See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1706



No. 160 Session of 2002

           C. WILLIAMS AND LOGAN, FEBRUARY 4, 2002


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Requesting the Joint State Government Commission to create a
     2     task force to review Pennsylvania law governing pension fund
     3     investments.

     4     WHEREAS, Employer-provided profit-sharing plans and 401(k)
     5  plans are among the most popular sources of retirement income
     6  for the citizens of this Commonwealth and the United States; and
     7     WHEREAS, Recent figures reveal that as of 1998 more than 50
     8  million Americans were accumulating retirement savings through
     9  employer-sponsored defined contribution plans such as profit-
    10  sharing plans and 401(k) plans; and
    11     WHEREAS, Employer retirement plans often require or strongly
    12  urge employees to invest a certain portion of their 401(k) or
    13  other retirement plan in the employer company stock; and
    14     WHEREAS, Employers often match employee contributions to
    15  401(k) plans with company stock rather than cash; and
    16     WHEREAS, The volatility of the stock market coupled with
    17  retirement plan rules and the actions of third parties often

     1  leaves employees with 401(k) and similar retirement plans
     2  vulnerable when it comes to ensuring that the retirement savings
     3  the employee has accrued are available to the employee upon
     4  retirement; and
     5     WHEREAS, Recent history highlights risks relating to the
     6  security of an employee's 401(k) or other employer-sponsored
     7  retirement plan; and
     8     WHEREAS, Risk associated with investing 401(k) funds in
     9  employer stock is readily apparent in the recent events at
    10  Lucent Technologies and the collapse and subsequent bankruptcy
    11  filing of Texas-based energy company Enron Corporation; and
    12     WHEREAS, Until 2001, Enron Corporation ranked number 7 on the
    13  Fortune 500 list of the United States' largest corporations; and
    14     WHEREAS, The business and accounting practices of Enron
    15  Corporation's management contributed to Enron's stock price
    16  dropping from approximately $90 per share in August 2000 to less
    17  than $1 per share in January 2002; and
    18     WHEREAS, In December 2001, Enron filed for Chapter 11
    19  bankruptcy protection in the State of New York; and
    20     WHEREAS, Enron Corporation's bankruptcy filing is the largest
    21  in the history of the United States; and
    22     WHEREAS, Enron's collapse has adversely affected the
    23  retirement savings of thousands of Enron employees who
    24  participated in the company's 401(k) plan and thousands of other
    25  investors who relied on Enron management to act in the best
    26  interests of its employees and shareholders; and
    27     WHEREAS, Reports indicate that approximately 60% of all Enron
    28  employee 401(k) money was invested in Enron stock; and
    29     WHEREAS, Despite the spiraling stock price, Enron employees
    30  participating in the company's 401(k) plan were prohibited from
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     1  selling the Enron stock held in the plan in the months leading
     2  up to the company's ultimate collapse; and
     3     WHEREAS, Many of Enron's 20,000 employees lost their
     4  retirement savings when Enron collapsed; and
     5     WHEREAS, More than 4,000 employees were left unemployed due
     6  to Enron's collapse; and
     7     WHEREAS, The facts and circumstances leading to Enron's
     8  collapse have led to numerous investigations into the company's
     9  business and accounting practices; and
    10     WHEREAS, Enron Corporation is currently being investigated by
    11  the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the United
    12  States Department of Justice, the United States Department of
    13  Labor and at least five congressional committees; and
    14     WHEREAS, At least 60 lawsuits have been filed on behalf of
    15  Enron shareholders and employees as a result of the Enron
    16  collapse; and
    17     WHEREAS, As of January 2002, the New York Stock Exchange has
    18  suspended trading of Enron shares and has moved to delist the
    19  company; and
    20     WHEREAS, Public confidence that corporate management will act
    21  in the best interests of its employees and shareholders is
    22  crucial in a market-driven capitalist economy; and
    23     WHEREAS, Maintaining the integrity of the retirement plan
    24  system and public confidence in that system is vital to the
    25  United States economy and the economy of the Commonwealth of
    26  Pennsylvania; and
    27     WHEREAS, A vast number of Pennsylvania workers directly
    28  participate in various forms of retirement plans which include
    29  pension plans, profit-sharing plans and 401(k) plans; and
    30     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania workers contribute a significant amount
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     1  of their savings to these plans for purposes of ensuring that
     2  they will be prepared financially to provide for themselves and
     3  their family upon retirement; and
     4     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania workers often place great confidence in
     5  their employers and other entities coordinating their retirement
     6  plan as relates to the investment of funds and management of
     7  retirement assets; and
     8     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania workers and their families depend on
     9  their pension funds and deserve tough laws that protect their
    10  investment in these funds from fraudulent activities by company
    11  executives, investment advisors or their agents; therefore be it
    12     RESOLVED, That the Senate request that the Joint State
    13  Government Commission create a task force to review State law
    14  governing pension fund investments to ensure that the
    15  Commonwealth adequately protects Pennsylvania workers and
    16  investors from the fraudulent and criminal activity of company
    17  executives, pension fund investment advisors or their agents
    18  which jeopardizes the retirement assets of Pennsylvanians; and
    19  be it further
    20     RESOLVED, That the task force also review State laws which
    21  govern licensure of accountants and prohibit fraudulent
    22  activities in the representation of clients; and be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That the task force issue a report on its findings
    24  and recommendations on proposed legislation to the General
    25  Assembly by June 30, 2002.

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