See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 45



No. 45 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Secretary of General Services and the Secretary
     2     of Transportation to reimburse volunteer fire, ambulance and
     3     rescue companies who respond to fires or other emergencies on
     4     State-owned property, including limited access highways; and
     5     making appropriations.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Authorization.
     9     (a)  State-owned property.--The Secretary of General Services
    10  is hereby authorized to enter into contracts with local
    11  volunteer fire, ambulance and rescue companies to provide
    12  services necessary to extinguish fires or perform any other
    13  allied services on State-owned property.
    14     (b)  Certain limited access highways.--The Secretary of
    15  Transportation is hereby authorized to enter into contracts with
    16  local volunteer fire, ambulance and rescue companies to provide
    17  services necessary to extinguish fires or perform any other
    18  allied services on limited access highways, other than the
    19  Pennsylvania Turnpike.

     1  Section 2.  Reimbursement procedure and amount.
     2     (a)  Form of contract.--Any such contract between the
     3  Secretary of General Services or the Secretary of Transportation
     4  and a local volunteer fire, ambulance and rescue company shall
     5  provide that the Department of General Services or the
     6  Department of Transportation shall, semiannually, upon receipt
     7  of proper proof, reimburse each contracted volunteer fire,
     8  ambulance and rescue company attending and providing fire
     9  control or other allied services on State-owned property or
    10  limited access highways, as the case may be, up to an amount of
    11  $100 for each verified fire or emergency call which the
    12  volunteer fire, ambulance and rescue company made in the
    13  preceding six months as certified by the person in charge at the
    14  particular State-owned property or by an individual or
    15  individuals designated by the Secretary of Transportation to
    16  verify services rendered on limited access highways.
    17     (b)  Insurance.--Any such contract between the Department of
    18  General Services or the Department of Transportation and a local
    19  volunteer ambulance or rescue company shall also provide that
    20  the ambulance or rescue company request reimbursement from
    21  collectible insurance proceeds available as a result of the fire
    22  or emergency situation for which the ambulance or rescue company
    23  provided allied services. Any such proceeds payable to the
    24  ambulance or rescue company shall be deducted from the
    25  reimbursement for services provided pursuant to a contract
    26  entered into under this act. Prior to payment for services
    27  rendered, the local volunteer ambulance or rescue company shall
    28  provide proof that reimbursement was requested from collectible
    29  insurance proceeds.
    30     (c)  False alarm.--A false alarm on State-owned property to
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     1  which a volunteer fire, ambulance or rescue company responds
     2  shall constitute a fire or emergency call and shall be
     3  reimbursed at a rate set by the contract with the Secretary of
     4  General Services, but shall not be less than $25 for each
     5  occurrence.
     6  Section 3.  Appropriations.
     7     (a)  Department of General Services.--The sum of $25,000, or
     8  as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to
     9  the Department of General Services for the fiscal year ending
    10  June 30, 1990, to effectuate the purposes of this act. All funds
    11  unexpended, uncommitted or unencumbered on June 30, 1990, shall
    12  lapse.
    13     (b)  Department of Transportation.--The sum of $25,000, or as
    14  much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated from
    15  the Motor License Fund to the Department of Transportation for
    16  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1990, to effectuate the purposes
    17  of this act. All funds unexpended, uncommitted or unencumbered
    18  on June 30, 1990, shall lapse.
    19  Section 4.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect immediately.

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