See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 523



No. 24 Session of 1999

           AND TOMLINSON, MARCH 5, 1999


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Regarding 809 area code telephone fraud.

     2     WHEREAS, Many United States consumers have become victims of
     3  international telephone number fraud involving the 809 area
     4  code; and
     5     WHEREAS, Messages are being left on home answering machines
     6  or voice mail regarding a matter of urgency such as an illness
     7  or death in the family or sweepstakes prize, and consumers
     8  receiving the messages are told to return the call to an 809
     9  area code telephone number; and
    10     WHEREAS, When return calls are placed to the 809 number,
    11  callers are delayed by various means to keep them on the line as
    12  long as possible so that exorbitant telephone charges accrue;
    13  and
    14     WHEREAS, The 809 area code looks like a regular domestic area
    15  code, but in fact it covers the Dominican Republic, and
    16  therefore telephone calls placed from the United States to the
    17  809 area code are international long-distance calls; and

     1     WHEREAS, Most international telephone numbers require the
     2  prefix 011, a country code and a city code, but some
     3  international numbers look like ordinary ten-digit domestic
     4  numbers; and
     5     WHEREAS, Calls to Canada and parts of the Caribbean require
     6  only a three-digit area code; and
     7     WHEREAS, Unethical companies and individuals are taking
     8  advantage of the three-digit international area codes by using
     9  these numbers to circumvent regulations; and
    10     WHEREAS, Companies are often paid rebates from their foreign
    11  telephone companies for these calls; and
    12     WHEREAS, In most instances of this type of fraud, the
    13  perpetrators involved are not subject to United States law;
    14  therefore be it
    15     RESOLVED, That the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  call upon the Federal Communications Commission and Federal
    17  Trade Commission to take all appropriate actions within their
    18  jurisdiction to stop the 809 area code telephone scam and others
    19  like it; and be it further
    20     RESOLVED, That the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  urge the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade
    22  Commission to explore possible changes or additions to United
    23  States law or telephone practices that could alleviate this
    24  problem for United States consumers, such as implementing a
    25  requirement that all international calls placed from the United
    26  States must begin with the prefix 011; and be it further
    27     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the
    28  Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade
    29  Commission.

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