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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1070



No. 80 Session of 2001

        INTRODUCED BY ORIE, MAY 29, 2001

        REFERRED TO FINANCE, MAY 29, 2001

                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Directing the Joint State Government Commission to establish a
     2     task force to study the elimination or significant reduction
     3     of property taxes as a source of funding for local
     4     jurisdictions; to review the policies of states and
     5     jurisdictions of the United States which have eliminated
     6     property taxes as a source of funding for local
     7     jurisdictions; to determine the consequences of such an
     8     elimination or reduction on local taxing bodies and on this
     9     Commonwealth; and to make recommendations on alternative
    10     financing methods for schools, municipalities and other local
    11     jurisdictions.

    12     WHEREAS, Property taxes levied by local jurisdictions
    13  including counties, school districts and municipalities have
    14  become a tremendous burden upon homeowners and property owners
    15  in this Commonwealth; and
    16     WHEREAS, Senior citizens and individuals on fixed incomes
    17  have been the most detrimentally affected by the property tax
    18  system; and
    19     WHEREAS, Problems with fairness in the property tax system
    20  have dated back more than 30 years in parts of this Commonwealth
    21  and most recently in Allegheny County as a result of a court-
    22  ordered reassessment process; and

     1     WHEREAS, Several states and jurisdictions including Michigan
     2  have sought to eliminate or significantly reduce reliance on
     3  property taxes as a source of funding for local jurisdictions
     4  and find alternative funding sources for counties, school
     5  districts, municipalities and other local jurisdictions;
     6  therefore be it
     7     RESOLVED (the House of Representatives concurring), That the
     8  General Assembly direct the Joint State Government Commission to
     9  establish a task force of four members of the Senate and four
    10  members of the House of Representatives to undertake a study of
    11  the property tax system in this Commonwealth in order to
    12  ascertain whether property taxes can and should be eliminated or
    13  significantly reduced as a source of funding for local
    14  jurisdictions and, if so, to recommend alternative funding
    15  sources for those local jurisdictions which are more fair and
    16  equitable to the citizens of this Commonwealth; and be it
    17  further
    18     RESOLVED, That the President pro tempore and Minority Leader
    19  of the Senate and the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House
    20  of Representatives each appoint two members to the task force;
    21  and be it further
    22     RESOLVED, That the task force initially review the policies
    23  of states and jurisdictions of the United States which have
    24  eliminated property taxes as a source of funding for local
    25  jurisdictions and determine the consequences that such
    26  eliminations or reductions would have on local taxing bodies and
    27  on this Commonwealth; and be it further
    28     RESOLVED, That the task force make recommendations of
    29  alternative funding sources for local jurisdictions which are
    30  more fair and equitable, and no less fair or less equitable, to
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     1  citizens of this Commonwealth than the current property tax
     2  system; and be it further
     3     RESOLVED, That the task force be authorized to create an
     4  advisory committee composed of individuals deemed appropriate by
     5  the task force to assist the task force; and be it further
     6     RESOLVED, That the task force report its findings and
     7  recommendations to the General Assembly as soon as possible.

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