See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3991



No. 2782 Session of 2000

           SEPTEMBER 27, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for public financing for Statewide judicial
     2     candidates; establishing the Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund;
     3     providing qualifications for funding, for payments, for use
     4     of funds, for authorized expenditures, for limitation on
     5     contributions, for return of funds and for penalties; and
     6     making an appropriation.

     7                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10  Section 3.  Application of act.
    11  Section 4.  Administration.
    12  Section 5.  Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund.
    13  Section 6.  Funding.
    14  Section 7.  Certification of moneys in fund.
    15  Section 8.  Qualification for funding.
    16  Section 9.  Funding formula.
    17  Section 10.  Limitations on funding.
    18  Section 11.  Time of payments.
    19  Section 12.  Use of funds by candidates.

     1  Section 13.  Expenditures.
     2  Section 14.  Annual report.
     3  Section 15.  Return of excess funds.
     4  Section 16.  Limitations on certain contributions.
     5  Section 17.  Penalties.
     6  Section 18.  Annual adjustments.
     7  Section 19.  Appropriation.
     8  Section 20.  Applicability.
     9  Section 21.  Effective date.
    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12  Section 1.  Short title.
    13     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pennsylvania
    14  Statewide Judicial Candidate Public Financing Act.
    15  Section 2.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Commission."  The State Ethics Commission.
    20     "Contribution."  Any payment, gift, subscription, assessment,
    21  contract, payment for services, dues, loan, forbearance, advance
    22  or deposit of money or any valuable thing to a candidate or
    23  political committee made for the purpose of influencing any
    24  election in this Commonwealth or for paying debts incurred by or
    25  for a candidate or committee before or after any election. The
    26  term includes the purchase of tickets for events such as
    27  dinners, luncheons, rallies and all other fundraising events;
    28  the granting of discounts or rebates not available to the
    29  general public; the granting of discounts or rebates by
    30  television and radio stations and newspapers not extended on an
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     1  equal basis to all candidates for the same office; and any
     2  payments provided for the benefit of any candidate, including
     3  any payments for the services of any person serving as an agent
     4  of a candidate or committee by a person other than the candidate
     5  or committee or a person whose expenditures the candidate must
     6  report under the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known
     7  as the Pennsylvania Election Code. The word "contribution"
     8  includes any receipt or use of anything of value received by a
     9  political committee from another political committee and also
    10  includes any return on investments by a political committee.
    11     "Declaration of candidacy."  The point in a person's campaign
    12  for political office at which that person becomes in compliance
    13  with section 1622 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320),
    14  known as the Pennsylvania Election Code.
    15     "Expenditure."
    16         (1)  The payment, distribution, loan or advancement of
    17     money or any valuable thing by a candidate, political
    18     committee or other person for the purpose of influencing the
    19     outcome of an election.
    20         (2)  The payment, distribution, loan, advance or transfer
    21     of money or other valuable thing between or among political
    22     committees.
    23         (3)  The providing of a service or other valuable thing
    24     for the purpose of influencing the outcome of a nomination or
    25     election of any person to any public office to be voted for
    26     in this Commonwealth.
    27         (4)  The payment or providing of money or other valuable
    28     thing by any person other than a candidate or political
    29     committee to compensate any person for services rendered to a
    30     candidate or political committee.
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     1     "Fund."  The Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund established in
     2  section 5.
     3     "Independent expenditure."  An expenditure by a person made
     4  for the purpose of influencing an election without cooperation
     5  or consultation with any candidate or any political committee
     6  authorized by that candidate and which is not made in concert
     7  with or at the request or suggestion of any candidate or
     8  political committee or agent thereof.
     9     "Major political party."  A political party whose candidate
    10  for Statewide judicial office received either the highest or
    11  second highest number of votes in the preceding election.
    12  Section 3.  Application of act.
    13     The provisions of this act shall be applicable to Statewide
    14  judicial candidates.
    15  Section 4.  Administration.
    16     The commission shall administer this act and may adopt rules
    17  and regulations as may be required to implement this act and to
    18  carry out its purpose.
    19  Section 5.  Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund.
    20     There is hereby established a special restricted receipts
    21  fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Pennsylvania Fair
    22  Campaign Fund. Payments shall be made into this fund pursuant to
    23  section 6, and disbursements shall be made from the fund only
    24  upon the warrant of the commission and a warrant of the State
    25  Treasurer. As much of the moneys in the fund as are necessary to
    26  make payments to candidates as provided in this act are
    27  appropriated from the fund on a continuing basis for the purpose
    28  of such payments.
    29  Section 6.  Funding.
    30     (a)  Designation of taxes.--Beginning with tax years
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     1  commencing January 1, 2001, and thereafter, each individual
     2  subject to the tax imposed by Article III of the act of March 4,
     3  1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, whose
     4  tax liability for the year is $25 or more may designate up to
     5  $25 of that individual's personal income taxes to be paid into
     6  the fund. In the case of married taxpayers filing a joint
     7  return, each spouse may designate up to $25 to be paid into the
     8  fund if their tax liability is $50 or more. All of these
     9  designated tax revenues shall be paid into the fund. The
    10  checkoff and instructions shall be prominently displayed on the
    11  first page of the return form. The instructions shall readily
    12  indicate that these designations neither increase nor decrease
    13  an individual's tax liability.
    14     (b)  Appropriation.--The General Assembly shall appropriate
    15  money to the fund sufficient to fully fund all requirements of
    16  this act, including the administrative, investigative and
    17  enforcement responsibilities of the commission. Upon notice by
    18  the commission, the General Assembly shall appropriate to the
    19  commission out of the General Fund such additional sums as may
    20  be required to carry out the purposes of this act if the sums
    21  first appropriated become inadequate.
    22     (c)  Commencement of funding.--Funding from the fund shall be
    23  provided to candidates for Statewide judicial office beginning
    24  with the primary election of 2005 and in each judicial primary
    25  and general election thereafter.
    26  Section 7.  Certification of moneys in fund.
    27     By June 30 of each year, the State Treasurer shall certify to
    28  the commission the current balance available in the fund.
    29  Section 8.  Qualification for funding.
    30     (a)  General qualifications.--
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     1         (1)  Any Statewide judicial candidate may apply for
     2     funding under this act if the candidate meets the
     3     contributory thresholds established in subsection (b) and
     4     otherwise conforms to the requirements of this act. No
     5     candidate shall be obligated to apply for funding under this
     6     act, and if any candidate elects not to apply, the provisions
     7     of this act pertaining to limits on expenditures or the use
     8     of the candidate's personal funds shall be inapplicable to
     9     the person and the person's candidacy.
    10         (2)  Any candidate electing to receive funding under this
    11     act shall declare the candidate's intention to do so and
    12     specify the office for which the person is a candidate.
    13         (3)  No Statewide judicial candidate may elect to receive
    14     funding under this act for a general election unless the
    15     candidate elected to receive funding under this act for the
    16     primary election.
    17         (4)  Any committee authorized to receive contributions or
    18     make expenditures for the candidate who has so declared shall
    19     abide by the provisions of section 16.
    20         (5)  Any candidate who for any reason has that
    21     candidate's name withdrawn from the ballot after receipt of
    22     funds under this act shall return to the fund all unspent
    23     money received from the fund.
    24     (b)  Qualification amounts.--
    25         (1)  In order to qualify for funding in a primary
    26     election, a candidate must receive a minimum amount of
    27     $100,000 at least 60 days prior to the date of the primary
    28     election, but subsequent to the day after the immediately
    29     preceding general election.
    30         (2)  In order to qualify for funding in a general
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     1     election, a Statewide judicial candidate must receive,
     2     subsequent to the date of that candidate's primary election
     3     but at least 60 days prior to the date of the candidate's
     4     general election, $100,000 in qualifying contributions.
     5         (3) (i)  The term "qualifying contribution" shall only be
     6         a contribution which has all of the following
     7         characteristics:
     8                 (A)  Made by an individual resident of
     9             Pennsylvania.
    10                 (B)  Made by a written instrument which indicates
    11             the contributor's full name and mailing residence and
    12             is not intended to be returned to the contributor or
    13             transferred to another political committee or
    14             candidate.
    15             (ii)  If a contributor receives goods or services of
    16         value in return for his contribution, the qualifying
    17         contribution shall be calculated as the original
    18         contributions minus the fair market value of the goods or
    19         services received.
    20     (c)  Evidence of qualifying contributions.--A candidate who
    21  elects to apply for funding under this act shall provide
    22  evidence that the candidate has raised the qualifying
    23  contributions required by this section, which evidence shall be
    24  verified and certified as correct by the auditors of the
    25  commission.
    26     (d)  Waiver.--A candidate who has accepted public funding
    27  under this act may apply to the commission for a waiver of the
    28  contribution limits set forth in section 10, the spending limits
    29  contained in section 13 or both of those limits if the amount of
    30  independent expenditures for communications advocating the
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     1  defeat of the candidate or election of the candidate's opponent
     2  require the candidate applying for the waiver to spend above the
     3  limits specified in section 13 in order to answer the
     4  communications paid for by the independent expenditures. The
     5  commission shall issue regulations setting guidelines for
     6  granting or denying requests for a waiver submitted under this
     7  section.
     8     (e)  Audit.--The commission shall conduct a complete audit of
     9  all candidates receiving funds under this act. The audits shall
    10  be conducted the year following the election for which funds
    11  were distributed. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
    12  provide the commission at no cost all reports of contributions
    13  and expenditures filed pursuant to Article XVI of the act of
    14  June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania
    15  Election Code, by Statewide judicial candidates, their political
    16  committees and all other political committees who have
    17  contributed to those candidates.
    18     (f)  Findings.--The auditors shall conduct their audit in
    19  accordance with sound accounting principles and shall make
    20  findings of any possible violations of this act. All audited
    21  candidates and their committees shall furnish any records to the
    22  accountants that the accountants deem necessary for the
    23  completion of their work.
    24     (g)  Public report.--The commission shall make public the
    25  report of the auditors and shall provide a copy to the Attorney
    26  General for the institution of such criminal proceedings as the
    27  Attorney General deems necessary.
    28     (h)  Additional qualifications.--A candidate seeking funding
    29  under this act may not authorize or control more than one
    30  candidate's political committee per office sought.
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     1  Section 9.  Funding formula.
     2     (a)  Matching payments.--Each candidate who qualifies for
     3  funding for an election pursuant to section 8 shall receive
     4  matching payments from the fund in the amount of $2 for each
     5  dollar of qualifying contribution.
     6     (b)  Threshold amounts.--The $2 for each dollar of qualifying
     7  contributions authorized in subsection (a) shall be provided for
     8  all qualifying contributions raised.
     9     (c)  Eligibility.--
    10         (1)  Only those qualifying contributions made during the
    11     period between the day after the immediately preceding
    12     general election and the day prior to 30 days before the
    13     primary election shall be eligible for matching payments from
    14     the fund for the primary election.
    15         (2)  Only those qualifying contributions made during the
    16     period prior to 30 days before the primary election and the
    17     general election of the year in which that candidate runs for
    18     office shall be eligible for matching payments from the fund
    19     for the general election.
    20     (d)  Reporting requirements.--Matching funds may not be
    21  provided for any qualifying contributions unless the reporting
    22  requirements required by the commission are satisfied.
    23  Section 10.  Limitations on funding.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Each candidate who qualifies for and
    25  receives funding pursuant to the formula established by this act
    26  shall be entitled to receive no more than the maximum amount
    27  specified in subsection (b) for the office the candidate seeks.
    28     (b)  Maximum amount.--
    29         (1)  The maximum amount of funding available for each
    30     Statewide judicial candidate at a general election under this
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     1     act shall be $1,000,000.
     2         (2)  The maximum amount of funding available for the
     3     primary election for each candidate under this act shall be
     4     $500,000.
     5     (c)  Restrictions on funding.--Notwithstanding any other
     6  provisions of this act to the contrary, no funding shall be
     7  provided to the following:
     8         (1)  A candidate in a general election who has received
     9     the nomination of both major political parties and has no
    10     opposition.
    11         (2)  A candidate in a primary election who is unopposed
    12     for the nomination.
    13         (3)  A candidate in a retention election.
    14  Section 11.  Time of payments.
    15     Beginning 45 days prior to the relevant election, the
    16  commission shall make payments authorized by this act at least
    17  every two weeks. Except for the final payment due a candidate,
    18  no payment to a candidate shall be disbursed from the fund
    19  unless the payment exceeds $5,000. Payments to a candidate that
    20  are $5,000 or less shall be aggregated and disbursed as a single
    21  payment.
    22  Section 12.  Use of funds by candidates.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Payments disbursed to candidates pursuant
    24  to this act may be used only for the election for which they are
    25  distributed and only for the purposes set forth in this act
    26  except that no fund moneys may be used:
    27         (1)  To transfer to other candidates or to committees of
    28     other candidates or to political committees.
    29         (2)  To pay for expenditures incurred more than 30 days
    30     after the date of the general election provided any
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     1     expenditures incurred after the date of the general election
     2     are incurred as a direct result of the general election.
     3     (b)  Restricted account.--Funds distributed to a candidate
     4  pursuant to this act shall be placed in a single bank account.
     5  Expenditures from this account shall be made only for campaign
     6  expenses listed in subsection (a).
     7  Section 13.  Expenditures.
     8     (a)  Primary election.--Expenditures made by a candidate or
     9  the candidate's authorized committee between the day after the
    10  immediately preceding general election and the date of the
    11  primary election may not exceed $1,500,000 unless otherwise
    12  provided.
    13     (b)  General election.--Expenditures made by a candidate
    14  receiving funding pursuant to section 8 of this act and the
    15  candidate's authorized committee for all purposes and from all
    16  sources, including, but not limited to, amounts of funds
    17  distributed under this act, proceeds of loans, gifts,
    18  contributions from any source or personal funds, subsequent to
    19  the date of the primary election and up to 30 days subsequent to
    20  the general election, may not exceed $3,000,000.
    21     (c)  Exception.--
    22         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act to
    23     the contrary, a candidate who accepts public funding pursuant
    24     to the formula established by this act, but whose opponent in
    25     a general election elects not to apply for the public
    26     funding, shall not be bound by the expenditure limits
    27     specified in this section.
    28         (2)  A candidate who accepts public funding shall be
    29     eligible to qualify for those fair campaign funds which would
    30     have otherwise been available to the opponent who has chosen
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     1     not to apply for funding from the fund.
     2         (3)  Contribution and expenditure limits in sections 10
     3     and 13 shall not apply to such candidate.
     4     (d)  Multiple candidates.--
     5         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act to
     6     the contrary, a candidate who accepts public funding pursuant
     7     to the formula established by this act, but whose opponents
     8     in a primary election elect not to apply for the public
     9     funding, shall not be bound by the expenditure limits
    10     specified in this section.
    11         (2)  If there is more than one candidate in a primary
    12     election, the fair campaign funds which would have otherwise
    13     been available to each opponent who has elected not to apply
    14     for the public funding shall be divided equally among the
    15     candidates who accept public financing.
    16         (3)  Contribution and expenditure limits in sections 10
    17     and 13 shall not apply to such candidate.
    18  Section 14.  Annual report.
    19     The commission shall report annually to the Governor and the
    20  General Assembly on the operations of funding as provided by
    21  this act. This report shall include, but not be limited to, the
    22  revenues and expenditures of the fund, the amounts distributed
    23  to candidates, the results of any audits performed on candidates
    24  in compliance with this act and any prosecutions brought for
    25  violations of this act.
    26  Section 15.  Return of excess funds.
    27     (a)  Unexpended funds, primary election.--All unexpended
    28  campaign funds in the candidate's authorized committee's
    29  possession 60 days after a primary election shall be returned to
    30  the State Treasury for deposit in the fund, up to the amount of
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     1  the funds which were distributed to the candidate under this act
     2  for the primary election. For every $2 remaining in the
     3  possession of the candidate's authorized committee, $1 shall be
     4  returned pursuant to this section.
     5     (b)  Unexpended funds, general election.--All unexpended
     6  campaign funds in the candidate's authorized committee's
     7  possession 60 days after a general or municipal election shall
     8  be returned to the State Treasury for deposit in the fund, up to
     9  the amount of the funds which were distributed to the candidate
    10  under this act for the general election. For every $2 remaining
    11  in the possession of the candidate's authorized committee, $1
    12  shall be returned pursuant to this section.
    13  Section 16.  Limitations on certain contributions.
    14     (a)  From individual persons.--
    15         (1)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    16     contributions, from any person to any Statewide judicial
    17     candidate, the candidate's authorized committee or agent
    18     shall not exceed $1,000 for each election.
    19         (2)  For each election, the candidate's authorized
    20     committee or agent may not accept or receive more than $1,000
    21     in aggregate contributions per election, including in-kind
    22     contributions from any person.
    23     (b)  From State political parties.--
    24         (1)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    25     contributions, from any State political party to the
    26     candidate's authorized committee or agent may not exceed
    27     $10,000 for each election.
    28         (2)  For each election, the candidate's authorized
    29     committee or agent may not accept or receive more than
    30     $10,000 in aggregate contributions, including in-kind
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     1     contributions from any State political party.
     2     (c)  From political action committees.--
     3         (1)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
     4     contributions, from any State political action committee to
     5     the candidate's authorized committee or agent may not exceed
     6     $5,000 for each election.
     7         (2)  For each election, the candidate's authorized
     8     committee or agent may not accept or receive more than $5,000
     9     in aggregate contributions, including in-kind contributions
    10     from any State political party.
    11     (d)  Source.--A gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit
    12  of money or anything of value to a candidate, the candidate's
    13  authorized committee or agent shall be considered a contribution
    14  both by the original source of the contribution and by any
    15  intermediary or conduit if the intermediary or conduit:
    16         (1)  exercises any direction over the making of the
    17     contribution; or
    18         (2)  solicits the contribution or arranges for the
    19     contribution made and directly or indirectly makes the
    20     candidate aware of such intermediary or conduit's role in
    21     soliciting or arranging the contribution for the candidate.
    22     (e)  Exception.--For purposes of subsection (d), a
    23  contribution shall not be considered to be a contribution by an
    24  intermediary or conduit to the candidate if:
    25         (1)  the intermediary or conduit has been retained by the
    26     candidate's committee for the purpose of fundraising and is
    27     reimbursed for expenses incurred in soliciting contributions;
    28         (2)  in the case of an individual, the candidate has
    29     expressly authorized the intermediary or conduit to engage in
    30     fundraising or the individual occupies a significant position
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     1     within the candidate's campaign organization; or
     2         (3)  in the case of a political committee, the
     3     intermediary or conduit is the authorized committee of the
     4     candidate.
     5     (f)  Personal funds.--No Statewide judicial candidate who
     6  accepts public funding in accordance with this act may
     7  contribute more than $1,000 per election from the candidate's
     8  personal funds.
     9     (g)  Year contributed.--For purposes of this section, any
    10  contribution made to a Statewide judicial candidate in a year
    11  other than the calendar year in which the election is held with
    12  respect to which such contribution is made is considered to be
    13  made during the calendar year in which such election is held.
    14  Section 17.  Penalties.
    15     (a)  General rule.--A person who violates the provisions of
    16  this act and who, as a result, obtains funds under this act to
    17  which the person is not entitled commits a misdemeanor of the
    18  first degree and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of
    19  not more than the greater of $10,000, or three times the amount
    20  of funds wrongfully obtained.
    21     (b)  Use of funds and expenditures.--A person who violates
    22  section 12 or 13 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree and
    23  shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than
    24  the greater of $10,000, or three times the amount of funds that
    25  were wrongfully used.
    26     (c)  Fines and penalties.--All fines and penalties assessed
    27  pursuant to this act shall be deposited in the fund.
    28  Section 18.  Annual adjustments.
    29     (a)  Duty to commission.--The dollar amounts set forth in
    30  sections 6, 8(b), 9, 10, 13 and 16 shall be adjusted annually at
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     1  a rate equal to the average percentage change in the All-Urban
     2  Consumer Price Index for the Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and
     3  Scranton standard metropolitan statistical areas as published by
     4  the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department
     5  of Labor, or any successor agency, occurring in the prior
     6  calendar year. The base year shall be 2000. The checkoff
     7  referred to in section 6 shall be rounded to the next nearest
     8  dollar.
     9     (b)  Publication.--The average shall be calculated and
    10  certified annually by the commission by adding in the percentage
    11  increase, and resulting new dollar amounts shall be published by
    12  the commission in March as a notice in the Pennsylvania
    13  Bulletin.
    14  Section 19.  Appropriation.
    15     The sum of $750,000 is hereby appropriated to the State
    16  Ethics Commission for fiscal year 2001-2002 to implement the
    17  requirements of this act.
    18  Section 20.  Applicability.
    19     This act shall be applicable to returns of taxpayers of
    20  calendar years commencing January 1, 2003, and thereafter.
    21  Section 21.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect in 120 days.

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