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                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 3945, 4031               PRINTER'S NO. 4176



No. 2764 Session of 2000

           SEPTEMBER 26, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the second class
     3     and second class A; amending, revising, consolidating and
     4     changing the laws relating thereto," providing for
     5     installment payment of political subdivision real estate       <--
     6     taxes upon reassessment by counties of the second class and
     7     for optional assessed value limitations.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 1980.2 of the act of July 28, 1953         <--
    11  (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class County Code, added
    12  December 21, 1998 (P.L.1088, No.146), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1980.2.  Limits on Counties of the Second Class.--(a)
    14  Notwithstanding any provisions of the act of June 21, 1939
    15  (P.L.626, No.294), referred to as the Second Class County
    16  Assessment Law, to the contrary, when a county of the second
    17  class makes its annual reassessment at values based upon an
    18  established predetermined ratio as required by law or when a

     1  county of the second class changes its established predetermined
     2  ratio, each political subdivision which hereafter levies its
     3  real estate taxes on that revised assessment or valuation shall
     4  for that year reduce its tax rate, if necessary, for the purpose
     5  of having the total amount of property tax revenue received
     6  exclusively as a result of the reassessment or change in ratio
     7  not to exceed one hundred five per cent of the total amount of
     8  property tax revenue received in the preceding year,
     9  notwithstanding the increased valuations of properties under the
    10  annual reassessment system. For the purpose of determining the
    11  total amount of revenue received exclusively as a result of the
    12  reassessment or change in ratio for the year, the amount to be
    13  levied on newly constructed buildings or structures or on
    14  increased valuations based on new improvements made to existing
    15  structures shall not be considered.
    16     (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of the act of May 25,
    17  1945 (P.L.1050, No.394), known as the "Local Tax Collection
    18  Law," when a county of the second class makes its annual
    19  reassessment at values based upon an established predetermined
    20  ration as required by law or when a county of the second class
    21  changes its established predetermined ratio, each political
    22  subdivision which hereafter levies its real estate taxes on that
    23  revised assessment or valuation shall allow taxpayers to pay
    24  such real estate taxes in four equal installments. A political
    25  subdivision shall provide by ordinance or resolution for the
    26  collection and payment of installments at specified dates during
    27  each successive quarter of its fiscal year. Where payment of
    28  taxes is made on the installment basis, no abatement or discount
    29  shall be allowed on said taxes. The unpaid installments shall
    30  not be considered delinquent if paid on or before the respective
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     1  installment dates established by ordinance or resolution of the
     2  political subdivision. To each installment on the date when it
     3  becomes delinquent a penalty may be added as provided by law.
     4     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
     5     SECTION 1.  THE ACT OF JULY 28, 1953 (P.L.723, NO.230), KNOWN  <--
     7  TO READ:
     8                           ARTICLE XIX-A
     9                Optional Assessed Value Limitations
    10     Section 1901-A.  Definitions.--The following words and
    11  phrases as used in this article shall be construed to have the
    12  following meaning:
    13     "Base year assessed value,"  the assessed value upon which
    14  the real property tax is levied by the political subdivision in
    15  the year prior to the first year real property taxes are levied
    16  under a mandated county-wide reassessment.
    17     "Homestead,"  shall have the same meaning as set forth in the
    18  act of March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the "Senior
    19  Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act."
    20     "Mandated county-wide reassessment,"  the application of new
    21  assessed values resulting from a county-wide revision of
    22  assessment of real property that is completed pursuant to a
    23  court order.
    24     "Qualified owner-occupant,"  a claimant as defined by the act
    25  of March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the "Senior Citizens
    26  Rebate and Assistance Act," who is qualified to receive a
    27  property tax rebate under the "Senior Citizens Rebate and
    28  Assistance Act."
    29     "Tax-neutral assessed value,"  the assessed value calculated
    30  under section 1903-A.
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     1     "Tax-neutral ratio,"  the ratio computed by dividing the
     2  total assessed values for all properties in the school district
     3  in the first year after a mandated county-wide reassessment by
     4  the assessed values for all properties in the school district in
     5  the year immediately prior to a mandated county-wide
     6  reassessment.
     7     Section 1902-A.  Optional Limitations on Assessed Value.--A
     8  county of the second class or a political subdivision located
     9  within a county of the second class may, by adopting an
    10  ordinance or resolution, utilize the tax-neutral assessed value
    11  when levying the real property tax on the homestead of a
    12  qualified owner-occupant after a mandated county-wide
    13  reassessment.
    14     Section 1903-A.  Calculation of Tax-Neutral Assessed Value.--
    15  If a political subdivision has adopted an ordinance or
    16  resolution under section 1902-A, the assessed value of the
    17  homestead of a qualified owner-occupant shall not exceed the
    18  base year assessed value of the homestead multiplied by the tax-
    19  neutral ratio for the school district in which the homestead is
    20  located. The maximum assessed value calculated under this
    21  section shall apply only to the real property tax levied by the
    22  political subdivision that has adopted the ordinance or
    23  resolution.
    24     Section 1904-A.  Duration of Tax-Neutral Assessed Value.--The
    25  tax-neutral assessed value of the homestead shall continue in
    26  effect until the earlier of:
    27     (1)  the first year the owner of the homestead fails to meet
    28  the requirements to receive property tax rebate under the act of
    29  March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the "Senior Citizens
    30  Rebate and Assistance Act"; or
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     1     (2)  the date of the sale or transfer of the property to a
     2  person other than the spouse of the qualified owner-occupant.
     3     Section 1905-A  Administration.--A county of the second class
     4  shall administer the qualification of homeowners for a tax-
     5  neutral assessed value under this act on behalf of all other
     6  political subdivisions within the county. A person who has
     7  qualified for and received a property tax rebate under the act
     8  of March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the "Senior Citizens
     9  Rebate and Assistance Act," shall not be required to file any
    10  additional application with the county in order to receive the
    11  tax-neutral assessed value with respect to real property taxes
    12  levied by a political subdivision adopting an ordinance or
    13  resolution under section 1902-A.
    14     Section 1906-A.  Sharing of Information.--The Secretary of
    15  Revenue is authorized and directed to provide a county of the
    16  second class with the property tax rebate information in the
    17  secretary's possession that is necessary to determine the
    18  identity and qualifications of any person for the tax-neutral
    19  assessment under this act. The information provided by the
    20  secretary shall be confidential and shall not be used for
    21  purposes other than the administration of this act.
    22     Section 3 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2001.      <--

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