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under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 47



No. 47 Session of 1989


           JANUARY 23, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring a ban on the distribution, sale and use of halogenated
     2     hydrocarbon chemicals and aromatic hydrocarbon chemicals as
     3     sewage system cleaners; requiring the disclosure of contents
     4     of sewage system cleaners; requiring the Department of
     5     Environmental Resources to administer and enforce certain
     6     provisions; and establishing penalties.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Sewage System
    11  Cleaner Control Act.
    12  Section 2.  Legislative findings; declaration of purpose.
    13     (a)  Findings.--It is hereby determined and declared as a
    14  matter of legislative finding that halogenated hydrocarbon
    15  chemicals and aromatic hydrocarbon chemicals used as sewage
    16  system cleaners and additives are a significant and unnecessary
    17  source of water pollution and groundwater contamination and
    18  economic loss.
    19     (b)  Purpose.--It is the purpose of this act to:

     1         (1)  Eliminate the introduction of these toxic chemicals
     2     into the surface water and groundwater of this Commonwealth.
     3         (2)  Prohibit the sale, distribution and use of sewage
     4     system cleaners and additives that contain these toxic
     5     chemicals.
     6         (3)  Require the disclosure of the contents of sewage
     7     system cleaners or additives that are sold or distributed or
     8     used in this Commonwealth.
     9  Section 3.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Board."  The Environmental Quality Board.
    14     "Community sewage system."  Any system, whether publicly or
    15  privately owned, for the collection of sewage or industrial
    16  wastes of a liquid nature from two or more lots and the
    17  treatment or disposal of the sewage or industrial waste on one
    18  or more of the lots or at any other site.
    19     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Resources of
    20  the Commonwealth and its authorized representatives.
    21     "Individual sewage system."  A wastewater system or any part
    22  of a wastewater system consisting of piping, tanks or other
    23  facilities serving a single lot and collecting and disposing of
    24  sewage in whole or in part into the soil or into any waters of
    25  this Commonwealth or by means of conveyance to another site for
    26  final disposal; an alternate individual sewage system shall mean
    27  any individual sewage system not heretofore recognized by rules,
    28  regulations and standards of the department.
    29     "Person."  Any individual, partnership, corporation,
    30  association, institution, cooperative enterprise, municipal
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     1  authority, the Federal Government and its agencies, State
     2  institutions and agencies (including, but not limited to, the
     3  Department of General Services and the State Public School
     4  Building Authority), municipalities or other legal entity
     5  whatsoever which is recognized by law as the subject of rights
     6  and duties. In any clause prescribing a fine or imprisonment or
     7  penalty, or any combination of the foregoing, the term "person"
     8  shall include the officers and directors of any corporation or
     9  other legal entity having officers and directors.
    10     "Restricted chemical material."  A chemical material
    11  containing concentrations in excess of one part per hundred, by
    12  weight of any of the following:
    13         (1)  Any halogenated hydrocarbon chemical, aliphatic or
    14     aromatic, including, but not limited to, trichloroethane,
    15     trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride,
    16     halogenated benzenes and carbon tetrachloride.
    17         (2)  An aromatic hydrocarbon chemical, including, but not
    18     limited to, benzene, toluene and naphthalene.
    19         (3)  A phenol derivative in which a hydroxy group and two
    20     or more halogen atoms are bonded directly to a six-carbon
    21     aromatic ring, including, but not limited to, trichlorophenol
    22     or pentachlorophenol.
    23         (4)  Acrolein, acrylonitrile or benzidine.
    24  The term does not include perfumes, coloring agents or any
    25  chemical material which is biodegradable and not a significant
    26  source of contamination of the groundwaters of this
    27  Commonwealth.
    28     "Sewage system."  Any part of any community sewage system or
    29  individual sewage system including, but not limited to, all
    30  toilets, piping, drains, sewers, septic tanks, distribution
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     1  boxes, absorption fields, seepage pits, cesspools and dry wells.
     2     "Sewage system cleaner or additive."  Any solid or liquid
     3  material intended or used primarily for the purpose of cleaning,
     4  treating or unclogging any part of a sewer system, but excluding
     5  those products intended to scour, clean, treat, disinfect or
     6  deodorize the surface of common fixtures, including, but not
     7  limited to, sinks, tubs, showers and toilets.
     8  Section 4.  Powers and duties of department.
     9     The department shall have the following powers and duties:
    10         (1)  To administer the sewage system cleaner control
    11     program pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    12         (2)  To cooperate with appropriate Federal, State and
    13     interstate agencies, local units of government and
    14     appropriate private organizations in carrying out its duties
    15     under this act.
    16         (3)  To report to the General Assembly from time to time
    17     on further assistance that will be needed to administer the
    18     sewage system cleaner control program.
    19         (4)  To initiate, conduct and support research,
    20     demonstration projects, investigations and to coordinate all
    21     State agency research programs pertaining to this act.
    22         (5)  To regulate the distribution, sale, use and
    23     consumption of restricted chemicals as provided in this act.
    24         (6)  To enter into any premises, place, establishment or
    25     building for the purpose of conducting inspections to
    26     determine compliance with this act or rules, regulations and
    27     standards issued pursuant to this act.
    28         (7)  To conduct any investigations necessary to determine
    29     compliance with this act or rules, regulations and standards
    30     issued pursuant to this act.
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     1  Section 5.  Powers and duties of the Environmental Quality
     2                 Board.
     3     (a)  Rules and regulations.--The board shall have the power
     4  and duty to adopt rules and regulations to accomplish the
     5  purposes of this act.
     6     (b)  Standards.--The board may promulgate regulations
     7  establishing analytical standards for sewage system cleaners and
     8  additives.
     9     (c)  Effects of product on health and environment.--The board
    10  may promulgate regulations requiring manufacturers of sewage
    11  system cleaners or additives distributed, sold or offered for
    12  sale in this Commonwealth to furnish to the department, in a
    13  form the department may prescribe, existing information
    14  regarding those products, including a certified list of chemical
    15  components of products updated on an annual basis, and the
    16  effects of the products on the groundwaters or surface waters of
    17  this Commonwealth.
    18     (d)  Prohibition or restriction of product.--When the board
    19  finds, after investigation by the department and any public
    20  hearings which the board deems necessary, that any ingredient,
    21  in addition to a restricted chemical material, in a sewage
    22  system cleaner or additive distributed, sold, offered or exposed
    23  for sale in the Commonwealth will have an adverse affect on
    24  human health or environment, it shall by regulation prohibit or
    25  restrict the sale, distribution, offer or exposure for sale or
    26  use by any person of sewage system cleaners or additives
    27  containing the ingredient.
    28     (e)  Authorization after investigation or hearing.--Whenever
    29  the board finds, after investigation by the department and any
    30  public hearings which the board deems necessary, that any
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     1  restricted chemical material will not have any adverse affect on
     2  human health or the environment when used as a sewage system
     3  cleaner or additive, it may authorize the use of the chemical
     4  material in the products, notwithstanding any provisions of this
     5  act.
     6     (f)  Confidential information.--The board and the department
     7  shall hold confidential any information obtained pursuant to
     8  subsection (c) when shown by any manufacturer that such
     9  information, if made public, would divulge competitive business
    10  information, methods or processes entitled to protection as
    11  trade secrets of the manufacturer.
    12  Section 6.  Prohibited acts.
    13     (a)  Distribution.--No person shall distribute, sell, offer
    14  or expose for sale any sewage system cleaner or additive
    15  containing any restricted chemical material.
    16     (b)  Use.--No person shall use, introduce or apply or cause
    17  any other person to use, introduce or apply in any sewage
    18  system, surface water or groundwaters, any sewage cleaner or
    19  additive containing any restricted chemical material.
    20     (c)  Sales restricted.--No person shall distribute, sell,
    21  manufacture, or offer or expose for sale any sewage system
    22  cleaner or additive covered by this act, unless a list of the
    23  components of the covered product has been provided to the
    24  department. These lists must be updated annually at a time
    25  designated by the board.
    26  Section 7.  Enforcement orders.
    27     The department may issue such orders to persons,
    28  distributors, manufacturers, dealers, retailers and consumers as
    29  are necessary to aid in the enforcement of the provisions of
    30  this act. The orders may include orders requiring cessation of
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     1  the use, sale, manufacture or distribution of any substance or
     2  chemical or product which is in violation of any provision of
     3  this act. An order issued under this act shall take effect upon
     4  notice unless the order specifies otherwise. The right of the
     5  department to issue an order under this act is in addition to
     6  any penalty which may be imposed pursuant to this act.
     7  Section 8.  Public nuisance.
     8     Any violation of this act, rules and regulations promulgated
     9  pursuant to this act, or order of the department shall
    10  constitute a public nuisance.
    11  Section 9.  Procedure and enforcement.
    12     Any activity or condition declared by this act to be a
    13  nuisance shall be abatable in the manner provided by law or
    14  equity for the abatement of public nuisances. In addition, suits
    15  to abate such nuisances or suits to restrain or prevent any
    16  violation of this act may be instituted in equity or at law in
    17  the name of the Commonwealth upon relation of the Attorney
    18  General, upon relation of any district attorney of any county or
    19  upon relation of the solicitor of any municipality affected,
    20  after notice has first been served upon the Attorney General of
    21  the intention of the district attorney or solicitor to so
    22  proceed. The court may provide for payment of a civil penalty as
    23  specified in section 10.
    24  Section 10.  Civil penalties.
    25     Any person violating this act or orders, rules, regulations
    26  or standards issued or promulgated under this act may be
    27  assessed a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 per day for
    28  each violation. The a penalty may be assessed whether or not the
    29  violation was willful. In determining the amount of the civil
    30  penalty, the department shall consider the willfulness of the
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     1  violation, damage or injury to the Commonwealth or its citizens,
     2  cost of restoration and other relevant factors. Violations on
     3  separate days shall be considered separate and distinct offenses
     4  under this section. The person charged with the penalty shall
     5  have 30 days to pay the proposed penalty in full or, if the
     6  person wishes to contest either the amount of the penalty or the
     7  fact of the violation, the person shall within such 30-day
     8  period file an appeal of such action with the Environmental
     9  Hearing Board. Failure to appeal within 30 days shall result in
    10  a waiver of all legal rights to contest the violation or the
    11  amount of the penalty.
    12  Section 11.  Criminal penalties.
    13     (a)  Summary offense.--Any person violating this act or
    14  orders, rules, regulations or standards issued or promulgated
    15  under this act, commits a summary offense and shall, upon
    16  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor
    17  more than $1,000 and costs and, in default of payment of the
    18  fine and costs, shall undergo imprisonment for not more than 30
    19  days.
    20     (b)  Misdemeanor.--Any person who willfully violates any
    21  provision of this act, any rule or regulation of the department
    22  or any order of the department, commits a misdemeanor of the
    23  third degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
    24  fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $25,000 per day for
    25  each violation or to imprisonment for a period of not more than
    26  one year, or both.
    27     (c)  Subsequent offense.--Any person who, within two years
    28  after a conviction of a misdemeanor for any violation of this
    29  act, violates any provision of this act, any rule or regulation
    30  of the department or any order of the department, commits a
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     1  misdemeanor of the second degree and shall, upon conviction, be
     2  sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than
     3  $50,000 for each violation or to imprisonment for a period of
     4  not more than two years, or both.
     5     (d)  Separate offenses.--Violations on separate days shall be
     6  considered separate and distinct offenses under subsections
     7  (a),(b) and (c).
     8  Section 12.  Fines and penalties collected.
     9     All fines and penalties collected under the provisions of
    10  this act shall be paid into the Clean Water Fund provided for in
    11  the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean
    12  Streams Law.
    13  Section 13.  Saving clause.
    14     Nothing in this act shall be construed as estopping the
    15  Commonwealth or any district attorney from proceeding in courts
    16  of law or equity to abate pollutions forbidden under the laws of
    17  the Commonwealth or abate nuisances under existing law. Nothing
    18  contained in this act shall in any way abridge or alter rights
    19  of action or remedies now or hereafter existing in equity, or
    20  under the common law or statutory law, criminal or civil. No
    21  provisions of this act shall be construed as estopping the
    22  Commonwealth, persons or municipalities, in the exercise of
    23  their rights under the common law or decisional law or in
    24  equity, from proceeding in courts of law or equity to suppress
    25  nuisances, to abate any pollution now or hereafter existing or
    26  to enforce common law or statutory rights.
    27  Section 14.  Severability clause.
    28     If any provision of this act or the application thereof to
    29  any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity
    30  shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act
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     1  which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
     2  application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
     3  declared to be severable.
     4  Section 15.  Effective date.
     5     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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