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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1655



No. 218 Session of 2007



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Recognizing the life accomplishments and extraordinary
     2     contributions of David J. Williams to the vaccine industry in
     3     the United States.

     4     WHEREAS, David J. Williams, born in Scranton, Pennsylvania,
     5  earned an accounting degree from the University of Scranton in
     6  1973 and joined Connaught Laboratories in 1978 as the manager of
     7  financial services; and
     8     WHEREAS, As a member of the executive team, Mr. Williams
     9  distinguished himself as a leader, willing to make courageous
    10  decisions to build the vaccine industry, and as such, was named
    11  chief operating officer of Connaught Laboratories in 1989; and
    12     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams has successfully steered the company
    13  through several mergers and acquisitions, increasing the
    14  organization from 100 employees and sales of just over $5
    15  million in 1978, to the creation of today's sanofi pasteur, the
    16  world's largest vaccine manufacturer with 11,000 employees and
    17  more than $4 billion in sales in 2007; and
    18     WHEREAS, Under Mr. William's guidance, more than one billion

     1  doses of sanofi pasteur's lifesaving vaccines are administered
     2  to more than 500 million people around the world each year,
     3  representing more than 25% of the global vaccine market; and
     4     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams has encouraged innovation and has been
     5  at the forefront of the development of many of the world's
     6  vaccines, including the world's first licensed conjugate and
     7  combination vaccines, vaccines to protect against meningitis and
     8  Haemophilus influenza type b, and most recently, a vaccine to
     9  combat avian influenza; and
    10     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams recognized his company's ability to
    11  address current and future public health needs by investing in a
    12  robust research and development program and an ambitious
    13  production plan for pandemic preparedness in the event that a
    14  public health emergency strikes the United States; and
    15     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams has been a visionary in the vaccine
    16  industry, building the domestic infrastructure necessary to
    17  protect millions of Americans from deadly diseases and showing a
    18  commitment to vaccines that goes beyond his own company to the
    19  broader industry and to public health around the world; and
    20     WHEREAS, In 1986, Mr. Williams served as a passionate
    21  advocate for the survival of the vaccine industry, which was
    22  being diminished by lawsuits, and as the industry point person
    23  for negotiation of The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of
    24  1986, which established the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust
    25  Fund; and
    26     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams, in his dedication to the larger
    27  immunization community, created the Vaccine Policy Committee of
    28  the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and is
    29  a founding member of the Partnership for Prevention, a leading
    30  organization of public and private sector representatives who
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     1  focus on preventative health care policies; and
     2     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams served as the first liaison member of
     3  the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to the United
     4  States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which sets
     5  immunization policy in the United States; and
     6     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams has also served on the board of
     7  directors of the Biotechnology Industry Organization, Blue Cross
     8  of Northeastern Pennsylvania, the Hospital Service Association
     9  of Northeastern Pennsylvania and on the Board of Regents of the
    10  University of Scranton and is one of the founding board members
    11  of the Medical Education Development Consortium; and
    12     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams has cultivated a culture of community
    13  involvement at sanofi pasteur and demonstrated a commitment to
    14  philanthropy through the company's contributions to United Way
    15  and donations of vaccines through UNICEF, the GAVI Alliance, the
    16  World Health Organization's Global Polio Eradication Initiative
    17  and various humanitarian relief efforts; and
    18     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams has been committed to the economic
    19  growth and development of this Commonwealth and to expanding the
    20  campus in Swiftwater to maintain a domestic manufacturing base
    21  for many vaccines, including influenza; and
    22     WHEREAS, Under his guidance, sanofi pasteur has grown to be
    23  the largest private employer in Monroe County and is a purchaser
    24  of more than $145 million in goods and services from
    25  Pennsylvania-based vendors; and
    26     WHEREAS, Mr. Williams is a true champion not only of sanofi
    27  pasteur, but also of the vaccine industry and the public health
    28  benefits of immunizations across the globe; and
    29     WHEREAS, On January 16, 2008, after 30 years of service,
    30  David J. Williams will retire as the chairman, president and
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     1  chief executive officer of sanofi pasteur; therefore be it
     2     RESOLVED, That the Senate of Pennsylvania commend David J.
     3  Williams for his distinguished career and extraordinary
     4  leadership as chairman, president and chief executive officer of
     5  sanofi pasteur and for his tireless efforts toward the
     6  advancement of immunizations and the eradication of vaccine-
     7  preventable diseases.

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