No. 2928 Session of 2002

           R. STEVENSON AND HORSEY, OCTOBER 22, 2002

           PREPAREDNESS, OCTOBER 22, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for counterterrorism planning, preparedness and
     2     response; imposing powers and duties on the Pennsylvania
     3     Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Health,
     4     counties and municipalities; and providing for the
     5     organization of various response teams.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Definitions.
    10  Chapter 2.  Counterterrorism Planning, Preparedness and Response
    11  Section 201.  Counterterrorism planning, preparedness and
    12                 response program.
    13  Section 202.  Regional counterterrorism task forces.
    14  Section 203.  Regional counterterrorism response and
    15                 preparedness.
    16  Section 204.  Urban search and rescue task force.

     1  Section 205.  Specialized Statewide response teams.
     2  Section 206.  Grant program.
     3  Section 207.  Immunity from civil liability.
     4  Chapter 3.  Public Health Emergency Measures
     5  Section 301.  Temporary isolation and quarantine without notice.
     6  Section 302.  Appointment of health personnel.
     7  Section 303.  Private liability.
     8  Chapter 4.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     9  Section 401.  Donations management.
    10  Section 402.  Severability.
    11  Section 403.  Effective date.
    12                             CHAPTER 1
    13                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    14  Section 101.  Short title.
    15     This act shall be known and may be cited as the
    16  Counterterrorism Planning, Preparedness and Response Act.
    17  Section 102.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    19  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    22     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    23     "Disaster medical assistance teams."  A complement of
    24  individuals organized in accordance with standards developed by
    25  the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and applicable
    26  Federal agencies to provide medical service at the scene of
    27  natural and manmade disasters and mass casualty incidents.
    28     "Disaster mortuary teams."  A complement of individuals
    29  organized in accordance with standards developed by the
    30  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and applicable Federal
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     1  agencies to provide mortuary service at the scene of natural and
     2  manmade disasters and mass casualty incidents.
     3     "FEMA."  The Federal Emergency Management Agency.
     4     "Letter of agreement."  A written agreement between a
     5  regional counterterrorism task force and a public, semipublic,
     6  private or nonprofit corporation, business, association,
     7  partnership, authority, individual or other entity that agrees
     8  to provide personnel, equipment, supplies, training facilities
     9  or other resources either directly to or in support of the task
    10  force's specialized counterterrorism response team. All letters
    11  of agreement entered into under the provisions of this act must,
    12  at a minimum, address all of the following:
    13         (1)  Workers' compensation and death benefits.
    14         (2)  Use of 911 emergency communications centers and
    15     other dispatch centers.
    16         (3)  Member participation in training exercises, drills
    17     and actual activation and deployment.
    18     "Manmade disaster."  Any biological, chemical, nuclear,
    19  radiological, industrial, commercial or transportation accident,
    20  attack, explosion, conflagration, contamination, power failure,
    21  computer or communications failure, natural resource shortage or
    22  other condition, including enemy or terrorist act, which
    23  threatens or causes substantial property damage, human suffering
    24  and hardship or loss of life.
    25     "Municipal or municipality."  A city, borough, incorporated
    26  town, township or home rule municipality of this Commonwealth.
    27     "Mutual aid agreement" or "mutual aid."  A written agreement
    28  between a regional counterterrorism task force and a county,
    29  municipality or volunteer service organization whereby the
    30  county, municipality or volunteer service organization agrees to
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     1  provide personnel, equipment or other resources in response to a
     2  potential or actual terrorist incident or any other actual or
     3  potential natural or manmade disaster. In the absence of a
     4  written agreement, the term shall mean a county's,
     5  municipality's or volunteer service organization's affirmative
     6  act of sending its personnel, equipment or resources to the
     7  scene of an actual or potential terrorist incident or natural or
     8  manmade disaster, whether inside or outside the boundaries of
     9  this Commonwealth, in response to an official dispatch request
    10  from a county 911 communications center, county emergency
    11  management agency or the State Emergency Operations Center. All
    12  mutual aid agreements entered into under the provisions of this
    13  act must, at a minimum, address all of the following:
    14         (1)  Workers' compensation and death benefits.
    15         (2)  Use of 911 emergency communications centers and
    16     other dispatch centers.
    17         (3)  Member participation in training exercises, drills
    18     and actual activation and deployment.
    19  For the purposes of this act and any requirements established by
    20  the Federal Government, these two terms shall be
    21  interchangeable.
    22     "Natural disaster."  Any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood,
    23  high water, earthquake, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, drought,
    24  insect infestation, fire, explosion or other natural catastrophe
    25  which results in substantial property damage, human suffering
    26  and hardship or loss of life.
    27     "Regional counterterrorism task force."  A group of Federal,
    28  State, county and municipal emergency management, health, law
    29  enforcement, public safety and other officials and
    30  representatives from volunteer service organizations, private
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     1  business and industry, hospitals and medical care facilities and
     2  other entities within a multicounty area as determined by the
     3  agency that is responsible for conducting counterterrorism
     4  planning, training preparedness and response activities.
     5     "Specialized regional counterterrorism response team."  A
     6  complement of individuals organized in accordance with standards
     7  developed by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and
     8  applicable Federal agencies to respond to emergencies involving
     9  chemical, biological, radiological materials or other weapons of
    10  mass destruction.
    11     "Specialized Statewide response team."  A complement of
    12  individuals established by the Commonwealth to provide
    13  specialized personnel, equipment and other support capabilities
    14  in response to a terrorist incident or other disaster emergency
    15  in this Commonwealth. Specialized Statewide counterterrorism
    16  response teams include, but are not limited to, disaster medical
    17  assistance teams and disaster mortuary response teams.
    18     "Terrorism."  The unlawful use of force or violence committed
    19  by a group or individual against persons or property to
    20  intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or
    21  any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social
    22  objectives.
    23     "Urban search and rescue task force."  A complement of
    24  individuals organized in accordance with standards developed by
    25  the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the Federal
    26  Emergency Management Agency to provide emergency response and
    27  search and rescue capabilities and resources at the scene of a
    28  natural or manmade disaster, structure collapse or other
    29  emergency.
    30     "Volunteer service organization."  A volunteer fire company,
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     1  volunteer ambulance or medical company, volunteer rescue squad
     2  or any other volunteer entity organized and chartered or
     3  incorporated in this Commonwealth for the primary purpose of
     4  providing emergency services as defined in 35 Pa.C.S. § 7102
     5  (relating to definitions).
     6     "Weapon of mass destruction."  Any biological, chemical,
     7  nuclear, radiological, high explosive bomb, missile or other
     8  weapon or device used by a terrorist or enemy of the United
     9  States and designed to cause maximum injury or death to large
    10  numbers of persons and widespread destruction to civilian and
    11  governmental property and infrastructure.
    12                             CHAPTER 2
    14                            AND RESPONSE
    15  Section 201.  Counterterrorism planning, preparedness and
    16                 response program.
    17     (a)  Program.--The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
    18  shall coordinate and consult with other State agencies,
    19  departments and offices, including the Office of Homeland
    20  Security, to establish, develop and maintain a counterterrorism
    21  planning, preparedness and response program to promote and
    22  protect the health, safety and welfare of emergency responders,
    23  public officials and the general public from potential threats
    24  or actual acts of terrorism in this Commonwealth.
    25     (b)  Agency responsibilities.--The agency shall:
    26         (1)  Define the composition of regional counterterrorism
    27     task forces and specialized regional counterterrorism
    28     response teams and the respective regional counterterrorism
    29     zones for each.
    30         (2)  Provide training and technical assistance for
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     1     counterterrorism planning, preparedness and response to
     2     potential threats or actual acts of terrorism.
     3         (3)  Provide guidelines coordinating emergency response
     4     activities with emergency responders, law enforcement and
     5     Federal, State and municipal agencies and other entities
     6     responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the
     7     citizens of this Commonwealth.
     8         (4)  Require the preparation of counterterrorism
     9     emergency response plans or protocols, readiness evaluation
    10     reports or other documents deemed necessary by the agency.
    11         (5)  Provide grants and other funding assistance as
    12     required by the provisions of this chapter.
    13         (6)  Conduct terrorist incident exercises at locations
    14     within this Commonwealth to test the emergency response
    15     capabilities of all parties involved in the counterterrorism
    16     program.
    17         (7)  Assist regional counterterrorism task forces in
    18     developing and entering into mutual aid agreements and
    19     letters of agreement with other parties.
    20         (8)  Establish a certification program for specialized
    21     regional counterterrorism response teams within this
    22     Commonwealth. The certification program shall set standards
    23     for the administration, composition, training and equipping
    24     of the teams.
    25     (c)  Guidelines and policies.--The agency shall consult with
    26  representatives of the regional counterterrorism task forces to
    27  develop guidelines and policies necessary to carry out the
    28  provisions of this chapter.
    29  Section 202.  Regional counterterrorism task forces.
    30     (a)  Establishment.--The agency, in coordination with county
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     1  emergency management agencies, county and municipal health,
     2  police and public safety departments, volunteer services
     3  organizations, private business and other parties shall
     4  establish regional counterterrorism task forces throughout this
     5  Commonwealth to conduct counterterrorism planning, preparedness
     6  and response activities within the region.
     7     (b)  Response plans.--Each regional counterterrorism task
     8  force shall prepare a counterterrorism preparedness and response
     9  plan in accordance with guidelines developed by the agency. The
    10  plan shall be completed within 180 days of the effective date of
    11  this act and submitted to the agency for its review and
    12  approval. The task force shall review and update the plan on an
    13  annual basis.
    14     (c)  Meetings.--Regional counterterrorism task force meetings
    15  that are called to discuss sensitive or classified law
    16  enforcement, terrorist threat assessment or other confidential
    17  public and/or private facility safety information shall not be
    18  subject to the provisions of 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open
    19  meetings).
    20  Section 203.  Regional counterterrorism response and
    21                 preparedness.
    22     (a)  Specialized regional counterterrorism response teams.--A
    23  regional counterterrorism task force shall establish specialized
    24  counterterrorism response teams to respond to potential threats
    25  or actual terrorist incidents involving chemical, biological or
    26  radiological materials or other weapons of mass destruction.
    27     (b)  Counterterrorism regional response zones.--The agency
    28  shall establish primary and secondary regional response zones
    29  within this Commonwealth for specialized regional
    30  counterterrorism response teams. The regional response zones may
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     1  consist of multiple counties or portions of several adjoining
     2  counties as determined by the agency.
     3     (c)  Activation and deployment.--A specialized regional
     4  counterterrorism response team may be activated and deployed by
     5  the Governor, his designee or an official designated by the
     6  appropriate regional counterterrorism task force.
     7     (d)  Grants.--Specialized regional counterterrorism response
     8  teams may receive grants and funding from the Federal and
     9  Commonwealth Government through application to the agency or
    10  another entity providing grants or funding for the purposes of
    11  this chapter.
    12  Section 204.  Urban search and rescue task force.
    13     (a)  Establishment of task forces.--The agency may establish
    14  one or more urban search and rescue task forces to provide
    15  specialized personnel, equipment and other capabilities in
    16  response to a terrorist incident, structure collapse or other
    17  disaster emergencies in this Commonwealth or another state. The
    18  task forces shall also provide professional, logistical,
    19  material and other forms of support to regional counterterrorism
    20  task forces and specialized regional counterterrorism response
    21  teams organized within this Commonwealth.
    22     (b)  Organization.--Upon activation, an urban search and
    23  rescue task force shall be organized in accordance with
    24  guidelines, directives or agreements developed by the agency in
    25  coordination with FEMA, members of the task force and other
    26  interested parties or sponsoring organizations.
    27     (c)  Responsibilities.--The urban search and rescue task
    28  force shall be responsible for carrying out urban search and
    29  rescue activities and services in response to all natural,
    30  manmade or war-caused disasters in this Commonwealth and shall
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     1  also perform search and rescue functions as delineated in The
     2  Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
     3  (Public Law 93-288, 42 U.S.C. § 5121 et seq.), the Federal
     4  Response Plan or its successor, and the counterterrorism
     5  preparedness and response plans created in accordance with the
     6  provisions of this chapter.
     7     (d)  Activation and deployment.--An urban search and rescue
     8  task force or any of its components, subgroups or regional
     9  elements may only be activated and deployed to the scene of a
    10  disaster by either the Governor, the President of the United
    11  States or a FEMA-designated official. During an activation and
    12  deployment by the Governor, the administrative and operational
    13  costs of the task force, its individual members and their
    14  employers, State agencies and other parties may be paid under
    15  the provisions of the Governor's declaration of disaster
    16  emergency, including paying or reimbursing any parties for
    17  workers' compensation and death benefits in the event of injury
    18  or death of a task force member.
    19     (e)  Workers' compensation and death benefits.--A member of
    20  an urban search and rescue task force shall be eligible to
    21  receive workers' compensation and death benefits in the event of
    22  injury or death that occurs during the period of activation or
    23  deployment.
    24     (f)  Funding, grants and donations.--In addition to any funds
    25  that are provided to the task force under the authority of 35
    26  Pa.C.S. § 7307 (relating to use and appropriation of unused
    27  Commonwealth funds), the urban search and rescue task force may
    28  be eligible to receive grants, donations of equipment and
    29  supplies and other funds from any source. As an agent of the
    30  Commonwealth, a task force is entitled to tax-exempt status from
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     1  the Federal Government.
     2  Section 205.  Specialized Statewide response teams.
     3     (a)  Establishment.--The Commonwealth may establish one or
     4  more specialized Statewide response teams, including, but not
     5  limited to, disaster medical assistance teams and disaster
     6  mortuary response teams, to provide specialized personnel,
     7  equipment and other support capabilities in response to a
     8  terrorist incident or other disaster emergency in Pennsylvania.
     9  These teams may also provide professional, logistical, material
    10  and other forms of support to the regional counterterrorism task
    11  forces and specialized regional counterterrorism response teams
    12  organized in this Commonwealth.
    13     (b)  Organization and responsibilities.--Specialized
    14  Statewide response teams shall be organized in accordance with
    15  guidelines, directives or agreements developed by the
    16  Commonwealth in consultation with applicable Federal or State
    17  agencies, other interested parties or sponsoring agencies.
    18     (c)  Activation.--Specialized Statewide response teams may
    19  only be activated and deployed to the scene of a disaster by the
    20  Governor or his designee.
    21  Section 206.  Grant program.
    22     (a)  Authorization.--The agency shall have the authority to
    23  make grants to regional counterterrorism task forces who enter
    24  into mutual aid agreements or letters of agreement with a
    25  county, municipality, volunteer service organization, public,
    26  semipublic, private or nonprofit corporation, business,
    27  association, partnership, authority, individual or other entity.
    28     (b)  Limitation.--Grants shall only be made to the extent
    29  that funding is available.
    30  Section 207.  Immunity from civil liability.
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     1     No member of a specialized regional counterterrorism response
     2  team, an urban search and rescue task force or a specialized
     3  Statewide response team and no individual who provides
     4  logistical, material or other forms of emergency response
     5  support to such a team or task force during activation or
     6  deployment of a team or task force to a potential or actual
     7  manmade or natural disaster or while engaged in a task force or
     8  team drill or training exercise shall be liable for the death of
     9  or any injury to persons or loss or damage to property except
    10  for any acts or omissions which constitute willful misconduct.
    11                             CHAPTER 3
    13  Section 301.  Temporary isolation and quarantine without notice.
    14     (a)  Temporary isolation or quarantine.--The Governor, in
    15  consultation with the Secretary of Health, may temporarily
    16  isolate or quarantine an individual or groups of individuals
    17  through a written order if delay in imposing the isolation or
    18  quarantine would significantly jeopardize the department's
    19  ability to prevent or limit the transmission of a contagious or
    20  possibly contagious disease to others. This subsection shall not
    21  require a declaration of disaster emergency by the Governor in
    22  order to be effective. Nothing in this section shall be
    23  construed to limit the existing authority of the Secretary of
    24  Health or the department.
    25     (b)  Continued isolation or quarantine.--Within ten days
    26  after issuing the written order, the department shall file a
    27  petition for a court order authorizing the continued isolation
    28  or quarantine of the isolated or quarantined individual or
    29  groups of individuals.
    30     (c)  Extension of time.--In any proceeding brought for relief
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     1  under this subsection, in extraordinary circumstances and for
     2  good cause shown the department may move the court to extend the
     3  time for a hearing, which extension the court in its discretion
     4  may grant giving due regard to the rights of the afflicted
     5  individuals, the protection of the public health, the severity
     6  of the emergency and the availability of necessary witnesses and
     7  evidence.
     8  Section 302.  Appointment of health personnel.
     9     The Secretary of Health may require in-State health care
    10  providers to assist in the performance of vaccination,
    11  treatment, examination or testing of any individual during the
    12  existence of a public health emergency. Such requirements shall
    13  be a condition of licensure and certification.
    14  Section 303.  Private liability.
    15     (a)  Liability.--During a state of public health emergency,
    16  any private person, firm or corporation and employees and agents
    17  of such person, firm or corporation who renders assistance or
    18  advice at the request of the State or its political subdivisions
    19  shall not be civilly liable for causing the death of or injury
    20  to any person or damage to any property except in the event of
    21  willful misconduct.
    22     (b)  Immunity.--The immunities provided in this section shall
    23  not apply to any private person, firm or corporation or
    24  employees and agents of such person, firm or corporation whose
    25  act or omission caused in whole or in part the public health
    26  emergency and who would otherwise be liable therefor.
    27                             CHAPTER 4
    28                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    29  Section 401.  Donations management.
    30     (a)  Commonwealth donations.--The agency shall be responsible
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     1  for the management of donations and other forms of private
     2  assistance in this Commonwealth. The agency shall:
     3         (1)  Prepare a comprehensive donations management annex
     4     to the Commonwealth Emergency Operations Plan in consultation
     5     with other State agencies.
     6         (2)  Act as the lead State agency for coordinating the
     7     receipt and distribution of any donations of services,
     8     equipment, supplies or materials from individuals or other
     9     parties.
    10         (3)  Develop and maintain at the State Emergency
    11     Operations Center and the Governor's Hot Line a list of
    12     nonprofit volunteer agencies willing to receive monetary or
    13     other types of donations for a current or previous disaster
    14     or emergency.
    15         (4)  Direct all State agencies to provide necessary
    16     support to the agency in order to ensure the success of a
    17     donations management program. This includes designating a
    18     State agency or office to provide financial management,
    19     fiscal oversight and auditing services concerning the
    20     collection and distribution of monetary donations to State
    21     agencies or other parties.
    22     (b)  Local donations.--Counties and municipalities may
    23  receive donations of money, services, equipment, supplies or
    24  materials on behalf of their citizens after the occurrence of a
    25  disaster or emergency. A county or municipality receiving
    26  donations shall:
    27         (1)  Develop a donations management plan to deal with the
    28     receipt of such donations.
    29         (2)  Designate a county or municipal agency or individual
    30     to coordinate the donations management process.
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     1  Section 402.  Severability.
     2     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     3  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     4  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
     5  or applications of this act that can be given effect without the
     6  invalid provision or application.
     7  Section 403.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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