and to provide for
     3     appropriate examination and licensure.
     4  Section 3.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     6  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Board."  The Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners
     9  created by this act.
    10     "Dental radiographer."  A person, other than a licensed
    11  practitioner, whose duties are restricted to radiography of the
    12  maxilla and mandible for diagnostic purposes.
    13     "License."  A certificate issued by the board authorizing the
    14  licensee to use radioactive materials or equipment emitting
    15  ionizing radiation on humans for diagnostic or therapeutic
    16  purposes in accordance with the provisions of this act.
    17     "Licensed practitioner."  A person licensed to practice
    18  medicine, dentistry, podiatry, chiropractic or osteopathy in
    19  this Commonwealth.
    20     "Limited radiographer."  A person, other than a licensed
    21  practitioner, who is limited in applying ionizing radiation for
    22  diagnostic purposes to specific areas of the human body,
    23  including the chest, extremities, spine and skull.
    24     "Nuclear medicine technologist."  A person, other than a
    25  licensed practitioner, who uses radiopharmaceutical agents on
    26  humans for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
    27     "Public member."  A person who is a resident of this
    28  Commonwealth and is proficient in educational testing and
    29  measurements, but who is not a licensed practitioner, radiologic
    30  technologist or dental radiographer under this act.
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     1     "Radiation therapy technologist."  A person, other than a
     2  licensed practitioner, who applies radiation to humans for
     3  therapeutic purposes.
     4     "Radiographer."  A person, other than a licensed
     5  practitioner, who applies radiation to humans for diagnostic
     6  purposes.
     7     "Radiologic technologist."  A person who is a radiographer,
     8  radiation therapy technologist or nuclear medicine technologist
     9  licensed under this act.
    10     "Radiologic technology."  The use of a radioactive substance
    11  or equipment emitting ionizing radiation on humans for
    12  diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
    13     "Radiological physicist."  A person who is certified by the
    14  American Board of Radiology in radiological physics or one of
    15  the subspecialties of radiological physics or who is eligible
    16  for such certification.
    17     "Radiologist."  A physician certified by the American Board
    18  of Radiology, the American Osteopathic Board of Radiology, the
    19  British Royal College of Radiology or the Canadian College of
    20  Physicians and Surgeons.
    21     "Temporary license."  A certificate issued by the board
    22  authorizing an applicant to use radioactive material or
    23  equipment emitting ionizing radiation on humans for diagnostic
    24  or therapeutic purposes, when his licensure or relicensure is
    25  pending before the board and when the issuance may be justified
    26  by special circumstances as determined by the board.
    27  Section 4.  Legal titles and license limitations.
    28     (a)  Use of radiation prohibited.--No person other than a
    29  licensed practitioner, radiologic technologist or dental
    30  radiographer shall use ionizing radiation or other forms of
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     1  radiant energy on humans for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
     2     (b)  Board to establish licensure standards.--The board shall
     3  establish licensure standards for radiographers, radiation
     4  therapy technologists, nuclear medicine technologists, dental
     5  radiographers, limited radiographers and temporary license
     6  holders.
     7     (c)  Prescription required.--A person holding a license under
     8  this act shall use radioactive substances or equipment emitting
     9  radiation on humans for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes only
    10  by prescription of a licensed practitioner and only if the
    11  application of a substance or the use of equipment is limited in
    12  a manner specified in this act.
    13     (d)  Practice of a licensed practitioner not affected.--
    14  Nothing in the provisions of this act relating to radiologic
    15  technology or dental radiography shall limit, enlarge or affect
    16  the practice of licensed practitioners described in this act.
    17     (e)  License not required for certain persons.--The
    18  requirement of a license shall not apply to a resident physician
    19  or a student who was enrolled in and attending a school or
    20  college of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, podiatry,
    21  dentistry or radiologic technology and who applied ionizing
    22  radiation to humans while under the supervision of a license
    23  radiologic technologist.
    24  Section 5.  Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners.
    25     (a)  Composition of board.--The board shall consist of 13
    26  members appointed by the Governor. They shall be residents of
    27  this Commonwealth. Among the board members shall be six
    28  radiologic technologists, four of whom shall be radiographers,
    29  one of whom shall be a radiation therapy technologist, one of
    30  whom shall be a nuclear medicine technologist, and all of whom
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     1  shall have current certification issued by the American Registry
     2  of Radiologic Technologists or the Nuclear Medicine
     3  Technologists Certification Board or other recognized certifying
     4  agencies; two radiologists, both of whom shall hold current
     5  certification issued by the American Board of Radiology-Nuclear
     6  Radiology, the American Board of Nuclear Medicine, the American
     7  Board of Pathology-Isotopic Pathology or an equivalent
     8  certifying agency; two other licensed practitioners; one
     9  radiological physicist; one dental radiographer; and one public
    10  member proficient in educational testing and measurements. All
    11  members of the board other than the public members shall hold
    12  valid national certification in their given fields at the time
    13  of their appointment.
    14     (b)  Terms of office.--The terms of office of the members
    15  shall be three years, except that, of the first members
    16  appointed, four shall be appointed for a term of one year, four
    17  for a term of two years and five for a term of three years. A
    18  vacancy shall be filled for an unexpired term only in the manner
    19  provided for original appointment.
    20     (c)  Technologists to hold valid license.--Radiologic
    21  technologists appointed to the board for terms beginning 36
    22  months following issuance by the board of a license in any
    23  category shall hold a valid license in a category established by
    24  the board.
    25     (d)  Compensation and expenses.--Members of the board shall
    26  not be compensated. They shall be reimbursed for necessary and
    27  reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their
    28  official duties.
    29     (e)  Secretary to be designated.--The Secretary of Health
    30  shall designate an officer or employee of this Commonwealth, who
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     1  shall not be a member of the board, to act as secretary of the
     2  board. The Secretary of Health shall furnish staff, logistics,
     3  budget and other support to the board as appropriate.
     4     (f)  Public member.--No public member shall have any
     5  relationship or association with a licensed practitioner,
     6  radiologic technologist or dental radiographer which would
     7  prevent or in any way hinder the public member in representing
     8  the interest of the public.
     9     (g)  Meetings.--The board, for administrative purposes, shall
    10  meet at least every three months at times and places of its
    11  choosing. The first meeting of the board shall be for
    12  organizational purposes only and to set forth the board's
    13  responsibilities and rules and regulations.
    14     (h)  Quorum.--A majority of the voting members of the board
    15  shall constitute a quorum. No action may be taken by the board
    16  except by affirmative vote of the majority of those present and
    17  voting.
    18     (i)  Board to implement policies.--The board shall have the
    19  responsibility for setting and implementing policies for
    20  licensing individuals, accrediting programs, imposing discipline
    21  and hearing appeals.
    22  Section 6.  Licensing requirements.
    23     (a)  General rule.--The board shall admit to examination for
    24  licensure any applicant who pays a nonrefundable fee established
    25  by rule of the board and submits satisfactory evidence, verified
    26  by oath or affirmation, that the applicant:
    27         (1)  At the time of application is at least 18 years of
    28     age.
    29         (2)  Has successfully completed a four-year course of
    30     study in a secondary school approved by the Department of
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     1     Education or has passed an approved equivalency test.
     2     (b)  Courses of study.--
     3         (1)  In addition to meeting the requirements of
     4     subsection (a), each applicant for a license as a
     5     radiographer, radiation therapy technologist, nuclear
     6     medicine technologist, dental radiographer or limited
     7     radiographer shall have satisfactorily completed a course of
     8     study in radiography, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine,
     9     dental radiography or limited radiography, respectively, to
    10     be determined by the board.
    11         (2)  The curriculum for each course of study shall be
    12     formulated by the board in accordance with such national
    13     criteria as are established by the Committee on Allied Health
    14     Education and Accreditation (CAHEA), provided that the
    15     standards are not in conflict with board policy.
    16     (c)  Board to establish criteria and standards.--The board
    17  shall establish criteria and standards for educational programs
    18  in radiologic technology within this Commonwealth and shall
    19  approve these programs upon finding that the criteria and
    20  standards have been met.
    21     (d)  Requirements for dental radiography.--
    22         (1)  In addition to the requirements of this section, a
    23     person seeking a license in dental radiography shall have
    24     satisfactorily completed a course of study for dental
    25     radiography, or its equivalent, as determined by the board.
    26         (2)  The curriculum for this course of study may follow,
    27     and shall be no less stringent than, the standards approved
    28     by the section on Oral Radiology of the American Association
    29     of Dental Schools, provided that these standards are not in
    30     conflict with board policy.
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     1     (e)  Requirements for limited radiography.--
     2         (1)  In addition to meeting the requirements under this
     3     section, a person seeking a license in limited radiography
     4     shall have satisfactorily completed a course of study for
     5     limited radiography, as determined by the board.
     6         (2)  The curriculum for this course of study shall
     7     include basic instruction in patient care, radiologic
     8     physics, radiologic technique, anatomy and positioning, film
     9     critique and quality assurance, as well as a clinical
    10     practicum. The board shall determine the number of hours of
    11     instruction required in each of the areas.
    12  Section 7.  Program accreditation.
    13     (a)  Program to be offered by institutions.--An approved
    14  program of radiologic technology may be offered by a medical or
    15  dental facility or educational institution or other public or
    16  private agency or institution. The program shall be affiliated
    17  with one or more hospitals or dental schools that, in the
    18  opinion of the board, provide the requisite clinical education.
    19     (b)  Regulations.--The board shall, by regulation:
    20         (1)  Adopt procedures for an educational program to
    21     follow for accreditation.
    22         (2)  Provide a process for review of such accreditation
    23     and approval by a recognized national voluntary accrediting
    24     organization.
    25  Section 8.  Examinations.
    26     (a)  Applicants to pass examination.--Each applicant for
    27  licensure shall be required to pass a license examination
    28  designated and approved by the board.
    29     (b)  Holding of examination.--The board shall hold an
    30  examination at least every six months at times and places
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     1  determined by the board.
     2     (c)  Reapplication.--An applicant who fails to pass the
     3  examination may reapply for the examination, provided that the
     4  applicant complies with the regulations established by the
     5  board.
     6     (d)  Current certification in lieu of examination.--The board
     7  shall accept, in lieu of its own examination, a current
     8  certificate issued by the American Registry of Radiologic
     9  Technologists - Nuclear Medicine or the Nuclear Medicine
    10  Technologists Certification Board, or by another recognized
    11  national voluntary credentialing body, issued on the basis of an
    12  examination satisfactory to the board, provided that the
    13  standards of that body are at least as stringent as those
    14  established by the board.
    15     (e)  Out-of-State certification accepted.--The board may
    16  accept, in lieu of its own examination, a current certification,
    17  registration or license as a radiologic technologist issued by
    18  another state, provided that the standards in the other states
    19  are at least as stringent as those established by the board.
    20     (f)  Dental board certification accepted.--The board may
    21  accept, in lieu of an examination, a current certificate issued
    22  on the basis of a satisfactory completion of the certification
    23  examination given by the Dental Assisting National Board, Inc.,
    24  or the National Board of Dental Examiners, provided that the
    25  standards of either national board are at least as stringent as
    26  those established by the board.
    27     (g)  Examination not required.--The board shall accept, in
    28  lieu of an examination, a current certificate issued by a
    29  recognized national voluntary credentialing body which is held
    30  by a person in the person's specific area of radiologic
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     1  technology on the effective date of this act.
     2  Section 9.  License.
     3     (a)  License may be issued.--The board may issue a license to
     4  reach applicant who has either successfully passed the
     5  examination or qualified under the provisions of this act and
     6  who has paid the prescribed fees.
     7     (b)  Temporary license.--The board may, at its discretion,
     8  issue a temporary license to any person whose licensure or
     9  relicensure may be pending and when issuance may be justified by
    10  special circumstances. A temporary license shall be issued only
    11  if the board finds that it will not violate the purposes of this
    12  act or endanger the public health and safety. A temporary
    13  license shall expire 90 days after the date of the next
    14  examination if the applicant is required to take the
    15  examination, or, if the application does not take the
    16  examination, then on the date of the examination. In all other
    17  cases, a temporary license shall expire when the determination
    18  is made either to issue or deny the applicant a regular license,
    19  and in no event shall a temporary license be issued for a period
    20  longer than 180 days.
    21     (c)  Certain persons to be issued licenses.--For a period not
    22  to exceed two years from the effective date of this act, the
    23  board shall issue a radiation therapy technologists license upon
    24  payment of the prescribed fees to a person who is certified in
    25  radiography by the American Registry of Radiologic Technology
    26  and who has practiced radiation therapy uninterrupted for a
    27  minimum of the immediately preceding past five years.
    28     (d)  License to be displayed.--A holder of a license under
    29  this act shall display the official license document or a
    30  verified copy in each place of regular employment.
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     1     (e)  Renewal.--A license shall be renewed by the board for a
     2  period of two years upon payment of a renewal fee set by the
     3  board and upon presentation of evidence of continuing education.
     4  Continuing education requirements shall be set by regulation.
     5     (f)  Lapsed licenses.--A radiologic technologist whose
     6  license has lapsed and who has ceased activities as a radiologic
     7  technologist for more than five years may apply for relicensure
     8  upon payment of a fee set by the board. Continuing education
     9  requirements may also be set by regulation.
    10  Section 10.  Discipline.
    11     (a)  Suspension or revocation of license.--The license of a
    12  radiologic technologist may be suspended or revoked, or the
    13  individual may be censured, reprimanded or otherwise sanctioned,
    14  by the board in accordance with the provisions and procedures of
    15  this act, if, after due process, it is found that the
    16  individual:
    17         (1)  Is guilty of fraud or deceit in the procurement or
    18     holding of the license.
    19         (2)  Has been convicted of a felony in a court of
    20     competent jurisdiction, either inside or outside this
    21     Commonwealth, unless the conviction has been reversed and the
    22     holder has been discharged or acquitted, or unless the holder
    23     has been pardoned with full restoration of civil rights, in
    24     which case the license shall be restored.
    25         (3)  Is or has been afflicted with any medical problem,
    26     disability or addiction which, in the opinion of the board,
    27     would impair professional competence.
    28         (4)  Has aided or abetted a person who is not a medical
    29     or dental radiologic technologist, or who is not otherwise
    30     authorized, to perform the duties of a license holder.
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     1         (5)  Has undertaken or engaged in any practice beyond the
     2     scope or duties permitted a license holder under this act.
     3         (6)  Has impersonated a license holder or former license
     4     holder or is performing the duties of a radiologic
     5     technologist under an assumed name.
     6         (7)  Has been found guilty of violation of a code of
     7     ethics which the board may establish by regulation.
     8         (8)  Has applied ionizing radiation without supervision
     9     of a licensed practitioner or licensed radiologic
    10     technologist.
    11         (9)  Has interpreted a diagnostic image for a physician,
    12     a patient, the patient's family or the public.
    13         (10)  Is or has been found guilty of incompetence or
    14     negligence in performance as a license holder.
    15     (b)  Institution of proceedings.--Proceedings against the
    16  holder of a license under this act shall be instituted by filing
    17  a written charge or charges with the board. The charge or
    18  charges may be brought by a person, corporation, association or
    19  public officer of the board. The chairman of the board shall
    20  appoint a committee of three members of the board to examine the
    21  charge or charges and prepare a written recommendation to the
    22  board stating whether the charge or charges shall be dismissed
    23  or brought against a license under this act. If a majority of
    24  the board, voting by secret ballot, chooses to dismiss the
    25  charges, no further action shall be taken. If a majority of the
    26  board, voting by secret ballot, determines that the charge or
    27  charges contain sufficient merit, the chairman shall set a time
    28  and place for a hearing. A copy of the charge or charges,
    29  together with a notice of the hearing, shall be served upon the
    30  person charged, in person or by certified mail, at least 30 days
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     1  before the date set for the hearing. The accused shall have the
     2  right to appear at the hearing, with counsel, to answer the
     3  charge or charges, cross-examine witnesses, and produce evidence
     4  and witnesses in his defense. The board shall have the power to
     5  issue subpoenas for the appearance of witnesses and to take
     6  testimony under oath. The hearing shall be open to the public.
     7  Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the board shall meet in
     8  executive session to render a judgment on the guilt or innocence
     9  of the accused on the charge or charges. If a majority of the
    10  board, voting by secret ballot, determines that the accused is
    11  innocent of the charge or charges, all parties to the hearing
    12  shall be notified by certified mail, and no further action shall
    13  be taken. If the majority of the board, voting by secret ballot,
    14  determines that the accused is guilty of the charge or charges,
    15  all parties to the hearing shall be notified by certified mail.
    16  By a majority vote through secret ballot, the board shall then
    17  issue an order suspending or revoking the license of the
    18  accused, or shall otherwise impose disciplinary action it
    19  considers appropriate.
    20     (c)  Regulation.--The board shall implement this section by
    21  regulation.
    22     (d)  Time for appeal.--Appeals to the board's order imposing
    23  disciplinary action shall be made to the board within 30 days of
    24  its ruling.
    25     (e)  Reapplication for revoked license.--When the license of
    26  any person has been revoked, reapplication to the board may be
    27  made no sooner than two years after the date of the board's
    28  order revoking the license.
    29     (f)  Employment of unlicensed person prohibited.--No person
    30  shall knowingly employ, as a radiographer, radiation therapy
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     1  technologist or nuclear medicine technologist, any person who
     2  does not hold a license under this act.
     3     (g)  Penalties.--Any person who violates any provision of
     4  this act, or any rule or order made pursuant to this act, shall
     5  be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000.
     6  Section 11.  Severability.
     7     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     8  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     9  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    10  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    11  the invalid provision or application.
    12  Section 12.  Effective date.
    13     This act shall take effect January 1, 1990, or immediately,
    14  whichever is later.

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