See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4491



No. 2873 Session of 2006



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     2     with the concurrence of the Department of Environmental
     3     Protection, to lease land within the bed of the Delaware
     4     River within the City of Philadelphia.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Lands within the Delaware River bed.
     8     (a)  Authorization.--The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania owns
     9  the lands within the bed of the Delaware River, a portion of
    10  which lands are located in the 65th Ward of the City of
    11  Philadelphia. The Department of General Services, with the
    12  concurrence of the Department of Environmental Protection,
    13  acting on behalf of the Commonwealth, is hereby authorized to
    14  lease for an initial term of up to 99 years, land within the bed
    15  of the Delaware River in the City of Philadelphia and to extend
    16  the period for all or any portion of the leased premises for an
    17  additional term of up to 99 years.
    18     (b)  Description.--The land to be leased is approximately 7.0

     1  acres of filled land more particularly described as follows:
     2  ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground together with the
     3  improvements thereon erected, situate in the 65th Ward of the
     4  City of Philadelphia and described as follows to wit:
     5     BEGINNING AT AN INTERNAL POINT said point being the
     6  intersection of the Northeasterly side of Premises A as shown on
     7  Independence Point, Lot Line Relocation Plan prepared by Pennoni
     8  Associates Inc., dated 05/19/05, with the Bulkhead line Delaware
     9  River approved by the Secretary of War on September 10, 1940,
    10  said point being distant South 34 degrees 12 minutes 22 seconds
    11  East, 3,069.098 feet from a point on the Southeasterly side of
    12  State Road (80 feet wide) as shown on said Lot Line Relocation
    13  Plan;
    14     THENCE from said Point of Beginning extending South 34
    15  degrees 12 minutes 22 seconds East, 299.685 feet to the Pierhead
    16  line of the Delaware River approved by the Secretary of War on
    17  September 10, 1940;
    18     THENCE extending along the Pierhead Line of Delaware River
    19  the following two (2) courses and distances:
    20         (1)  South 52 degrees 42 minutes 41 seconds West, 533.414
    21     feet to an angle point;
    22         (2)  South 69 degrees 24 minutes 38 seconds West, 837.490
    23     feet to a Point on the Southwesterly line of Premises A;
    24     THENCE extending by the Southwesterly line of Premises A,
    25  North 32 degrees 39 minutes 35 seconds West, 306.032 feet to a
    26  point on the Bulkhead Line of the Delaware River;
    27     THENCE extending along the Bulkhead Line of the Delaware
    28  River the following two (2) courses and distances:
    29         (1)  North 69 degrees 24 minutes 38 seconds East, 857.615
    30     feet to an angle point;
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     1         (2)  North 52 degrees 42 minutes 41 seconds East, 505.557
     2     feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning
     3     Containing 409,100 Square Feet of 9.39164 Acres, more or
     4  less, be the contents thereof what they may. Excluding, however,
     5  all areas herein now covered by open water.
     6     (c)  Lease agreement.--The lease and any other documents
     7  hereby contemplated shall be approved by the Attorney General
     8  and shall be executed by the Department of General Services,
     9  with the concurrence of the Department of Environmental
    10  Protection, in the name of the Commonwealth. The lease shall
    11  grant the lessee, and all successors, assigns and sublessees,
    12  the right to use the above-described premises, or to assign the
    13  lease or sublease or permit the sublease of the above-described
    14  premises for the purposes of development, for residential,
    15  office, commercial, condominium, hotel, marina or other uses.
    16  Any development on the above-described premises, which premises
    17  also include, for this purpose, the portions of the above-
    18  described parcels situate on the Northwesterly side of the
    19  Bulkhead Line of the Delaware River established January 5, 1894,
    20  and approved by the Secretary of War September 10, 1940, is
    21  exempt from any requirement that the project be water dependent.
    22  Public access to the Delaware River shall be in conformance with
    23  the Waterfront Setback requirements set forth in Section 14-
    24  216(6)(g) of the Philadelphia Code, enacted into law by an
    25  Ordinance enacting Bill No. 050465, passed by the City Council
    26  on June 16, 2005 and signed by the Mayor on July 8, 2005, and no
    27  further public access will be required of lessee. Any mitigation
    28  which the Department of Environmental Protection is permitted to
    29  require of lessee under the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375,
    30  No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, may be
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     1  made solely by financial compensation.
     2     (d)  Sublease.--The Department of General Services, with the
     3  concurrence of the Department of Environmental Protection,
     4  acting on behalf of the Commonwealth, is also specifically
     5  authorized to enter into one or more nondisturbance agreements
     6  with any sublessee of the premises described in this act
     7  pursuant to which the Commonwealth will agree that, if the
     8  Commonwealth succeeds to the interest of the sublessor under the
     9  sublease, it will not terminate the sublease unless the
    10  sublessee is in default.
    11     (e)  Land use restriction.--All leases authorized or referred
    12  to under this act shall be made under and subject to the
    13  condition, which shall be contained in the lease documents, that
    14  no portion of the parcels shall be used as a licensed facility
    15  as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions) or any
    16  other similar type of facility authorized under the laws of this
    17  Commonwealth. This condition shall be a covenant running with
    18  the land and shall be binding upon the lessee and sublessees and
    19  their respective successors and assigns. Should any portion of
    20  any parcel authorized to be leased under this act be used in
    21  violation of this subsection, the lease shall terminate
    22  immediately.
    23     (f)  Improvements.--
    24         (1)  The Department of General Services, with the
    25     approval of the Attorney General, is hereby authorized to
    26     execute, on behalf of the Commonwealth, any declaration or
    27     other document necessary to submit these premises or any
    28     portion thereof and any improvements thereon to the
    29     provisions of 68 Pa.C.S. Pt. II Subpt. B (relating to
    30     condominiums) as a leasehold condominium.
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     1         (2)  Development of the parcels authorized to be leased
     2     herein shall be consistent with public and maritime uses as
     3     permitted herein.
     4         (3)  The lessee, all sublessees and their respective
     5     successors and assigns shall provide and maintain at least
     6     the following free public access to the riverfront for
     7     fishing and other recreation activities and free public
     8     parking in connection with such access:
     9             (i)  A minimum of ten free public parking spaces
    10         available at all times located proximate to the public
    11         walkway near the water edge and signage indicating the
    12         free public parking.
    13             (ii)  Public walkways on the riverfront, including
    14         water edge promenades along the entire water edge of the
    15         leasehold and adjacent to the water and providing free
    16         public access to the water and allowing for passive and
    17         active recreational activities year-round and signage
    18         indicating the walkways are open to the general public.
    19             (iii)  A free public park area along the public
    20         walkway near the water.
    21             (iv)  Public access to the Delaware River which
    22         conforms with the Waterfront Setback requirements set
    23         forth in Section 14-216(6)(g) of the Philadelphia Code
    24         (enacted into law by an Ordinance enacting Bill No.
    25         050465, passed by the City Council on June 16, 2005, and
    26         signed by the Mayor on July 8, 2005).
    27         (4)  The lessee named herein will assure that the public
    28     access and parking constructed pursuant to this act shall be
    29     maintained. Should the lessee, any sublessee or any of their
    30     respective successors or assigns wish to modify the public
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     1     access and parking required by this paragraph, it must obtain
     2     the prior written approval of the Department of Environmental
     3     Protection and the Department of General Services, which
     4     approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The public
     5     access and parking shall be completed and open to the public
     6     no later than the date the first tenant or resident occupies
     7     the land adjacent to the leasehold.
     8         (5)  Before any fill is placed or any structure is
     9     erected upon, in or over those portions of the parcels which
    10     are presently under water, the person placing such fill or
    11     erecting such structure shall comply with the relevant
    12     provisions of the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375,
    13     No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, which
    14     may require further measures to provide for public access and
    15     use of the land and adjacent water.
    16         (6)  These conditions shall be covenants that run with
    17     the land and shall be binding upon the lessee, any sublessee
    18     and their respective successors and assigns. Should the
    19     lessee, any sublessee or any of their respective successors
    20     or assigns permit the parcels authorized to be leased herein,
    21     or any portion thereof, to be used in a manner inconsistent
    22     with the conditions contained in this subsection, all rights
    23     and interests in the lease authorized by this act shall
    24     terminate immediately.
    25     (g)  Consideration.--The Department of General Services shall
    26  lease the land within the bed of the Delaware River as described
    27  in subsection (b) upon such terms and conditions and for such
    28  consideration as it shall, with the concurrence of the
    29  Department of Environmental Protection, establish through the
    30  lease agreements.
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     1     (h)  Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to the lease
     2  authorized by section 1 shall be borne by the lessee.
     3     (i)  Time limitation.--In the event that the lease authorized
     4  by this section is not executed within 18 months following the
     5  effective date of this act, the authority contained herein shall
     6  be void.
     7  Section 2.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect immediately.

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