See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3659



No. 2643 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing investigations into fitness to transport municipal
     2     waste; authorizing the Department of Environmental Resources
     3     and the Department of Transportation to issue orders,
     4     including orders restricting or prohibiting the
     5     transportation of municipal waste; providing remedies;
     6     establishing certain fees; prescribing penalties; and making
     7     a repeal.

     8     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     9         (1)  That, since improper and inadequate municipal waste
    10     transportation practices create public health hazards,
    11     environmental pollution, and economic loss, and cause
    12     irreparable harm to the public health, safety and welfare, it
    13     is the purpose of this act to exclude or remove from
    14     participation in the municipal waste transportation industry
    15     persons with known criminal records, habits or associations,
    16     or any person known to be deficient in expertise or
    17     competence in the transportation of municipal waste.
    18         (2)  That the municipal waste transportation industry in
    19     this Commonwealth can attain, maintain and retain integrity,
    20     public confidence and trust and promote the general public

     1     interest, only under a system of control and regulation that
     2     precludes the participation therein of persons with known
     3     criminal records, habits or associations, and excludes or
     4     removes from any position of authority or responsibility any
     5     person known to be so deficient in expertise or competence
     6     with specific reference to the municipal waste transportation
     7     industry that the participation of such person would create
     8     or enhance the dangers of unsound, unfair or illegal
     9     practices, methods and activities in the conduct of the
    10     business of that industry.
    11         (3)  That notwithstanding the fact that the majority of
    12     persons involved in this industry are respectable and
    13     responsible and that there exists in this Commonwealth a
    14     substantial industry capable of meeting the standards set by
    15     this act, the municipal waste transportation industry remains
    16     vulnerable to corrupting influences.
    17         (4)  That it is vital to the interest of the Commonwealth
    18     to prevent entry, direct or indirect, into the operations of
    19     the municipal waste transportation industry, of persons who
    20     lack the honesty, trustworthiness or integrity necessary to
    21     engage in the transportation of municipal waste in such
    22     manner as to safeguard the public interest, and it is to the
    23     end of excluding such persons that the regulatory and
    24     investigative powers and duties provided in this act shall be
    25     exercised to the fullest extent consistent with law.
    26         (5)  That a significant number of municipal waste
    27     transportation vehicles in Pennsylvania are poorly maintained
    28     or operated and create an unreasonable risk of harm to the
    29     health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this
    30     Commonwealth.
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     1         (6)  That to protect the health, safety and welfare of
     2     the citizens of this Commonwealth, it is necessary to ensure
     3     that poorly maintained, unsafe municipal waste transportation
     4     vehicles are not operated on the roads or highways of this
     5     Commonwealth.
     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Definitions.
    10  Section 103.  Construction of act.
    11  Section 104.  Powers and duties of department.
    12  Section 105.  Powers and duties of the Environmental Quality
    13                 Board.
    14  Chapter 3.  Disclosure of Information
    15  Section 301.  Notification and disclosure statement.
    16  Section 302.  Orders prohibiting transportation.
    17  Section 303.  Criminal investigation by the Pennsylvania State
    18                 Police.
    19  Section 304.  Investigation by department.
    20  Chapter 5.  Enforcement
    21  Section 501.  Public nuisances.
    22  Section 502.  Enforcement orders.
    23  Section 503.  Duty to comply with orders.
    24  Section 504.  Restraining violations.
    25  Section 505.  Penalties.
    26  Section 506.  Unlawful conduct.
    27  Section 507.  Enforcement of subpoenas.
    28  Chapter 7.  Fees and Expenses
    29  Section 701.  Basic fee.
    30  Section 702.  Reimbursement for expenses.
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     1  Section 703.  Agreement with Pennsylvania State Police.
     2  Section 704.  Solid Waste Abatement Fund.
     3  Chapter 11.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     4  Section 1101.  Repeals.
     5  Section 1102.  Effective date.
     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8                             CHAPTER 1
     9                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Municipal
    12  Waste Transportation Disclosure Act.
    13  Section 102.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Conviction."  A plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere, a
    18  finding of guilty by a court or an unvacated forfeiture of bail
    19  or collateral deposited to secure a defendant's appearance in
    20  court.
    21     "Criminal history record information."  As defined in 18
    22  Pa.C.S. § 9102 (relating to definitions).
    23     "Criminal History Record Information Act."  18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91
    24  (relating to criminal history record information).
    25     "Criminal justice agency."  As defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 9102
    26  (relating to definitions).
    27     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Resources of
    28  the Commonwealth and its authorized representatives.
    29     "Department of Transportation."  The Department of
    30  Transportation of the Commonwealth and its authorized
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     1  representatives.
     2     "Disclosure statement."  A statement submitted to the
     3  Department of Environmental Resources on a form developed by the
     4  department which shall include, at a minimum:
     5         (1)  The full name, business address and Social Security
     6     number of the applicant and any related party to the
     7     applicant.
     8         (2)  The full name, business address and Social Security
     9     number of all officers, directors, associates or partners of
    10     any business concern disclosed in the statement and the names
    11     and addresses of all persons holding any equity in or the
    12     debt liability of any business concern so disclosed or, if
    13     the business concern is a publicly traded corporation, all
    14     individuals or business concerns holding more than 5% of the
    15     equity in or debt liability of that business concern, except
    16     that when the debt liability is held by a chartered lending
    17     institution, the applicant need only supply the name and
    18     business address of the lending institution.
    19         (3)  The full name and business address of any company in
    20     which the applicant holds an equity interest and that
    21     collects, transfers, transports, processes, treats, stores or
    22     disposes of solid waste.
    23         (4)  A description of the experience and credentials,
    24     including any past or present permits or licenses, for the
    25     collection, transfer, processing, transportation, treatment,
    26     storage or disposal of solid wastes possessed by the
    27     applicant, or any related party to the applicant.
    28         (5)  A listing and explanation of any civil or criminal
    29     prosecution by government agencies, administrative
    30     enforcement actions resulting in the imposition of sanctions,
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     1     or license revocations or denials issued by any Federal or
     2     State authority in the ten years immediately preceding the
     3     filing of the application, that are pending or have resulted
     4     in a finding or a settlement of a violation of any law or
     5     rule or regulation relating to the collection, transfer,
     6     transportation, processing, treatment, storage or disposal of
     7     solid waste or any other environmental protection statute, by
     8     the applicant or any related party to the applicant.
     9     "Highway."  As defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to
    10  definitions).
    11     "Intelligence information."  As defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 9102
    12  (relating to definitions).
    13     "Investigative information."  As defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 9102
    14  (relating to definitions).
    15     "Municipality."  A city, borough, incorporated town, township
    16  or county or any authority created by any of the foregoing.
    17     "Municipal waste."  As defined in section 103 of the act of
    18  July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste
    19  Management Act.
    20     "Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction
    21  Act."  The act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101).
    22     "Municipal waste transportation vehicle."  Any vehicle which
    23  is utilized for the transportation of municipal waste, other
    24  than municipal waste generated by the owner or operator of the
    25  vehicle. The term does not include a truck or truck tractor
    26  which has a registered gross weight or combination weight of
    27  10,000 pounds or less. A vehicle may be a municipal waste
    28  transportation vehicle even though it is not utilized solely for
    29  the transportation of municipal waste.
    30     "Person."  Any individual, partnership, corporation,
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     1  association, institution, cooperative enterprise, municipality,
     2  municipal authority, Federal Government or agency, State
     3  institution and agency, or any other legal entity whatsoever
     4  which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
     5  In any provisions of this act prescribing a fine, imprisonment
     6  or penalty, or any combination of the foregoing, the term shall
     7  include the officers and directors of any corporation or other
     8  legal entity having officers and directors.
     9     "Related party."  Any partner, associate, officer, principal
    10  shareholder, parent corporation, subsidiary corporation,
    11  contractor, subcontractor, key employee, or agent of a person or
    12  municipality, or any person with a beneficial interest in the
    13  business of a person or municipality.
    14     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Resources or his
    15  authorized representative.
    16     "Solid waste."  As defined in section 103 of the act of July
    17  7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management
    18  Act.
    19     "Solid Waste Management Act."  The act of July 7, 1980
    20  (P.L.380, No.97).
    21     "State police."  The Pennsylvania State Police.
    22     "Transportation."  As defined in section 103 of the act of
    23  July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste
    24  Management Act.
    25     "Vehicle."  Any device in, upon or by which any person or
    26  property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, and
    27  which is required by law to be registered with the Department of
    28  Transportation, or its equivalent in any other jurisdiction. The
    29  term does not include devices used exclusively upon rails or
    30  tracks.
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     1     "Vehicle code."  Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2  Statutes.
     3  Section 103.  Construction of act.
     4     (a)  Related acts.--This act shall be construed in pari
     5  materia with the Solid Waste Management Act and the Municipal
     6  Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act.
     7     (b)  Liberal construction.--The terms and provisions of this
     8  act are to be liberally construed, so as to best achieve and
     9  effectuate the goals and purposes hereof.
    10     (c)  Severability.--The provisions of this act are severable.
    11  If any provision of this act or its application to any person or
    12  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
    13  other provisions or applications of this act which can be given
    14  effect without the invalid provision or application.
    15  Section 104.  Powers and duties of department.
    16     The department shall have the power, and its duty shall be
    17  to:
    18         (1)  Develop rules and regulations to accomplish the
    19     purposes and to carry out the provisions of this act.
    20         (2)  Issue orders to implement and enforce the provisions
    21     of this act.
    22         (3)  Conduct investigations into the fitness of persons
    23     to transport municipal waste.
    24         (4)  Collect the required fees to cover the cost of
    25     conducting investigations under this act.
    26         (5)  Do any and all other things not inconsistent with
    27     any provision of this act, which it deems necessary or proper
    28     for the effective enforcement of this act and the rules or
    29     regulations which may be promulgated hereunder.
    30  Section 105.  Powers and duties of the Environmental Quality
    19900H2643B3659                  - 8 -

     1             Board.
     2     The Environmental Quality Board shall have the power and its
     3  duty shall be to adopt the rules and regulations of the
     4  department to accomplish the purposes and to carry out the
     5  provisions of this act and the establishment of rules and
     6  regulations to protect the confidentiality of any information
     7  collected by the department in the course of any investigation
     8  under this act.
     9                             CHAPTER 3
    10                     DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION
    11  Section 301.  Notification and disclosure statement.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (e),
    13  within 30 days of the effective date of this act, any person who
    14  owns or operates a municipal waste transportation vehicle in
    15  this Commonwealth shall file with the department a notification,
    16  a disclosure statement, and any additional information required
    17  by the department under subsection (d). Any person who becomes
    18  the owner or operator of a municipal waste transportation
    19  vehicle in this Commonwealth on or after the effective date of
    20  this act, or who becomes the owner or operator of additional
    21  municipal waste transportation vehicles on or after the
    22  effective date of this act shall immediately file with the
    23  department a notification, a disclosure statement and any
    24  additional information required by the department under
    25  subsection (d).
    26     (b)  Additions and changes.--If any of the information
    27  required to be included in a disclosure statement changes, or if
    28  additional responsible information comes into the possession of
    29  the person who is required to file the disclosure statement,
    30  after the disclosure statement has been filed, the person
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     1  required to file the original disclosure statement shall provide
     2  that information to the department, in writing, within 30 days
     3  of the change or addition.
     4     (c)  Content and updates.--The notification required by this
     5  section shall include the current state of registration,
     6  registration number, and registration expiration date for each
     7  municipal waste transportation vehicle owned or operated by the
     8  person in this Commonwealth. The owner or operator shall provide
     9  an annual update of the notification required by this section to
    10  the department.
    11     (d)  Additional information.--The department may require an
    12  owner or operator of a municipal waste transportation vehicle in
    13  this Commonwealth to provide the department with information
    14  sufficient to demonstrate whether any of the conditions in
    15  section 302 exist. The department may also require an owner or
    16  operator of a municipal waste transportation vehicle to complete
    17  and submit, to the department, a consent form that authorizes
    18  the department to obtain any information from other persons or
    19  agencies under section 304 for which the person's consent would
    20  be required.
    21     (e)  Application of section.--This section does not apply to
    22  Pennsylvania municipalities.
    23     (f)  Certain leases deemed owners.--A commercial lessor who
    24  does not arrange for the transportation of municipal waste or
    25  participate in the transportation of municipal waste, other than
    26  through leasing a vehicle to a person who transports municipal
    27  waste, shall not be deemed to be an owner of a municipal waste
    28  transportation vehicle under this act. In those circumstances,
    29  the lessee shall be deemed to be the owner of the vehicle under
    30  this act.
    19900H2643B3659                 - 10 -

     1  Section 302.  Orders prohibiting transportation.
     2     (a)  Grounds.--The department may issue an order prohibiting
     3  or restricting the transportation of municipal waste in a
     4  municipal waste transportation vehicle owned or operated by a
     5  person in any of the following circumstances:
     6         (1)  The person, or any related party to the person:
     7             (i)  has been convicted of a felony under the laws of
     8         the Commonwealth, the United States or any other
     9         jurisdiction;
    10             (ii)  has been convicted of a misdemeanor relating to
    11         solid waste management or the business of solid waste
    12         management under the laws of the Commonwealth, the United
    13         States or any other jurisdiction.
    14             (iii)  has entered into a plea bargain arrangement
    15         and was convicted of lesser charges if the original
    16         charge was a felony;
    17             (iv)  is currently under investigation by any
    18         Federal, State or local law enforcement agency; or
    19             (v)  is subject to current or pending charges which
    20         are a misdemeanor related to solid waste management, or
    21         any felony.
    22         (2)  There is substantial evidence that the person lacks
    23     the honesty, trustworthiness or integrity necessary to
    24     transport municipal waste in such manner as to safeguard the
    25     interest of the public.
    26         (3)  The person, or any related party to the person, in
    27     any prior business management performance record in the
    28     collection, transportation, processing, treatment, storage or
    29     disposal of solid waste has not previously exhibited the
    30     expertise and competence necessary to transport municipal
    19900H2643B3659                 - 11 -

     1     waste.
     2         (4)  The department finds that the person, or any related
     3     party to the person, has failed or continues to fail to
     4     comply with any provision of this act, the act of June 22,
     5     1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law, the
     6     act of January 8, 1960 (1959 P.L.2119, No.787), known as the
     7     Air Pollution Control Act, the act of November 26, 1978
     8     (P.L.1375, No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments
     9     Act, or any other Federal or State statute relating to
    10     environmental protection or to the protection of the public
    11     health, safety or welfare; or any rule or regulation of the
    12     department; or any order of the department; or any condition
    13     of any permit or license issued by the department; or if the
    14     department finds that the person, or any related party to the
    15     person has shown a lack of ability or intention to comply
    16     with any provision of this act or any of the statutes
    17     referred to in this paragraph or any rule or regulation of
    18     the department or order of the department, or any condition
    19     of any permit or license issued by the department as
    20     indicated by past or continuing violations.
    21         (5)  The person or any related party to the person has
    22     engaged in unlawful conduct as defined in the Solid Waste
    23     Management Act or the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and
    24     Waste Reduction Act unless the person demonstrates to the
    25     satisfaction of the department that the unlawful conduct has
    26     been corrected.
    27         (6)  The transportation of municipal waste in a vehicle
    28     owned or operated by the person:
    29             (i)  is, or has been, conducted in violation of this
    30     act, the Solid Waste Management Act, the Municipal Waste
    19900H2643B3659                 - 12 -

     1     Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, or the rules or
     2     regulations adopted pursuant to those acts;
     3             (ii)  is creating a public nuisance;
     4             (iii)  is creating a potential hazard to the public
     5         health, safety or welfare; or
     6             (iv)  adversely affects the environment.
     7     (b)  Notice to other agencies.--The department shall notify
     8  the Department of Transportation, the Public Utility Commission
     9  and the Pennsylvania State Police whenever the department issues
    10  an order under this act in relation to a circumstance set forth
    11  in this section and shall provide the Department of
    12  Transportation, the Public Utility Commission and the State
    13  police with a description of the terms of the order, and a list
    14  of the municipal waste transportation vehicles owned or operated
    15  by the person against whom the order was issued, to the extent
    16  that such a list is available. The department shall release that
    17  list of vehicles to owners or operators of solid waste
    18  management facilities.
    19  Section 303.  Criminal investigation by the Pennsylvania State
    20                 Police.
    21     (a)  Requests by department.--
    22         (1)  Upon receipt of a notification and disclosure
    23     statement under this act, the department shall forward a copy
    24     of the disclosure statement to the State police and request
    25     the State police to conduct an investigation to determine
    26     whether one or more of the conditions in section 302(a)(1)
    27     exists.
    28         (2)  The department may also request the State police to
    29     conduct an investigation on any owner or operator of a
    30     municipal waste transportation vehicle in Pennsylvania or any
    19900H2643B3659                 - 13 -

     1     related party to the owner or operator to determine whether
     2     one or more of the conditions in section 302(a)(1) exists.
     3     (b)  Report.--Within 90 days from the date that the
     4  department requests the State police to conduct an investigation
     5  under this section, the State police shall forward to the
     6  department a report which includes a determination of whether
     7  one or more of the conditions in section 302(a)(1) exists.
     8     (c)  Criminal history record information.--In carrying out
     9  its duties under this section, where the owner or operator of a
    10  municipal waste transportation vehicle or any related party of
    11  the owner or operator is not a resident of the Commonwealth, the
    12  State police shall request a report of criminal history record
    13  information on the nonresident from the Federal Bureau of
    14  Investigations and shall forward the report to the department.
    15  Section 304.  Investigation by department.
    16     (a)  Authority of department.--
    17         (1)  To determine whether one or more of the conditions
    18     in section 302(a)(2) through (6) exists, the department is
    19     authorized to conduct investigations of any owner or operator
    20     of a municipal waste transportation vehicle in Pennsylvania
    21     or any related party to the owner or operator. This
    22     investigation shall be conducted in accordance with this
    23     section and with the rules or regulations promulgated
    24     pursuant to this act.
    25         (2)  Each criminal justice agency shall forward any
    26     criminal history record information, intelligence information
    27     and investigative information maintained by the agency to the
    28     department, without charge, upon the request of the
    29     department within 90 days after such request. All records
    30     obtained by the department under this paragraph shall be
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     1     treated as confidential in accordance with the Criminal
     2     History Record Information Act.
     3         (3)  State government officials shall provide the
     4     department with such information and assistance as the
     5     department requires to carry out any investigations under
     6     this section, including, but not limited to, records
     7     certified by the Department of Transportation related to
     8     vehicle safety, operator performance and certified records of
     9     convictions under the Vehicle Code. All such information or
    10     records of convictions shall be admissible in any proceeding
    11     or appeal of an order issued under this act.
    12     (b)  Procedures authorized.--In any investigation conducted
    13  under this section, the department is authorized:
    14         (1)  to issue, and cause to be served on any person that
    15     is the subject of any investigation under this section, or
    16     any related party to the person that is the subject of an
    17     investigation under this section, investigative
    18     interrogatories requiring that the person answer questions
    19     under oath and produce material for examination. However, no
    20     interrogatory shall contain any requirement which would be
    21     unreasonable if contained in a subpoena duces tecum issued in
    22     aid of a grand jury investigation or require the production
    23     of any documentary evidence which would be otherwise
    24     privileged from disclosure if demanded by a subpoena duces
    25     tecum issued in aid of a grand jury investigation; and
    26         (2)  to issue subpoenas to require the attendance and
    27     testimony of witnesses under oath before the secretary or his
    28     designee and the production of documentary evidence relative
    29     to any investigation under this section, and to cause such
    30     subpoenas to be served upon the witnesses. All subpoenas
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     1     shall be issued by the secretary or his designee.
     2     (c)  Petition to modify or set aside.--Within 30 days after a
     3  person is served with a subpoena or interrogatory under
     4  subsection (b), the person who has been served with the
     5  interrogatory or subpoena may file with the Environmental
     6  Hearing Board a petition for an order modifying or setting aside
     7  the interrogatory or subpoena. The Environmental Hearing Board
     8  shall hold a hearing on the petition within six business days
     9  after the petition is filed with the board and shall issue a
    10  decision on the petition within six business days after it holds
    11  the hearing. The Environmental Hearing Board may allow the
    12  subpoena or interrogatory to stand as issued, or may modify or
    13  set aside the subpoena or interrogatory. The time allowed for
    14  compliance with the interrogatory or subpoena shall not run
    15  during the pendency of this petition. The petition shall specify
    16  each ground upon which the petitioner relies in seeking relief,
    17  and may be based upon any failure of the interrogatory or
    18  subpoena to comply with the provisions of this section or upon
    19  any constitutional or other legal right or privilege of the
    20  petitioner. In this proceeding, the department shall establish
    21  the existence of an investigation pursuant to this section and
    22  the general nature and subject matter of the investigation.
    23     (d)  Status of information.--All information submitted to the
    24  department on a disclosure statement and all information
    25  collected by the department or the State police pursuant to an
    26  investigation under this act shall be privileged and not subject
    27  to disclosure until the department completes the investigation.
    28     (e)  Certain matters not a defense.--It shall not be a
    29  defense to the use of investigative authority by the department
    30  under this section that the use may produce information relevant
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     1  to section 302(a)(1) so long as the use is related to securing
     2  information relevant to any other ground or grounds upon which
     3  the department may take an action under section 302.
     4     (f)  Duty of owners and operators.--All owners or operators
     5  of municipal waste transportation vehicles shall have the
     6  continuing duty to provide any assistance or information
     7  requested by the department or the State police and to cooperate
     8  in any inquiry, investigation or hearing conducted under this
     9  section or section 303 by the department or the State police.
    10  Owners or operators of municipal waste transportation vehicles
    11  shall also supply physical evidence, including fingerprints and
    12  handwriting samples of any individual required to be listed on
    13  the disclosure statement, in a manner required by the department
    14  and the State police. If, upon issuance of a formal request by
    15  the department or the Pennsylvania State Police to answer any
    16  inquiry or produce information, evidence or testimony, any owner
    17  or operator of a municipal waste transportation vehicle refuses
    18  to comply, the department may issue an order prohibiting or
    19  restricting the transportation of municipal waste in every
    20  municipal waste transportation vehicle owned or operated by that
    21  person.
    22                             CHAPTER 5
    23                            ENFORCEMENT
    24  Section 501.  Public nuisances.
    25     Any violation of any provision of this act, any rule or
    26  regulation promulgated thereunder, or any order issued pursuant
    27  thereto shall constitute a public nuisance. Any person
    28  committing such a violation shall be liable for the costs of
    29  abatement of any pollution and any public nuisance caused by
    30  such violation. Any court of competent jurisdiction is hereby
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     1  given jurisdiction over actions to recover the costs of such
     2  abatement.
     3  Section 502.  Enforcement orders.
     4     In addition to orders under section 302, the department may
     5  issue orders to such persons as it deems necessary to aid in the
     6  enforcement of the provisions of this act. These orders may
     7  include, but not be limited to, orders requiring persons to
     8  cease unlawful activities in the transportation of municipal
     9  waste.
    10  Section 503.  Duty to comply with orders.
    11     It shall be the duty of any person to comply with any order
    12  issued pursuant to this act. If a person fails to proceed
    13  diligently, or fails to comply with the order within such time,
    14  if any, as may be specified, the person shall be punished by the
    15  court in an appropriate manner. For this purpose, application
    16  may be made by the department to the Commonwealth Court, which
    17  court is hereby granted jurisdiction to enforce any order issued
    18  under this act.
    19  Section 504.  Restraining violations.
    20     (a)  Equity actions.--In addition to other remedies provided
    21  in this act, department may institute a suit in equity in the
    22  name of the Commonwealth where a violation of law or nuisance
    23  exists for an injunction to restrain a violation of this act or
    24  the rules, regulations, standards or orders adopted or issued
    25  thereunder and to restrain the maintenance or threat of a public
    26  nuisance. In any such proceeding, the court shall, upon motion
    27  of the Commonwealth, issue a prohibitory or mandatory
    28  preliminary injunction if it finds that the defendant is
    29  engaging in unlawful conduct as defined by this act or is
    30  engaged in conduct which is causing immediate and irreparable
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     1  harm to the public. The Commonwealth shall not be required to
     2  furnish bond or other security in connection with these
     3  proceedings. In addition to an injunction, the court, in equity
     4  proceedings, may levy civil penalties as specified in section
     5  505.
     6     (b)  Remedies cumulative.--The penalties and remedies
     7  prescribed in this act shall be deemed concurrent, and the
     8  existence of any remedy shall not prevent the department from
     9  exercising any other remedy hereunder, at law or in equity.
    10     (c)  Jurisdiction.--Actions instituted under this section may
    11  be filed in the appropriate court of common pleas or in the
    12  Commonwealth Court, which courts are hereby granted jurisdiction
    13  to hear such actions.
    14  Section 505.  Penalties.
    15     (a)  Civil penalty.--In addition to proceeding under any
    16  other remedy available at law or in equity for a violation of
    17  any provision of this act, any rule or regulation of the
    18  department or any order of the department, the department may
    19  assess a civil penalty upon a person for such violation. When
    20  the department proposes to assess a civil penalty, it shall
    21  inform the person of the proposed amount of the penalty. The
    22  person charged with the penalty shall then have 30 days to pay
    23  the proposed penalty in full. If the person wishes to contest
    24  either the fact of the violation or the amount of the penalty,
    25  that person shall either forward the proposed amount to the
    26  department for placement in an escrow account with the State
    27  Treasurer or with a bank in this Commonwealth or post an appeal
    28  bond in the amount of the penalty. The bond must be executed by
    29  a surety licensed to do business in this Commonwealth and must
    30  be satisfactory to the department. If, through administrative or
    19900H2643B3659                 - 19 -

     1  judicial review of the proposed penalty, it is determined that
     2  no violation occurred or that the amount of the penalty shall be
     3  reduced, the department shall, within 30 days, remit the
     4  appropriate amount to the person, with any interest accumulated
     5  by the escrow deposit. Failure to forward the money or the
     6  appeal bond to the department within 30 days shall result in a
     7  waiver of all legal rights to contest the violation or the
     8  amount of the penalty. The maximum civil penalty which may be
     9  assessed pursuant to this section is $10,000 per offense.
    10     (b)  Summary offense.--Any person who violates any provision
    11  of this act, any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant hereto
    12  or the terms or conditions of any order issued pursuant hereto,
    13  except an order issued pursuant to section 302, commits a
    14  summary offense punishable by a fine of not less than $100 and
    15  not more than $1,000 and costs and, in default of the payment of
    16  such fines and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than
    17  30 days.
    18     (c)  Misdemeanor.--Any person who violates the terms or
    19  conditions of an order issued pursuant to section 302, or who,
    20  within two years of a conviction for any violation of this act,
    21  violates any provision of this act, the rules and regulations
    22  promulgated pursuant hereto, or the terms or conditions of any
    23  order issued pursuant hereto, commits a misdemeanor of the third
    24  degree punishable by a fine of not less than $1,000 but not more
    25  than $10,000 per day for each violation or to imprisonment for a
    26  period of not more than one year, or both.
    27     (d)  Separate offenses.--Each violation for each separate day
    28  and each violation of any provision of this act, any regulation
    29  promulgated hereunder, or the terms or conditions of any order
    30  issued hereunder shall constitute a separate offense under this
    19900H2643B3659                 - 20 -

     1  section.
     2     (e)  Contraband.--Any vehicle, equipment or conveyance used
     3  for the transportation of municipal waste in violation of an
     4  order issued under section 302 shall be deemed contraband and
     5  shall be seized and forfeited to the department. The provisions
     6  of law relating to the seizure, summary and judicial forfeiture,
     7  and condemnation of intoxicating liquor shall apply to seizures
     8  and forfeitures under this section.
     9  Section 506.  Unlawful conduct.
    10     It shall be unlawful for any person to:
    11         (1)  Transport municipal waste in violation of any
    12     provision of this act, the Solid Waste Management Act, the
    13     Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act,
    14     any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, any order
    15     issued hereunder, or any term or condition of any license or
    16     permit issued hereunder.
    17         (2)  Cause or assist in the violation of any provision of
    18     this act, any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder, or
    19     any order issued hereunder.
    20         (3)  Accept municipal waste for disposal, processing,
    21     storage or transportation from a vehicle covered by an order
    22     issued under section 302.
    23  Section 507.  Enforcement of subpoenas.
    24     (a)  Application to Commonwealth Court.--Upon the failure of
    25  any person who is subpoenaed pursuant to section 304 to obey the
    26  command of the subpoena or to be sworn or affirmed or to
    27  testify, application may be made to Commonwealth Court for the
    28  enforcement of such subpoena.
    29     (b)  Decision.--The Commonwealth Court, after a hearing, may
    30  make an adjudication of contempt or may issue another
    19900H2643B3659                 - 21 -

     1  appropriate order.
     2                             CHAPTER 7
     3                         FEES AND EXPENSES
     4  Section 701.  Basic fee.
     5     The department shall impose a nonrefundable fee of $100 per
     6  vehicle upon owners or operators of municipal waste
     7  transportation vehicles for the costs to the department and the
     8  State police of collecting information and carrying out
     9  investigations under this act. The Environmental Quality Board
    10  may modify this fee by regulation.
    11  Section 702.  Reimbursement for expenses.
    12     Persons subject to this act shall reimburse the department
    13  for actual expenses incurred by the department and the State
    14  police in collecting information and carrying out investigations
    15  under this act beyond the expenses covered by the fee provided
    16  for in section 701.
    17  Section 703.  Agreement with Pennsylvania State Police.
    18     The department and the State police shall enter into a
    19  cooperative agreement which provides that the department will
    20  pay to the State police that portion of the fees collected under
    21  this section that is necessary to cover the actual expenses of
    22  the State police in carrying out its duties under section 303.
    23  Section 704.  Solid Waste Abatement Fund.
    24     Except for those fees that are forwarded to the State police
    25  under section 703, all fees collected by the department under
    26  this chapter shall be paid into the Solid Waste Abatement Fund.
    27                             CHAPTER 11
    28                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    29  Section 1101.  Repeals.
    30     The following acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
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     1  they are inconsistent with this act:
     2     Section 9121(d) and 9124 of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania
     3  Consolidated Statutes are repealed insofar as they are
     4  inconsistent with this act.
     5  Section 1102.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect immediately.

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