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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4269



No. 2794 Session of 2006

           YUDICHAK, JUNE 19, 2006

           PREPAREDNESS, JUNE 19, 2006

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for small disaster assistance, for low-interest loans
     2     to individual disaster victims and businesses and for
     3     municipal grants.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Legislative findings.
     7     The General Assembly finds that many communities in this
     8  Commonwealth frequently are subject to natural and manmade
     9  disasters which cause significant damage and disruption in the
    10  life of the community but which are not of sufficient magnitude
    11  to qualify for Federal disaster assistance programs.
    12  Nevertheless, these losses are of considerable importance to
    13  those directly affected and their communities and to the health
    14  and welfare of the citizens of this Commonwealth's many small
    15  communities.

     1  Section 2.  Definitions.
     2     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     3  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     4  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     5     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
     6     "Business."  The term includes nonprofit organizations and
     7  the nonsectarian portion of religious facilities.
     8     "Cost-of-living increase."  The amount of increase equal to
     9  the percentage change in the Consumers Price Index for All Urban
    10  Consumers (CPI-U) for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and
    11  Maryland area for the most recent 12-month period for which
    12  figures have been officially reported by the United States
    13  Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics immediately
    14  prior to the date the adjustment is to take effect.
    15     "Fund."  The Small Disaster Assistance Fund created under
    16  section 3.
    17     "Small disaster."  An event which results in total uninsured
    18  losses for all affected individuals and businesses of not more
    19  than $2,000,000 and which occurred after June 30, 2005, and
    20  falls below the current Federal guidelines for Federal disaster
    21  assistance but which involves:
    22         (1)  damage exceeding 40% of the total value of a
    23     structure and contents of each of at least five homes or two
    24     businesses;
    25         (2)  loss of life; or
    26         (3)  total estimated damages of at least $250,000 to
    27     public facilities.
    28  Section 3.  Small Disaster Assistance Fund.
    29     (a)  Fund established, There is hereby established within the
    30  agency program the Small Disaster Assistance Fund to assist the
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     1  victims of natural and manmade disasters with low-interest loans
     2  and grants. The fund shall be a nonlapsing fund to be called the
     3  Small Disaster Assistance Fund. The fund shall consist of moneys
     4  appropriated by the General Assembly and Federal moneys
     5  appropriated for disaster assistance. Except as otherwise
     6  provided in this act, assistance shall not be available to a
     7  person that owns property within a 100-year flood plain and does
     8  not have flood insurance. All loan repayments shall be placed in
     9  the fund to be used for the purposes of this act.
    10     (b)  Coordination and administration of fund.--All field and
    11  other activities of the fund shall be coordinated by the agency,
    12  including budgetary allocations from the Small Disaster
    13  Assistance Fund and reports to the General Assembly on program
    14  performance and needs. Final authority on all individual
    15  requests for assistance from the fund shall rest with the
    16  administering agencies. Program elements of the fund shall be
    17  administered as follows:
    18         (1)  For residential housing needs, the Pennsylvania
    19     Housing Finance Agency.
    20         (2)  For residential contents and vehicles, the
    21     Department of Public Welfare.
    22         (3)  For business and municipal programs, the Department
    23     of Community and Economic Development.
    24     (c)  Small disaster declarations.--
    25         (1)  A county emergency management director may petition
    26     the agency for a declaration of a small disaster. The
    27     agency's determination on the petition shall be deemed a
    28     final order, subject to review under 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. A
    29     (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
    30         (2)  A declaration of small disaster shall extend the
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     1     assistance available under this act to all persons,
     2     businesses and municipalities within a county that suffered
     3     any level of physical damages from the disaster event.
     4  Section 4.  Low-interest loans to individual disaster victims.
     5     (a)  Residential loans.--Persons who have lost clothing,
     6  furniture, appliances, furnaces, hot water heaters or other
     7  contents of their primary residences as the result of a small
     8  disaster are eligible for low-interest loans of not more than
     9  $7,500 per person in multiperson households and not more than
    10  $15,000 in single person households. Persons may also be
    11  eligible for a low-interest loan for the purpose of
    12  investigating flood damage, elevation of primary residence or
    13  flood mitigation projects and debris removal. The total amount
    14  per household shall not be more than $30,000.
    15     (b)  Coverage.--Loans shall cover only that portion of loss
    16  not covered by insurance.
    17  Section 5.  Business loans.
    18     (a)  Business loans.--
    19         (1)  Loans to businesses shall be for a term of not more
    20     than 15 years, except where the term is extended by hardship
    21     suspensions of payments. Business loans shall be secured by a
    22     mortgage on real property of the business or other suitable
    23     collateral.
    24         (2)  Business loans may also be eligible for a low-
    25     interest loan for the purpose of investigating flood damage,
    26     elevation of primary residence or flood mitigation projects
    27     and debris removal. Business loans may be used to repair or
    28     replace all of the following when lost or seriously damaged
    29     due to a small disaster:
    30             (i)  Fixed equipment.
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     1             (ii)  Major moveable equipment.
     2             (iii)  Furnishings.
     3             (iv)  Real property.
     4             (v)  Leasehold improvements.
     5             (vi)  Inventory, if it can be shown that an insurance
     6         policy at a reasonable premium in relation to value was
     7         not available to replace the inventory.
     8         (3)  At the discretion of the Department of Community and
     9     Economic Development, individual business loans may be
    10     increased up to 150% of eligible repair or replacement costs
    11     to assist in business retention and recovery. The sum of all
    12     business loans may not be more than one-half of all funds
    13     available for expenditure in the Small Disaster Assistance
    14     Fund in any fiscal year.
    15  Section 6.  Interest.
    16     All loans shall bear interest for the entire term at a rate
    17  no greater than the annual cost-of-living increase in the year
    18  in which the loan is granted.
    19  Section 7.  Municipal grants.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Municipalities affected by a small
    21  disaster may apply for grants to rectify conditions or
    22  inadequate public facilities that led directly to the small
    23  disaster or contributed substantially to its occurrence or the
    24  inability of local officials to bring the damage under control.
    25     (b)  Municipal grants.--Municipal and county grants may be
    26  used for repairing or replacing all of the following when lost
    27  or seriously damaged due to a small disaster:
    28         (1)  Buildings.
    29         (2)  Major equipment other than vehicles, plows, backhoes
    30     and similar gasoline-powered or diesel-powered mobile
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     1     machinery.
     2         (3)  Office machines.
     3         (4)  Streets.
     4         (5)  Water and sewer lines and other public utilities.
     5         (6)  Recreational facilities.
     6  Section 8.  Effective date.
     7     This act shall take effect immediately.

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