See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2214



No. 218 Session of 2000

           STAPLETON, OCTOBER 5, 2000


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing the Congress of the United States to expeditiously
     2     enact legislation, House of Representatives No. 4094 (H.R.
     3     4094), which funds the construction, rehabilitation and
     4     repair of public schools, and encouraging Governor Thomas J.
     5     Ridge to support the legislation and urge its passage by
     6     Congress.

     7     WHEREAS, A quality education for the children of this nation
     8  and this Commonwealth is essential for their future success,
     9  which benefits the welfare of the nation and the Commonwealth;
    10  and
    11     WHEREAS, Critical elements of the nation's public school
    12  systems are the school buildings and their educational
    13  facilities that ideally should provide students with a safe and
    14  well-equipped learning environment; and
    15     WHEREAS, Annually, school students across the nation face
    16  another school year of overcrowded, inadequate classrooms and
    17  crumbling, time-worn school buildings; and
    18     WHEREAS, In light of the recent and increasing use of the
    19  personal computer for the collection and dissemination of

     1  information and participation in the national and local
     2  economies on the State, national and international levels,
     3  school buildings and facilities in many portions of the country
     4  and this Commonwealth are unable to provide even the rudimentary
     5  basics for courses in computer instruction; and
     6     WHEREAS, Numerous studies indicate the nationwide need for
     7  the modernization of public school infrastructure and calculate
     8  the differing costs for the repair of existing schools and for
     9  the construction of new schools; and
    10     WHEREAS, The National Education Association estimates that
    11  school infrastructure needs, including necessary new school
    12  construction, will equal $268 billion; and
    13     WHEREAS, The General Accounting Office estimates that in
    14  excess of $112 billion is required for the repair and renovation
    15  of existing public schools, while a National Center for
    16  Educational Statistics report calculated the cost at $127
    17  billion; and
    18     WHEREAS, Federal assistance is necessary for these schools to
    19  ensure a safe and secure learning environment and to provide
    20  well-equipped, modern educational facilities in those schools;
    21  and
    22     WHEREAS, United States Representative Charles Rangel
    23  codrafted and cointroduced H.R. 4094, The America's Better
    24  Classrooms Act, with United States Representative Nancy Johnson,
    25  for the purpose of providing needed Federal funding for public
    26  school construction, renovation and repair; and
    27     WHEREAS, The America's Better Classrooms Act, H.R. 4094, has
    28  the broad bipartisan support of 228 cosponsors in the United
    29  States House of Representatives; and
    30     WHEREAS, The governors of nine states, the Governor of Puerto
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     1  Rico, and a coalition of diverse organizations, Rebuild
     2  America's Schools, strongly support H.R. 4094 and urge
     3  Congressional passage of this measure; and
     4     WHEREAS, The United States Conference of Mayors and 100
     5  mayors of cities across the country also strongly support H.R.
     6  4094 and urge the Majority Leader of the United States Senate
     7  and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives to
     8  support the legislation and assist in its passage; therefore be
     9  it
    10     RESOLVED, That the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  memorialize Congress to expeditiously pass H.R. 4094, which
    12  authorizes $24.8 billion in Federal funding through the issuance
    13  of zero-interest bonds for states to allocate where they
    14  determine the need exists for new school construction and
    15  renovations and repairs of current schools for the purpose of
    16  improving the quality of children's education; and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That the Senate encourage Governor Thomas J. Ridge
    18  to publicly support H.R. 4094, which would provide over $1
    19  billion for badly needed construction, renovation and repairs in
    20  this Commonwealth's public schools, and urge Congress and each
    21  member of the Pennsylvania congressional delegation to pass this
    22  needed legislation; and be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    24  the presiding officers of each house of Congress, to each member
    25  of the Pennsylvania congressional delegation and to Governor
    26  Thomas J. Ridge.

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