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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3966



No. 2807 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Prohibiting discharges of oil and similar substances into the
     2     waters of this Commonwealth; requiring reporting of
     3     discharges; providing for responses to discharges;
     4     establishing liability for discharges; and providing for
     5     penalties.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Oil Spill
    10  Response and Liability Act.
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Resources of
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     "Discharge."  Any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring,
    18  emitting, emptying or dumping of more than 50 gallons of oil,
    19  unless authorized by a valid permit issued under Federal law or

     1  any laws of this Commonwealth.
     2     "Facility."  Any development or installation that deals in,
     3  stores or handles oil.
     4     "Oil."  Oil of any kind and in any form, including, but not
     5  limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, oil mixed
     6  with other wastes, crude oils and all other liquid hydrocarbons
     7  regardless of specific gravity.
     8     "Person."  Includes a corporation, a partnership and an
     9  association, as well as a natural individual.
    10     "Response action."  Any cleanup, abatement, containment,
    11  removal and disposal operations conducted in response to a
    12  discharge.
    13     "Responsible party."  Any person causing or permitting a
    14  discharge of oil into Commonwealth waters, or owning or
    15  operating any facility, vessel or vehicle from which there is a
    16  discharge of oil into Commonwealth waters.
    17     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Resources of the
    18  Commonwealth.
    19     "Vehicle."  Any conveyance in or on which persons or property
    20  may be carried, except a vessel.
    21     "Vessel."  Any conveyance in which persons or property may be
    22  carried on water. The term includes a barge or tug.
    23  Section 3.  Discharges prohibited.
    24     No person shall discharge oil into the waters of this
    25  Commonwealth.
    26  Section 4.  Reporting of discharge.
    27     (a)  Notification.--A responsible party shall notify the
    28  department of any discharge immediately upon learning of the
    29  discharge.
    30     (b)  Civil penalties for nonreporting.--In addition to
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     1  proceeding under any other remedy available at law or in equity
     2  for a violation of a provision of this act or the department's
     3  rules and regulations, the department may assess a civil penalty
     4  against any responsible party who fails to notify the department
     5  as required by subsection (a). No penalty shall be assessed
     6  where the responsible party reports the discharge to the Federal
     7  authorities designated pursuant to section 311 of the Federal
     8  Water Pollution Control Act (62 Stat. 1155, 33 U.S.C. § 1321).
     9  The amount of the penalty shall not exceed $10,000 a day for
    10  each violation. In determining the amount of the penalty, the
    11  department shall consider all relevant factors, including the
    12  amount of oil discharged and the environmental damage resulting
    13  from the failure to notify.
    14     (c)  Notice of penalty.--When the department proposes to
    15  assess a civil penalty, it shall inform the responsible person
    16  of the proposed amount of the penalty.
    17     (d)  Disposition.--The responsible party charged with the
    18  penalty under subsection (b) shall have 30 days to pay the
    19  proposed penalty in full or, if the person wishes to contest the
    20  amount of the penalty or the fact of the violation, forward the
    21  proposed amount of the penalty to the department within the 30-
    22  day period for placement in an escrow account with the State
    23  Treasurer or any Pennsylvania bank, or post an appeal bond to
    24  the department within 30 days in the amount of the proposed
    25  penalty, provided that the bond is executed by a surety licensed
    26  to do business in this Commonwealth and is satisfactory to the
    27  department.
    28     (e)  Administrative hearing.--The department shall grant an
    29  administrative hearing to any person who has requested one and
    30  has complied with subsection (d). The hearing shall be conducted
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     1  in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to
     2  practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
     3     (f)  Further action.--If, through administrative or final
     4  judicial review of the proposed penalty, it is determined that
     5  no violation occurred or that the amount of the penalty should
     6  be reduced, the department shall within 30 days remit the
     7  appropriate amount to the responsible party with any interest
     8  accumulated by the escrow deposit.
     9     (g)  Waiver.--Failure to forward the money or the appeal bond
    10  required under subsection (d) shall result in a waiver of all
    11  legal rights to contest the violation or the amount of the
    12  penalty.
    13     (h)  Assessment.--The amount assessed after an administrative
    14  hearing or final judicial review, or after waiver of an
    15  administrative hearing, shall be payable to the Commonwealth of
    16  Pennsylvania and shall be collectible in any manner provided by
    17  law for the collection of debts. If a person liable to pay this
    18  penalty neglects or refuses to pay the penalty after demand, the
    19  amount, together with any interest and any costs that may
    20  accrue, shall constitute a judgment in favor of the Commonwealth
    21  upon the property of such person from the date it has been
    22  entered and docketed on record by the prothonotary of the county
    23  where the property is situated. The department may at any time
    24  transmit to the prothonotaries of the respective counties
    25  certified copies of all such judgments, and it shall be the duty
    26  of each prothonotary to enter and docket them of record in his
    27  office, and to index the same as judgments are indexed, without
    28  requiring the payment of costs as a condition precedent to the
    29  entry thereof.
    30  Section 5.  Response to discharge.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--In the event of a discharge, a
     2  responsible party shall immediately undertake all reasonable
     3  response actions, subject to applicable Federal and State
     4  requirements.
     5     (b)  Rights of department.--If a responsible party cannot be
     6  identified, is unwilling or, in the opinion of the secretary, is
     7  unable to conduct reasonable response actions, or if, in the
     8  opinion of the secretary, the response actions of the
     9  responsible party are unsatisfactory or inadequate, the
    10  department may undertake reasonable response actions or contract
    11  with any public agency or private person to perform such
    12  response actions.
    13  Section 6.  Liability for discharge.
    14     (a)  Strict liability.--A responsible person shall be
    15  strictly liable:
    16         (1)  to the Commonwealth for the costs of reasonable
    17     response actions taken under section 5(b);
    18         (2)  to the Commonwealth for damage to real and personal
    19     property owned by the Commonwealth resulting from the
    20     discharge;
    21         (3)  to the Commonwealth for injury to, and destruction
    22     or loss of, the Commonwealth's natural resources resulting
    23     from the discharge;
    24         (4)  to any political subdivision for damage to real and
    25     personal property damage owned by the political subdivision
    26     resulting from the discharge; and
    27         (5)  to any person for damage to his real or personal
    28     property resulting from the discharge.
    29     (b)  Joint and several liability.--If more than one person is
    30  found to be a responsible party with respect to a certain
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     1  discharge, liability under this section shall be joint and
     2  several.
     3     (c)  Defenses.--It shall be a defense to liability under this
     4  section that the discharge was caused by one or more of the
     5  following:
     6         (1)  An act of God.
     7         (2)  An act of war, terrorism or insurrection.
     8         (3)  An act or omission of another party.
     9  Section 7.  Penalties.
    10     (a)  Gross negligence; willful conduct.--Any responsible
    11  party found to have caused a discharge through gross negligence
    12  or willful conduct shall be ordered to pay a civil penalty of
    13  not more than $250,000.
    14     (b)  Penalties not exclusive.--Penalties assessed by a court
    15  under this section shall be in addition to any other penalties
    16  assessed or damages recovered.
    17  Section 8.  Limitation on action.
    18     The provisions of any other act to the contrary
    19  notwithstanding, actions to recover damages and/or assess
    20  penalties under this act may be commenced at any time within a
    21  period of three years from the date the discharge occurred.
    22  Section 9.  Existing rights and remedies preserved.
    23     It is hereby declared to be the purpose of this act to
    24  provide additional and cumulative remedies in order to prevent,
    25  abate and impose liability for the pollution caused by
    26  discharges of oil into Commonwealth waters. Nothing contained in
    27  this act shall in any way abridge or alter rights of action or
    28  remedies now or hereafter existing in equity or under the common
    29  law or statutory law, criminal or civil, nor shall any provision
    30  in this act, or any act done by virtue of this act, be construed
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     1  as estopping the Commonwealth, persons or political
     2  subdivisions, in the exercise of their rights under the common
     3  law or statutory law or in equity, from proceeding in courts of
     4  law or equity to suppress nuisances, or to abate pollution, or
     5  from enforcing common law or statutory rights.
     6  Section 10.  Rules and regulations.
     7     The department shall have the power, and its duty shall be,
     8  to make, alter, amend or rescind rules and regulations to carry
     9  out the provisions of this act.
    10  Section 11.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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