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                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 27



No. 26 Session of 2003

           A. WILLIAMS AND FERLO, JANUARY 22, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, prohibiting the
     3     imposition of the death sentence in cases of mental
     4     retardation.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 9545(b)(1) of Title 42 of the
     8  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 9545.  Jurisdiction and proceedings.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Time for filing petition.--
    12         (1)  Any petition under this subchapter, including a
    13     second or subsequent petition, shall be filed within one year
    14     of the date the judgment becomes final, unless the petition
    15     alleges and the petitioner proves that:
    16             (i)  the failure to raise the claim previously was
    17         the result of interference by government officials with
    18         the presentation of the claim in violation of the

     1         Constitution or laws of this Commonwealth or the
     2         Constitution or laws of the United States;
     3             (ii)  the facts upon which the claim is predicated
     4         were unknown to the petitioner and could not have been
     5         ascertained by the exercise of due diligence; [or]
     6             (iii)  the right asserted is a constitutional right
     7         that was recognized by the Supreme Court of the United
     8         States or the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania after the
     9         time period provided in this section and has been held by
    10         that court to apply retroactively[.]; or
    11             (iv)  the petitioner claims he is a person with
    12         mental retardation as defined in section 9711(p)
    13         (relating to sentencing procedure for murder of the first
    14         degree) and the time for raising that claim has expired
    15         as of the effective date of this subparagraph. Any
    16         petition invoking this exception must be filed within 365
    17         days of the effective date of this subparagraph.
    18         * * *
    19     Section 2.  Sections 9546 and 9711 of Title 42 are amended by
    20  adding subsections to read:
    21  § 9546.  Relief and order.
    22     * * *
    23     (a.1)  Mental retardation.--Upon a finding that evidence has
    24  been presented that is sufficient to establish, by a
    25  preponderance of the evidence, that the petitioner is a person
    26  with mental retardation as defined in section 9711(p) (relating
    27  to sentencing procedure for murder of the first degree), the
    28  court shall direct that the sentence of death be vacated and
    29  that the defendant be sentenced to life imprisonment.
    30     * * *
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     1  § 9711.  Sentencing procedure for murder of the first degree.
     2     * * *
     3     (e.1)  Mental retardation.--
     4         (1)  No person with mental retardation shall be eligible
     5     for the death penalty.
     6         (2) (i)  If counsel in a capital case has a good faith
     7         belief that the defendant is a person with mental
     8         retardation, counsel shall file a motion, supported by an
     9         appropriate offer of proof, with the court requesting a
    10         finding that the defendant is not eligible for the death
    11         penalty because he is a person with mental retardation.
    12             (ii)  Upon receipt of a motion for a determination
    13         that the defendant is not eligible for the death penalty
    14         because he is a person with mental retardation, the trial
    15         court shall conduct a hearing for the presentation of
    16         evidence regarding the defendant's mental retardation.
    17         Both the Commonwealth and the defendant shall have the
    18         opportunity to present evidence, including expert
    19         testimony. The defendant shall have the burden of proof
    20         to determine mental retardation.
    21             (iii)  The court shall find that the defendant is not
    22         eligible for the death penalty, if it finds, by a
    23         preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant is a
    24         person with mental retardation. If the court finds that
    25         the defendant is a person with mental retardation, the
    26         trial shall proceed as a noncapital trial.
    27             (iv)  If the court finds that the defendant is
    28         eligible for the death penalty, the trial may proceed as
    29         a capital case.
    30             (v)  The pretrial determination of the court shall
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     1         not preclude the defendant from raising any legal defense
     2         during the trial.
     3             (vi)  The jury shall not be informed of the prior
     4         proceedings or the court's findings concerning the
     5         defendant's motion with respect to the issue of mental
     6         retardation.
     7             (vii)  If a capital trial results in a verdict of
     8         guilty of murder of the first degree, the parties may
     9         present evidence to the jury on the issue of mental
    10         retardation.
    11             (viii)  If the defendant presents evidence and
    12         arguments regarding mental retardation, the court shall
    13         submit a special question to the jury as to whether the
    14         defendant is a person with mental retardation as defined
    15         in this section. Once the issue of mental retardation is
    16         raised, the Commonwealth has the burden of disproving it
    17         beyond a reasonable doubt.
    18             (ix)  The special question shall be considered and
    19         answered by the jury prior to the consideration of
    20         aggravating and mitigating factors and the determination
    21         of sentence. If the jury determines that the defendant is
    22         a person with mental retardation, the court shall
    23         sentence the defendant to life imprisonment.
    24             (x)  If the jury unanimously determines that the
    25         defendant is not a person with mental retardation as
    26         defined by this section, the jury may then consider any
    27         evidence of mental retardation presented during the
    28         sentencing hearing in determining aggravating and
    29         mitigating factors and the defendant's sentence.
    30         (3) (i)  If a defendant has already been sentenced to
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     1         death as of the effective date of this subsection and
     2         postsentence motions are still pending or a direct appeal
     3         is still pending, a defendant may file a motion raising a
     4         claim that he is ineligible for a death sentence because
     5         he is a person with mental retardation and the trial
     6         court that imposed the sentence on the defendant shall
     7         conduct an evidentiary hearing on the motion and
     8         determine whether the defendant is a person with mental
     9         retardation as defined in section 9711(p) (relating to
    10         sentencing procedure for murder of the first degree).
    11             (ii)  If a defendant has been convicted of murder of
    12         the first degree and sentenced to death and is in custody
    13         awaiting execution of the sentence of death as of the
    14         effective date of this subsection, a defendant may file a
    15         petition under Subchapter B of Chapter 95 (relating to
    16         post conviction relief), seeking appropriate relief from
    17         the sentence of death on the grounds that he is a person
    18         with mental retardation as defined in section 9711(p)
    19         within 365 days of the effective date of this subsection.
    20     * * *
    21     (p)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "a person
    22  with mental retardation" means an individual who has
    23  significantly subaverage intellectual functioning as evidenced
    24  by an intelligence quotient of 70 or below on an individually
    25  administered intelligence quotient test and significant
    26  impairment in adaptive behavior, and that the mental retardation
    27  is manifested before the individual attains 18 years of age.
    28     Section 3.  This act shall apply to persons who are sentenced
    29  on or after the effective date of this act.
    30     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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