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                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 26



No. 7 Session of 2001



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Amending Senate Financial Operating Rule III.

     2     RESOLVED, That Senate Financial Operating Rule III be amended
     3  to read:
     4                      III.  MEALS AND LODGING
     5  1.  General.
     6     A Member may receive payments attributable to ordinary and
     7  necessary expenses for meals, lodging and incidental items
     8  provided that the Member is engaged in the performance of
     9  legislative duties. [Depending on the nature and location of the
    10  activity, as explained below, payments may be made in one of the
    11  following forms:  per diem allowance;] Payment shall be made in
    12  the form of reimbursement for actual costs incurred[; or, in the
    13  case of lodging rental payments, a combination of partial per
    14  diem allowance and reimbursement of the cost of lodging rental].
    15  2.  Lodging Rental in the Harrisburg Area.
    16     A Member who resides outside of Harrisburg and who rents
    17  lodging in the Harrisburg area may claim payments for the cost
    18  of the lodging lease and related expenses. No lodging rental

     1  payments will be made for any period after a Member's term
     2  expires.
     3  [3.  Per Diem Allowance.
     4     (a)  Per Diem Entitlement.
     5     A Member is entitled to receive a per diem allowance for each
     6  day the Member is in the performance of legislative duties while
     7  in the Harrisburg area (defined as within Dauphin County or
     8  otherwise within a 10-mile radius of the Capitol) or elsewhere
     9  in the Commonwealth but away from home. Specific legislative
    10  duties include attendance at sessions of the Senate, attendance
    11  at official committee meetings and participation in all other
    12  activities necessary or appropriate to the carrying out of the
    13  responsibilities of the Member.
    14     (b)  Types of Per Diem Allowance.
    15         (1)  Full Per Diem. A full per diem allowance not to
    16     exceed such amount as maybe established by the Senate
    17     Committee on Management Operations may be claimed as an
    18     allowance for meals and lodging.
    19         (2)  Partial Per Diem. A Member who claims the cost of
    20     lodging rental as provided in Rule III.2., may not receive a
    21     full per diem allowance except when the per diem entitlement
    22     derives from attendance at official committee meetings
    23     outside of the Harrisburg area. When the per diem entitlement
    24     derives from the performance in the Harrisburg area of the
    25     specified legislative duties defined in Rule III.3.(a), a
    26     Member may receive a partial per diem allowance up to an
    27     amount established by the Senate Committee on Management
    28     Operations for meals and incidentals.]
    29  4.  Actual Costs.
    30     A Member may claim actual costs for lodging, meals and other
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     1  incidental items incurred in the performance of legislative
     2  duties. [Expense claims for costs of lodging, meals and other
     3  incidental expenses incurred in the performance of legislative
     4  duties outside of the Commonwealth shall only be by claims for
     5  actual costs and shall not be through a claim of per diem.]
     6  5.  Employees' Travel.
     7     If an employee is engaged in travel away from the normally
     8  assigned place of work necessary for the performance of official
     9  business, the employee may be reimbursed for reasonable actual
    10  cost of lodging, meals and other incidental items. For rules
    11  regarding Out-of-State travel, see Rule XI.
    12  6.  Payment From One Source.
    13     If a Member is entitled to a meal and lodging claim from more
    14  than one source for legislative business performed on behalf of
    15  more than one committee or group, payments shall be received
    16  from only one source.
    17  7.  Review.
    18     All authorized and approved meals and lodging claims shall be
    19  reviewed for inadvertent duplication by the Office of the Chief
    20  Clerk prior to processing and payment.
    21  8.  Record Keeping.
    22     Where [a per diem allowance or] reimbursement is paid by a
    23  legislative service agency cofunded between both Houses of the
    24  General Assembly, a copy of the approved claim shall be
    25  furnished to the Office of the Chief Clerk.
    26  9.  Documentation.
    27     [(a)  Per Diem Allowance.
    28     For payment of a per diem allowance, a Member must submit a
    29  voucher showing the date, the legislative activity in which the
    30  Member was engaged on that date, and the location of the
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     1  activity.]
     2     (b)  Actual Expenses of a Member or an Employee.
     3     For payment of actual expenses, a Member or employee must
     4  [submit a voucher showing the date, amount, place and the
     5  legislative activity in which the Member or employee was engaged
     6  and must] submit a vendor or credit card receipt or invoice for
     7  each item exceeding $10.
     8     (c)  Lodging Rental.
     9     A copy of each lease must be on file with the Office of the
    10  Chief Clerk. A Member must submit a [voucher] receipt for the
    11  rental payment and, if appropriate, an invoice or receipt for
    12  any related expenses.
    13  10.  Authorized Accounts.
    14     [(a)  Incidental Expense Account.
    15     Payments shall be made from the Incidental Expense Account
    16  for authorized Per Diem Allowances only for attendance at
    17  sessions of the Senate during which roll call votes are
    18  recorded.]
    19     (b)  Accountable Expense Account.
    20     Payments shall be made from Senator's Legislative Accountable
    21  Expense Account for lodging rental payment.
    22     (c)  Other Accounts.
    23     Payment may be made from the following accounts for other
    24  authorized [per diem] meal and lodging claims:
    25         (1)  Leadership Operations Accounts.
    26         (2)  Appropriations Committee Accounts.
    27         (3)  Legislative Management Committee Accounts.
    28         (4)  Senators' Legislative Accountable Expense Accounts.
    29         (5)  Contingent Accounts.
    30         (6)  Senators' District Office Expense Accounts, meals
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     1     only.
     2         (7)  Incidental Expense Account.

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