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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3682



No. 2681 Session of 1998



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to North Warren
     3     Municipal Authority, certain lands situate in Conewango
     4     Township, Warren County.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The Department of General Services, with the
     8  approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized and directed on
     9  behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey
    10  North Warren Municipal Authority the Warren State Hospital
    11  sanitary sewer system facilities, land and buildings described
    12  in section 2 for fair consideration, equal to the fair market
    13  value, as determined by independent appraisal. Fair
    14  consideration must be received from the Grantee within 15 years
    15  of the date of conveyance.
    16     Section 2.  The property to be conveyed pursuant to section 1
    17  consists of the Warren State Hospital sanitary sewer system
    18  facilities described in Exhibit 1 to the Lease Agreement with

     1  Option to Purchase dated April 9, 1998, between the Commonwealth
     2  of Pennsylvania and North Warren Municipal Authority, situate in
     3  Conewango Township, Warren County, bounded and more particularly
     4  described as follows:
     5     COMMENCING at an existing 1 inch iron pipe set by R. G.
     6  Rieder in the north line of lands of the Commonwealth of
     7  Pennsylvania, recorded in Deed Book 68, Page 499 of the Warren
     8  County Courthouse.
     9     THENCE; South 25 degrees 13 minutes 56 seconds West, 1,249.33
    10  feet to the place of beginning and a 5/8 inch rebar and cap set
    11  at the northwest corner of land described herein.
    12     THENCE; South 78 degrees 40 minutes 19 seconds East, severing
    13  the lands of the Grantor herein 665.81 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar
    14  and cap set in the westerly Right-of-Way line of SR 0082, being
    15  the northeast corner of lands described herein.
    16     THENCE; continuing along said Right-of-Way line South 19
    17  degrees 26 minutes 26 seconds West, 500.10 feet to a 5/8 inch
    18  rebar and cap and the southeast corner of lands described
    19  herein.
    20     THENCE; South 89 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds West severing
    21  the lands of the Grantor, herein 809.69 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar
    22  and cap, being the southwest corner of lands described herein.
    23     THENCE; North 14 degrees 23 minutes 31 seconds East, severing
    24  lands of the Grantor herein 422.27 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar and
    25  cap.
    26     THENCE; North 50 degrees 10 minutes 28 seconds east, severing
    27  the lands of the Grantor 207.66 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar and
    28  cap.
    29     THENCE; North 29 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds East, severing
    30  the lands of the Grantor herein 191.75 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar
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     1  and cap and the place of beginning.
     2     CONTINUING 11.868 acres, 516,949 square feet of land and
     3  being a portion of lands, previously conveyed to the
     4  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as recorded in AD Docket 54, Page
     5  91 and Deed Book 38, Page 363 of the Warren County Courthouse.
     6     Section 3.  The Department of General Services is authorized
     7  to grant any necessary utility easements to the Grantee for the
     8  efficient operation and maintenance of the facilities being
     9  conveyed. The easements include, but are not limited to, the
    10  force main, plant effluent and a natural gas line servicing the
    11  sewer treatment plant.
    12     Section 4.  The conveyance shall be made under and subject to
    13  all easements, and rights of others, including, but not confined
    14  to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph,
    15  water, electric, sewer, gas or pipeline companies, as well under
    16  and subject to any interest, estates or tenancies vested in
    17  third persons, whether or not appearing of record, for any
    18  portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.
    19     Section 5.  The deed of conveyance shall be approved as
    20  provided by law and shall be executed by the Secretary of
    21  General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of
    22  Pennsylvania.
    23     Section 6.  Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
    24  shall be borne by the Grantee.
    25     Section 7.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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