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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 201



No. 194 Session of 2001

           JANUARY 30, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program;
     2     imposing additional powers and duties on the Department of
     3     Education and Head Start providers; and making an
     4     appropriation.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Head Start
     9  Supplemental Assistance Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
    15  Commonwealth.
    16     "Extended day services."  Full-day Head Start and child-care
    17  services provided for a full year to children eligible for Head

     1  Start by a Head Start provider or through a collaborative
     2  agreement between a Head Start provider and a licensed child-
     3  care center, or a registered family or group day-care home.
     4     "Head Start."  A program funded under the Federal Head Start
     5  Act established by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981
     6  (Public Law 97-35, 95 Stat. 357) and carried out by a Head Start
     7  agency or delegate agency that provides ongoing comprehensive
     8  child development services.
     9     "Program."  The Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program
    10  established in section 3.
    11  Section 3.  Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program.
    12     (a)  Establishment.--The Head Start Supplemental Assistance
    13  Program is hereby established.
    14     (b)  Administration.--The department shall administer the
    15  program. Such administration shall be consistent with Federal
    16  Head Start guidelines and shall provide supplemental financial
    17  assistance to existing providers of Federal Head Start services.
    18     (c)  Coordination.--The department, to every extent possible,
    19  shall coordinate the administration of the program with the
    20  Department of Public Welfare and the Department of Health. The
    21  purpose of this coordination shall be to:
    22         (1)  Identify educational, child-care or other services
    23     under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Welfare
    24     and the Department of Health that can augment or improve the
    25     services available through Head Start or Head Start Extended
    26     Day Services.
    27         (2)  Provide technical assistance to Head Start providers
    28     establishing child-care services in order to offer extended
    29     day services.
    30         (3)  Provide technical assistance to Head Start
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     1     providers, licensed child-care centers or registered family
     2     or group day-care homes entering into collaborative
     3     agreements in order to offer extended day services.
     4     (d)  Criteria for funding.--To implement the program, the
     5  department shall request proposals from existing Head Start
     6  providers and may award grants or enter into service contracts
     7  with existing Head Start providers that meet all of the
     8  following criteria:
     9         (1)  Demonstrate the need for additional Head Start
    10     services in the provider's service area, whether the need is
    11     determined by the percentage of eligible children who are not
    12     served in the provider's service area or by the demand for
    13     extended day services.
    14         (2)  Demonstrate the ability to expand staff, space and
    15     services within the Head Start program or in cooperation with
    16     licensed child-care centers or registered family or group
    17     day-care homes to serve additional children or to provide
    18     extended day services.
    19         (3)  Demonstrate the ability to comply with Federal and
    20     State requirements for child-care service providers if the
    21     Head Start provider intends to provide extended care
    22     services.
    23         (4)  Demonstrate the ability to enter into a
    24     collaborative agreement with a child-care service provider if
    25     the Head Start provider intends to enter into a collaborative
    26     agreement with a licensed child-care center or a registered
    27     family or group day-care home to offer extended care
    28     services.
    29  Section 4.  Priority in funding.
    30     The department shall give priority in funding to Head Start
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     1  providers applying for grants to provide extended day services.
     2  Section 5.  Annual report.
     3     The department shall compile an annual report on the program
     4  for submission to the Governor, the chairmen of the
     5  Appropriations Committee and the Education Committee of the
     6  Senate and the chairmen of the Appropriations Committee and
     7  Education Committee of the House of Representatives. The report
     8  shall include:
     9         (1)  The number of eligible children served by Head Start
    10     as of the effective date of this act.
    11         (2)  The number of eligible children served by the
    12     program during the school year that begins one year after the
    13     effective date of this act and each year thereafter.
    14         (3)  The number of extended day programs and the number
    15     of eligible children enrolled in extended day programs as of
    16     the effective date of this act.
    17         (4)  The number of extended day programs and the number
    18     of eligible children enrolled in extended day programs during
    19     the school year that begins one year after the effective date
    20     of this act and each year thereafter.
    21         (5)  A summary of the types of activities funded under
    22     the program.
    23  Section 6.  Appropriation.
    24     The sum of $15,000,000, or as much thereof as may be
    25  necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Department of Education
    26  for the fiscal year July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002, to carry out
    27  the provisions of this act.
    28  Section 7.  Effective date.
    29     This act shall take effect immediately.

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