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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3490



No. 2453 Session of 2002

           S. MILLER, R. STEVENSON AND TIGUE, MARCH 26, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further providing for the election of
    12     presidential electors.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Section 918 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333,
    16  No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, is amended to
    17  read:
    18     Section 918.  Presidential Electors; Selection by Nominees;
    19  Certification; Vacancies.--The nominee of each political party
    20  for the office of President of the United States shall, within
    21  thirty days after his nomination by the National convention of
    22  such party, nominate [as many persons to be the candidates of

     1  his party for the office of presidential elector as the State is
     2  then entitled to] one presidential elector from each
     3  congressional district and two at-large presidential electors.
     4  If for any reason the nominee of any political party for
     5  President of the United States fails or is unable to make the
     6  said nominations within the time herein provided, then the
     7  nominee for such party for the office of Vice-President of the
     8  United States shall, as soon as may be possible after the
     9  expiration of thirty days, make the nominations. The names of
    10  such nominees, with their residences and post-office addresses,
    11  shall be certified immediately to the Secretary of the
    12  Commonwealth by the nominee for the office of President or Vice-
    13  President, as the case may be, making the nominations. Vacancies
    14  existing after the date of nomination of presidential electors
    15  shall be filled by the nominee for the office of President or
    16  Vice-President making the original nomination. Nominations made
    17  to fill vacancies shall be certified to the Secretary of the
    18  Commonwealth in the manner herein provided for in the case of
    19  original nominations.
    20     Section 2.  Section 1003(a) of the act, amended December 10,
    21  1974 (P.L.835, No.280), is amended to read:
    22     Section 1003.  Form of Official Election Ballot.--
    23     (a)  The official ballots for general, municipal and special
    24  elections shall be in substantially the following form:

    25                          OFFICIAL BALLOT

    26  ........... District, ........... Ward, City of ...............,
    27  County of ................., State of Pennsylvania ............
    28  Election held on the ..... day of .........., 19.. A cross (X)
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     1  or check ( ) mark in the square opposite the name of any
     2  candidate indicates a vote for that candidate.
     3     To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross (X) or check
     4  ( ) in the square, in the Party Column, opposite the name of the
     5  party of your choice. To vote for an individual candidate of
     6  another party after making a mark in the party square, mark a
     7  cross (X) or check ( ) opposite his name. For an office where
     8  more than one candidate is to be voted for, the voter, after
     9  marking in the party square, may divide his vote by marking a
    10  cross (X) or check ( ) to the right of each candidate for whom
    11  he or she desires to vote. For such office votes shall not be
    12  counted for candidates not individually marked.
    13     To vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, write,
    14  print or paste his name in the blank space provided for that
    15  purpose. A cross (X) or check ( ) mark in the square opposite
    16  the names of the candidates of any party for President and Vice-
    17  President of the United States indicates a vote for [all the
    18  candidates of that party for presidential elector.] the
    19  candidate of that party for presidential elector who is from the
    20  voter's congressional district and the two at-large candidates
    21  of that party for presidential elector. To vote for individual
    22  candidates for presidential elector, write, print or paste their
    23  names in the blank spaces provided for that purpose under the
    24  title "Presidential Electors." Mark ballot only in black lead
    25  pencil, indelible pencil or blue, black or blue-black ink, in
    26  fountain pen or ball point pen; use the same pencil or pen for
    27  all markings you place on the ballot.
    28     Before leaving the voting compartment, fold this ballot,
    29  without displaying the markings thereon, in the same way it was
    30  folded when received, then leave the compartment and exhibit the
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     1  ballot to one of the election officers who shall ascertain by an
     2  inspection of the number appearing upon the right hand corner of
     3  the back of the ballot whether the ballot so exhibited to him is
     4  the same ballot which the elector received before entering the
     5  voting compartment. If it is the same, the election officer
     6  shall direct the elector, without unfolding the ballot, to
     7  remove the perforated corner containing the number, and the
     8  elector shall immediately deposit the ballot in the ballot box.
     9  Any ballot deposited in a ballot box at any primary or election
    10  without having the said number torn off shall be void and shall
    11  not be counted.

    12          Party Column                 Presidential Electors

    13  To Vote a Straight Party Ticket    (Vote for the candidates of
    14  Mark a Cross (X) or Check ( ) in   one party for President and
    15  this Column.                       Vice-President, or insert the
    16                                     names of candidates.)
    17                                       For
    18          Democratic                 John Stiles
    19                                       and
    20                                     Richard Doe,
    21                                     Democratic ..................
    22                                       For
    23          Republican                 John Doe
    24                                       and
    25                                     Richard Roe,
    26                                     Republican ..................
    27                                       For
    28          Socialist                  John Smith
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     1                                       and
     2                                     William Jones,
     3                                     Socialist ...................
     4          Citizens
     5                       United States Senator.
     6                           (Vote for one)
     7  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
     8  John Doe ......................................... Republican
     9  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
    10                             Governor.
    11                           (Vote for one)
    12  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
    13  John Doe ......................................... Republican
    14  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
    15                    Representative in Congress,
    16                         ....... District.
    17                           (Vote for one)
    18  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
    19  John Doe ......................................... Republican
    20  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
    21                  Senator in the General Assembly,
    22                         ....... District.
    23                           (Vote for one)
    24  John Doe ........................................ Democratic
    25  Richard Roe ..................................... Republican
    26     * * *
    27     Section 3.  Section 1107(b) of the act is amended to read:
    28     Section 1107.  Requirements of Voting Machines.--No voting
    29  machine shall, upon any examination or reexamination, be
    30  approved by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, or by any
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     1  examiner appointed by him, unless it shall, at the time, satisfy
     2  the following requirements:
     3     * * *
     4     (b) It shall permit each voter, at other than primary
     5  elections, to vote a straight political party ticket in one
     6  operation, and, in one operation, to vote for [all the
     7  candidates of one political party for presidential electors,]
     8  the candidate of one party for presidential elector who is from
     9  the voter's congressional district and the two at-large
    10  candidates of the same party for presidential elector, and, in
    11  one operation, to vote for all the candidates of one political
    12  party for every office to be voted for, except those offices as
    13  to which he votes for individual candidates.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 4.  Sections 1107-A(3) and 1112-A(a)(4) and (b)(4) of
    16  the act, added July 11, 1980 (P.L.600, No.128), are amended to
    17  read:
    18     Section 1107-A.  Requirements of Electronic Voting Systems.--
    19  No electronic voting system shall, upon any examination or
    20  reexamination, be approved by the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
    21  or by any examiner appointed by him, unless it shall be
    22  established that such system, at the time of such examination or
    23  reexamination:
    24     * * *
    25     (3)  Permits each voter, at other than primary elections, to
    26  vote a straight political party ticket by one mark or act and,
    27  by one mark or act, to vote for [all the candidates of one
    28  political party for presidential electors] the candidate of one
    29  party for presidential elector who is from the voter's
    30  congressional district and the two at-large candidates of the
    20020H2453B3490                  - 6 -

     1  same party for presidential elector and, by one mark or act, to
     2  vote for all the candidates of one political party for every
     3  office to be voted for, and every such mark or act shall be
     4  equivalent to and shall be counted as a vote for every candidate
     5  of the political party so marked including its candidates for
     6  presidential electors, except with respect to those offices as
     7  to which the voter has registered a vote for individual
     8  candidates of the same or another political party or political
     9  body, in which case the automatic tabulating equipment shall
    10  credit the vote for that office only for the candidate
    11  individually so selected, notwithstanding the fact that the
    12  voter may not have individually voted for the full number of
    13  candidates for that office for which he was entitled to vote.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 1112-A.  Election Day Procedures and the Process of
    16  Voting.--(a)  In an election district which uses an electronic
    17  voting system in which votes are registered electronically, the
    18  following procedures will be applicable for the conduct of the
    19  election at the election district:
    20     * * *
    21     (4)  At any general election at which presidential electors
    22  are to be chosen, each elector shall be permitted to vote by one
    23  operation for [all the presidential electors of a political
    24  party or political body.] the candidate of one political party
    25  for presidential elector who is from the voter's congressional
    26  district and the two at-large candidates of the same party for
    27  presidential elector. For each party or body nominating
    28  presidential electors, a ballot label shall be provided
    29  containing only the words "Presidential Electors," preceded by
    30  the names of the party or body and followed by the names of the
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     1  candidates thereof for the Office of President and Vice-
     2  President, and the corresponding counter or registering device
     3  shall register votes cast for said electors when thus voted for
     4  collectively. If any elector desires to vote a ticket for
     5  presidential electors made up of the names of persons nominated
     6  by different parties or bodies, or partially of names of persons
     7  so in nomination and partially of names of persons not in
     8  nomination by any party or body, he may write or deposit a paper
     9  ballot prepared by himself in the receptacle provided in or on
    10  the voting device for that purpose, or he may list their names
    11  on the write-in ballot or envelope provided for that purpose.
    12  The voting device shall be so constructed that it will not be
    13  possible for any one voter to vote a straight party ticket for
    14  presidential electors and at the same time to deposit a ballot
    15  for presidential electors in a receptacle as hereinabove
    16  provided. When the votes for presidential electors are counted,
    17  the votes appearing upon the counter or registering device
    18  corresponding to the ballot label containing the names of the
    19  candidates for President and Vice-President of any party or body
    20  shall be counted as votes for each of the candidates for
    21  presidential elector of such party or body for whom the voter is
    22  permitted to vote, and thereupon all such candidates for
    23  presidential elector shall be credited, in addition, with the
    24  votes cast for them upon the ballots deposited in the machine,
    25  as hereinabove provided.
    26     * * *
    27     (b)  In an election district which uses an electronic voting
    28  system which utilizes paper ballots or ballot cards to register
    29  the votes, the following procedures will be applicable for the
    30  conduct of the election at the election district:
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     1     * * *
     2     (4)  If the voter desires to vote for every candidate of a
     3  political party or political body, except its candidates for
     4  offices as to which he votes for individual candidates in the
     5  manner hereinafter provided, he may make a cross (X) or check
     6  ( ) or punch or mark sense mark in the square opposite the name
     7  of the party or political body so marked, including its
     8  candidates for presidential electors, except for those offices
     9  as to which he has indicated a choice for individual candidates
    10  of the same or another party or political body, by making a
    11  cross (X) or check ( ) or punch or mark sense mark opposite
    12  their names in the manner hereinabove provided, as to which
    13  offices his ballot shall be counted only for the candidates
    14  which he has thus individually marked, notwithstanding the fact
    15  that he made a mark in the party column, and even though in the
    16  case of an office for which more than one candidate is to be
    17  voted for, he has not individually marked for such office the
    18  full number of candidates for which he is entitled to vote. If
    19  he desires to vote for [the entire group of presidential
    20  electors nominated by any party or political body] the candidate
    21  of one party for presidential elector who is from his
    22  congressional district and the two at-large candidates of the
    23  same party for presidential elector, he may make a cross (X) or
    24  check ( ) or punch or mark sense mark in the appropriate space
    25  opposite the names of the candidates for President and Vice-
    26  President of such party or body. If he desires to vote a ticket
    27  for presidential electors made up of the names of persons
    28  nominated by different parties or political bodies, or partially
    29  of names of persons so in nomination and partially of names of
    30  persons not in nomination by any party or political body, or
    20020H2453B3490                  - 9 -

     1  wholly of names of persons not in nomination by any party or
     2  political body, he shall insert the names of the candidates for
     3  presidential electors for whom he desires to vote in the blank
     4  spaces provided therefor on the write-in ballot under the title
     5  of the office "Presidential Electors". In case of a question
     6  submitted to the vote of the electors, he may make a cross (X)
     7  or check ( ) or punch or mark sense mark in the appropriate
     8  square opposite the answer which he desires to give.
     9     * * *
    10     Section 5.  Sections 1501 and 1502 of the act are amended to
    11  read:
    12     Section 1501.  Election of Presidential Electors.--At the
    13  general election to be held in the year 1940, and every fourth
    14  year thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified
    15  electors of the Commonwealth, persons to be known as electors of
    16  President and Vice-President of the United States, and referred
    17  to in this act as presidential electors, equal in number to the
    18  whole number of senators and representatives to which this State
    19  may be entitled in the Congress of the United States. Each vote
    20  cast for the candidates for President and Vice-President of a
    21  party shall be counted as one vote for the candidates'
    22  presidential elector from the congressional district in which
    23  the elector is qualified to vote and one vote for each of the
    24  candidates' at-large presidential electors.
    25     Section 1502.  Meeting of Electors; Duties.--The electors
    26  chosen, as aforesaid, shall assemble at the seat of government
    27  of this Commonwealth, at 12 o'clock noon of the day which is, or
    28  may be, directed by the Congress of the United States, and shall
    29  then and there perform the duties enjoined upon them by the
    30  Constitution and laws of the United States and the laws of this
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     1  Commonwealth.
     2     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     3     Section 1503.1.  Casting of Ballots.--The presidential
     4  electors at-large shall cast their ballots for the presidential
     5  and vice-presidential candidates who received the highest number
     6  of votes in the State. The presidential electors of each
     7  congressional district shall cast their ballots for the
     8  presidential and vice-presidential candidates who received the
     9  highest number of votes in each of their respective
    10  congressional districts.
    11     Section 7.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.

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