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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 150



No. 42 Session of 2007

           COSTA AND O'PAKE, MARCH 5, 2007


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Establishing a task force to study the current system for
     2     providing services to indigent criminal defendants, to review
     3     how other states provide these services and to make
     4     recommendations to the Senate.

     5     WHEREAS, In 1963 the United States Supreme Court decided the
     6  landmark case of Gideon v. Wainwright, holding, as a matter of
     7  constitutional law, that states must provide attorneys to
     8  persons who are accused of felony crimes and cannot afford to
     9  hire their own counsel; and
    10     WHEREAS, The United States Supreme Court, in its opinion in
    11  Gideon v. Wainwright, said that: "[R]eason and reflection
    12  require us to recognize that in our adversary system of criminal
    13  justice, any person haled into court, who is too poor to hire a
    14  lawyer, cannot be assured a fair trial unless counsel is
    15  provided for him"; and
    16     WHEREAS, In 1972 the United States Supreme Court further
    17  held, in the case of Argersinger v. Hamlin, that indigent
    18  criminal defendants are entitled to counsel for any criminal

     1  charge which could result in a term of imprisonment, whether the
     2  charge is a felony or misdemeanor; and
     3     WHEREAS, The Constitution of Pennsylvania guarantees to an
     4  accused in all criminal prosecutions the "right to be heard by
     5  himself and his counsel," a constitutional provision which has
     6  been interpreted to provide an independent State constitutional
     7  right to counsel for indigent criminal defendants; and
     8     WHEREAS, In Pennsylvania, funding for indigent criminal
     9  defense is provided exclusively at the county level; and
    10     WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Committee in 2003
    11  published its Final Report on Racial and Gender Bias in the
    12  Justice System, devoting an entire chapter to the issue of
    13  indigent defense in Pennsylvania; and
    14     WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Committee found that
    15  Pennsylvania was one of only three states that provide no State
    16  funds to ensure adequate defense services for indigent criminal
    17  defendants and that Pennsylvania does not provide any Statewide
    18  oversight of the systems for providing services to indigent
    19  criminal defendants; and
    20     WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Committee on Racial
    21  and Gender Bias in the Justice System relied on a study
    22  completed by the Spangenberg Group, a nationally recognized
    23  research and consulting organization with experience and
    24  expertise in evaluating indigent criminal defense services,
    25  which study found serious deficiencies in the indigent criminal
    26  defense system in many Pennsylvania counties; and
    27     WHEREAS, Attorneys who represent indigent criminal defendants
    28  face extraordinarily large caseloads, leaving them little time
    29  to provide individualized investigation and representation of
    30  their clients; and
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     1     WHEREAS, The study completed by the Spangenberg Group found
     2  that staggering caseloads create poor attorney-client contact,
     3  inadequate preparation by attorneys and late assignment or
     4  appointment of counsel; and
     5     WHEREAS, Attorneys who represent indigent criminal defendants
     6  are unable to reasonably and effectively use investigators,
     7  social workers and expert witnesses due to inadequate funding;
     8  and
     9     WHEREAS, Many counties in Pennsylvania are facing significant
    10  budgetary problems due to increasing costs related to the
    11  operation of the courts, including the costs related to indigent
    12  criminal defense services; and
    13     WHEREAS, Litigation against Allegheny County was instituted
    14  challenging the adequacy of the services provided to indigent
    15  criminal defendants, and other counties are also facing
    16  litigation over this issue; and
    17     WHEREAS, The American Bar Association recommends that in
    18  order to comply with the spirit of Gideon and to maintain a
    19  system that provides for effective, ethical and conflict-free
    20  legal representation to criminal defendants who are unable to
    21  hire an attorney, states must meet the following Ten Principles
    22  of a Public Defense Delivery System:
    23         (1)  The public defense function, including the
    24     selection, funding and payment of defense counsel, is
    25     independent.
    26         (2)  Where the caseload is sufficiently high, the public
    27     defense delivery system consists of both a defender office
    28     and the active participation of the private bar.
    29         (3)  Clients are screened for eligibility, and defense
    30     counsel is assigned and notified of appointment as soon as
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     1     feasible after clients' arrest, detention or request for
     2     counsel.
     3         (4)  Defense counsel is provided sufficient time and a
     4     confidential space within which to meet with the client.
     5         (5)  Defense counsel's workload is controlled to permit
     6     the rendering of quality representation.
     7         (6)  Defense counsel's ability, training and experience
     8     match the complexity of the case.
     9         (7)  The same attorney continuously represents the client
    10     until completion of the case.
    11         (8)  There is parity between defense counsel and the
    12     prosecution with respect to resources, and defense counsel is
    13     included as an equal partner in the justice system.
    14         (9)  Defense counsel is provided with and required to
    15     attend continuing legal education.
    16         (10)  Defense counsel is supervised and systematically
    17     reviewed for quality and efficiency according to nationally
    18     and locally adopted standards;
    19  and
    20     WHEREAS, The states of Georgia, North Carolina, Oregon,
    21  Vermont and Virginia have recently reviewed their indigent
    22  criminal defense systems to ensure that adequate representation
    23  is being provided to all indigent defendants; and
    24     WHEREAS, The interests of all Pennsylvanians are served when
    25  Pennsylvania's indigent criminal defense system operates in an
    26  effective, ethical and cost-efficient manner; and
    27     WHEREAS, If counsel for the indigent cannot effectively
    28  represent their clients, there is an increased possibility for
    29  the wrongful conviction and incarceration of innocent persons as
    30  well as the continuing risk posed by the failure to convict the
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     1  actual perpetrators; and
     2     WHEREAS, Incompetent representation of indigent criminal
     3  defendants further results in an increased number of claims of
     4  ineffective assistance of counsel and new trials being granted
     5  on account of ineffective assistance of counsel; and
     6     WHEREAS, The criminal judicial process functions most
     7  effectively and fairly when both the Commonwealth and each
     8  individual defendant are competently represented; and
     9     WHEREAS, The Senate should be knowledgeable about the
    10  provision of indigent criminal defense services in this
    11  Commonwealth; therefore be it
    12     RESOLVED, That the Senate direct the Joint State Government
    13  Commission to establish a bipartisan task force consisting of
    14  two members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate
    15  and two members appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate;
    16  and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That the task force create an advisory committee
    18  composed of representatives of the Administrative Office of
    19  Pennsylvania Courts, the Secretary of Budget and Administration,
    20  the Attorney General, the Auditor General, the County
    21  Commissions Association of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Public
    22  Defenders Association, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys
    23  Association, attorneys with significant experience in the
    24  defense of criminal cases, individuals with expertise in the
    25  area of quality representation of indigent criminal defendants
    26  and additional members as the task force deems appropriate; and
    27  be it further
    28     RESOLVED, That the task force study the existing system for
    29  providing services to indigent criminal defendants, review how
    30  other states provide such services and make recommendations to
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     1  the Senate regarding the funding of such services and the
     2  creation of an entity to guarantee compliance with the
     3  Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of
     4  Pennsylvania in the delivery of such services.

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