1Recognizing the month of April 2013 as "Multiple Birth Awareness
2Month" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, The National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs,
4Inc., TWINS Magazine and the Fetal Hope Foundation have joined
5with local organizations to establish and celebrate April as
6National Multiple Birth Awareness Month; and

7WHEREAS, The number of live births in twin deliveries in 2010
8was approximately 132,562 births, and there were also 5,503
9triplets, 313 quadruplets and 37 higher-order multiples born
10nationwide; and

11WHEREAS, With the increase in multiple births, there is an
12increased risk for the mothers and babies; and

13WHEREAS, Nationally, one out of every eight twins and one of
14every three triplets are born very preterm, compared with fewer
15than two of every 100 single births, and death during infancy is
16four times more common for twins than singletons; and

17WHEREAS, This month will be used to spread awareness about

1the issues that families of multiple births face, including what
2to know when expecting multiples, such as twin-to-twin
3transfusion syndrome and other fetal issues directly affecting
4multiple-birth pregnancies, premature births and low-birth
5weights, multiples with special needs, the exceptional physical
6and bonding demands placed on parents and the separation of
7multiples in classrooms; and

8WHEREAS, There are many local support groups for parents of
9multiples and many of these clubs are planning events throughout
10their communities during this month to celebrate their families,
11increase participation and help out other families in need; and

12WHEREAS, By raising awareness of multiple births, this month
13also encourages parents of multiples, or who are expecting
14multiples, to seek out the resources and support found with
15local Mothers of Twins Clubs, through their prenatal care
16provider, pediatrician, local hospital or friends and family;

18WHEREAS, These clubs are established to serve parents or
19guardians of multiple-birth children through education, research
20and fellowship; and

21WHEREAS, The Senate joins with the many parents of multiples
22to celebrate the joys and challenges they face in raising their
23twins, triplets or higher-order multiples and supports efforts
24to educate our communities on the needs and challenges of
25multiple-birth children; therefore be it

26RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize and celebrate the month
27of April 2013 as "Multiple Birth Awareness Month" in