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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1876



No. 204 Session of 2002

           C. WILLIAMS AND M. WHITE, APRIL 9, 2002


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Honoring and recognizing Arline Jolles Lotman, Esquire, on the
     2     occasion of the 30th anniversary of her appointment as the
     3     first Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Commission on
     4     the Status of Women.

     5     WHEREAS, Each year the Commonwealth acknowledges and honors
     6  "Women's History Month"; and
     7     WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Commission on the Status of Women
     8  was established in 1972 by Executive Order of the Honorable
     9  Milton J. Shapp, Governor, and was charged with the
    10  responsibility of developing and implementing programs to make
    11  sure that all women in Pennsylvania are able to participate
    12  equally in the economic, educational, judicial and governmental
    13  life of the Commonwealth; and
    14     WHEREAS, Arline Jolles Lotman was appointed as the first
    15  Executive Director of the commission by the Governor to secure
    16  women's legal rights in Pennsylvania pursuant to section 28 of
    17  Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania which states:
    18         Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or

     1         abridged in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania because of
     2         the sex of the individual;
     3  and
     4     WHEREAS, Arline Jolles Lotman secured the rights of women in
     5  Pennsylvania by her leadership; and
     6     WHEREAS, Among her many accomplishments are the following:
     7         (1)  Equal access to credit in Pennsylvania, and passage
     8     of new banking regulations that give women the right to
     9     obtain a mortgage in their own name based on their own
    10     creditworthiness. This change gained national recognition.
    11         (2)  The first investigation of health care
    12     discrimination against women in the nation. This change is
    13     ongoing and has vastly improved health care to women.
    14         (3)  The first investigation of health care
    15     discrimination against minority women in the nation.
    16         (4)  The landmark end to newspapers' help wanted ads
    17     which segregated job opportunities by gender.
    18         (5)  Promulgation of a directive by the Department of
    19     Education ending sex discrimination in the public schools of
    20     Pennsylvania in classes, activities, sports, housing and
    21     staffing.
    22         (6)  Passage of the Equal Rights Day Proclamation in
    23     Pennsylvania.
    24         (7)  Ratification by the General Assembly of the proposed
    25     Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United
    26     States;
    27  and
    28     WHEREAS, Arline Jolles Lotman, throughout her life as wife,
    29  mother, widowed mother, lawyer, teacher, community activist,
    30  political participant and public policy author, has provided an
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     1  ongoing inspiration and model for the women of this
     2  Commonwealth; and
     3     WHEREAS, In her constant fight for civil rights for all
     4  people she has worked for and made all Pennsylvanians aware of
     5  the need for women to take their place as full and equal
     6  participants in this Commonwealth; and
     7     WHEREAS, Through her skillful advocacy for legislation
     8  prohibiting sex discrimination in employment, in public
     9  accommodations, in the educational system of the Commonwealth,
    10  as the Executive Director and as a distinguished leader in the
    11  Philadelphia and Pennsylvania legal community, she has been an
    12  agent for change in our policies and laws; therefore be it
    13     RESOLVED, That the Senate express its deep appreciation to
    14  Arline Jolles Lotman for her service to the Commonwealth as the
    15  first Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Commission on the
    16  Status of Women, for her efforts on behalf of all people in this
    17  Commonwealth, for her ongoing commitment to the legal rights of
    18  women and for her unique and singular historic contributions to
    19  building a better society.

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