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                                 HOUSE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 580, 1115, 2025          PRINTER'S NO. 2060



No. 283 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, adding provisions relating to aquacultural
     3     development; imposing powers and duties on the Department of
     4     Agriculture; and making repeals.

     5     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     6         (1)  It is the policy of the Commonwealth to conserve,
     7     protect and encourage the development and improvement of its
     8     agricultural lands for the production of food and other
     9     agricultural products.
    10         (2)  It is also the policy of the Commonwealth that
    11     aquaculture is an agricultural activity which adds to the
    12     diversity of our food and fiber production system and should
    13     be conserved, protected and encouraged to develop and grow
    14     within this Commonwealth.
    15         (3)  Aquacultural production is a vital sector of
    16     Pennsylvania's agriculture supplying fresh foodfish,
    17     ornamental species and over 70% of the trout stocked in the

     1     northeastern United States.
     2         (4)  Aquaculture has grown globally from 6,600,000 metric
     3     tons in 1966 to 15,900,000 metric tons in 1993. Aquaculture
     4     will continue to grow to contribute further to the
     5     Commonwealth's economy insofar as Pennsylvania is an industry
     6     leader and aquaculturally friendly.
     7         (5)  It is the policy of the Commonwealth that all levels
     8     of government work together under the leadership of the
     9     Department of Agriculture to create an atmosphere conducive
    10     to the further development and expansion of our aquacultural
    11     industry.
    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Part VI heading of Title 3 of the Pennsylvania
    15  Consolidated Statutes is amended and the part is amended by
    16  adding a chapter to read:
    17                              PART VI
    18                       DEVELOPMENT, MARKETING
    19                     AND PROMOTION [(Reserved)]
    20                             CHAPTER 42
    21                      AQUACULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
    22  Subchapter
    23     A.  General Provisions
    24     B.  Aquacultural Development
    25                            SUBCHAPTER A
    26                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    27  Sec.
    28  4201.  Short title of chapter.
    29  4202.  Purpose.
    30  4203.  Definitions.
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     1  § 4201.  Short title of chapter.
     2     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the
     3  Aquacultural Development Law.
     4  § 4202.  Purpose.
     5     The purposes of this chapter are as follows:
     6         (1)  To encourage aquacultural operators to make a long-
     7     term commitment to aquaculture by offering them the same
     8     protections afforded other agricultural practices.
     9         (2)  To reduce the amount of governmental agencies with
    10     jurisdiction over aquaculture by transferring authority over
    11     commercial aquacultural operations to the Department of
    12     Agriculture.
    13         (3)  To encourage further development of the aquacultural
    14     industry by including aquaculture in any and all promotional
    15     and other economic developmental programs which are made
    16     available to other industry sectors.
    17  § 4203.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Account."  The Aquaculture Development Account.
    22     "Advisory committee."  The Aquaculture Advisory Committee in
    23  the Department of Agriculture.
    24     "Aquaculture."  A form of agriculture which is the controlled
    25  cultivation of aquatic plants, animals and microorganisms.
    26     "Aquarium species."  Any aquatic species which may not be
    27  propagated in open air facilities within this Commonwealth under
    28  normal circumstances and are primarily kept indoors in glass
    29  aquariums for their aesthetic value.
    30     "Aquatic organism."  Any plant or animal that grows or lives
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     1  in or upon the water.
     2     "Artificial propagation."  Rearing any species of fish during
     3  any stage of the species' life cycle from inception by natural
     4  or artificial means to the adult stage of the species.
     5     "Baitfish."  The following fish, unless otherwise provided by
     6  departmental regulation:
     7         (1)  All forms of the minnow family (Cyprinidae) except
     8     carp and goldfish.
     9         (2)  Suckers, chubs, fallfish, lampreys and eels
    10     measuring less than eight inches in length.
    11         (3)  All forms of darters, killifish and madtoms
    12     (otherwise known as stonecats).
    13     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
    14     "Department."  The Department of Agriculture of the
    15  Commonwealth.
    16     "Finfish."  True fish which are any number of strictly
    17  aquatic craniate vertebrates that include the teleosts,
    18  elasmobranches and cyclostomes. These fish typically have an
    19  elongated, spindle-shaped body terminating in a caudal fin.
    20     "Fish."  When used as a noun, the term includes all game
    21  fish, fish bait, bait fish BAITFISH, amphibians, reptiles and     <--
    22  aquatic organisms.
    23     "Hobby breeder."  Any person who keeps and propagates aquatic
    24  animals on a small scale. A small scale is gross annual sales of
    25  less than $1,000.
    26     "Ornamental species."  Any aquatic organism kept primarily
    27  for its aesthetic value which can be propagated in open-air
    28  facilities within this Commonwealth under normal circumstances.
    29     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Agriculture of the
    30  Commonwealth.
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     1     "Watershed."  One of the five major watersheds located within
     2  this Commonwealth:
     3         (1)  Lake Erie.
     4         (2)  Ohio.
     5         (3)  Delaware.
     6         (4)  Susquehanna.
     7         (5)  Potomac.
     8  Smaller watersheds not considered as part of these five shall be
     9  identified by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission as
    10  annexes to one of the five listed.
    11     "Wild and feral animal."  Any animal not held in captivity or  <--
    12  escaped from captivity without recapture for a period longer
    13  than six months.
    14                            SUBCHAPTER B
    15                      AQUACULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
    16  Sec.
    17  4211.  Designation of aquaculture as agriculture.
    18  4212.  Wetlands.
    19  4213.  Requirements for discharge of water.
    20  4214.  Aquacultural marketing programs.
    21  4215.  Aquacultural plan.
    22  4216.  Aquaculture Advisory Committee.
    23  4217.  Biennial survey of aquaculture.
    24  4218.  Aquaculture Development Account.
    25  4219.  Permissible propagation.
    26  4220.  Registration for artificial propagation.
    27  4221.  Activities under registration for artificial propagation.
    28  4222.  Registration for dealers of live aquatic animals.
    29  4223.  Prohibited propagation and penalties.
    30  § 4211.  Designation of aquaculture as agriculture.
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     1     Aquaculture is hereby designated as an agricultural practice   <--
     2  A NORMAL FARMING OPERATION within this Commonwealth for all       <--
     3  purposes. This designation shall be recognized by all agencies
     4  of State and local government.
     5  § 4212.  Wetlands.
     6     Aquacultural facilities licensed pursuant to this chapter are
     7  not wetlands under 25 Pa. Code Ch. 105 Subch. A (relating to
     8  general provisions) so long as such facilities were created and
     9  have been continuously operating for any purpose, including
    10  effluent mitigation, prior to September 23, 1985. Facilities
    11  created on or after September 23, 1985, are not wetlands under
    12  any statute or regulation of this Commonwealth so long as the
    13  facilities are or were not created nor are currently maintained
    14  on wetlands. Normal maintenance and improvements on facilities
    15  created prior to September 23, 1985, are permissible
    16  notwithstanding any statutory provision relating to wetlands.
    17  Permits issued by the Commonwealth for normal maintenance and
    18  improvements of facilities created prior to September 23, 1985,
    19  are not required.
    20  § 4213.  Requirements for discharge of water.
    21     (a)  General permit.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
    22  aquacultural facilities, including those existing facilities
    23  which discharge into high quality or exceptional value waters,
    24  licensed under this chapter may be eligible for inclusion under
    25  a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
    26  general permit issued pursuant to regulations of the Department
    27  of Environmental Protection.
    28     (b)  Permitting system.--The Department of Environmental
    29  Protection is directed to develop an NPDES general permit for
    30  aquacultural facilities. Net effluent limitation, monitoring
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     1  type and frequency of pollutants shall be determined in
     2  consultation with the Department of Agriculture and the advisory
     3  committee. The fee for an applicant seeking coverage to
     4  discharge pursuant to the terms and conditions of the general
     5  permit shall not exceed $100 per facility during a period of
     6  five years.
     7     (c)  Consolidation of permitting.--All agencies of the
     8  Commonwealth are directed to work with the Department of
     9  Environmental Protection to develop a consolidated permitting
    10  process for aquacultural facilities. This consolidated
    11  permitting process shall result in one permit to replace
    12  potentially several permits necessary for an applicant to file.
    13  This consolidated permitting process shall be developed and
    14  implemented on or before January 1, 1999 2000.                    <--
    15  § 4214.  Aquacultural marketing programs.
    16     The department may develop voluntary aquacultural marketing
    17  programs. The department may request nominal payment by
    18  participants to cover costs of these programs.
    19  § 4215.  Aquacultural plan.
    20     (a)  Development of plan.--The department shall develop a
    21  plan to promote and develop aquacultural industry in this
    22  Commonwealth. Economic development and exportation of products
    23  from this Commonwealth shall be components of this plan. The
    24  advisory committee shall advise the department in development of
    25  the plan. The department must obtain the consent of the advisory
    26  committee for the plan.
    27     (b)  Implementation of plan.--The department shall, in the
    28  manner provided by law, promulgate the plan as regulations of
    29  the department.
    30  § 4216.  Aquaculture Advisory Committee.
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     1     (a)  Establishment and composition.--The Aquaculture Advisory
     2  Committee is hereby established as a departmental advisory board
     3  within the department. The advisory committee shall consist of
     4  21 members of whom the following 12 shall be members ex officio:
     5         (1)  The Secretary of Agriculture SECRETARY.               <--
     6         (2)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection.
     7         (3)  The Secretary of Community and Economic Development.
     8         (4)  The Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Fish and
     9     Boat Commission.
    10         (5)  The chairman AND MINORITY CHAIRMAN of the             <--
    11     Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the Senate.
    12         (6)  The CHAIRMAN AND minority chairman of the             <--
    13     Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the Senate HOUSE    <--
    15         (7)  The chairman AND MINORITY CHAIRMAN of the Game and    <--
    16     Fisheries Committee of the Senate.
    17         (8)  The CHAIRMAN AND minority chairman of the Game and    <--
    18     Fisheries Committee of the Senate HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.    <--
    19         (9)  The chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs     <--
    20     Committee of the House of Representatives.
    21         (10)  The minority chairman of the Agriculture and Rural
    22     Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives.
    23         (11)  The chairman of the Game and Fisheries Committee of
    24     the House of Representatives.
    25         (12)  The minority chairman of the Game and Fisheries
    26     Committee of the House of Representatives.
    27  Ex officio members may designate a substitute for membership. Ex
    28  officio members cast votes at committee meetings.
    29     (b)  Appointments by secretary.--The remaining nine members
    30  are appointed by the secretary. Three of his appointees must be   <--
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     1  active, resident cold or cool water aquacultural producers. One
     2  of his appointees must be an active, resident warm water
     3  aquacultural producer. One of his appointees must be an active,
     4  resident indoor aquacultural producer. One of his appointees
     5  must be an active, resident servicer or supplier to the
     6  aquacultural industry. One of his appointees must be an active,
     7  resident aquacultural wholesaler, food broker or food merchant.
     8  One of his appointees must be an active, resident aquarium or
     9  ornamental species aquacultural merchant. The remaining
    10  appointee must be a representative of recreational sport
    11  fishing.
    27     (c)  Tenure and convention.--All appointed members shall
    28  serve terms of three years. Ex officio members and their          <--
    29  designees shall serve so long as the official who is a member or  <--
    30  who designated another to serve as a member retains his
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     1  CONTINUES TO SERVE IN AN official position. The advisory          <--
     2  committee shall convene at the discretion of the secretary or
     3  his designee, who shall serve as chairman of the committee.
     4     (d)  Function RESPONSIBILITY of committee.--The advisory       <--
     5  committee shall draft and submit an aquacultural plan to the
     6  secretary on or before December 31, 1997 1999. The focus of the   <--
     7  plan shall be economic development to include recommendations
     8  for regulations necessary to foster development of aquaculture.
     9  The advisory committee shall also advise the secretary on
    10  matters relating to aquacultural production and development.
    11  § 4217.  Biennial survey of aquaculture.
    12     The department shall cooperate with the Pennsylvania
    13  Agricultural Statistics Service to compile biennially a survey
    14  of this Commonwealth's aquacultural industry. Persons licensed
    15  under sections 4220 (relating to registration for artificial
    16  propagation) and 4222 (relating to registration for dealers of
    17  live aquatic animals) whose businesses involve the sale of fish
    18  shall submit annually at the conclusion of each calendar year a
    19  summary report of sales specifying the amount or weight of each
    20  species sold and gross receipts. The contents shall be used by
    21  the department solely for statistics. The individual summary
    22  reports are not public records and shall not be made public
    23  without written consent of the party submitting that report.
    24  § 4218.  Aquaculture Development Account.
    25     (a)  Establishment of account.--There is hereby established a
    26  separate account in the State Treasury to be known as the
    27  Aquaculture Development Account. Moneys in this account shall be
    28  used to stimulate the growth of the aquacultural industry in
    29  this Commonwealth.
    30     (b)  Sources of funds.--Except for fees generated pursuant to
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     1  section 4213 (relating to requirements for discharge of water),
     2  all fees and charges generated under this chapter shall be
     3  deposited in the account.
     4     (c)  Use of funds.--Moneys in the account shall be used for
     5  administration of aquaculture programs in the department,
     6  including the biennial survey of aquaculture in section 4217
     7  (relating to biennial survey of aquaculture). Up to 10% of the
     8  moneys deposited in the account on a fiscal year basis may be
     9  available for aquaculture research. After administrative costs
    10  are covered, the remainder of the account may be used to provide
    11  low-interest loans to aquacultural producers for development,
    12  expansion and modernization of facilities.
    13  § 4219.  Permissible propagation.
    14     (a)  Species.--The commission shall determine which species
    15  of fish are allowed to be propagated in each watershed. On or
    16  before January 31 of each year, the commission shall supply the
    17  department a current list of species approved for propagation
    18  and the conditions under which each species may be cultured. As
    19  the commission approves a new species for propagation throughout
    20  the year, it shall notify the department of the species and
    21  watersheds. Except triploid and other nonreproducing forms,
    22  species may be propagated in the same watersheds within which
    23  they are allowed to be stocked.
    24     (b)  Initial list of approved species.--Except for those
    25  species of fish allowed for stocking only in a triploid or other
    26  nonreproducing form, the initial list of approved species shall
    27  include all species approved for artificial propagation or
    28  stocking by watershed as listed by the commission on January 1,
    29  1995. Requirements for special conditions to culture certain
    30  species will be retained until modified. The initial list shall
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     1  be submitted to the department within 60 days of the effective
     2  date of this chapter.
     3     (c)  Closed systems.--Special regulations shall be
     4  promulgated regarding the cultural methods for species of fish
     5  allowed to be propagated in systems which do not discharge water
     6  into waters of this Commonwealth. Systems whose discharge of
     7  water is rendered incapable of containing self-perpetuating
     8  living organisms may be registered for any species of fish with
     9  approval by the department.
    10  § 4220.  Registration for artificial propagation.
    11     (a)  Application.--Application to register for artificial
    12  propagation shall be made on forms, prepared by the department,
    13  which relate to the size, character and purpose of the facility
    14  to be used for propagation. The species of fish to be propagated
    15  and each separate propagation facility as well as any other
    16  information required by the department shall also be indicated
    17  on the forms.
    18     (b)  Registration AND FEES.--The department may register       <--
    19  applicants for artificial propagation upon receipt of a written
    20  application signed by the applicant after the applicant has paid
    21  a fee of $150 to the department. Registration allows the
    22  registered operator to propagate all approved species of fish.
    23  The department shall establish a system to provide unique
    24  identification to a facility for the duration of that facility's
    25  continuous, commercial existence. A registration expires SHALL    <--
    26  EXPIRE five years after the initial date of registration. A
    27  registration may be renewed for an additional five-year period
    28  upon payment of the fee.
    29  § 4221.  Activities under registration for artificial
    30             propagation.
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     1     (a)  Sale of certain species.--
     2         (1)  Only species of fish approved for propagation and
     3     stocking under section 4219 (relating to permissible
     4     propagation) taken from waters wholly within this
     5     Commonwealth or legally taken in waters outside of this
     6     Commonwealth and received in interstate commerce are
     7     permitted to be purchased, sold or offered for sale.
     8         (2)  A registrant selling species of fish shall furnish
     9     to the consumer a receipt specifying the date of sale,
    10     identification of the registered facility and the amount of
    11     species sold by count or weight. The holder of the receipt
    12     must display it upon demand to anyone authorized to enforce
    13     laws of this Commonwealth. The receipt authorizes sale or
    14     possession of the purchased species for a period of 15 days
    15     after the date on the receipt. The period of 15 days,
    16     however, is inapplicable to species stocked in regulated
    17     fishing areas as well as ornamental, aquarium and baitfish
    18     species which may be held by dealers until disposed.
    19     (b)  Water obstruction.--A person registered under section
    20  4220 (relating to registration for artificial propagation) must
    21  obtain prior, written approval from the Department of
    22  Environmental Protection to erect or place a dam, pond or other
    23  device which will prevent the free migration of finfish. This
    24  subsection permits dams, ponds and other devices erected prior
    25  to January 1, 1980, and used continuously since then, to be       <--
    26  maintained.
    27     (c)  Authorized activities by registrants.--Registration
    28  under section 4220 authorizes the registrant to:
    29         (1)  carry on the business of propagation and sale of
    30     species of fish and eggs thereof which are specified in the
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     1     registration;
     2         (2)  catch and kill the specified species of fish in the
     3     specified facility or facilities in the registration by any
     4     means except explosives or poison; and
     5         (3)  sell, transport or dispose of species of fish and
     6     eggs thereof which are specified in the registration. Public
     7     transportation companies are authorized to receive and
     8     transport species and eggs.
     9     (d)  Unauthorized activities by registrants.--
    10         (1)  Registration under section 4220 does not authorize
    11     registrants to catch species of fish out of natural streams
    12     flowing over property of a registrant nor from other waters
    13     within this Commonwealth. Transportation of species OF FISH    <--
    14     neither cultivated nor purchased by the registrant is also     <--
    15     unauthorized. NOT PERMITTED.                                   <--
    16         (2)  Species of fish or eggs thereof taken from waters
    17     within this Commonwealth unoccupied, unowned or uncontrolled
    18     by a registrant and uncovered by his registration shall
    19     neither be stocked nor maintained in any manner. This
    20     paragraph, however, allows the exchange of eggs or the fry of
    21     any species OF FISH with the department and the commission.    <--
    22  § 4222.  Registration for dealers of live aquatic animals.
    23     (a)  Registration for dealing.--A resident or nonresident who
    24  does not propagate live aquatic animal and live baitfish          <--
    25  species, but deals in those species, shall register with the
    26  department. The department may register applicants upon receipt
    27  of a written application signed by the applicant and the payment
    28  of a $50 registration fee. Registration expires SHALL EXPIRE      <--
    29  five years after the initial date of registration and may be
    30  renewed upon payment of the fee.
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     1     (b)  Records to be kept.--Registrants shall keep records of
     2  all transactions, buying and selling, and shall record the date,
     3  amount by count or weight of species of fish, source of species,
     4  registration identification and place of sale.
     5     (c)  Approval.--
     6         (1)  Distribution by dealers is limited to those species
     7     of fish approved by the department.
     8         (2)  Transportation of species of fish into this
     9     Commonwealth is limited to sources of species whose health
    10     inspection reports have already been approved by the
    11     department. Sources may be preapproved by the department for
    12     an entire calendar year. Denials shall be restricted to those
    13     sources where diseases are nonendemic to this Commonwealth
    14     and for any diseases designated by the department upon
    15     recommendation of the advisory committee.
    16     (d)  Exemption from registration.--Dealers who are registered
    17  under section 4220 (relating to registration for artificial
    18  propagation) are exempt from licensure under this section for
    19  those species of fish. Compliance with subsection (c), is,
    20  however, required.
    21  § 4223.  Prohibited propagation and penalties.
    22     (a)  Prohibited propagation.--Except for hobby breeders,
    23  artificial propagation of any species of fish is limited to
    24  those who have registered under section 4220 (relating to
    25  registration for artificial propagation). Artificial propagation
    26  by anyone, whether or not registered, is limited to those         <--
    27  species OF FISH approved under this chapter by law or, APPROVED   <--
    28  BY LAW OR APPROVED by regulation of the department.
    29     (b)  Penalties.--Any person who sells, offers to sell or
    30  purchases fish with a market value or sale price of $50 or more
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     1  in violation OF section 4221(a)(1) (relating to activities under  <--
     2  registration for artificial propagation) commits a misdemeanor
     3  of the third degree. Any other violation of this subchapter as
     4  well as a violation of section 4221(a)(1) where the market value
     5  or sale price is not shown or is less than $50 is a summary
     6  offense of the first degree, as described in 30 Pa.C.S. § 923
     7  (relating to classification of offenses and penalties).
     8     Section 2.  The Department of Agriculture is directed to
     9  analyze needs for aquacultural research to determine the
    10  desirability and feasibility of acquiring via a public or
    11  private consortium one or both of the Federal fish research
    12  stations located within this Commonwealth should either or both
    13  of the stations become available.
    14     Section 3.  (a)  The provisions of 30 Pa.C.S. Ch. 33 are
    15  repealed.
    16     (b)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    17  they are inconsistent with this act.
    18     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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