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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3656



No. 2640 Session of 1990

           JUNE 6, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), entitled "An
     2     act defining the liability of an employer to pay damages for
     3     injuries received by an employe in the course of employment;
     4     establishing an elective schedule of compensation; providing
     5     procedure for the determination of liability and compensation
     6     thereunder; and prescribing penalties," changing references
     7     from "workmen's" to "workers'."

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 101 of the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736,
    11  No.338), known as The Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Act,
    12  reenacted and amended June 21, 1939 (P.L.520, No.281) and
    13  amended December 5, 1974 (P.L.782, No.263), is amended to read:
    14     Section 101.  That this act shall be called and cited as The
    15  Pennsylvania [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Act, and shall
    16  apply to all injuries occurring within this Commonwealth,
    17  irrespective of the place where the contract of hiring was made,

     1  renewed, or extended, and extraterritorially as provided by
     2  section 305.2.
     3     Section 2.  Section 107 of the act is amended to read:
     4     Section 107.  The term "Department," when used in this act,
     5  shall mean the Department of Labor and Industry of this
     6  Commonwealth.
     7     The term "Board," when used in this act shall mean The
     8  [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Board of this Commonwealth.
     9     Section 3.  Sections 301(c)(2) and 302(c) of the act, amended
    10  December 5, 1974 (P.L.782, No.263), are amended to read:
    11     Section 301.  * * *
    12     (c)  * * *
    13     (2)  The terms "injury," "personal injury," and "injury
    14  arising in the course of his employment," as used in this act,
    15  shall include, unless the context clearly requires otherwise,
    16  occupational disease as defined in section 108 of this act:
    17  Provided, That whenever occupational disease is the basis for
    18  compensation, for disability or death under this act, it shall
    19  apply only to disability or death resulting from such disease
    20  and occurring within three hundred weeks after the last date of
    21  employment in an occupation or industry to which he was exposed
    22  to hazards of such disease: And provided further, That if the
    23  employe's compensable disability has occurred within such
    24  period, his subsequent death as a result of the disease shall
    25  likewise be compensable. The provisions of this paragraph (2)
    26  shall apply only with respect to the disability or death of an
    27  employe which results in whole or in part from the employe's
    28  exposure to the hazard of occupational disease after June 30,
    29  1973 in employment covered by The Pennsylvania [Workmen's]
    30  Workers' Compensation Act. The employer liable for compensation
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     1  provided by section 305.1 or section 108, subsections (k), (l),
     2  (m), (o), (p) or (q), shall be the employer in whose employment
     3  the employe was last exposed for a period of not less than one
     4  year to the hazard of the occupational disease claimed. In the
     5  event the employe did not work in an exposure at least one year
     6  for any employer during the three hundred week period prior to
     7  disability or death, the employer liable for the compensation
     8  shall be that employer giving the longest period of employment
     9  in which the employe was exposed to the hazards of the disease
    10  claimed.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 302.  * * *
    13     (c)  Any employer employing persons in agricultural labor
    14  shall be required to provide [workmen's] workers' compensation
    15  coverage for such employes according to the provisions of this
    16  act, if such employer is otherwise covered by the provisions of
    17  this act or if during the calendar year such employer pays wages
    18  to one employe for agricultural labor totalling one hundred
    19  fifty dollars ($150) or more or furnishes employment to one
    20  employe in agricultural labor on twenty or more days in any of
    21  which events the employer shall be required to provide coverage
    22  for all employes.
    23     Section 4.  Section 305 of the act, amended December 5, 1974
    24  (P.L.782, No.263) and repealed in part April 28, 1978 (P.L.202,
    25  No.53), is amended to read:
    26     Section 305.  Every employer liable under this act to pay
    27  compensation shall insure the payment of compensation in the
    28  State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund, or in any insurance
    29  company, or mutual association or company, authorized to insure
    30  such liability in this Commonwealth, unless such employer shall
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     1  be exempted by the department from such insurance. Such insurer
     2  shall assume the employer's liability hereunder and shall be
     3  entitled to all of the employer's immunities and protection
     4  hereunder except, that whenever any employer shall have
     5  purchased insurance to provide benefits under this act to
     6  persons engaged in domestic service, neither the employer nor
     7  the insurer may invoke the provisions of section 321 as a
     8  defense. An employer desiring to be exempt from insuring the
     9  whole or any part of his liability for compensation shall make
    10  application to the department, showing his financial ability to
    11  pay such compensation, whereupon the department, if satisfied of
    12  the applicant's financial ability, shall, upon the payment of a
    13  fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00), issue to the applicant a
    14  permit authorizing such exemption. The department shall
    15  establish a period of twelve (12) calendar months, to begin and
    16  end at such times as the department shall prescribe, which shall
    17  be known as the annual exemption period. Unless previously
    18  revoked, all permits issued under this section shall expire and
    19  terminate on the last day of the annual exemption period for
    20  which they were issued. Permits issued under this act shall be
    21  renewed upon the filing of an application, and the payment of a
    22  renewal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). The department
    23  may, from time to time, require further statements of the
    24  financial ability of such employer, and, if at any time such
    25  employer appear no longer able to pay compensation, shall revoke
    26  its permit granting exemption, in which case the employer shall
    27  immediately subscribe to the State [Workmen's] Workers'
    28  Insurance Fund, or insure his liability in any insurance company
    29  or mutual association or company, as aforesaid.
    30     Any employer who fails to comply with the provisions of this
    19900H2640B3656                  - 4 -

     1  section for every such failure, shall, upon summary conviction
     2  before any official of competent jurisdiction, be sentenced to
     3  pay a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more
     4  than two thousand dollars ($2,000), and costs of prosecution, or
     5  imprisonment for a period of not more than one (1) year, or
     6  both. Every day's violation shall constitute a separate offense.
     7  It shall be the duty of the department to enforce the provisions
     8  of this section; and it shall investigate all violations that
     9  are brought to its notice and shall institute prosecutions for
    10  violations thereof. All fines recovered under the provisions of
    11  this section shall be paid to the department, and by it paid
    12  into the State Treasury.
    13     In any proceeding against an employer under this section, a
    14  certificate of non-insurance issued by the official [Workmen's]
    15  Workers' Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau and a
    16  certificate of the department showing that the defendant has not
    17  been exempted from obtaining insurance under this section, shall
    18  be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
    19     When any employer fails to secure the payment of compensation
    20  under this act as provided in sections 305 and 305.2, the
    21  injured employe or his dependents may proceed either under this
    22  act or in a suit for damages at law as provided by article II.
    23     Section 5.  Section 305.2 of the act, added December 5, 1974
    24  (P.L.782, No.263), is amended to read:
    25     Section 305.2.  (a)  If an employe, while working outside the
    26  territorial limits of this State, suffers an injury on account
    27  of which he, or in the event of his death, his dependents, would
    28  have been entitled to the benefits provided by this act had such
    29  injury occurred within this State, such employe, or in the event
    30  of his death resulting from such injury, his dependents, shall
    19900H2640B3656                  - 5 -

     1  be entitled to the benefits provided by this act, provided that
     2  at the time of such injury:
     3     (1)  His employment is principally localized in this State,
     4  or
     5     (2)  He is working under a contract of hire made in this
     6  State in employment not principally localized in any state, or
     7     (3)  He is working under a contract of hire made in this
     8  State in employment principally localized in another state whose
     9  [workmen's] workers' compensation law is not applicable to his
    10  employer, or
    11     (4)  He is working under a contract of hire made in this
    12  State for employment outside the United States and Canada.
    13     (b)  The payment or award of benefits under the [workmen's]
    14  workers' compensation law of another state, territory, province
    15  or foreign nation to an employe or his dependents otherwise
    16  entitled on account of such injury or death to the benefits of
    17  this act shall not be a bar to a claim for benefits under this
    18  act; provided that claim under this act is filed within three
    19  years after such injury or death. If compensation is paid or
    20  awarded under this act:
    21     (1)  The medical and related benefits furnished or paid for
    22  by the employer under such other [workmen's] workers'
    23  compensation law on account of such injury or death shall be
    24  credited against the medical and related benefits to which the
    25  employe would have been entitled under this act had claim been
    26  made solely under this act.
    27     (2)  The total amount of all income benefits paid or awarded
    28  the employe under such other [workmen's] workers' compensation
    29  law shall be credited against the total amount of income
    30  benefits which would have been due the employe under this act,
    19900H2640B3656                  - 6 -

     1  had claim been made solely under this act.
     2     (3)  The total amount of death benefits paid or awarded under
     3  such other [workmen's] workers' compensation law shall be
     4  credited against the total amount of death benefits due under
     5  this act.
     6     Nothing in this act shall be construed to mean that coverage
     7  under this act excludes coverage under another law or that an
     8  employe's election to claim compensation under this act is
     9  exclusive of coverage under another state act or is binding on
    10  the employe or dependent, except, perhaps to the extent of an
    11  agreement between the employe and the employer or where
    12  employment is localized to the extent that an employe's duties
    13  require him to travel regularly in this State and another state
    14  or states.
    15     (c)  If an employe is entitled to the benefits of this act by
    16  reason of an injury sustained in this State in employment by an
    17  employer who is domiciled in another state and who has not
    18  secured the payment of compensation as required by this act, the
    19  employer or his carrier may file with the director a
    20  certificate, issued by the commission or agency of such other
    21  state having jurisdiction over [workmen's] workers' compensation
    22  claims, certifying that such employer has secured the payment of
    23  compensation under the [workmen's] workers' compensation law of
    24  such other state and that with respect to said injury such
    25  employe is entitled to the benefits provided under such law.
    26     In such event:
    27     (1)  The filing of such certificate shall constitute an
    28  appointment by such employer or his carrier of the Secretary of
    29  Labor and Industry as his agent for acceptance of the service of
    30  process in any proceeding brought by such employe or his
    19900H2640B3656                  - 7 -

     1  dependents to enforce his or their rights under this act on
     2  account of such injury;
     3     (2)  The secretary shall send to such employer or carrier, by
     4  registered or certified mail to the address shown on such
     5  certificate, a true copy of any notice of claim or other process
     6  served on the secretary by the employe or his dependents in any
     7  proceeding brought to enforce his or their rights under this
     8  act;
     9     (3)  (i) If such employer is a qualified self-insurer under
    10  the [workmen's] workers' compensation law of such other state,
    11  such employer shall, upon submission of evidence, satisfactory
    12  to the director, of his ability to meet his liability to such
    13  employe under this act, be deemed to be a qualified self-insurer
    14  under this act;
    15     (ii)  If such employer's liability under the [workmen's]
    16  workers' compensation law of such other state is insured, such
    17  employer's carrier, as to such employe or his dependents only,
    18  shall be deemed to be an insurer authorized to write insurance
    19  under and be subject to this act: Provided, however, That unless
    20  its contract with said employer requires it to pay an amount
    21  equivalent to the compensation benefits provided by this act,
    22  its liability for income benefits or medical and related
    23  benefits shall not exceed the amounts of such benefits for which
    24  such insurer would have been liable under the [workmen's]
    25  workers' compensation law of such other state;
    26     (4)  If the total amount for which such employer's insurance
    27  is liable under clause (3) above is less than the total of the
    28  compensation benefits to which such employe is entitled under
    29  this act, the secretary may, if he deems it necessary, require
    30  the employer to file security, satisfactory to the secretary, to
    19900H2640B3656                  - 8 -

     1  secure the payment of benefits due such employe or his
     2  dependents under this act; and
     3     (5)  Upon compliance with the preceding requirements of this
     4  subsection (c), such employer, as to such employe only, shall be
     5  deemed to have secured the payment of compensation under this
     6  act.
     7     (d)  As used in this section:
     8     (1)  "United States" includes only the states of the United
     9  States and the District of Columbia.
    10     (2)  "State" includes any state of the United States, the
    11  District of Columbia, or any Province of Canada.
    12     (3)  "Carrier" includes any insurance company licensed to
    13  write [workmen's] workers' compensation insurance in any state
    14  of the United States or any state or provincial fund which
    15  insures employers against their liabilities under a [workmen's]
    16  workers' compensation law.
    17     (4)  A person's employment is principally localized in this
    18  or another state when (i) his employer has a place of business
    19  in this or such other state and he regularly works at or from
    20  such place of business, or (ii) having worked at or from such
    21  place of business, his duties have required him to go outside of
    22  the State not over one year, or (iii) if clauses (1) and (2)
    23  foregoing are not applicable, he is domiciled and spends a
    24  substantial part of his working time in the service of his
    25  employer in this or such other state.
    26     (5)  An employe whose duties require him to travel regularly
    27  in the service of his employer in this and one or more other
    28  states may, by written agreement with his employer, provide that
    29  his employment is principally localized in this or another such
    30  state, and, unless such other state refuses jurisdiction, such
    19900H2640B3656                  - 9 -

     1  agreement shall be given effect under this act.
     2     (6)  ["Workmen's] "Workers' compensation law" includes
     3  "occupational disease law."
     4     Section 6.  Section 315 of the act, amended April 4, 1974
     5  (P.L.239, No.56) and December 5, 1974 (P.L.782, No.263), is
     6  amended to read:
     7     Section 315.  In cases of personal injury all claims for
     8  compensation shall be forever barred, unless, within three years
     9  after the injury, the parties shall have agreed upon the
    10  compensation payable under this article; or unless within three
    11  years after the injury, one of the parties shall have filed a
    12  petition as provided in article four hereof. In cases of death
    13  all claims for compensation shall be forever barred, unless
    14  within three years after the death, the parties shall have
    15  agreed upon the compensation under this article; or unless,
    16  within three years after the death, one of the parties shall
    17  have filed a petition as provided in article four hereof. Where,
    18  however, in the case of any person receiving benefits pursuant
    19  to the act of June 28, 1935 (P.L.477, No.193), referred to as
    20  the Heart and Lung Act, the two-year period in which parties
    21  must agree upon the compensation or file a petition for
    22  compensation in cases of personal injury or in death, shall not
    23  begin to run until the expiration of the receipt of benefits
    24  pursuant to the Heart and Lung Act. Where, however, payments of
    25  compensation have been made in any case, said limitations shall
    26  not take effect until the expiration of three years from the
    27  time of the making of the most recent payment prior to date of
    28  filing such petition: Provided, That any payment made under an
    29  established plan or policy of insurance for the payment of
    30  benefits on account of non-occupational illness or injury and
    19900H2640B3656                 - 10 -

     1  which payment is identified as not being [workmen's] workers'
     2  compensation shall not be considered to be payment in lieu of
     3  [workmen's] workers' compensation, and such payment shall not
     4  toll the running of the Statute of Limitations. However, in
     5  cases of injury resulting from ionizing radiation in which the
     6  nature of the injury or its relationship to the employment is
     7  not known to the employe, the time for filing a claim shall not
     8  begin to run until the employe knows, or by the exercise of
     9  reasonable diligence should know, of the existence of the injury
    10  and its possible relationship to his employment. The term
    11  "injury" in this section means, in cases of occupational
    12  disease, disability resulting from occupational disease.
    13     Section 7.  Section 321 of the act, added March 29, 1972
    14  (P.L.159, No.61), is amended to read:
    15     Section 321.  Nothing contained in this act shall apply to or
    16  in any way affect any person who at the time of injury is
    17  engaged in domestic service: Provided, however, That in cases
    18  where the employer of any such person shall have, prior to such
    19  injury, by application to the [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation
    20  Board, approved by the board, elected to come within the
    21  provisions of the act, such exemption shall not apply.
    22     Section 8.  Section 401 of the act, amended February 8, 1972
    23  (P.L.25, No.12), is amended to read:
    24     Section 401.  The term "referee," when used in this article,
    25  shall mean [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Referee of the
    26  Department of Labor and Industry, appointed by and subject to
    27  the general supervision of the Secretary of Labor and Industry
    28  for the purpose of conducting departmental hearings under this
    29  act. The secretary may establish different classes of referees.
    30     The term "board," when used in this article, shall mean the
    19900H2640B3656                 - 11 -

     1  [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Appeal Board, a departmental
     2  administrative board as provided in sections 202, 207, 503 and
     3  2208 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177), known as "The
     4  Administrative Code of 1929," exercising its powers and
     5  performing its duties as an appellate board independently of the
     6  Secretary of Labor and Industry and any other official of the
     7  department.
     8     The term "fund," when used in this article, shall mean the
     9  State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund of this Commonwealth,
    10  the State-operated insurance carrier from which [workmen's]
    11  workers' compensation insurance policies may be purchased by
    12  employers to cover all risks of liability under this act
    13  including those declined by private carriers.
    14     The terms "insurer" and "carrier," when used in this article,
    15  shall mean the State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund or
    16  other insurance carrier which has insured the employer's
    17  liability under this act, or the employer in cases of self-
    18  insurance.
    19     The term "employer," when used in this article, shall mean
    20  the employer as defined in article one of this act, or his duly
    21  authorized agent, or his insurer if such insurer has assumed the
    22  employer's liability or the fund if the employer be insured
    23  therein.
    24     Section 9.  Section 413(a) of the act, amended April 4, 1974
    25  (P.L.239, No.56) and December 5, 1974 (P.L.782, No.263), is
    26  amended to read:
    27     Section 413.  (a)  A referee of the department may, at any
    28  time, review and modify or set aside a notice of compensation
    29  payable and an original or supplemental agreement or upon
    30  petition filed by either party with the department, or in the
    19900H2640B3656                 - 12 -

     1  course of the proceedings under any petition pending before such
     2  referee, if it be proved that such notice of compensation
     3  payable or agreement was in any material respect incorrect.
     4     A referee designated by the department may, at any time,
     5  modify, reinstate, suspend, or terminate a notice of
     6  compensation payable, an original or supplemental agreement or
     7  an award of the department or its referee, upon petition filed
     8  by either party with the department, upon proof that the
     9  disability of an injured employe has increased, decreased,
    10  recurred, or has temporarily or finally ceased, or that the
    11  status of any dependent has changed. Such modification,
    12  reinstatement, suspension, or termination shall be made as of
    13  the date upon which it is shown that the disability of the
    14  injured employe has increased, decreased, recurred, or has
    15  temporarily or finally ceased, or upon which it is shown that
    16  the status of any dependent has changed: Provided, That, except
    17  in the case of eye injuries, no notice of compensation payable,
    18  agreement or award shall be reviewed, or modified, or
    19  reinstated, unless a petition is filed with the department
    20  within three years after the date of the most recent payment of
    21  compensation made prior to the filing of such petition. Where,
    22  however, a person is receiving benefits pursuant to the act of
    23  June 28, 1935 (P.L.477, No.193), referred to as the Heart and
    24  Lung Act, the two-year period in which a petition to review,
    25  modify, or reinstate a notice of compensation, agreement or
    26  award must be filed, shall not begin to run until the expiration
    27  of the receipt of benefits pursuant to the Heart and Lung Act:
    28  And provided further, That any payment made under an established
    29  plan or policy of insurance for the payment of benefits on
    30  account of nonoccupational illness or injury and which payment
    19900H2640B3656                 - 13 -

     1  is identified as not being [workmen's] workers' compensation
     2  shall not be considered to be payment in lieu of [workmen's]
     3  workers' compensation, and such payment shall not toll the
     4  running of the Statute of Limitations: And provided further,
     5  That where compensation has been suspended because the employe's
     6  earnings are equal to or in excess of his wages prior to the
     7  injury that payments under the agreement or award may be resumed
     8  at any time during the period for which compensation for partial
     9  disability is payable, unless it be shown that the loss in
    10  earnings does not result from the disability due to the injury.
    11     The referee to whom any such petition has been assigned may
    12  subpoena witnesses, hear evidence, make findings of fact, and
    13  award or disallow compensation, in the same manner and with the
    14  same effect and subject to the same right of appeal, as if such
    15  petition were an original claim petition.
    16     The filing of a petition to terminate or modify a notice of
    17  compensation payable or a compensation agreement or award as
    18  provided in this section shall operate as a supersedeas, and
    19  shall suspend the payment of compensation fixed in the agreement
    20  or by the award, in whole or to such extent as the facts alleged
    21  in the petition would, if proved, require only when such
    22  petition alleges that the employe has returned to work at his
    23  prior or increased earnings or where the petition alleges that
    24  the employe has fully recovered and is accompanied by an
    25  affidavit of a physician on a form prescribed by the department
    26  to that effect which is based upon an examination made within
    27  fifteen days of the filing of the petition. In any other case, a
    28  petition to terminate or modify a compensation agreement or
    29  other payment arrangement or award as provided in this section
    30  shall not automatically operate as a supersedeas but may be
    19900H2640B3656                 - 14 -

     1  designated as a request for a supersedeas, which may then be
     2  granted at the discretion of the referee hearing the case. A
     3  supersedeas shall serve to suspend the payment of compensation
     4  in whole or to such extent as the facts alleged in the petition
     5  would, if proved, require. The referee hearing the case shall
     6  rule on the request for a supersedeas as soon as possible and
     7  may approve the request if proof of a change in medical status,
     8  or proof of any other fact which would serve to modify or
     9  terminate payment of compensation is submitted with the
    10  petition. The referee hearing the case may consider any other
    11  fact which he deems to be relevant when making the decision on
    12  the supersedeas request and the decision shall not be
    13  appealable.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 10.  Sections 441(a), 443 and 445 of the act, amended
    16  or added July 30, 1975 (P.L.139, No.70), are amended to read:
    17     Section 441.  (a)  If any insurer licensed to transact the
    18  business of [workmen's] workers' compensation insurance within
    19  this Commonwealth repeatedly or unreasonably fails to pay
    20  promptly compensation for which it is liable or fails or refuses
    21  to submit any report or to pay any assessment made under this
    22  act, the secretary may recommend to the Insurance Commissioner
    23  that the license of the company to transact such business be
    24  revoked, or suspended setting forth in detail the reasons for
    25  his recommendation. The Insurance Commissioner shall thereupon
    26  furnish a copy of the secretary's report to the insurer and
    27  shall set a date for public hearing, at which both the insurer
    28  and the secretary shall be afforded an opportunity to present
    29  evidence. If, after the hearing, the commissioner is satisfied
    30  that the insurer has failed to live up to his obligations under
    19900H2640B3656                 - 15 -

     1  this act, he shall promptly revoke or suspend its license.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 443.  (a)  If, in any case in which a supersedeas has
     4  been requested and denied under the provisions of section 413 or
     5  section 430, payments of compensation are made as a result
     6  thereof and upon the final outcome of the proceedings, it is
     7  determined that such compensation was not, in fact, payable, the
     8  insurer who has made such payments shall be reimbursed therefor.
     9  Application for reimbursement shall be made to the department on
    10  forms prescribed by the department and furnished by the insurer.
    11  Applications may be assigned to a [workmen's] workers'
    12  compensation referee for a hearing and determination of
    13  eligibility for reimbursement pursuant to this act. An appeal
    14  shall lie in the manner and on the grounds provided in section
    15  423 of this act, from any allowance or disallowance of
    16  reimbursement under this section.
    17     (b)  There is hereby established a special fund in the State
    18  Treasury, separate and apart from all other public moneys or
    19  funds of this Commonwealth, to be known as the [Workmen's]
    20  Workers' Compensation Supersedeas Fund. The purpose of this fund
    21  shall be to provide moneys for payments pursuant to subsection
    22  (a), to include reimbursement to the Commonwealth for any such
    23  payments made from general revenues. The department shall be
    24  charged with the maintenance and conservation of this fund. The
    25  fund shall be maintained by annual assessments on insurers and
    26  self-insurers under this act, including the State [Workmen's]
    27  Workers' Insurance Fund. The department shall make assessments
    28  and collect moneys pursuant to this section of the act.
    29  Assessments shall be based on the ratio that such insurer's or
    30  self-insurer's payments of compensation bear to the total
    19900H2640B3656                 - 16 -

     1  compensation paid in the year preceding the year of assessment.
     2  The total amount to be assessed shall be one hundred percent of
     3  the amount reimbursed to insurers and self-insurers in the
     4  preceding year pursuant to this section, except that the first
     5  annual assessment made under this act shall be in the amount of
     6  two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000). The department
     7  shall give notice to every insurer and self-insurer under this
     8  act, including the State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund, of
     9  the amount assessed against such insurer, self-insurer or the
    10  State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund on or before June 30
    11  of the year following the year upon which the assessment is
    12  based: Provided, That notice of the first annual assessment
    13  under this act shall be given to every insurer and self-insurer
    14  under this act, including the State [Workmen's] Workers'
    15  Insurance Fund, within ninety days of the effective date of this
    16  amending act. Payment of assessments shall be made to the
    17  department within thirty days of receipt of notice of the amount
    18  assessed, unless the department specifies on the notices sent to
    19  all insurers and self-insurers an installment plan of payment,
    20  in which case each such insurer shall pay each installment on or
    21  before the date specified therefore by the department within
    22  fifteen days after the receipt of such notice, the insurer or
    23  self-insurer against which such assessment has been made may
    24  file with the department objections setting out in detail the
    25  grounds upon which the objector regards such assessment to be
    26  excessive, erroneous, unlawful, or invalid. The department,
    27  after notice to the objector, shall hold a hearing upon such
    28  objections. After such hearing, the department shall record its
    29  findings on the objections and shall transmit to the objector,
    30  by registered or certified mail, notice of the amount, if any,
    19900H2640B3656                 - 17 -

     1  charged against it in accordance with such findings, which
     2  amount or any installment thereof then due, shall be paid by the
     3  objector within ten days after receipt of notice of the
     4  findings.
     5     No suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any court for
     6  the purpose of restraining or in anywise delaying the collection
     7  or payment of any assessment made under this subsection but
     8  every insurer or self-insurer against which an assessment is
     9  made shall pay the same as provided in subsection (b) of this
    10  section. Any insurer or self-insurer making any such payment
    11  may, at any time within two years from the date of payment, sue
    12  the Commonwealth in an action at law to recover the amount paid,
    13  or any part thereof, upon the ground that the assessment was
    14  excessive, erroneous, unlawful, invalid, in whole or in part,
    15  provided objections, as hereinbefore provided, were filed with
    16  the department, and payment of the assessment was made under
    17  protest either as to all or part thereof. In any action for
    18  recovery of any payments made under this section, the claimant
    19  shall be entitled to raise every relevant issue of law, but the
    20  findings of fact made by the department, pursuant to this
    21  section, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein
    22  stated. If it is finally determined in any such action that all
    23  or any part of the assessment for which payment was made under
    24  protest was excessive, erroneous, unlawful, or invalid, the
    25  department shall make a refund to the claimant out of the
    26  appropriation specified in subsection (c) as directed by the
    27  court.
    28     (c)  The department shall keep a record of the manner in
    29  which it shall have computed the amount assessed against every
    30  insurer or self-insurer. Such records shall be open to
    19900H2640B3656                 - 18 -

     1  inspection by all interested parties. The determination of such
     2  assessments and the records and data upon which the same are
     3  made, shall be considered prima facie correct; and in any
     4  proceeding instituted to challenge the reasonableness or
     5  correctness of any assessment under this section, the party
     6  challenging the same shall have the burden of proof. The fund
     7  shall be subject to audit by the Auditor General and a copy of
     8  the report of the audit furnished to assessed insurers and self-
     9  insurers upon request. The Secretary of Labor and Industry shall
    10  be the administrator of the fund and shall have the power to
    11  dispense and disburse moneys from the fund for the purpose of
    12  payments made pursuant to this section. All moneys in the fund
    13  as are required to carry out the purposes of this section are
    14  hereby specifically appropriated to the Department of Labor and
    15  Industry. The State Treasurer shall be custodian of the fund.
    16  Disbursements of moneys pursuant to this section shall be upon
    17  final adjudication of requests for payments pursuant thereto.
    18     Section 445.  Annual reports of compensation paid by
    19  insurers, self-insurers and the State [Workmen's] Workers'
    20  Insurance Fund shall be made on a calendar year basis to the
    21  department not later than April 15 of the following year, except
    22  that for the year 1974 reports shall be filed within sixty days
    23  of the effective date of this amending act. Nothing in this act
    24  shall be construed to preclude insurers from filing its annual
    25  report required herein in substantially the same form as its
    26  annual report to the Insurance Department.
    27     Section 11.  Section 446 of the act, added February 2, 1976
    28  (P.L.2, No.2), is amended to read:
    29     Section 446.  (a)  There is hereby created a special fund in
    30  the State Treasury, separate and apart from all other public
    19900H2640B3656                 - 19 -

     1  moneys or funds of this Commonwealth, to be known as the
     2  [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Administration Fund. The
     3  purpose of this fund shall be to finance the operating and
     4  administrative expenses of the Department of Labor and Industry,
     5  including the [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Appeal Board and
     6  staff, but not the State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund, in
     7  the direct administration of The Pennsylvania [Workmen's]
     8  Workers' Compensation Act and The Pennsylvania Occupational
     9  Disease Act including:
    10     (1)  wages and salaries of employes for services performed in
    11  the administration of these acts;
    12     (2)  reasonable travel expenses for employes while engaged in
    13  official business; and
    14     (3)  moneys expended for office rental, equipment rental,
    15  supplies, equipment, repairs, services, postage, books, and
    16  periodicals.
    17     (b)  The fund shall be maintained by no more than one (1)
    18  annual assessment payable in any calendar year on insurers and
    19  self-insurers under this act, including the State [Workmen's]
    20  Workers' Insurance Fund. The initial assessment for the period
    21  commencing July 1, 1975 through December 31, 1976, shall be
    22  seven per centum of the total compensation paid by each insurer,
    23  self-insurer and the State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund
    24  in the calendar year 1974. After the initial term, budgeted
    25  expenses shall be approved by the General Assembly on a fiscal
    26  year basis. Thereafter, the department shall make assessments
    27  and collect moneys based on the ratio that such insurer's or
    28  self-insurer's payments of compensation bear to the total
    29  compensation paid in the preceding calendar year in which the
    30  assessment is made. The total amount assessed shall be the
    19900H2640B3656                 - 20 -

     1  approved budget. If on January 31, there exists in the
     2  administration fund any money in excess of one hundred fifty per
     3  centum of the current budget the following fiscal year's
     4  assessment shall be reduced by an amount equal to that excess
     5  amount.
     6     (c)  The department shall give notice to every insurer and
     7  self-insurer under this act, including the State [Workmen's]
     8  Workers' Insurance Fund, of the amount assessed against such
     9  insurer, self-insurer, or the State [Workmen's] Workers'
    10  Insurance Fund on or before November 30 of each year. Payment of
    11  assessments shall be made to the department on or before January
    12  31 of the next year unless the department specifies on the
    13  notices sent to all insurers and self-insurers an installment
    14  plan of payment, in which case each such insurer shall pay each
    15  installment on or before the date specified therefore by the
    16  department: Provided, That notice of the initial assessment
    17  under this act shall be given to every insurer and self-insurer
    18  under this act, including the State [Workmen's] Workers'
    19  Insurance Fund, within ninety days of the effective date of this
    20  amendatory act. Payment of the initial assessments shall be made
    21  within thirty days of the mailing of said assessments.
    22     If the General Assembly fails to approve the department's
    23  budget for the purposes of this act, by the last day of
    24  November, the department shall assess insurers, self-insurers
    25  and the State [Workmen's] Workers' Insurance Fund on the basis
    26  of that last approved operating budget. At such time as the
    27  General Assembly approves the proposed budget the department
    28  shall have the authority to make an adjustment in the
    29  assessments to reflect the approved budget. If the General
    30  Assembly fails to approve the department's budget prior to July
    19900H2640B3656                 - 21 -

     1  1 of any fiscal year, moneys in the fund are hereby appropriated
     2  to the department for the purposes of this act.
     3     Within fifteen days after the receipt of such notice, the
     4  insurer or self-insurer against which such assessment has been
     5  made may file with the department objections setting out in
     6  detail the grounds upon which the objector regards such
     7  assessment to be excessive, erroneous, unlawful, or invalid. The
     8  department, after notice to the objector, shall hold a hearing
     9  upon such objections. After such hearing, the department shall
    10  record its findings on the objections and shall transmit to the
    11  objector, by registered or certified mail, notice of the amount,
    12  if any, charged against it in accordance with such findings,
    13  which amount or any installment thereof then due, shall be paid
    14  by the objector within ten days after receipt of notice of the
    15  findings. If any payment prescribed by this subsection is not
    16  made as aforesaid, the secretary of the department may recommend
    17  to the Insurance Commissioner that appropriate action be taken
    18  against the insurer or self-insurer, including revocation or
    19  suspension of the company's license to transact business in the
    20  Commonwealth.
    21     No suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any court for
    22  the purpose of restraining or in anywise delaying the collection
    23  or payment of any assessment made under this subsection but
    24  every insurer or self-insurer against which an assessment is
    25  made shall pay the same as provided in subsection (c) of this
    26  section. Any insurer or self-insurer making any such payment
    27  may, at any time within two years from the date of payment, sue
    28  the Commonwealth in an action at law to recover the amount paid,
    29  or any part thereof, upon the ground that the assessment was
    30  excessive, erroneous, unlawful, invalid, in whole or in part,
    19900H2640B3656                 - 22 -

     1  provided objections, as hereinbefore provided, were filed with
     2  the department, and payment of the assessment was made under
     3  protest either as to all or part thereof. In any action for
     4  recovery of any payments made under this section, the claimant
     5  shall be entitled to raise every relevant issue of law, but the
     6  findings of fact made by the department, pursuant to this
     7  section, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein
     8  stated. If it is finally determined in any such action that all
     9  or any part of the assessment for which payment was made under
    10  protest was excessive, erroneous, unlawful, or invalid, the
    11  department shall make a refund to the claimant out of the fund,
    12  as directed by the court.
    13     The department shall keep a record of the manner in which it
    14  shall have computed the amount assessed against every insurer or
    15  self-insurer. Such records shall be open to inspection by all
    16  interested parties. The determination of such assessments and
    17  the records and data upon which the same are made, shall be
    18  considered prima facie correct; and in any proceeding instituted
    19  to challenge the reasonableness or correctness of any assessment
    20  under this section, the party challenging the same shall have
    21  the burden of proof.
    22     (d)  The Secretary of Labor and Industry shall be the
    23  administrator of the fund and shall have power to dispense and
    24  disburse moneys from the fund for the above purposes at his
    25  discretion. All moneys in the fund as are required to carry out
    26  the purposes of this act are hereby specifically appropriated to
    27  the Department of Labor and Industry for the use in the
    28  administration of this act from July 1, 1975 until June 30,
    29  1976. Thereafter, annual appropriations shall be made. Estimates
    30  of the amounts to be expended from time to time shall however be
    19900H2640B3656                 - 23 -

     1  submitted by the Secretary of Labor and Industry to the Governor
     2  for his approval or disapproval as in the case of other
     3  appropriations made to administrative departments, boards, and
     4  commissions. The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the
     5  fund. It shall however be unlawful for the State Treasurer to
     6  honor any requisition for the expenditure of any moneys from the
     7  fund by the Secretary of Labor and Industry in excess of
     8  estimates approved by the Governor. The fund shall be audited by
     9  the Auditor General annually and a copy of the report of the
    10  audit furnished to assessed insurers and self-insurers upon
    11  request.
    12     (e)  Annual reports of the total compensation paid by
    13  insurers, self-insurers, and the State [Workmen's] Workers'
    14  Insurance Fund shall be made on a calendar year basis to the
    15  department not later than April 15 of the following year:
    16  Provided, That reports for the calendar year 1974 shall be filed
    17  within sixty days of the effective date of this amending act.
    18  Nothing in this act shall be construed to preclude insurers from
    19  filing its annual report required therein in substantially the
    20  same form as its annual report to the Insurance Department.
    21     (f)  Contributions to the fund created by this act, at the
    22  rates specified by this act, shall be allowed in full by the
    23  Insurance Commissioner and the insurers shall be permitted to
    24  fund on an immediate and prospective basis for these costs.
    25     (g)  For the purposes of this section the terms
    26  "compensation" and "total compensation" shall include wage loss
    27  indemnity and payments for medical expenses under this act and
    28  under "The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act."
    29     (h)  Until such time as a sufficient cash balance shall exist
    30  in the [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Administration Fund to
    19900H2640B3656                 - 24 -

     1  meet promptly the expenses of the Commonwealth payable from such
     2  fund, the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed,
     3  from time to time, to transfer to the [Workmen's] Workers'
     4  Compensation Administration Fund, if the same be deficient, from
     5  the General Fund, such sums as the Governor shall direct. Any
     6  sums so transferred shall be available for the purposes for
     7  which the fund to which they are transferred is appropriated by
     8  law. Such transfers shall be made hereunder upon warrant of the
     9  State Treasurer upon requisition of the Governor.
    10     (i)  In order to reimburse the General Fund for such
    11  transfers, an amount equal to that transferred from the General
    12  Fund during any fiscal period shall be retransferred to the
    13  General Fund from the [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation
    14  Administration Fund in such amounts and at such times as the
    15  Governor shall direct, but in no event later than 30 days after
    16  the end of such fiscal period. Such transfers shall be made
    17  hereunder upon warrant of the State Treasurer upon requisition
    18  of the Governor.
    19     (j)  The moneys in the General Fund and in the [Workmen's]
    20  Workers' Compensation Administration Fund are hereby
    21  specifically appropriated for transfer from time to time as
    22  provided for in this act.
    23     Section 12.  Section 447 of the act, added May 20, 1976
    24  (P.L.135, No.61), is amended to read:
    25     Section 447.  (a)  There is hereby created an advisory
    26  council, to be known as the Pennsylvania [Workmen's] Workers'
    27  Compensation Advisory Council, and to be composed of men and
    28  women with an equal number of employer, employe, and public
    29  representatives who may fairly be representative because of
    30  their vocation, employment, or affiliations. The council shall
    19900H2640B3656                 - 25 -

     1  consist of a maximum of seven members including the Secretary of
     2  the Department of Labor and Industry, who shall be an ex officio
     3  member. The members of such council shall be appointed by the
     4  secretary within thirty days of the effective date of this
     5  amendatory act and shall serve a term of two years and until
     6  their successors have been appointed and qualified. The members
     7  of the council shall select one of their number to be chairman.
     8  Such council shall consider and advise the department upon all
     9  matters related to the administration of The Pennsylvania
    10  [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Act and The Pennsylvania
    11  Occupational Disease Act. Such council may recommend to the
    12  secretary upon its own initiative such changes in the provisions
    13  of these acts and the administration thereof as it deems
    14  necessary and shall make periodic reports to the secretary
    15  regarding the performance of its duties and functions.
    16     (b)  In the performance of its duties, the council may hold
    17  hearings, receive testimony, solicit and receive comments and
    18  information from interested parties and the general public and
    19  shall have full access to information relating to the purpose of
    20  these acts. The council shall not have access to confidential
    21  medical information pertaining to individual claimants, but may
    22  develop statistical studies and surveys concerning the incidence
    23  of occupational injuries and diseases generally.
    24     (c)  The members of the advisory council shall serve without
    25  compensation, but shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all
    26  necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties.
    27  The secretary shall appoint an executive secretary and such
    28  other personnel as he shall deem necessary to aid the council in
    29  the performance of its functions. The compensation of such
    30  employes and the amounts allowed them and to members of the
    19900H2640B3656                 - 26 -

     1  council for traveling and other council expenses shall be deemed
     2  part of the expenses incurred in connection with the
     3  administration of The Pennsylvania [Workmen's] Workers'
     4  Compensation and The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Acts.
     5     Section 13.  A reference in a statute to The Pennsylvania
     6  Workmen's Compensation Act, the Workmen's Compensation Act of
     7  1915 or the Workmen's Compensation Act of one thousand nine
     8  hundred fifteen shall hereafter be deemed to be a reference to
     9  The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act.
    10     Section 14.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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