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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 143



No. 143 Session of 1989


           JANUARY 23, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
     3     executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
     4     Executive Department thereof and the administrative
     5     departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
     6     including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
     7     Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
     8     authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
     9     departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
    11     officers, and of the several administrative departments,
    12     boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
    13     Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
    14     and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
    15     certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
    16     other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
    17     and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
    18     number and compensation of the deputies and all other
    19     assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
    20     commissions shall be determined," creating the Department of
    21     Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters and defining its
    22     functions, powers and duties; transferring certain functions,
    23     powers and duties heretofore performed by the Department of
    24     Environmental Resources; transferring certain boards and
    25     commissions; making editorial changes; and repealing
    26     inconsistent acts.

    27     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    28  hereby enacts as follows:
    29     Section 1.  Section 201 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,

     1  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, amended
     2  December 30, 1984 (P.L.1299, No.245) and repealed in part May
     3  26, 1988 (P.L.414, No.72), is amended to read:
     4     Section 201.  Executive Officers, Administrative Departments
     5  and Independent Administrative Boards and Commissions.--The
     6  executive and administrative work of this Commonwealth shall be
     7  performed by the Executive Department, consisting of the
     8  Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     9  Attorney General, Auditor General, State Treasurer, and
    10  Secretary of Education; by the Executive Board, and the
    11  Pennsylvania State Police; by the following administrative
    12  departments: Department of State, Office of Attorney General,
    13  Department of Corrections, Department of the Auditor General,
    14  Treasury Department, Department of Education, Department of
    15  Military Affairs, Insurance Department, Department of Banking,
    16  Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation,
    17  Department of Health, Department of Labor and Industry,
    18  Department of Aging, Department of Public Welfare, Department of
    19  General Services, Department of Revenue, Department of Commerce,
    20  Department of Community Affairs [and], Department of
    21  Environmental Resources and Department of Mines, Minerals,
    22  Forests and Waters; and by the following independent
    23  administrative boards and commissions: Pennsylvania Game
    24  Commission, Pennsylvania Fish Commission, State Civil Service
    25  Commission, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and the
    26  Pennsylvania Securities Commission.
    27     All of the provisions of this act, which apply generally to
    28  administrative departments, or generally except to the
    29  Department of the Auditor General, the Treasury Department and
    30  the Office of Attorney General, shall apply to the Executive
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     1  Board and to the Pennsylvania State Police.
     2     Section 2.  As much as applies to the Department of
     3  Environmental Resources in section 202 of the act is amended and
     4  the section is amended by adding before the last paragraph a new
     5  clause to read:
     6     Section 202.  Departmental Administrative Boards,
     7  Commissions, and Offices.--The following boards, commissions,
     8  and offices are hereby placed and made departmental
     9  administrative boards, commissions, or offices, as the case may
    10  be, in the respective administrative departments mentioned in
    11  the preceding section, as follows:
    12     * * *
    13     In the Department of Environmental Resources,
    14         Environmental Quality Board,
    15         Environmental Hearing Boards[,].
    16         [State Board for Certification of Sewage
    17             Treatment and Waterworks Operators,
    18         State Soil and Water Conservation Commission,
    19         Anthracite Mine Inspectors, Bituminous Mine Inspectors.]
    20     In the Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters,
    21         State Board for Certification of Sewage Treatment
    22             and Waterworks Operators,
    23         State Soil and Water Conservation Commission,
    24         Anthracite Mine Inspectors, Bituminous Mine Inspectors.
    25     All of the foregoing departmental administrative boards and
    26  commissions shall be organized or reorganized as provided in
    27  this act.
    28     Section 3.  Sections 206 and 207.1(d)(1) of the act, amended
    29  December 30, 1984 (P.L.1299, No.245), are amended to read:
    30     Section 206.  Department Heads.--Each administrative
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     1  department shall have as its head an officer who shall, either
     2  personally, by deputy, or by the duly authorized agent or
     3  employe of the department, and subject at all times to the
     4  provisions of this act, exercise the powers and perform the
     5  duties by law vested in and imposed upon the department.
     6     The following officers shall be the heads of the
     7  administrative departments following their respective titles:
     8     Secretary of the Commonwealth, of the Department of State;
     9     Auditor General, of the Department of the Auditor General;
    10     State Treasurer, of the Treasury Department;
    11     Attorney General, of the Office of Attorney General;
    12     Secretary of Education, of the Department of Education;
    13     Adjutant General, of the Department of Military Affairs;
    14     Insurance Commissioner, of the Insurance Department;
    15     Secretary of Banking, of the Department of Banking;
    16     Secretary of Agriculture, of the Department of Agriculture;
    17     Secretary of Transportation, of the Department of
    18         Transportation;
    19     Secretary of Health, of the Department of Health;
    20     Secretary of Labor and Industry, of the Department of Labor
    21         and Industry;
    22     Secretary of Aging, of the Department of Aging;
    23     Secretary of Public Welfare, of the Department of Public
    24         Welfare;
    25     Secretary of Revenue, of the Department of Revenue;
    26     Secretary of Commerce, of the Department of Commerce;
    27     Secretary of Community Affairs, of the Department of
    28         Community Affairs;
    29     Secretary of Environmental Resources, of the Department of
    30         Environmental Resources;
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     1     Secretary of General Services, of the Department of General
     2         Services;
     3     Secretary of Corrections, of the Department of Corrections[.];
     4     Secretary of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters of the
     5         Department of Mines, Minerals, Forest and Waters.
     6     Section 207.1.  Gubernatorial Appointments.--* * *
     7     (d)  The Governor shall nominate in accordance with the
     8  provisions of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
     9  Pennsylvania and, by and with the advice and consent of a
    10  majority of the members elected to the Senate appoint persons to
    11  fill the following positions:
    12     (1)  The Secretary of Education, the Secretary of the
    13  Commonwealth, the Adjutant General, the Insurance Commissioner,
    14  the Secretary of Banking, the Secretary of Agriculture, the
    15  Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Health, the
    16  Commissioner of the State Police, the Secretary of Corrections,
    17  the Secretary of Labor and Industry, the Secretary of Aging, the
    18  Secretary of Public Welfare, the Secretary of General Services,
    19  the Secretary of Revenue, the Secretary of Commerce, the
    20  Secretary of Community Affairs [and], the Secretary of
    21  Environmental Resources and the Secretary of Mines, Minerals,
    22  Forests and Waters.
    23     * * *
    24     Section 4.  Sections 438, 473, 474 and 514(a) of the act,
    25  amended or added December 3, 1970 (P.L.834, No.275), are amended
    26  to read:
    27     Section 438.  Mine Inspectors.--There shall be as many
    28  anthracite mine inspectors, and as many bituminous mine
    29  inspectors, as may now or hereafter be provided by law. All such
    30  mine inspectors shall be appointed, respectively, from among
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     1  persons holding valid certificates of qualification issued by
     2  the [Department of Environmental Resources] Department of Mines,
     3  Minerals, Forests and Waters.
     4     The manner of appointing mine inspectors, their
     5  qualifications, and their terms of office, shall be as may now
     6  or hereafter be provided by law.
     7     Section 473.  State Board for Certification of Sewage
     8  Treatment Plant and Waterworks Operators.--The State Board for
     9  Certification of Sewage Treatment Plant and Waterworks Operators
    10  shall consist of the Secretary of [Environmental Resources]
    11  Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters, or his representative, and
    12  five additional members [of] to be appointed by the Governor.
    13     One member shall be an employe of a municipality or
    14  municipality authority which operates a sewage treatment plant,
    15  water treatment plant or water distribution system or a
    16  representative of a State association of municipalities or
    17  municipality authorities.
    18     One member shall be an individual qualified under this act to
    19  operate any water treatment plant.
    20     One member shall be the owner or official of a privately
    21  owned waterworks.
    22     One member shall be an individual qualified under this act to
    23  operate any sewage treatment plant.
    24     One member shall be on the teaching staff of the civil or
    25  sanitary engineering department of an accredited Pennsylvania
    26  university or college.
    27     The original appointed members of the board, in the order
    28  listed above, shall hold office for one, two, three and four
    29  years respectively. Thereafter, each appointment shall be for a
    30  period of four years duration. The Governor may reappoint board
    19890S0143B0143                  - 6 -

     1  members for successive terms. Members of the board shall remain
     2  in office until a successor is appointed and qualified. If
     3  vacancies occur prior to completion of a term the Governor shall
     4  appoint another member in accordance with this section to fill
     5  the unexpired term.
     6     The present members of the board shall continue to be members
     7  subject to the other provisions of this section except that the
     8  [Secretary of Environmental Resources] Secretary of Mines,
     9  Minerals, Forests and Waters shall replace the [Secretary of
    10  Health] Secretary of Environmental Resources. A chairman and
    11  secretary of the board shall be elected annually. Four members
    12  of the board shall constitute a quorum. Meetings may be called
    13  by the chairman as needed to conduct the business of the board.
    14     The members of the board shall receive no compensation for
    15  their service but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary
    16  expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
    17     Section 474.  State Soil Conservation Commission.--The State
    18  Soil Conservation Commission shall consist of the Secretary of
    19  [Environmental Resources,] Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters
    20  who shall be the chairman, the Secretary of Agriculture, the
    21  Dean of the College of Agriculture of The Pennsylvania State
    22  University, and four former members, who shall be farmers, to be
    23  appointed by the Governor from a list of eight nominees
    24  submitted by the association known as "Pennsylvania State
    25  Council of Farm Organizations." Two urban members of the
    26  commission shall also be appointed to the commission by the
    27  Governor. In the event, however, that said association shall
    28  fail to make and submit to the Governor, nominations to fill
    29  vacancies, the Governor may appoint any citizens of Pennsylvania
    30  to fill such vacancies. The State Conservationist of the Soil
    19890S0143B0143                  - 7 -

     1  Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture
     2  and the Director of Agriculture and Home Economics Extension of
     3  The Pennsylvania State University shall be associate, nonvoting
     4  members of the commission. The commission shall keep a record of
     5  its official actions, and may perform such acts and promulgate
     6  such rules and regulations as may be necessary, and employ such
     7  personnel as needed for the execution of its function under this
     8  act. A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum
     9  and all decisions of the commission shall require a concurrence
    10  of the voting members of the commission.
    11     The farmer and urban members of the commission shall be
    12  appointed for a period of four years and shall hold office until
    13  their successors have been appointed and have qualified. The
    14  four farmer members' terms shall be so staggered that one
    15  member's term shall expire each year while the two urban
    16  members' terms shall be so staggered that one member's term
    17  shall expire every second year. At the expiration of their terms
    18  of office, or in the event of vacancies through death,
    19  resignation or otherwise, new farmer or urban members shall be
    20  appointed in the manner set forth in paragraph one of this
    21  section. A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum
    22  and all decisions shall require the concurrence of a majority of
    23  the commission. All members of the commission shall be entitled
    24  to their actual and necessary expenses including traveling
    25  expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. The
    26  commission shall provide for the execution of surety bonds for
    27  all employes and officers who shall be entrusted with funds or
    28  property of the commission and shall provide for the keeping of
    29  a full and accurate record of all proceedings and of all
    30  resolutions, regulations and orders issued or adopted.
    19890S0143B0143                  - 8 -

     1     Section 514.  Sale of Real Estate and Grants of Rights of Way
     2  or Other Rights Over or in Real Estate; Tapping Water Lines of
     3  Institutions and Sanatoria.--(a)  Except as otherwise in this
     4  act expressly provided, a department, board, or commission,
     5  shall not sell or exchange any real estate belonging to the
     6  Commonwealth, or grant any easement, right of way, or other
     7  interest over or in such real estate, without specific authority
     8  from the General Assembly so to do, but a department, board, or
     9  commission may, with the approval of the Governor, grant a
    10  license to any public service corporation to place upon, in, or
    11  over, any dry or submerged land or bridge of or maintained by
    12  the Commonwealth, any public service line, if such line will
    13  enable any State building or State institution to receive better
    14  service, or if such line is necessary for the service of the
    15  public and it is necessary or reasonably required to cross the
    16  Commonwealth's land to afford such service or if the running of
    17  such line over a bridge will be more economical than the
    18  erection of a separate bridge for the line. Every such license
    19  shall be revocable for reasonable cause upon six months' written
    20  notice by the Commonwealth, and also after like notice for
    21  violation of such proper terms and conditions as the department,
    22  board, or commission, with the approval of the Governor, shall
    23  prescribe when the license issues. Unless any such line is
    24  primarily for the benefit of a State building or State
    25  institution, the license shall provide for the payment to the
    26  Commonwealth of compensation for the use of its property in such
    27  amount as the department, board, or commission granting it
    28  shall, with the approval of the Governor, prescribe.
    29     But nothing herein contained shall authorize the Commonwealth
    30  to impose and collect from any municipality or township any
    19890S0143B0143                  - 9 -

     1  compensation for a license granted to such municipality or
     2  township for the running of a public service line over any such
     3  bridge.
     4     This section shall be deemed the exclusive system for the
     5  granting of licenses, consents and permits to place public
     6  service lines upon, in or over any dry or submerged lands of the
     7  Commonwealth. In the case of submerged lands such licenses shall
     8  be granted only by the Department of [Environmental Resources]
     9  Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters, and the permit shall
    10  prescribe such terms and conditions as shall be deemed necessary
    11  by the board to protect the interests of the public. In the case
    12  of dry lands, licenses shall be issued by the department, board
    13  or commission having the management of such lands.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 5.  Section 607-A of the act, added July 1, 1981
    16  (P.L.143, No.48), is amended to read:
    17     Section 607-A.  Department of Environmental Resources.--The
    18  Department of Environmental Resources is authorized to charge
    19  fees for the following purposes and in the following amounts:
    20     (1)  Eating and drinking places:
    21         (i)  New establishments
    22              (A)  New establishments that
    23                   are owner operated with
    24                   a seating capacity of
    25                   less than 50....................       $ 30.00
    26              (B)  All other new establish-
    27                   ments...........................        100.00
    28         (ii)  Renewal or change of ownership......         30.00
    29         (iii)  Duplicate license for each addi-
    30                tional business location...........          5.00
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     1         (iv)  Temporary license...................          1.00
     2     [(2)  Certification of sewage and water treatment
     3          plant operators:
     4         (i)  Initial license......................         20.00
     5         (ii)  Annual license renewal..............          3.00
     6     (3)  Mines, anthracite:
     7         (i)  Examination fee for mine foreman,
     8              assistant mine foreman and mine
     9              examiner.............................         25.00
    10         (ii)  Certification fee for mine foreman,
    11               assistant mine foreman and mine
    12               examiner............................         25.00
    13         (iii)  Duplicate certificate..............          1.00
    14         (iv)  Miner's certificate.................          5.00
    15     (4)  Mines, bituminous:
    16         (i)  Examination fee for mine foreman,
    17              assistant mine foreman and mine
    18              examiner.............................         25.00
    19         (ii)  Certification fee for mine foreman,
    20               assistant mine foreman and mine
    21               examiner............................         25.00
    22         (iii)  Examination fee for mine electrician        15.00
    23         (iv)  Certification fee for mine electrician       15.00
    24         (v)  Miner's certificate..................          5.00
    25     (5)  Water and related matters:
    26         (i)  Public water supply surface          Fee to be set
    27              water allocation permit.             by regulation
    28                                                   of department
    29                                                   to reimburse
    30                                                   costs of admin-
    19890S0143B0143                 - 11 -

     1                                                   istering the
     2                                                   act of June 24,
     3                                                   1939 (P.L.842,
     4                                                   No.365)
     5         (ii)  Water sample bacteriological
     6               examination/per sample..............         10.00
     7               (homeowner water bottle program)
     8         (iii)  Water well driller's license.......         60.00
     9         (iv)  Water well driller rig fee on a
    10               per rig basis.......................         20.00]
    11     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    12     Section 607.1-A.  Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and
    13  Waters.--The Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters
    14  is authorized to charge fees for the following purposes and in
    15  the following amounts:
    16     (1)  Certification of sewage and water treatment plant
    17  operators:
    18         (i)  Initial license......................        $20.00
    19         (ii)  Annual license renewal..............          3.00
    20     (2)  Mines, anthracite:
    21         (i)  Examination fee for mine foreman,
    22              assistant mine foreman and mine
    23              examiner.............................         25.00
    24         (ii)  Certification fee for mine foreman,
    25               assistant mine foreman and mine
    26               examiner............................         25.00
    27         (iii)  Duplicate certificate..............          1.00
    28         (iv)  Miner's certificate.................          5.00
    29     (3)  Mines, bituminous:
    30         (i)  Examination fee for mine foreman,
    19890S0143B0143                 - 12 -

     1              assistant mine foreman and mine
     2              examiner.............................         25.00
     3         (ii)  Certification fee for mine foreman,
     4               assistant mine foreman and mine
     5               examiner............................         25.00
     6         (iii)  Examination fee for mine electrician        15.00
     7         (iv)  Certification fee for mine electrician       15.00
     8         (v)  Miner's certificate..................          5.00
     9     (4)  Water and related matters:
    10         (i)  Public water supply surface          Fee to be set
    11              water allocation permit.             by regulation
    12                                                   of department
    13                                                   to reimburse
    14                                                   costs of admin-
    15                                                   istering the
    16                                                   act of June 24,
    17                                                   1939 (P.L.842,
    18                                                   No.365)
    19         (ii)  Water sample bacteriological
    20               examination/per sample..............         10.00
    21               (homeowner water bottle program)
    22         (iii)  Water well driller's license.......         60.00
    23         (iv)  Water well driller rig fee on a
    24               per rig basis.......................         20.00
    25     Section 7.  Section 712(b) of the act, amended December 3,
    26  1970 (P.L.834, No.275), is amended to read:
    27     Section 712.  The Pennsylvania State Police Force.--The
    28  various members of the Pennsylvania State Police are hereby
    29  authorized and empowered:
    30     * * *
    19890S0143B0143                 - 13 -

     1     (b)  To act as game protectors, and as forest, fish, or fire
     2  wardens, and for the better performance of such duties[,]:
     3     (1)  Seize all guns, boats, decoys, traps, dogs, game, fish,
     4  shooting paraphernalia, or hunting or fishing appliances or
     5  devices, used, taken, or had in possession, contrary to the laws
     6  of this State. Any article so seized shall be held subject to
     7  such disposition as the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania
     8  Fish Commission or the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania
     9  Game Commission or the Secretary of [Environmental Resources]
    10  Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters may respectively determine.
    11     (2)  Seize and take possession of all birds, animals, or
    12  fish, which have been taken, caught or killed, or had in
    13  possession, or under control, or which have been shipped, or are
    14  about to be shipped, contrary to any law of this State.
    15     (3)  Search without warrant any boat, conveyance, vehicle or
    16  receptacle, when there is good reason to believe that any law
    17  has been violated, the enforcement or administration of which is
    18  imposed on or vested in the Pennsylvania Fish Commission or the
    19  Pennsylvania Game Commission or in the Department of
    20  [Environmental Resources] Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters.
    21     (4)  Serve subpoenas issued before any examination,
    22  investigation, or trial had pursuant to any law as aforesaid.
    23     (5)  Purchase game or fish for the purpose of securing
    24  evidence.
    25     Section 8.  Section 1901-A of the act is repealed insofar as
    26  it is inconsistent with this act.
    27     Section 9.  Sections 1902-A, 1903-A, 1904-A, 1905-A(a) and
    28  (b)(1)(ii) and (iii), 1906-A, 1907-A, 1908-A, 1909-A, 1910-A,
    29  1911-A, 1912-A, 1913-A, 1914-A, 1915-A, 1916-A, 1918-A, 1920-
    30  A(f), (g) and (i), 1923-A, 1925-A and 1928-A of the act are
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     1  repealed.
     2     Section 10.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
     3                           ARTICLE XIX-B
     6     Section 1901-B.  Powers and Duties in General.--The
     7  Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters shall, subject
     8  to any inconsistent provision contained in this act, continue to
     9  exercise the powers and perform such duties heretofore vested in
    10  and imposed upon the Department of Environmental Resources as
    11  hereinafter set forth.
    12     Section 1902-B.  Forest Powers and Duties.--The Department of
    13  Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters shall have the power and its
    14  duty shall be:
    15     (1)  To acquire, in the name of the Commonwealth, by
    16  purchase, gift, lease, or condemnation, and hold as State
    17  forests, subject to the conditions of any such lease and subject
    18  to such reservations, if any, of mineral rights, stumpage
    19  rights, rights-of-way, or other encumbrances, as the department
    20  deems to be consistent with such holding, any lands, including
    21  tax delinquent lands, which, in the judgment of the department,
    22  the Commonwealth should hold, manage, control, protect,
    23  maintain, utilize and regulate as State forests or for
    24  reforestation, and adding to and extending the existing State
    25  forests for the purpose of lessening soil erosion and silting up
    26  of reservoirs; control the flow of streams and extinguish
    27  interior holdings; or for the establishment and maintenance of
    28  fire observation towers and stations, and such adjoining lands
    29  as may be deemed necessary to control, maintain, and develop
    30  such towers and stations, and to furnish access to them. The
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     1  purchase price of any such lands shall not exceed ten dollars
     2  ($10) per acre, except such as are acquired for fire observation
     3  tower and station purposes, except the price paid for interior
     4  holdings and farms and marginal farms along State forest lands,
     5  which shall not exceed twenty dollars ($20) per acre. The amount
     6  expended for the acquisition of lands for State forest purposes,
     7  in any annual appropriation period, shall not exceed the
     8  appropriation for that purpose for such period, and the amount
     9  expended for other land acquisitions shall not exceed
    10  appropriations made for such purposes.
    11     (2)  To purchase and hold, as State forests, unseated,
    12  vacant, or unappropriated lands, lands advertised for sale for
    13  taxes, and lands sold for taxes, as may now or hereafter be
    14  provided by law.
    15     (3)  To hold, manage, control, protect, maintain, utilize,
    16  develop, and regulate the occupancy and use of all lands,
    17  heretofore or hereafter acquired, owned, leased and maintained
    18  as State forests for reforestation, for extending existing State
    19  forests, for the purpose of lessening soil erosion, the silting
    20  up of reservoirs, to control stream flow, and to extinguish
    21  interior holdings, and for fire observation tower and station
    22  purposes, together with the resources thereof.
    23     (4)  To divide the State into such convenient forest
    24  districts as it deems economical and effective; to administer,
    25  protect, develop, utilize and regulate the occupancy and use of
    26  the lands and resources of the State forests, to protect all
    27  forest land in the State from forest fires, fungi, insects and
    28  other enemies; to promote and develop forestry and knowledge of
    29  forestry throughout the State; to advise and assist landowners
    30  in the planting of forest and shade trees; to obtain and publish
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     1  information respecting forest lands and forestry in the State;
     2  to assist in Arbor Day work; and promote and advance any other
     3  activity in local forestry which the department may deem helpful
     4  to the public interest; and to execute the rules and regulations
     5  of the department for the protection of forests from fire and
     6  depredation. It may also assign district foresters to take
     7  active charge of such forest districts, and also foresters,
     8  forest rangers and other help, for the administration of such
     9  forest districts, as the secretary may deem necessary, for the
    10  accomplishment throughout the State of the purposes for which
    11  the department is established.
    12     (5)  To cooperate with the authorities of townships, boroughs
    13  and cities of this Commonwealth in the acquisition and
    14  administration of municipal forests, as may now or hereafter be
    15  provided by law.
    16     (6)  Whenever it shall appear that the welfare of the
    17  Commonwealth with reference to reforesting, and the betterment
    18  of the State forests with respect to control, management,
    19  protection, utilization, development, and regulation of their
    20  occupancy and use, will be advanced by selling or disposing of
    21  and of the timber on the State forests, to dispose of such
    22  timber on terms most advantageous to the State: Provided, That
    23  the department is authorized and directed to set aside, within
    24  the State forests, unusual or historical groves of trees, or
    25  natural features, especially worthy of permanent preservation,
    26  to make the same accessible and convenient for public use, and
    27  to dedicate them in perpetuity to the people of the State for
    28  their recreation and enjoyment. And the said department is
    29  hereby empowered to make and execute contracts or leases, in the
    30  name of the Commonwealth, for the mining or removal of any
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     1  valuable minerals that may be found in said State forests, or of
     2  oil and gas beneath those waters of Lake Erie owned by the
     3  Commonwealth, or of oil and gas beneath the land of Woodville
     4  State Hospital owned by the Commonwealth, whenever it shall
     5  appear to the satisfaction of the department that it would be
     6  for the best interests of the State to make such dispositions of
     7  said minerals: And provided further, That any proposed contracts
     8  or leases of valuable minerals, exceeding one thousand dollars
     9  ($1,000) in value, shall have been advertised once a week for
    10  three weeks in at least two newspapers published nearest the
    11  locality indicated in advance of awarding such contract or
    12  lease. Such contracts or leases may then be awarded to the
    13  highest and best bidder, who shall give bond for the proper
    14  performance of the contract as the department shall designate:
    15  Provided, however, That where the Commonwealth owns a fractional
    16  interest in the oil, natural gas and other minerals under State
    17  forest lands, the requirement of competitive bidding may be
    18  waived and the department may enter into a contract to lease
    19  that fractional interest, with the approval of the Governor and
    20  upon such terms and conditions as the department deems to be in
    21  the best interest of the Commonwealth.
    22     (7)  To appoint and, with the approval of the Governor, fix
    23  the compensation of a chief forest fire warden and such district
    24  forest fire wardens, and to appoint and fix the compensation of
    25  such local forest fire wardens and other assistants as shall be
    26  required for the prevention, control and extinction of forest
    27  fires.
    28     (8)  To establish and administer auxiliary forest reserves,
    29  in the manner and under such terms and conditions as may now or
    30  hereafter be provided by law.
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     1     (9)  To distribute young forest trees, shrubs and vines, as
     2  provided by law, to those desiring to plant them.
     3     (10)  To furnish information and issue certificates and
     4  requisitions necessary for the payment of such fixed charges, in
     5  lieu of taxes on State forests and auxiliary forest reserves, to
     6  school districts, road districts and counties, as may now or
     7  hereafter be provided by law.
     8     (11)  To sell or exchange State forest land, as provided by
     9  law, whenever it shall be to the advantage of the State forest
    10  interests: Provided, That such action has been approved by the
    11  Governor.
    12     (12)  To set aside, when, in the judgment of the department,
    13  it is deemed necessary, for exclusive use for parks, parkways,
    14  and other places of scientific, scenic, historic or wildlife
    15  interest, any State-owned lands which are now or which may
    16  hereafter be under the jurisdiction of the department.
    17     (13)  The department shall, with the approval of the
    18  Governor, have the authority to enter into agreements with
    19  owners or lessees or property of property rights located in the
    20  same area as lands owned or leased by the Commonwealth, for the
    21  protection, preservation or recovery of metallic or nonmetallic
    22  ore, fuel, oil, natural gas or any other mineral deposits
    23  underlying said lands, provided the said deposits are owned by
    24  the Commonwealth.
    25     (14)  The net receipts, arising out of the occupancy and use
    26  of the State forests hereunder, shall be paid into the State
    27  Treasury, through the Department of Revenue, and shall belong to
    28  and form part of the State Forests and Waters Fund.
    29     Section 1903-B.  Forest Powers; Lease of Small Areas of State
    30  Forests.--The Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters
    19890S0143B0143                 - 19 -

     1  shall have the power:
     2     (1)  To lease, for a period not exceeding ten years, on such
     3  terms and conditions as it may consider reasonable, to any
     4  person, corporation, association, church organization or school
     5  board of Pennsylvania, such portion of any State forest, whether
     6  owned or leased by the Commonwealth, as the department may deem
     7  suitable, as a site for buildings and facilities to be used by
     8  such person, corporation, association, church organization or
     9  school board for health and recreation, or as a site for a
    10  church or school purposes: Provided, however, That the
    11  department may, with the approval of the Governor, if a
    12  substantial capital investment is involved and if it is deemed
    13  in the best interests of the Commonwealth, enter into such
    14  leases for a period not to exceed thirty-five years. The
    15  department shall not terminate the lease of a person whose cabin
    16  has been destroyed or seriously damaged by fire, storm, flood or
    17  other natural causes and shall permit the rebuilding of such
    18  cabin. The department shall permit persons holding leases to
    19  renovate or make additions to existing cabins with the approval
    20  of the department.
    21     (2)  To lease, for not more than ten years, small areas in
    22  State forests, whether owned or leased by the Commonwealth,
    23  deemed by it to be better suited for the growing of other crops
    24  than for the growing of forest trees. If more than one person
    25  shall apply for the same tract, the lease shall be advertised
    26  for sale in three local county papers, if there be so many, once
    27  a week for three weeks, and may then be awarded to the highest
    28  responsible bidder, but the department may nevertheless reject
    29  any or all bids. Upon the termination of any such lease, the
    30  lessee may remove buildings and fences placed thereon at his own
    19890S0143B0143                 - 20 -

     1  expense, or the same may be purchased by the lessor as a part of
     2  the permanent improvement of the tract, upon such terms as may
     3  be agreed upon by the department and the lessee.
     4     (3)  To grant rights-of-way through State forests, to
     5  individuals or corporations who may apply therefor, when it
     6  shall appear to the department that the grant of a right-of-way
     7  will not so adversely affect the land as to interfere with its
     8  usual and orderly administration, and when it shall appear that
     9  the interests of the Commonwealth or its citizens will be
    10  promoted by such grant. Right-of-way, as used in this
    11  subsection, is hereby construed to include rights of passage and
    12  haulage for any lawful purpose, also rights of flowage or
    13  transmission for any lawful purpose.
    14     (4)  To give to street railway companies, duly incorporated
    15  under the laws of this Commonwealth, upon such terms and subject
    16  to such restrictions and regulations as the department may deem
    17  proper, the privilege to construct, maintain and operate their
    18  lines of railway over, along and upon public highways now laid
    19  out and in actual use, which lie within or border on any State
    20  forests, whenever the interests of the Commonwealth will be
    21  benefited thereby.
    22     (5)  To give to boroughs and other municipalities of this
    23  Commonwealth, upon such terms and subject to such restrictions
    24  and regulations as the department may deem proper, the privilege
    25  of impounding water upon any State forest and of constructing,
    26  maintaining and operating lines of pipes upon and through State
    27  forests for the purpose of conveying water therefrom, whenever
    28  it shall be to the public interest so to do.
    29     (6)  In all cases where there are public roads, regularly
    30  established, running into or through or bordering upon State
    19890S0143B0143                 - 21 -

     1  forests, from time to time, to expend such reasonable sums for
     2  the maintenance, repair or extension of such roads as may be
     3  necessary for the proper administration and protection of State
     4  forests. All expenses that may thus be incurred shall be paid in
     5  the same manner as the other expenses of the department.
     6     (7)  To enter into cooperative agreements with county,
     7  township, municipal and private agencies, for the prevention and
     8  suppression of forest fires, as provided by law.
     9     (8)  To grant to public utility companies, lawfully doing
    10  business in this Commonwealth, the privilege to construct,
    11  maintain and operate their lines over, along and upon highways
    12  and roads which lie within, or border on, any State forests, and
    13  to grant right of access by such companies to or through State
    14  forest lands, in order to bring public utilities to camps and
    15  cottages in State forest lands and in other homes and farms
    16  adjacent to State forest lands.
    17     (9)  To grant to individuals, groups of individuals,
    18  associations, firms, partnerships or corporations the privilege
    19  to erect, construct, maintain and operate, on and over State
    20  owned or leased lands under the jurisdiction of the department,
    21  antennas, towers, stations, cables and other devices and
    22  apparatus helpful, necessary or required for broadcasting,
    23  telecasting, transmission, relaying or reception of television.
    24  It may charge for such privilege such rental and damages as the
    25  department deems the conditions and circumstances warrant.
    26     (10)  To lease, with the approval of the Governor, State
    27  forest lands for the underground storage of natural gas, upon
    28  such terms and conditions as the secretary deems to be in the
    29  best interest of the Commonwealth.
    30     (11)  To lease, with the approval of the Governor, and in
    19890S0143B0143                 - 22 -

     1  cooperation with the Department of Commerce, those State forest
     2  lands acquired by gift from The Pennsylvania State University or
     3  by acquisition from the Curtiss-Wright Corporation which are
     4  located at Quehanna, Pennsylvania, or recovered through the
     5  termination of a lease with Curtiss-Wright Corporation relating
     6  to Quehanna, Pennsylvania, and upon which are erected certain
     7  industrial buildings constructed by the Curtiss-Wright
     8  Corporation for industrial or economic development purposes or
     9  for nuclear reactor safety zone purposes.
    10     Such leases may be made with industrial tenants or nonprofit
    11  industrial development corporations. The department in securing
    12  tenants shall cooperate fully with the Department of Commerce.
    13  Every such lease entered into shall conform in general to the
    14  terms of the standard industrial lease used by the department
    15  and approved by the Attorney General. Every such lease shall
    16  otherwise than as in this act prescribed be upon such terms and
    17  conditions as the secretary deems in the best interest of the
    18  Commonwealth. However, all paved roads through the Quehanna
    19  project shall remain open to the general public use. Any such
    20  lease may permit the tenant to alter or expand, at its own
    21  expense and with the approval of the department first obtained
    22  in writing, existing buildings to meet the requirements of its
    23  particular industrial operation. Every such lease shall provide
    24  for the deposit of industrial floor space rentals and sewage and
    25  water rentals in a restricted receipts fund, from which the
    26  department may draw moneys for use in developing, operating and
    27  maintaining the water and sewage disposal facilities, and
    28  replacing machinery, equipment and fixtures appurtenant thereto,
    29  at Quehanna. Said restricted receipts fund shall be audited two
    30  years from the effective date of this act and at two-year
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     1  intervals thereafter, with any residue appearing in said fund at
     2  the end of each auditing period to be deposited in the General
     3  Fund.
     4     (12)  In all cases in which a contract is entered into by the
     5  department and the other party to the contract is required to
     6  post a surety or cash bond or other acceptable security to be
     7  held to apply as a credit against any unpaid balances or to
     8  carry out any unfulfilled conditions, the moneys of said bonds
     9  or securities shall accrue to the benefit of the department in
    10  so far as necessary to indemnify said department from all losses
    11  caused by failure of the contracting party to pay any balance
    12  due or for expenses incurred due to failure of contracting party
    13  to department to pay unpaid balances or to fulfill contract
    14  conditions shall accrue to the General Fund.
    15     Section 1904-B.  Waters.--The Department of Mines, Minerals,
    16  Forests and Waters shall have the power and its duty shall be:
    17     (1)  To study, consider and determine upon a public policy
    18  with regard to the conservation, marketing and equitable
    19  distribution of the water and power to be derived from the
    20  utilization of the water resources of the Commonwealth, to the
    21  restoration, development and improvement of transportation by
    22  water, to the supply of water and power for municipal, domestic
    23  and industrial use, and to the conservation of water resources
    24  by the aid of forestation.
    25     (2)  To investigate or examine dams, walls, wing walls,
    26  wharves, embankments, abutments, projections, bridges and other
    27  water obstructions, determine whether they are unsafe, need
    28  repair, alteration or change in their structure or location or
    29  should be removed, notify owners to repair, alter or change the
    30  structure or location or remove the same, repair, alter or
    19890S0143B0143                 - 24 -

     1  change the structure or location or remove the same in
     2  emergencies without notice and at the cost of the owners, and
     3  apply for injunctions to enforce compliance with or restrain the
     4  violation of the law in regard to the safety of dams or the
     5  derogatory effect of walls, wing walls, wharves, embankments,
     6  abutments, projections, bridges or other water obstructions upon
     7  the regimen of streams, or the violation of any lawful order or
     8  notice of the department in regard thereto. The power of the
     9  department under this paragraph shall extend to and include all
    10  types of water obstructions, regardless of the date when such
    11  obstructions were constructed and whether or not the same were
    12  constructed by express or implied permission of the
    13  Commonwealth, or any agency thereof.
    14     (3)  To collect such information relative to the existing
    15  conditions of the water resources of the State as, in the
    16  opinion of the department, shall be necessary for the
    17  utilization of waters and for the conservation, purification,
    18  development and equitable distribution of water and water power
    19  resources and, in particular, for the use of such citizens and
    20  communities as may be in need of extended facilities for these
    21  purposes.
    22     (4)  To establish and maintain gauging stations on rivers and
    23  their tributaries.
    24     (5)  To issue bulletins, during freshet and flood conditions,
    25  forecasting gauge heights and times thereof.
    26     (6)  To maintain a complete inventory of all the water
    27  resources of the Commonwealth; collect all pertinent data, facts
    28  and information in connection therewith; classify, tabulate,
    29  record and preserve the same; and, upon the basis thereof,
    30  determine the points at which storage reservoirs may be
    19890S0143B0143                 - 25 -

     1  constructed for flood control, for municipal and domestic
     2  supply, hydraulic and hydroelectric power, steam raising, steam
     3  condensation, navigation, and other utilization; and generally
     4  to devise all possible ways and means to conserve and develop
     5  the water supply and water resources of the Commonwealth for the
     6  use of the people thereof.
     7     (7)  To construct, maintain and operate works for water
     8  storage, flood control, channel improvement or other hydraulic
     9  purposes.
    10     (8)  To acquire by purchase, lease, gift or condemnation,
    11  with the approval of the Governor, such land, buildings and
    12  appurtenances thereto, as in the judgment of the department, may
    13  be necessary for the construction, maintenance, improvement or
    14  development of any port or harbor in this Commonwealth.
    15     (9)  To promulgate rules and regulations to protect, manage
    16  and regulate the recreational use of designated whitewater
    17  zones; license whitewater outfitters operating within designated
    18  whitewater zones; and establish fees, royalties and charges for
    19  licenses and for using public lands, waters and facilities.
    20     (i)  For each specific designated whitewater zone, a license
    21  to continue operating as a whitewater rafting outfitter shall be
    22  issued by the department to any whitewater rafting outfitter who
    23  has provided whitewater rafting services on a designated
    24  whitewater zone for a period of five or more years, who has
    25  provided those services under formal agreement with the
    26  department, who has demonstrated an acceptable measure of
    27  compliance with the safety and operational requirements of that
    28  agreement and who has provided whitewater rafting services on
    29  that designated whitewater zone prior to operation and
    30  management of that designated whitewater zone through formal
    19890S0143B0143                 - 26 -

     1  agreement with the department. Each whitewater rafting outfitter
     2  presently conducting whitewater rafting trips under agreement
     3  with the department shall be deemed to fulfill the foregoing
     4  criteria.
     5     (ii)  Licenses issued by the department to continue to
     6  operate as a whitewater rafting outfitter shall be for a period
     7  of ten years and shall be renewable under guidelines appropriate
     8  and necessary to protect the public health, safety and interest
     9  and provide stability to the outfitting industry; shall be
    10  transferrable under reasonable guidelines of the department
    11  relating to transfer of licenses and required qualifications of
    12  transferees; shall include the right to continue to utilize or
    13  lease any premises leased before the effective date of this act
    14  by a whitewater rafting outfitter from the department or offer
    15  to lease such access areas as the department deems appropriate
    16  for use by whitewater rafting outfitters; and shall supersede,
    17  after the adoption of regulations, any agreement between the
    18  department and a whitewater rafting outfitter, except fee
    19  agreements in which a whitewater rafting outfitter is required
    20  to pay the department a fee, which fee agreements shall continue
    21  for the life of the agreement and which shall not preclude the
    22  issuance of a license.
    23     (iii)  The department may, with regard to a specific
    24  designated whitewater zone, accept bids, issue licenses and
    25  charge fees and royalties for an additional whitewater rafting
    26  outfitter only if the department determines that there is
    27  additional whitewater rafting outfitter-carrying capacity on the
    28  waterway and that there is a need for additional whitewater
    29  rafting outfitter allocations. Such licenses shall apply only
    30  for that specific designated whitewater zone and only for a
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     1  period not to exceed ten years.
     2     (iv)  Licensed whitewater rafting outfitters shall be subject
     3  to all appropriate rules, regulations and guidelines promulgated
     4  by the department for the purposes of regulating the operation
     5  and safety of each designated whitewater zone.
     6     (v)  Licenses granted by the department may be terminated by
     7  the department for noncompliance after a 30-day written notice
     8  to the outfitter and a hearing in accordance with Title 2 of the
     9  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative
    10  law and procedure).
    11     Section 1905-B.  Cooperation with Municipalities.--(a)  The
    12  department shall cooperate with municipalities in the
    13  construction and completion of projects and improvements for the
    14  conservation of water and the control of floods. For this
    15  purpose, the department shall have the power to use and expend
    16  any funds advanced by municipalities, under authority of law, on
    17  the projects and improvements designated, when such funds are
    18  advanced, in the same manner as it expends any funds
    19  appropriated by the Commonwealth for similar purposes.
    20     (b)  (1)  The Department shall require every applicant for
    21  the following permits and permit revisions to give written
    22  notice to each municipality in which the activities are located:
    23     (i)  Water allocation permits applied for pursuant to the act
    24  of June 24, 1939 (P.L.842, No.365), entitled "An act relating to
    25  the acquisition of rights to divert water from rivers, streams,
    26  natural lakes, and ponds, or other surface waters within the
    27  Commonwealth or partly within and partly without the
    28  Commonwealth; defining various words and phrases; vesting in the
    29  Water and Power Resources Board certain powers and authorities
    30  for the conservation, control and equitable use of the waters
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     1  within the Commonwealth in the interests of the people of the
     2  Commonwealth; making available for public water supply purposes,
     3  water rights heretofore or hereafter acquired but not used;
     4  providing for hearings by the Water and Power Resources Board
     5  and for appeals from its decisions; fixing fees; granting to all
     6  public water supply agencies heretofore or hereafter created the
     7  right of eminent domain as to waters and the land covered by
     8  said waters; repealing all acts or parts of acts inconsistent
     9  herewith, including Act No. 109, Pamphlet Laws 152, approved
    10  April 13, 1905, Act No. 307, Pamphlet Laws 455, approved June 7,
    11  1907, Act No. 64, Pamphlet Laws 258, approved April 8, 1937."
    12     (ii)  Water obstruction permits applied for pursuant to the
    13  act of November 26, 1978 (P.L. 1375, No. 325), known as the "Dam
    14  Safety and Encroachments Act."
    15     (2)  In the case of written notices sent pursuant to
    16  subclauses (i) and (ii), the written notices shall be received
    17  by the municipalities at least thirty (30) days before the
    18  department may issue or deny the permit.
    19     Section 1906-B.  Parks.--The Department of Mines, Minerals,
    20  Forests and Waters shall have the power, and its duty shall be:
    21     (1)  To supervise, maintain, improve, regulate, police and
    22  preserve all parks belonging to the Commonwealth.
    23     (2)  For the purpose of promoting healthful outdoor
    24  recreation and education, and making available for such use
    25  natural areas of unusual scenic beauty, especially such as
    26  provide impressive views, waterfalls, gorges, creeks, caves or
    27  other unique and interesting features, to acquire, in the name
    28  of the Commonwealth, by purchase, gift, lease or condemnation
    29  any lands which, in the judgment of the department, should be
    30  held, controlled, protected, maintained and utilized as State
    19890S0143B0143                 - 29 -

     1  park lands. Such lands may be purchased or accepted, subject to
     2  the conditions of any such lease and subject to such
     3  reservations, if any, of mineral rights, rights-of-way or other
     4  encumbrances as the department may deem not inconsistent with
     5  such holdings: Provided, however, That the amount expended for
     6  the acquisition of lands for State park purposes shall not
     7  exceed the amount specifically appropriated for such purposes.
     8     (3)  To see that conveniences and facilities for the
     9  transportation, shelter, comfort and education of people shall
    10  be so designed and constructed as to retain, so far as may be,
    11  the naturalistic appearance of State park areas, surroundings
    12  and approaches, and conceal the hand of man as ordinarily
    13  visible in urban, industrial and commercial activities.
    14     (4)  To lease for a period not to exceed ten years, on such
    15  terms as may be considered reasonable, to any person,
    16  corporation, association or organization of this Commonwealth a
    17  portion of any State park, whether owned or leased by the
    18  Commonwealth, as may be suitable as a site for buildings and
    19  facilities to be used for health, recreational or educational
    20  purposes, or for parking areas or concessions for the
    21  convenience and comfort of the public; Provided, however, That
    22  the department may, with the approval of the Governor, if a
    23  substantial capital investment is involved and if it is deemed
    24  in the best interests of the Commonwealth, enter into such
    25  leases for a period not to exceed thirty-five years.
    26     (5)  To study, counsel and advise in reference to gifts of
    27  lands or money for park purposes.
    28     (6)  To counsel and advise in reference to the development of
    29  park lands by concessionaries with facilities and equipment for
    30  the accommodation and education of the public.
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     1     (7)  To appoint and commission persons to preserve order in
     2  the State parks, which persons shall have all of the following
     3  powers:
     4     (a)  To make arrests without warrant for all violations of
     5  the law which they may witness, and to serve and execute
     6  warrants issued by the proper authorities: Provided, however,
     7  That in cases of offenses for violation of any of the provisions
     8  of the Vehicle Code, the power to make arrests without warrant
     9  shall be limited to cases where the offense is designated a
    10  felony or a misdemeanor, or in cases causing or contributing to
    11  an accident resulting in injury or death to any person.
    12     (b)  To have all the powers and prerogatives conferred by law
    13  upon members of the police force of cities of the first class.
    14     (c)  To have all the powers and prerogatives conferred by law
    15  upon constables of the Commonwealth.
    16     (d)  To serve subpoenas issued for any examination,
    17  investigation or trial had pursuant to any law of the
    18  Commonwealth.
    19     (8)  For the purpose of providing parking facilities and
    20  incidental services within the borders of any State park area
    21  situate in the City of Philadelphia to lease or grant, by and
    22  with the written approval of the Governor, any portion of any
    23  such State park area, underground, aboveground or both, to the
    24  city or to any parking authority now or hereafter existing in
    25  the city, pursuant to the provisions of the act of June 5, 1947
    26  (P.L. 458), known as the "Parking Authority Law," as the same
    27  may now or hereafter be amended, if:
    28     (a)  the City of Philadelphia or the parking authority agrees
    29  that the lands and interests and privileges therein shall be
    30  used by the city or parking authority, or any lessee or sub-
    19890S0143B0143                 - 31 -

     1  lessee holding under either of them, pursuant to any lease or
     2  sub-lease granted by the city or parking authority as may be
     3  permitted by law, to promote the establishment of parking
     4  services and facilities, but portions of the street level or
     5  lower floors of the parking facilities may be leased for
     6  commercial use, including emergency automobile repair service
     7  and the sale by the lessee of any commodity of trade or commerce
     8  or any service except the sale of gasoline or automobile
     9  accessories; and
    10     (b)  the department, with the written approval of the
    11  Governor, determines that the lease or grant (i) will aid in
    12  promoting the public safety, convenience and welfare of the
    13  people of Philadelphia by aiding in the establishment of
    14  adequate parking services for the convenience of the public and
    15  otherwise promoting the public policy of the Commonwealth in
    16  authorization for the creation of parking authorities, and (ii)
    17  will not unduly interfere with the promotion of those public
    18  objects for which the State park area was acquired and for which
    19  it is held.
    20     Any lease or grant shall be upon the terms and conditions and
    21  for the period or periods of time the department, with the
    22  written approval of the Governor, may prescribe. The department
    23  shall execute and deliver and is empowered to receive deeds or
    24  other legal instruments necessary to effectuate any lease or
    25  grant. All deeds and instruments shall have the prior approval
    26  of the Attorney General, and a copy thereof shall be filed with
    27  the Department of Community Affairs.
    28     (9)  To make and execute contracts or leases in the name of
    29  the Commonwealth for the mining or removal of any oil or gas
    30  that may be found in a State park whenever it shall appear to
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     1  the satisfaction of the department that it would be for the best
     2  interests of the State to make such disposition of said oil and
     3  gas. Any proposed contracts or leases of oil and gas exceeding
     4  one thousand dollars ($1,000) in value shall be advertised once
     5  a week for three weeks in at least two newspapers published
     6  nearest the locality indicated in advance of awarding such
     7  contract or lease. Such contracts or leases may then be awarded
     8  to the highest and best bidder who shall give bond for the
     9  proper performance of the contract as the department shall
    10  designate.
    11     (10)  To grant rights-of-way in and through State parks to
    12  municipal authorities and political subdivisions of this
    13  Commonwealth for the laying of water lines and of lines for the
    14  transportation of sewage to sewage lines or sewage treatment
    15  facilities on State park land, under such terms and conditions,
    16  including the payment of fees, as the department may deem
    17  proper, and when it shall appear that the grant of such right-
    18  of-way will not so adversely affect the land as to interfere
    19  with its usual and orderly administration and that the interests
    20  of the Commonwealth or its citizens will be promoted by such
    21  grant.
    22     (11)  To issue permits under emergency situations, upon such
    23  terms and subject to such restrictions, fees and regulations as
    24  the department may deem proper, for the utilization of water at
    25  a State park and for constructing, maintaining and operating
    26  lines of pipe upon and through a State park for the purpose of
    27  conveying water therefrom, whenever it shall be in the public
    28  interest to do so.
    29     Section 1907-B.  Pennsylvania State Forest School.--The
    30  Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters shall have the
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     1  power and its duty shall be:
     2     (1)  To maintain and operate the Pennsylvania State Forest
     3  School at Mont Alto.
     4     (2)  For that purpose, to employ such instructors, assign
     5  such foresters for instruction, and employ such services, as may
     6  reasonably be necessary (i) to provide at the school
     7  professional education in forestry and maintain a close
     8  association of theory and practice, and (ii) to train forest
     9  rangers and forest inspectors.
    10     (3)  With the approval of the Governor, to enter into a
    11  cooperative agreement with any State or semi-State educational
    12  institution for the joint use of the facilities of the school by
    13  such institution and the department as may be deemed advisable
    14  by the secretary. Any such agreement shall provide for an
    15  equitable division between such institution and the Commonwealth
    16  of the cost of operating the school and maintaining and
    17  repairing the buildings and equipment used by it.
    18     Section 1908-B.  Water and Power Resources.--The Department
    19  of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters shall have the power and
    20  its duty shall be:
    21     (1)  Subject to any inconsistent provisions in this act
    22  contained, to continue to exercise the powers and perform the
    23  duties by law vested in and imposed upon the Water Supply
    24  Commission of Pennsylvania, or in and upon the Water and Power
    25  Resources Board, or in and upon the department, with regard to:
    26     (a)  Applications for charters for corporations for the
    27  supply of water for the public or for the supply, storage and
    28  transportation of water and water power, for commercial and
    29  manufacturing purposes, or for any other water or water power
    30  company.
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     1     (b)  Agreements for the merger and consolidation of two or
     2  more such corporations heretofore or hereafter formed.
     3     (c)  The sale, assignment, disposition, transfer and
     4  conveyance of the franchises and all the property, real,
     5  personal and mixed, or any such corporation, heretofore or
     6  hereafter formed, to any other such corporation.
     7     (d)  Consents or permits for the construction of dams, and
     8  other water obstructions, or of any change therein or addition
     9  thereto, and consents or permits for changing or diminishing the
    10  course, current or cross section, of any stream or body of
    11  water.
    12     (e)  Permits for the condemnation or appropriation of waters,
    13  or for the construction of hydraulic works.
    14     (f)  Applications for new or additional sources of supply of
    15  water or water power.
    16     (g)  Applications by companies for approval of the
    17  construction, operation and maintenance of tunnels under
    18  navigable rivers, to connect their power to manufacturing
    19  plants, with coal lands wherein such companies have coal mining
    20  rights.
    21     (h)  The extension of time fixed by law for the beginning or
    22  completion of the construction of the works of water or water
    23  power companies, inquiry into the standing of water or water
    24  power charters, and as to the due diligence and bona fide intent
    25  of water and water power companies to fulfill the requirements
    26  of law, and the certification of facts to the Attorney General
    27  requesting him to institute quo warranto proceedings.
    28     (2)  To complete the construction of a dam across the outlet
    29  of Pymatuning Swamp, Crawford County, for the purpose of
    30  establishing a reservoir and conserving the water entering the
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     1  swamp, and regulating the flow of water in the Shenango and
     2  Beaver Rivers, and, in connection with this project, to acquire,
     3  in the name of the Commonwealth, by purchase, condemnation or
     4  otherwise, such lands as may be needed.
     5     (3)  To enter into agreements to sell, lease or otherwise
     6  dispose of any iron, coal, limestone, fire-clay, oil, gas and
     7  other minerals, except sand and gravel and minerals deposited as
     8  silt in pools created by dams, that may be found in or beneath
     9  the beds of navigable streams or bodies of water within the
    10  Commonwealth and non-navigable streams or bodies of water where
    11  the beds thereof are owned by the Commonwealth, on such terms
    12  and conditions as the board deems to be in the best interest of
    13  the Commonwealth: Provided, however, That any proposed contracts
    14  involving more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) shall be
    15  awarded to the highest responsible bidder after due
    16  advertisement as prescribed by the board. Nothing herein
    17  contained shall authorize anyone to interfere with the free
    18  navigation of said streams or bodies of water or to undermine
    19  the bed thereof or to interfere with the rights of any person or
    20  persons holding property on the banks thereof.
    21     Section 1909-B.  Flood Control.--The Department of Mines,
    22  Minerals, Forests and Waters shall have the power and it shall
    23  be its duty:
    24     (1)  To make, or cause to be made, studies, surveys and
    25  examinations of local, State or national flood conditions,
    26  causes and effects, and prepare, or cause to be prepared,
    27  designs, plans and recommendations for bringing flood conditions
    28  under adequate and reasonable control and for saving life and
    29  property from damage by flood.
    30     (2)  The department in the performance of its duties may
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     1  request and shall receive from any State or local agency,
     2  department, board, bureau, commission or political subdivision,
     3  which has for one of its objects the control of flood waters,
     4  such assistance and data as requisite for carrying out the
     5  purposes of this law, and the department is hereby authorized to
     6  such end, to cooperate in the activities of, and with such State
     7  or local agencies, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions and
     8  political subdivisions, and to cooperate with the Federal
     9  Government or any appropriate agency thereof, in planning or
    10  accomplishing an overall long or short-term flood control,
    11  either national, local or sectional, and to cooperate with the
    12  Congress of the United States in the preparation or presentation
    13  of legislation tending to effectuate flood control.
    14     Section 1910-B.  Power of Forest Officers.--The persons
    15  employed, under the provisions of this act, by the Department
    16  for the protection of the State forests shall, after taking the
    17  proper official oath before the clerk of the court of common
    18  pleas of any county of the Commonwealth, be vested with the same
    19  powers as are, by existing laws, conferred upon constables and
    20  other peace officers, to arrest on view, without first procuring
    21  a warrant therefor, persons detected by them in the act of
    22  trespassing upon any forest or timber land within this
    23  Commonwealth, under such circumstances as to warrant the
    24  reasonable suspicion that such person or persons have committed,
    25  are committing, or are about to commit any offense or offenses
    26  against any of the laws now enacted or hereafter to be enacted
    27  for the protection of forests and timber lands. Such officers
    28  shall likewise be vested with similar powers of arrest in the
    29  case of offenses against the laws or rules and regulations
    30  enacted or established, or to be enacted or established, for the
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     1  protection of the State forests, or for the protection of the
     2  fish and game contained therein: Provided, That the above-
     3  mentioned rules and regulations shall have been previously
     4  conspicuously posted upon the State forests. Said officers shall
     5  further be empowered, and it shall be their duty, immediately
     6  upon any such arrest, to take and convey the offender or
     7  offenders before a justice of the peace or other magistrate
     8  having jurisdiction, for hearing and trial or other due process
     9  of law: Provided further, That this act shall extend only to the
    10  case of offenses committed upon the State forests, and lands
    11  adjacent thereto, and the powers herein conferred upon said
    12  officers shall not be exercised beyond the limits thereof,
    13  except where necessary for the purpose of pursuing and arresting
    14  such offenders, or of conveying them into the proper legal
    15  custody for punishment as aforesaid.
    16     Section 1911-B.  Powers of Chief Forest Fire Warden.--The
    17  Chief Forest Fire Warden shall, subject to the approval of the
    18  secretary have the power, and his duty shall be:
    19     (1)  To take such measures for the prevention, control and
    20  extinction of forest fires, as will assure a reasonable
    21  protection from fire to woodlots, forest and wild land within
    22  the Commonwealth.
    23     (2)  To supervise and manage the forest fire wardens
    24  throughout the Commonwealth, and, when necessary, to appoint
    25  persons who shall serve without compensation as special or as ex
    26  officio fire wardens. Such special or ex officio fire wardens
    27  shall have the same powers as local forest fire wardens, but
    28  their duties may be changed or extended by the chief forest fire
    29  warden. Any special or ex officio forest fire warden, appointed
    30  as herein provided, shall be entitled to receive the necessary
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     1  expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties as
     2  fire warden.
     3     (3)  To report to the secretary at such times as the
     4  secretary shall require, covering all phases of the work done
     5  under his direction.
     6     (4)  To collect, with the assistance of the fire wardens
     7  under his supervision, data as to location, area and fire
     8  hazards, or woodlots, forest and wild lands, within the State,
     9  as to forest fires and losses resulting therefrom, and such
    10  other data as he may desire to present to the department or to
    11  the public.
    12     (5)  To plan and to put into operation and maintain a system
    13  of fire towers and observation stations, which shall cover the
    14  regions subject to forest fires, and to purchase the necessary
    15  materials and equipment and hire the necessary labor therefor.
    16     (6)  During dry seasons, whenever necessary, to appoint
    17  certain forest fire wardens as patrolmen for regions subject to
    18  great fire risk.
    19     (7)  To enter into agreements with persons, associations, or
    20  corporations, upon satisfactory terms, for forest fire
    21  prevention or control.
    22     (8)  To conduct educational work in relation to the
    23  protection of forests from fire.
    24     (9)  To approve and transmit to the secretary all correct
    25  bills for expenses incurred by him or under his supervision.
    26     (10)  To declare a public nuisance any property which by
    27  reason of its condition or operation is a special forest fire
    28  hazard, and, as such, endangers other property or human life. He
    29  shall notify the owner of the property, or the person
    30  responsible for the condition declared a public nuisance, and
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     1  advise him of the abatement of such public nuisance. In case of
     2  a railroad, such notice shall be served upon the superintendent
     3  of the division upon which the nuisance exists.
     4     (11)  To collect and arrange information concerning violation
     5  of laws relating to the protection of forests from fire, and
     6  present the same to the secretary who shall file it with the
     7  Department of Justice for legal action.
     8     (12)  To issue, to persons appointed forest fire wardens,
     9  certificates of appointment, and, when deemed advisable, to
    10  issue badges to such persons.
    11     Section 1912-B.  Powers of District Forest Fire Wardens.--
    12  Each district fire warden shall have the power, and his duty
    13  shall be:
    14     (1)  To establish headquarters at some advantageous place
    15  within his district.
    16     (2)  To act as the field representative of the Chief Forest
    17  Fire Warden.
    18     (3)  To collect and forward to the Chief Forest Fire Warden
    19  such data within his district as may be required by the Chief
    20  Forest Fire Warden.
    21     (4)  To make recommendations to the Chief Forest Fire Warden
    22  for the appointment of local fire wardens, the location of and
    23  such other matters as may come to his attention which would tend
    24  to improve the protective system.
    25     (5)  To arrange for annual meetings of fire wardens within
    26  his district for instruction in forest fire matters.
    27     (6)  To report to the Chief Forest Fire Warden conditions
    28  existing within his district, which are or may become forest
    29  fire hazards, and to serve notices for the correction or removal
    30  of such conditions, after and when issued by the Chief Forest
    19890S0143B0143                 - 40 -

     1  Fire Warden.
     2     (7)  To receive, audit and, if correct, approve the reports
     3  and accounts of the local fire wardens, before submitting them
     4  to the Chief Forest Fire Warden.
     5     (8)  To act as an inspector of the work of the local fire
     6  wardens and render assistance to them.
     7     (9)  To conduct educational work, and develop cooperation
     8  between local agencies and the department for the prevention and
     9  suppression of forest fires.
    10     (10)  To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him
    11  by the secretary and the Chief Forest Fire Warden.
    12     Section 1913-B.  Powers of Local Forest Fire Wardens.--It
    13  shall be the duty of each local forest fire warden:
    14     (1)  Whenever fire is discovered in or approaching woodlots,
    15  forests or wild lands, whether the same be owned by individuals
    16  or corporations or by the Commonwealth, immediately to take such
    17  measures as are necessary to extinguish the fire.
    18     (2)  Whenever fires have been combated or extinguished, to
    19  prepare a correct statement of expenses, upon forms to be
    20  furnished by the department, which must be filed with the
    21  district forest fire warden and by him forwarded to the Chief
    22  Forest Fire Warden within sixty days of the date of the fire.
    23     (3)  Promptly to investigate the cause of each fire which
    24  comes to his knowledge, collect such evidence as may be
    25  discovered relating thereto, and such other facts as he may be
    26  directed to investigate, and report the same to the Chief Forest
    27  Fire Warden.
    28     (4)  To attend an annual meeting of forest fire wardens in
    29  his district when notified, or present a reasonable excuse.
    30     (5)  When designated as a patrolman or watchman, to perform
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     1  such duties as may be assigned him by the Chief Forest Fire
     2  Warden, or by the district forest fire warden.
     3     Section 1914-B.  Powers of all Forest Fire Wardens.--Every
     4  forest fire warden, appointed as provided in this act, shall
     5  have the power:
     6     (1)  To employ such other persons, as in his judgment may be
     7  necessary, to render assistance in extinguishing forest fires,
     8  and to compel the attendance of persons, and to require their
     9  assistance, in the extinguishing of forest fires.
    10     (2)  To administer an oath or affirmation, in order to
    11  examine any person who he believes knows facts relating to any
    12  forest fire, or who claims compensation for services rendered.
    13     (3)  To enter upon any land at any time for the purpose of
    14  performing duties in accordance with this act.
    15     (4)  To arrest on view, without first procuring a warrant,
    16  any person detected by him in the act of committing an offense
    17  against any of the laws for the protection of forest, woodlots
    18  or wild lands, or, when he shall have a reasonable suspicion
    19  that any person is committing or about to commit some such
    20  offense. Such forest warden shall have further power to take the
    21  offender before a district justice, magistrate or other officer
    22  having jurisdiction, for hearing, trial or other due process of
    23  law.
    24     (5)  To exercise the foregoing powers, not only in the
    25  jurisdiction for or within which he may have been appointed, but
    26  also in adjacent or other boroughs, townships or counties.
    27     Section 1915-B.  Mines.--The Department of Mines, Minerals,
    28  Forests and Waters shall have the power, and its duty shall be:
    29     (1)  To see that the mining laws of the Commonwealth are
    30  faithfully executed, and, for that purpose, cause lawfully
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     1  qualified mine inspectors to enter, inspect, and examine any
     2  mine or colliery within the Commonwealth and the works and
     3  machinery connected therewith.
     4     (2)  To give such aid and instruction to the mine inspectors,
     5  from time to time, as may be calculated to protect the health
     6  and promote the safety of all persons employed in and about the
     7  mines.
     8     (3)  To make such examinations and investigations as may be
     9  necessary to enable it to make recommendations upon any matters
    10  pertaining to the general welfare of coal miners and others
    11  connected with mining and the interests of mine owners and
    12  operators in the Commonwealth.
    13     (4)  To seal or close or backfill abandoned deep or strip
    14  coal mines, to plug abandoned oil and gas wells, to fill voids
    15  in abandoned coal mines, to drill bore holes, dig ditches or
    16  construct flumes which would relieve flooding or hazardous
    17  conditions caused by mine water, and to extinguish fires in
    18  abandoned coal mines and in culm banks, in those instances where
    19  such work is in the interest of the public welfare.
    20     Section 1916-B.  Mine Inspectors.--Subject to any
    21  inconsistent provisions in this act contained, anthracite mine
    22  inspectors and bituminous mine inspectors shall, respectively,
    23  under the direction of the secretary, continue to exercise the
    24  powers and perform the duties by law vested in and imposed upon
    25  them.
    26     Section 1917-B.  Water Supply.--The Department of Mines,
    27  Minerals, Forests and Waters shall have the power and its duty
    28  shall be:
    29     (1)  To issue waterworks permits, and stipulate therein the
    30  conditions under which water may be supplied to the public, and
    19890S0143B0143                 - 43 -

     1  to administer the act of May 1, 1984 (P.L.206, No.43), known as
     2  the "Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act."
     3     (2)  To investigate, hold hearings upon and determine any
     4  question of fact regarding the purity of water supplied to the
     5  public by any public utility over which the Pennsylvania Public
     6  Utility Commission has jurisdiction, whenever said commission
     7  shall certify such question to the department.
     8     The findings of the department upon any such questions shall
     9  be incorporated in and made a part of the determination or
    10  decision of said commission of the controversy or other
    11  proceeding in connection with which the question arose and shall
    12  be binding upon the parties to such controversy or other
    13  proceeding unless either party shall take an appeal from the
    14  commission's determination or decision as may now or hereafter
    15  be provided by law.
    16     (3)  To make a bacteriological examination and report of any
    17  sample of water sent by any person to the department's
    18  laboratory at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh.
    19     Section 1918-B.  Rules and Regulations.--(a)  The department
    20  shall establish such rules and regulations, not inconsistent
    21  with law, for the control, management, protection, utilization,
    22  development, occupancy and use of the lands and resources of
    23  State parks, as it may deem necessary to conserve the interests
    24  of the Commonwealth. Such rules and regulations shall be
    25  compatible with the purposes for which State parks are created.
    26  Whenever the department imposes fees or charges for activities,
    27  admissions, uses or privileges, including charges for
    28  concessions, at or relating to State parks, such charges or fees
    29  shall be used solely for the acquisition, maintenance, operation
    30  or administration of the State parks systems, and are hereby
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     1  appropriated for such purposes. The department shall not adopt
     2  or impose any charges or fees for parking or general admission
     3  to State parks unless the charges were imposed prior to January
     4  1, 1984. The department may continue to impose and modify
     5  parking charges and fees applicable to specific services or
     6  units within the State park system which were imposed prior to
     7  January 1, 1984, and may impose charges or fees for admission to
     8  and for use of specific services and facilities in State parks.
     9     (b)  The department shall establish such rules and
    10  regulations, not inconsistent with law, for the control,
    11  management, protection, utilization, development, occupancy and
    12  use, of the lands and resources of the State forests, as the
    13  department deems proper, to conserve the interests of the
    14  Commonwealth. Such rules and regulations shall be compatible
    15  with the purposes for which the State forests are created,
    16  namely to provide a continuous supply of timber, lumber, wood
    17  and other forest products, to protect the watersheds, conserve
    18  the waters, and regulate the flow of rivers and streams of the
    19  State and to furnish opportunities for healthful recreation to
    20  the public.
    21     (c)  The secretary may suspend any regulation promulgated
    22  solely to meet a requirement of the Surface Mining Control and
    23  Reclamation Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-87) when the requirement
    24  is no longer binding upon Pennsylvania. Notice of the suspension
    25  shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Within sixty
    26  days after the suspension, the secretary shall reconsider the
    27  suspended regulation and shall promulgate, amend or repeal the
    28  regulation pursuant to the requirements of the act of July 31,
    29  1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth
    30  Documents Law.
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     1     Section 1919-B.  State Board for Certification of Sewage
     2  Treatment Plant and Waterworks Operators.--The State Board for
     3  Certification of Sewage Treatment Plant and Waterworks Operators
     4  shall continue to exercise the powers and perform the duties by
     5  law vested in and imposed upon said board.
     6     Section 1920-B.  Soil Conservation.--The State Soil
     7  Conservation Commission shall continue to exercise the powers
     8  and perform the duties by law vested in and imposed upon said
     9  commission.
    10     Section 1921-B.  Conflict of Interest in Mining and Oil and
    11  Gas Regulation.--(a)  No employe of the department performing
    12  any function or duty within the scope of activities covered by
    13  the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (Public
    14  Law 95-87) shall have a direct or indirect financial interest in
    15  any underground or surface coal mining operation as defined by
    16  this act. Whoever knowingly violates the provisions of this
    17  subsection shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of
    18  not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or to
    19  imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or both. Rules and
    20  regulations shall be promulgated hereunder to establish methods
    21  by which the provisions of this subsection will be monitored and
    22  enforced by the department, including, but not limited to,
    23  appropriate provisions for the filing by such employes and the
    24  review of statements and supplements thereto concerning any
    25  financial interest which may be affected by this subsection.
    26     (b)  No employe of the department performing the function or
    27  duty of an oil or gas inspector shall act as a manager, employe
    28  or agent of any oil or gas drilling operation or of any mine or
    29  mining operation, nor shall he or she be interested in any
    30  pecuniary way in such operations in this Commonwealth. Whoever
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     1  knowingly violates the provisions of this subsection shall, upon
     2  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than two
     3  thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or to imprisonment for
     4  not more than one (1) year, or both. Rules and regulations shall
     5  be promulgated hereunder to establish methods by which the
     6  provisions of this subsection will be monitored and enforced by
     7  the department including, but not limited to, appropriate
     8  provisions for the filing by such employes and the review of
     9  statements and supplements thereto concerning any financial
    10  interest which may be affected by this subsection.
    11     Section 11.  The following are transferred to the Department
    12  of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters:
    13     All bureaus, divisions and government units in the Department
    14  of Environmental Resources concerned with the functions
    15  enumerated in Sections 1901-B through 1921-B of the act to which
    16  this is an amendment.
    17     Section 12.  (a)  All personnel, allocations, files, records,
    18  contracts, agreements, obligations, and other materials which
    19  are used, employed, or expended in connection with the powers,
    20  duties, or functions transferred by this act to the Department
    21  of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters are hereby transferred to
    22  the Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters with the
    23  same force and effect as if the appropriations had been made to
    24  and said items had been the property of the Department of Mines,
    25  Minerals, Forests and Water in the first instance and as if said
    26  contracts, agreements and obligations had been incurred or
    27  entered into by said Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and
    28  Water.
    29     (b)  The personnel, appropriations, equipment and other items
    30  and material transferred by this section shall include an
    19890S0143B0143                 - 47 -

     1  appropriate portion of the general administrative, overhead and
     2  supporting personnel, appropriations, equipment and other
     3  material of the agency and shall also include, where applicable,
     4  Federal grants and funds and other benefits from any Federal
     5  program.
     6     (c)  All personnel transferred pursuant to this act shall
     7  retain any civil service employment status assigned to said
     8  personnel.
     9     Section 13.  All positions in the Department of Mines,
    10  Minerals, Forests and Water shall be deemed to be included in
    11  the list of positions set forth in section 3(d) of the act of
    12  August 5, 1941 (P.L.752, No.286), known as the Civil Service
    13  Act, and the provisions and benefits of that act shall be
    14  applicable to the employees of, and positions in, the
    15  department.
    16     Section 14.  Whenever the Secretary of Environmental
    17  Resources shall be entitled by law to serve on a board,
    18  commission or other body relating to the powers, duties or
    19  functions transferred by this act, the Secretary of Mines,
    20  Minerals, Forests and Waters shall serve in his place as if the
    21  Secretary of Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters had been
    22  designated to serve in the first instance.
    23     Section 15.  All orders, permits, regulations, decisions and
    24  other actions of the Department of Environmental Resources whose
    25  functions have been transferred by this act shall remain in full
    26  force and effect until modified, repealed, suspended, superseded
    27  or otherwise changed by appropriate action of the Department of
    28  Mines, Minerals, Forests and Waters.
    29     Section 16.  The Department of Mines, Minerals, Forests and
    30  Waters shall be subject to evaluation and review, termination,
    19890S0143B0143                 - 48 -

     1  reestablishment and continuation in accordance with the
     2  provisions of the act of December 22, 1981 (P.L.508, No.142),
     3  known as the Sunset Act.
     4     Section 17.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
     5  as they are inconsistent with this act.
     6     Section 18.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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