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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3727



No. 2622 Session of 2000

           JUNE 13, 2000

           JUNE 13, 2000

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 29, 1953 (P.L.304, No.66), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the administration of a statewide system of
     3     vital statistics; prescribing the functions of the State
     4     Department of Health, the State Advisory Health Board and
     5     local registrars; imposing duties upon coroners,
     6     prothonotaries, clerks of orphans' court, physicians,
     7     midwives and other persons; requiring reports and
     8     certificates for the registration of vital statistics;
     9     regulating the disposition of dead bodies; limiting the
    10     disclosure of records; prescribing the sufficiency of vital
    11     statistics records as evidence; prescribing fees and
    12     penalties; and revising and consolidating the laws relating
    13     thereto," providing for certificate of stillbirth.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 105 of the act of June 29, 1953 (P.L.304,
    17  No.66), known as the Vital Statistics Law of 1953, amended
    18  December 20, 1991 (P.L.399, No.46), is amended to read:
    19     Section 105.  General Provisions: Definitions.--As used in
    20  this act--
    21     (1)  "Department" means the State Department of Health.
    22     (2)  "Vital statistics" includes the registration,

     1  preparation, transcription, collection, compilation, analysis
     2  and preservation of data pertaining to births, adoptions,
     3  legitimations, deaths, [fetal deaths,] stillbirths, marital
     4  status and data incidental thereto.
     5     (3)  "Live birth" means the expulsion or extraction from its
     6  mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the period of
     7  gestation, which shows any evidence of life at any moment after
     8  such expulsion or extraction.
     9     (4)  ["Fetal death"] "Stillbirth" means the expulsion or
    10  extraction from its mother of a product of conception after
    11  sixteen (16) weeks gestation, which shows no evidence of life
    12  after such expulsion or extraction.
    13     (5)  "Dead body" means (i) a lifeless human body, or (ii)
    14  such parts of a human body as permit a reasonable inference that
    15  death has occurred.
    16     (6) ["Fetal] "Stillbirth remains" means the fetus expelled or
    17  extracted in the case of a [fetal death] stillbirth as defined
    18  by this section.
    19     (7)  "Person in charge of interment" means any person who
    20  places or causes to be placed a dead body or [fetal] stillbirth
    21  remains in a grave, vault or other receptacle, or otherwise
    22  disposes thereof.
    23     (8)  "Physician" means (i) a person licensed under the laws
    24  of this Commonwealth to engage as a doctor of medicine in the
    25  practice of all the branches of medicine, or (ii) a person
    26  licensed under the laws of this Commonwealth to engage in the
    27  practice of osteopathy or osteopathic surgery.
    28     (9)  "Immediate family member" means grandparents, parents,
    29  siblings, grandchildren, spouses and children.
    30     Section 2.  Article V heading of the act is amended to read:
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     1  Article V.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth Registration
     2     Section 3.  Section 501 of the act, amended July 9, 1971
     3  (P.L.213, No.38), is amended to read:
     4     Section 501.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth
     5  Registration: Certificates to be Filed.--A certificate of each
     6  death or [fetal death] stillbirth which occurs in this
     7  Commonwealth shall be filed within ninety-six (96) hours after
     8  the death or [fetal death] stillbirth or within ninety-six (96)
     9  hours after the finding of a dead body or [fetal] stillbirth
    10  remains. In every instance, the certificate shall be filed prior
    11  to the issuance of a permit for interment or other disposition
    12  of the dead body or [fetal] stillbirth remains. The person in
    13  charge of interment or of removal of the dead body or [fetal]
    14  stillbirth remains from the registration district shall file the
    15  certificate with any local registrar who shall be authorized to
    16  issue certified copies of such death.
    17     Section 4.  Sections 502 and 503 of the act, amended December
    18  20, 1991 (P.L.399, No.46), are amended to read:
    19     Section 502.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth
    20  Registration: Information for Certificates.--In preparing a
    21  certificate of death or [fetal death] stillbirth, the person in
    22  charge of interment or of removal of a dead body or [fetal]
    23  stillbirth remains from the registration district shall obtain
    24  the required information. The following persons shall supply the
    25  information certified by their respective signatures:
    26     (1)  Personal information concerning the deceased or the
    27  [fetal death] stillbirth shall be supplied by the person best
    28  acquainted with the facts.
    29     (2)  Subject to the limitation contained in clause (3), the
    30  medical certification, except in the event of a referral to the
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     1  coroner pursuant to section five hundred three of this act,
     2  shall be supplied (i) in the case of a death, by the physician
     3  or (ii) dentist who is a staff member of an approved hospital
     4  who attended the deceased during the last illness, provided the
     5  death occurs in the hospital and the deceased had been admitted
     6  on the dental service, and (iii) in the case of a [fetal death]
     7  stillbirth, by the attending physician.
     8     (3)  In all cases where the physician or dentist who would
     9  otherwise supply the medical certification is a member of the
    10  immediate family of the deceased, the case shall be referred to
    11  another physician or dentist who qualifies under clause (2) for
    12  a medical certification. In the event a qualified alternate
    13  physician or dentist is unavailable or unwilling to provide the
    14  medical certification required by law, the case shall be
    15  referred to the coroner of the county wherein the death occurred
    16  or to a coroner of an adjacent county. In no event shall a
    17  coroner sign a certificate of death or [fetal death] stillbirth
    18  for a deceased who was a member of his immediate family.
    19     Section 503.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth
    20  Registration: Coroner Referrals.--The local registrar or person
    21  in charge of interment or other person having knowledge of the
    22  death or [fetal death] stillbirth shall refer to the coroner the
    23  following cases: (1) where no physician or dentist who is a
    24  staff member of an approved hospital was in attendance during
    25  the last illness of the deceased or in the case of a [fetal
    26  death] stillbirth where there was no attending physician, or (2)
    27  where the physician or dentist who is a staff member of an
    28  approved hospital in attendance during the last illness of the
    29  deceased or the attending physician in the case of a [fetal
    30  death] stillbirth is physically unable to supply the necessary
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     1  data, or (3) where the circumstances suggest that the death was
     2  sudden or violent or suspicious in nature or was the result of
     3  other than natural causes, or (4) where the physician, dentist
     4  or coroner who provided or would provide the medical
     5  certification is a member of the immediate family of the
     6  deceased. In every instance of a referral under this section,
     7  the coroner shall make an immediate investigation and shall
     8  supply the necessary data, including the medical certification
     9  of the death or [fetal death] stillbirth. In no event shall a
    10  coroner sign a certificate of death or [fetal death] stillbirth
    11  for a deceased who was a member of his immediate family.
    12     Section 5.  Section 504 of the act, amended July 9, 1971
    13  (P.L.213, No.38), is amended to read:
    14     Section 504.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth
    15  Registration: Permits Concerning Dead Bodies and [Fetal]
    16  Stillbirth Remains.--No person shall dispose of a dead body or
    17  [fetal] stillbirth remains until a local registrar issues a
    18  permit therefor. The local registrar shall issue the permit only
    19  after the person in charge of interment or removal has filed
    20  with the local registrar a certificate of death or [fetal death]
    21  stillbirth and has complied with all regulations with respect to
    22  the issuance of the permit.
    23     The sexton or other person in charge of any premises in which
    24  bodies are interred or cremated shall not allow the interment or
    25  cremation of any dead body or [fetal] stillbirth remains unless
    26  a permit issued under this section is presented to him. The
    27  sexton or other person in charge of such premises shall indorse
    28  upon each permit presented to him the date of interment or
    29  cremation, over his signature, and shall return the permit so
    30  indorsed to the local registrar of his district within ten days
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     1  from the date of interment or cremation.
     2     Section 6.  Section 505 of the act is amended to read:
     3     Section 505.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth
     4  Registration: Out-of-State Permits.--When a death or [fetal
     5  death] stillbirth occurs outside of this Commonwealth and the
     6  dead body or [fetal] stillbirth remains are accompanied by a
     7  permit for burial, removal or other disposition, issued in
     8  accordance with the law and regulations in force where the death
     9  or[fetal death] stillbirth occurred, the permit shall authorize
    10  transportation into or through this Commonwealth and burial or
    11  other disposition of the dead body or [fetal] stillbirth remains
    12  within this Commonwealth, without the indorsement of a local
    13  registrar of this Commonwealth.
    14     Section 7.  Section 506 of the act, amended November 20, 1981
    15  (P.L.338, No.123), is amended to read:
    16     Section 506.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth
    17  Registration: Regulations Concerning Dead Bodies and [Fetal]
    18  Stillbirth Remains.--The Advisory Health Board shall make and
    19  may amend or repeal regulations governing disposal,
    20  transportation, interment and disinterment of dead bodies and
    21  [fetal] stillbirth remains, in order to protect the public
    22  health and promote the integrity and efficacy of death and
    23  [fetal death] stillbirth registration. However, the Advisory
    24  Health Board shall not, pursuant to the authority contained in
    25  this or any other act, promulgate any regulation which would
    26  require that the top of the outer case containing a casket be
    27  buried a distance of more than two feet from the natural surface
    28  of the ground.
    29     Section 8. The heading of section 507 of the act, amended
    30  December 20, 1991 (P.L.399, No.46), is amended to read:
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     1     Section 507.  Death and [Fetal Death] Stillbirth
     2  Registrations: Pronouncement of Death by a Professional Nurse.--
     3  * * *
     4     Section 9.  Section 806.1 of the act, amended December 3,
     5  1975 (P.L.468, No.135), is amended to read:
     6     Section 806.1.  Records: Miniature Certifications of Birth or
     7  Stillbirth.--(a)  Upon application therefor and payment of a fee
     8  of two dollars ($2), the department shall issue to any person
     9  whose original certificate of birth is on file in this
    10  Commonwealth a miniature certification of the facts of his
    11  birth. Such certification shall be approximately two and one-
    12  half inches by four inches in size so that it may be
    13  conveniently carried for identification and proof as to age.
    14     (b)  Upon application therefor and payment of a fee of two
    15  dollars ($2), the department shall issue a regular birth
    16  certificate in the name the applicant is actually using upon
    17  adequate proof demonstrating the use of the name for fifteen
    18  (15) years or more, except in the case of children under fifteen
    19  (15) years of age. Adequate proof shall consist of any one of
    20  the following: baptism certificate or other verified church
    21  records, insurance policy, school record, working papers, armed
    22  service discharge papers or marriage license which document
    23  shall have originally been issued at least fifteen (15) years
    24  prior to the application for a birth certificate under this
    25  subsection.
    26     (c)  Upon application therefor and payment of a fee of two
    27  dollars ($2), the department shall issue a miniature or regular
    28  certificate of stillbirth to a parent of a stillborn child.
    29     Section 10.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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