See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 293



No. 286 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Reenacting and amending the act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883,
     2     No.170), entitled "An act relating to conflicts of interest
     3     involving certain public officials serving in State or State
     4     agencies and local political subdivision positions and
     5     prohibiting certain public employees from engaging in certain
     6     conflict of interest activities requiring certain disclosures
     7     and providing penalties," adding definitions; further
     8     providing for the membership, powers and duties of the State
     9     Ethics Commission and for persons who must file statements of
    10     financial interests; reestablishing the State Ethics
    11     Commission; and making an appropriation.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The title and sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    15  and 10 of the act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred
    16  to as the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law, are reenacted
    17  and amended to read:
    18                               AN ACT
    19  Relating to conflicts of interest involving certain public
    20     officials serving in State or State agencies and local
    21     political subdivision positions and prohibiting certain
    22     public employees from engaging in certain conflict of

     1     interest activities requiring certain disclosures and
     2     providing penalties.
     3  Section 1.  Purpose.
     4     (a)  The Legislature hereby declares that public office is a
     5  public trust and that any effort to realize personal financial
     6  gain through public office other than compensation provided by
     7  law is a violation of that trust. In order to strengthen the
     8  faith and confidence of the people of the State in their
     9  government, the Legislature further declares that the people
    10  have a right to be assured that the financial interests of
    11  holders of or nominees or candidates for public office do not
    12  present [neither] either a conflict [nor] or the appearance of a
    13  conflict with the public trust. Because public confidence in
    14  government can best be sustained by assuring the people of the
    15  impartiality and honesty of public officials, this act shall be
    16  liberally construed to promote complete disclosure.
    17     (b)  It is the intent of the General Assembly that this act
    18  be administered by an independent commission composed of members
    19  who are cognizant of the responsibilities of public officials
    20  and employees and who have demonstrated an interest in promoting
    21  public confidence in government.
    22  Section 2.  Definitions.
    23     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    24  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    25  meanings given to them in this section:
    26     "Advice."  Any directive of the general counsel of the
    27  commission issued under paragraph (11) of section 7 and based
    28  exclusively on prior commission opinions, this act, regulations
    29  promulgated pursuant to this act, and court opinions which
    30  interpret this act.
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     1     "Authority of office or employment."  The actual power
     2  provided by law, the exercise of which is necessary to the
     3  performance of duties and responsibilities unique to a
     4  particular public office or position of public employment.
     5     "Business."  Any corporation, partnership, sole
     6  proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association,
     7  organization, self-employed individual, holding company, joint
     8  stock company, receivership, trust or any legal entity organized
     9  for profit.
    10     "Business with which he is associated."  Any business in
    11  which the person or a member of the person's immediate family is
    12  a director, officer, owner, employee or [holder of stock] has a
    13  financial interest.
    14     "Candidate."  Any individual who seeks nomination or election
    15  to public office by vote of the electorate, other than a judge
    16  or inspector of elections, whether or not such individual is
    17  nominated or elected. An individual shall be deemed to be
    18  seeking nomination or election to such office if he has:
    19         (1)  received a contribution or made an  expenditure or
    20     given his consent for any other person or committee to
    21     receive a contribution or make an expenditure for the purpose
    22     of influencing his nomination or election to such office,
    23     whether or not the individual has announced the specific
    24     office for which he will seek nomination or election at the
    25     time the contribution is received or the expenditure is made;
    26     or
    27         (2)  taken the action necessary under the laws of this
    28     Commonwealth to qualify himself for nomination or election to
    29     such office.
    30  The term shall include individuals nominated or elected as
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     1  write-in candidates.
     2     "Commission."  The State Ethics Commission.
     3     ["Compensation."  Anything of economic value, however
     4  designated, which is paid, loaned, granted, given, donated or
     5  transferred, or to be paid, loaned, granted, given, donated or
     6  transferred for or in consideration of personal services to any
     7  person, official or to the State.]
     8     "Conflict" or "conflict of interest."  Use by a public
     9  official or public employee of the authority of his office or
    10  employment or any confidential information received through his
    11  holding public office or employment for the private pecuniary
    12  benefit or detriment of himself, a member of his immediate
    13  family or a business with which he or a member of his immediate
    14  family is associated. "Conflict" or "conflict of interest" does
    15  not include an action having a de minimis economic impact or
    16  which affects to the same degree a class consisting of the
    17  general public or a subclass consisting of an industry,
    18  occupation or other group which includes the public official or
    19  public employee, a member of his immediate family or a business
    20  with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated.
    21     "Contract."  An agreement or arrangement for the acquisition,
    22  use or disposal by a State or political subdivision of
    23  consulting or other services or of supplies, materials,
    24  equipment, land or other personal or real property. "Contract"
    25  shall not mean an agreement or arrangement between the State or
    26  political subdivision as one party and a public official or
    27  public employee as the other party, concerning his expense,
    28  reimbursement, salary, wage, retirement or other benefit, tenure
    29  or other matters in consideration of his current public
    30  employment with a State or political subdivision.
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     1     "De minimis economic impact."  An economic consequence which
     2  has an insignificant effect upon the public interest.
     3     "Executive-level State employee."  The Governor, Lieutenant
     4  Governor, cabinet members, deputy secretaries, the Governor's
     5  office staff, any State employee with discretionary powers which
     6  may affect the outcome of a State agency's decision in relation
     7  to a private corporation or business or any employee who by
     8  virtue of his job function could influence the outcome of such a
     9  decision.
    10     "Financial interest."  Any financial interest in a legal
    11  entity engaged in business for profit which comprises more than
    12  5% of the equity of the business or more than 5% of the assets
    13  of the economic interest in indebtedness.
    14     "Findings report."  An initial report containing findings of
    15  fact as determined by the commission's investigation but not
    16  containing any conclusions of law or any determination of
    17  whether there has been a violation of law.
    18     "Frivolous complaint."  A complaint filed in a grossly
    19  negligent manner without basis in law or fact.
    20     "Gift."  [A payment, subscription, advance, forbearance,
    21  rendering or deposit of money, services or anything of value,
    22  unless consideration of equal or greater value is received]
    23  Anything which is received without consideration of equal or
    24  greater value. "Gift" shall not include a political contribution
    25  otherwise reported as required by law[,] or a commercially
    26  reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business[, or a
    27  gift received from a member of the person's immediate family or
    28  from a relative within the third degree of consanguinity of the
    29  person or of the person's spouse or from the spouse of any such
    30  relative].
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     1     "Governmental body."  Any department, authority, commission,
     2  committee, council, board, bureau, division, service, office,
     3  officer, administration, legislative body, or other
     4  establishment in the Executive, Legislative or Judicial Branch
     5  of the State or a political subdivision thereof.
     6     "Governmental body with which a public official or public
     7  employee is or has been associated."  The entity within State
     8  government or a political subdivision by which the public
     9  official or employee is or has been employed or to which the
    10  public official or employee is or has been appointed or elected,
    11  and not only the particular subdivision or office within that
    12  entity to which the official or employee is or has been
    13  assigned.
    14     "Honorarium."  Payment made in recognition of published
    15  works, appearances, speeches and presentations and which is not
    16  intended as consideration for the value of such services.
    17     "Immediate family."  [A spouse residing in the person's
    18  household and minor dependent children] A parent, spouse, child,
    19  brother, sister or like relative-in-law.
    20     "Income."  Any money or thing of value received, or to be
    21  received as a claim on future services or in recognition of
    22  services rendered in the past, whether in the form of a payment,
    23  fee, salary, expense, allowance, forbearance, forgiveness,
    24  interest, dividend, royalty, rent, capital gain, reward,
    25  severance payment, proceeds from the sale of a financial
    26  interest in a corporation, professional corporation, partnership
    27  or other entity resulting from termination or withdrawal
    28  therefrom upon assumption of public office or employment or any
    29  other form of recompense or any combination thereof. "Income"
    30  refers to gross income and includes prize winnings and tax-
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     1  exempt income. The term does not include honoraria, gifts,
     2  retirement, pension or annuity payments funded totally by
     3  contributions of the public official or employee, or
     4  miscellaneous, incidental income of minor dependent children.
     5     "Indirect interest in real estate."  Any business entity the
     6  assets of which are 80% or more in real property.
     7     "Ministerial action."  An action that a person performs in a
     8  prescribed manner in obedience to the mandate of legal
     9  authority, without regard to, or the exercise of, the person's
    10  own judgment as to the desirability of the action being taken.
    11     "Nominee."  Any person whose name has been submitted to a
    12  public official or governmental body vested with the power to
    13  finally confirm or reject proposed appointments to public office
    14  or employment.
    15     "Nonministerial actions."  An action in which the person
    16  exercises his own judgment as to the desirability of the action
    17  taken.
    18     "Opinion."  A directive of the commission issued pursuant to
    19  paragraph (10) of section 7 setting forth a public official's or
    20  public employee's duties under this act.
    21     "Order."  A directive of the commission issued pursuant to
    22  paragraph (13) of section 7 at the conclusion of an
    23  investigation which contains findings of fact, conclusions of
    24  law and penalties.
    25     "Person."  A business, governmental body, individual,
    26  corporation, union, association, firm, partnership, committee,
    27  club or other organization or group of persons.
    28     "Political contribution."  Any advance, conveyance, deposit,
    29  distribution, transfer of funds, loan, payment, pledge, purchase
    30  of a ticket to a testimonial or similar fund-raising affair, or
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     1  subscription of money or anything of value, except volunteer
     2  services, in connection with a political campaign, and any
     3  contract, agreement, promise, or other obligations, whether or
     4  not legally enforceable, to make a political contribution.
     5     "Political subdivision."  Any county, city, borough,
     6  incorporated town, township, school district, vocational school,
     7  county institution district, and any authority, entity or body
     8  organized by the aforementioned.
     9     "Public employee."  Any individual employed by the
    10  Commonwealth or a political subdivision who is responsible for
    11  taking or recommending official action of a nonministerial
    12  nature with regard to:
    13         (1)  contracting or procurement;
    14         (2)  administering or monitoring grants or subsidies;
    15         (3)  planning or zoning;
    16         (4)  inspecting, licensing, regulating or auditing any
    17     person; or
    18         (5)  any other activity where the official action has an
    19     economic impact of greater than a de minimis nature on the
    20     interests of any person.
    21  "Public employee" shall not include individuals who are employed
    22  by the State or any political subdivision thereof in teaching as
    23  distinguished from administrative duties.
    24     "Public official."  Any elected or appointed official in the
    25  Executive, Legislative or Judicial Branch of the State or any
    26  political subdivision thereof, provided that it shall not
    27  include members of advisory boards that have no authority to
    28  expend public funds other than reimbursement for personal
    29  expense, or to otherwise exercise the power of the State or any
    30  political subdivision thereof. ["Public official" shall not
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     1  include any appointed official who receives no compensation
     2  other than reimbursement for actual expenses.]
     3     "Represent."  To act on behalf of any other person in any
     4  activity which includes, but is not limited to, the following:
     5  personal appearances, negotiations, lobbying and submitting bid
     6  or contract proposals which are signed by or contain the name of
     7  a former public official or public employee.
     8     "State consultant."  A person who, as an independent
     9  contractor, performs professional, scientific, technical or
    10  advisory service for a State agency, and who receives a fee,
    11  honorarium or similar compensation for such services. A "State
    12  consultant" is not an executive-level employee.
    13  Section 3.  Restricted activities.
    14     (a)  [No public official or public employee shall use his
    15  public office or any confidential information received through
    16  his holding public office to obtain financial gain other than
    17  compensation provided by law for himself, a member of his
    18  immediate family, or a business with which he is associated] No
    19  public official or public employee shall engage in conduct that
    20  constitutes a conflict of interest or the appearance of a
    21  conflict of interest.
    22     (b)  No person shall offer or give to a public official, [or]
    23  public employee or nominee or candidate for public office or a
    24  member of his immediate family or a business with which he is
    25  associated, and no public official, [or] public employee or
    26  nominee or candidate for public office shall solicit or accept,
    27  anything of monetary value, including a gift, loan, political
    28  contribution, reward, or promise of future employment based on
    29  any understanding that the vote, official action, or judgment of
    30  the public official or public employee or nominee or candidate
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     1  for public office would be influenced thereby.
     2     (c)  (1)  No person shall solicit or accept a severance
     3     payment or anything of monetary value contingent upon the
     4     assumption or acceptance of public office or employment.
     5         (2)  This subsection shall not prohibit:
     6             (i)  Payments received pursuant to an employment
     7         agreement in existence prior to the time a person becomes
     8         a candidate or is under consideration for public office
     9         or makes application for public employment.
    10             (ii)  Receipt of a salary, fees, severance payment or
    11         proceeds in consideration of equal or greater value and
    12         resulting from the sale of a person's interest in a
    13         corporation, professional corporation, partnership or
    14         other entity resulting from termination or withdrawal
    15         therefrom upon the assumption or acceptance of public
    16         office or employment.
    17         (3)  This subsection shall not be applied retroactively.
    18     [(c)] (d)  No public official or public employee or [a member
    19  of his immediate family or any business in which the person or a
    20  member of the person's immediate family is a director, officer,
    21  owner or holder of stock exceeding 5% of the equity at fair
    22  market value of the business] his spouse or child or any
    23  business in which the person or his spouse or child is
    24  associated shall enter into any contract or subcontract valued
    25  at $500 or more with a governmental body unless the contract or
    26  subcontract has been awarded through an open and public process,
    27  including prior public notice and subsequent public disclosure
    28  of all proposals considered and contracts awarded. Any contract
    29  or subcontract made in violation of this subsection shall be
    30  voidable by a court of competent jurisdiction if the suit is
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     1  commenced within 90 days of the making of the contract or
     2  subcontract.
     3     [(d)  Other areas of possible conflict shall be addressed by
     4  the commission pursuant to paragraph (9) of section 7.]
     5     (e)  No former public official or public employee shall
     6  represent a person, with or without compensation, on any matter
     7  before the governmental body with which he has been associated
     8  for one year after he leaves that body.
     9     (f)  No person shall use for any commercial purpose
    10  information copied from statements of financial interests
    11  required by this act or from lists compiled from such
    12  statements.
    13     (g)  No former executive-level State employee may for a
    14  period of two years from the time that he terminates his State
    15  employment be employed by, receive compensation from, assist or
    16  act in a representative capacity for a business or corporation
    17  that he actively participates in recruiting to the Commonwealth
    18  of Pennsylvania or that he actively participated in inducing to
    19  open a new plant, facility or branch in the Commonwealth or that
    20  he actively participated in inducing to expand an existent plant
    21  or facility within the Commonwealth, provided that the above
    22  prohibition shall be invoked only when the recruitment or
    23  inducement is accomplished by a grant or loan of money or a
    24  promise of a grant or loan of money from the Commonwealth to the
    25  business or corporation recruited or induced to expand.
    26     [(h)  (1)  Any individual who holds an appointive office in
    27     any political subdivision shall not have an interest in any
    28     contract or construction in which that political subdivision
    29     shall enter or have an interest.
    30         (2)  Any person violating the provisions of this
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     1     subsection shall be barred for a period of five years from
     2     engaging in any business or contract with any political
     3     subdivision or the Commonwealth or any of its agencies.
     4         (3)  For purposes of this subsection the term "interest"
     5     shall not include the ownership of shares of stock in any
     6     corporation in an amount of 5% or less of the total issue for
     7     said corporation.]
     8     (h)  Where voting conflicts are not otherwise addressed by
     9  law, rule, regulation, order or ordinance, the following
    10  procedure shall be employed. Any public official or public
    11  employee, who in the discharge of his official duties, would be
    12  required to vote on a matter that would result in a conflict of
    13  interest shall abstain from voting and, prior to the vote being
    14  taken, publicly announce and disclose the nature of his interest
    15  as a public record in a written memorandum filed with the person
    16  responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting at which
    17  the vote is taken, provided that whenever a governing body would
    18  be unable to take any action on a matter before it because a
    19  majority of members of the body are required to abstain from
    20  voting under the provisions of this subsection, then such
    21  members shall be permitted to vote if disclosures are made as
    22  otherwise provided herein.
    23  Section 4.  Statement of financial interests required to be
    24                 filed.
    25     (a)  Each public official of the Commonwealth shall file a
    26  statement of financial interests for the preceding calendar year
    27  with the commission no later than May 1 of each year that he
    28  holds such a position and of the year after he leaves such a
    29  position. Each public employee [employed by] and public official
    30  of the Commonwealth shall file a statement of financial
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     1  interests for the preceding calendar year with the department,
     2  agency, body or bureau in which he is employed or to which he is
     3  appointed or elected no later than May 1 of each year that he
     4  holds such a position and of the year after he leaves such a
     5  position. Any other public employee or public official shall
     6  file a statement of financial interests with the governing
     7  authority of the political subdivision by which he is employed
     8  or within which he is appointed or elected no later than May 1
     9  of each year that he holds such a position and of the year after
    10  he leaves such a position.
    11     [(b)  Each candidate for public office shall file a statement
    12  of financial interests for the preceding calendar year with the
    13  commission prior to filing a petition to appear on the ballot
    14  for election as a public official. A petition to appear on the
    15  ballot shall not be accepted by an election official unless the
    16  petition includes an affidavit that the candidate has filed the
    17  required statement of financial interests with the commission.]
    18     (b)  (1)  Any candidate for a State-level public office shall
    19     file a statement of financial interests for the preceding
    20     calendar year with the commission on or before the last day
    21     for filing a petition to appear on the ballot for election. A
    22     copy of the statement of financial interests shall also be
    23     appended to such petition.
    24         (2)  Any candidate for county-level or local office shall
    25     file a statement of financial interests for the preceding
    26     calendar year with the governing authority of the political
    27     subdivision in which he is a candidate on or before the last
    28     day for filing a petition to appear on the ballot for
    29     election. A copy of the statement of financial interests
    30     shall also be appended to such petition.
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     1         (3)  No petition to appear on the ballot for election
     2     shall be accepted by the respective State or local election
     3     officials unless the petition has appended thereto a
     4     statement of financial interests as set forth in paragraphs
     5     (1) and (2). Failure to file the statement in accordance with
     6     the provisions of this act shall, in addition to any other
     7     penalties provided, be a fatal defect to a petition to appear
     8     on the ballot.
     9     (c)  Each [candidate] nominee for public office [nominated by
    10  a public official or governmental body and subject to
    11  confirmation by a public official or governmental body] shall
    12  file a statement of financial interests for the preceding
    13  calendar year with the commission and with the official or body
    14  that is vested with the power of confirmation at least ten days
    15  before the official or body shall approve or reject the
    16  nomination.
    17     (d)  No public official shall be allowed to take the oath of
    18  office or enter or continue upon his duties, nor shall he
    19  receive compensation from public funds, unless he has filed a
    20  statement of financial interests [with the commission] as
    21  required by this act.
    22     (e)  [(1)  Any candidate for State or county-wide public
    23     office shall file a statement of financial interests with the
    24     commission pursuant to this act and shall file a copy of that
    25     statement with the Board of Elections in the county in which
    26     the candidate resides.
    27         (2)  Any candidate for local office shall file a
    28     statement of financial interests with the commission pursuant
    29     to this act and shall file a copy of that statement with the
    30     governing authority of the political subdivision in which he
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     1     is a candidate.
     2     (f)]  All statements of financial interest filed pursuant to
     3  the provisions of this act shall be made available for public
     4  inspection and copying during regular office hours, and copying
     5  facilities shall be made available at a charge not to exceed
     6  actual cost.
     7  Section 5.  Statement of financial interests.
     8     (a)  The statement of financial interests filed pursuant to
     9  this act shall be on a form prescribed by the commission. All
    10  information requested on the statement shall be provided to the
    11  best of the knowledge, information and belief of the person
    12  required to file and shall be signed under [penalty of perjury
    13  by the person required to file the statement] oath or equivalent
    14  affirmation.
    15     (b)  The statement shall include the following information
    16  for the prior calendar year with regard to the person required
    17  to file the statement [and the members of his immediate family].
    18         (1)  [The name] Name, address and public position [of the
    19     person required to file the statement].
    20         (2)  [The occupations or professions of the person
    21     required to file the statement and those of his immediate
    22     family] Occupation or profession.
    23         (3)  Any direct or indirect interest in any real estate
    24     which was sold or leased to the Commonwealth, any of its
    25     agencies or political subdivisions; purchased or leased from
    26     the Commonwealth, any of its agencies or political
    27     subdivisions; or which was the subject of any condemnation
    28     proceedings by the Commonwealth, any of its agencies or
    29     political subdivisions.
    30         (4)  The name and address of each creditor to whom is
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     1     owed in excess of $5,000 and the interest rate thereon.
     2     However, loans or credit extended between members of the
     3     immediate family and mortgages securing real property which
     4     is the principal residence of the person filing [or of his
     5     spouse] shall not be included.
     6         (5)  The name and address of any [person who is the]
     7     direct or indirect source of income totalling in the
     8     aggregate [$500] $1,000 or more. However, this provision
     9     shall not be construed to require the divulgence of
    10     confidential information protected by statute or existing
    11     professional codes of ethics or common law privileges.
    12         [(6)  The name and address of any person from whom a gift
    13     or gifts valued in the aggregate at $200 or more were
    14     received, and the value and the circumstances of each gift.
    15     However, this provision shall not be applicable to gifts
    16     received from the individual's spouse, parents, parents by
    17     marriage, siblings, children or grandchildren.
    18         (7)  The source of any honorarium received which is in
    19     excess of $100.]
    20         (6)  (i)  The name and address of the source and the
    21         amount of any gift or gifts valued in the aggregate at
    22         $200 or more and the circumstances of each gift. This
    23         paragraph shall not apply to a gift or gifts received
    24         from a spouse, parent, parent by marriage, sibling,
    25         child, grandchild or other family member.
    26             (ii)  A person who is the source of any gift or gifts
    27         required to be reported pursuant to this subsection
    28         shall, quarterly, inform the recipient of the value and
    29         aggregate value and circumstances of such gift or gifts.
    30         (7)  The name and address of the source and the amount of
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     1     any honorarium received which is in excess of $100.
     2         (8)  Any office, directorship or employment of any nature
     3     whatsoever in any business entity.
     4         (9)  Any financial interest in any legal entity engaged
     5     in business for profit.
     6         (10)  The identity of any financial interest in a
     7     business with which the reporting person is or has been
     8     associated in the preceding calendar year which has been
     9     transferred to a member of the reporting person's immediate
    10     family.
    11     (c)  [The] Except where an amount is required to be reported
    12  pursuant to paragraphs (6) and (7), the statement of financial
    13  [interest] interests need not include specific amounts for [any
    14  of] the items required to be listed.
    15  Section 6.  State Ethics Commission.
    16     (a)  There is established a State Ethics Commission composed
    17  of seven members[,]. The President pro tempore of the Senate,
    18  the Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and
    19  the Minority Leader of the House shall each appoint one member.
    20  Three members shall be appointed by the Governor without
    21  confirmation. No more than two of the members appointed by the
    22  Governor shall be of the same political party. No appointee
    23  shall have served as an officer in a political party for one
    24  year prior to his appointment.
    25     (b)  Members of the commission shall serve for terms of five
    26  years[, except that, of the members first appointed:
    27         (1)  the two members appointed by the President pro
    28     tempore and Minority Leader of the Senate shall serve for
    29     four years;
    30         (2)  the two members appointed by the Speaker and the
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     1     Minority Leader of the House shall serve for two years; and
     2         (3)  of the three members appointed by the Governor two
     3     shall serve for three years, and one shall serve for five
     4     years].
     5     (c)  No member shall be appointed to more than one full five-
     6  year term on the commission.
     7     (d)  No individual, while a member or employee of the
     8  commission, shall:
     9         (1)  hold or campaign for any other public office;
    10         (2)  hold office in any political party or political
    11     committee;
    12         (3)  actively participate in or contribute to any
    13     political campaign;
    14         (4)  directly or indirectly attempt to influence any
    15     decision by a governmental body, other than a court of law or
    16     as a representative of the commission on a matter within the
    17     jurisdiction of the commission; or
    18         (5)  be employed by the Commonwealth or a political
    19     subdivision in any other capacity, whether or not for
    20     compensation.
    21     (e)  A majority of the commission by resolution shall declare
    22  vacant the position on the commission of any member who takes
    23  part in activities prohibited by subsection (d). An individual
    24  appointed to fill a vacancy occurring other than by the
    25  expiration of a term of office shall be appointed for the
    26  unexpired term of the member he succeeds, and is eligible for
    27  appointment to one full five-year term thereafter. Any vacancy
    28  occurring on the commission shall be filled within 30 days in
    29  the manner in which that position was originally filled.
    30     (f)  The commission shall elect a chairman and a vice
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     1  chairman. The vice chairman shall act as chairman in the absence
     2  of the chairman or in the event of a vacancy in that position.
     3     (g)  Four members of the commission shall constitute a quorum
     4  and the votes of a majority of the members present is required
     5  for any action or recommendation of the commission. The chairman
     6  or any four members of the commission may call a meeting
     7  provided that advance written notice is mailed to each member
     8  and to any person who requests notice of such meetings.
     9     (h)  Members of the commission shall be compensated at a rate
    10  of [$50] $75 per day and shall receive reimbursement for their
    11  actual and necessary expenses while performing the business of
    12  the commission.
    13     (i)  The commission shall employ an executive director, a
    14  [general] chief counsel, and such other staff as are necessary
    15  to carry out its duties pursuant to this act. The executive
    16  director shall be responsible for the administrative operations
    17  of the commission and shall perform such other duties as may be
    18  delegated or assigned to him by the commission, except that the
    19  commission shall not delegate the making of regulations to the
    20  executive director. The [general] chief counsel shall be the
    21  chief legal officer of the commission. The commission may obtain
    22  the services of experts and consultants as necessary to carry
    23  out its duties pursuant to this act. The State Treasurer and the
    24  Attorney General shall make available to the commission such
    25  personnel, facilities, and other assistance as the commission
    26  may request.
    27  Section 7.  [Duties] Powers and duties of the commission.
    28     In addition to other powers and duties prescribed by law, the
    29  commission shall:
    30         (1)  Prescribe and publish rules and regulations to carry
    19890S0286B0293                 - 19 -

     1     out the provisions of this act.
     2         (2)  Prescribe forms for statements and reports required
     3     to be filed by this act and furnish such forms to persons
     4     required to file such statements and reports.
     5         (3)  Prepare and publish guidelines setting forth
     6     recommended uniform methods of accounting and reporting for
     7     use by persons required to file statements and reports by
     8     this act.
     9         (4)  Accept and file any information voluntarily supplied
    10     that exceeds the requirements of this act.
    11         (5)  Inspect statements of financial interests which have
    12     been filed in order to ascertain whether any reporting person
    13     has failed to file such a statement or has filed a deficient
    14     statement. If, upon inspection, it is determined that a
    15     reporting person has failed to file a statement of financial
    16     interests or that any statement which has been filed fails to
    17     conform with the requirements of section 5, then the
    18     commission shall, in writing, notify the person. Such notice
    19     shall state in detail the deficiency and the penalties for
    20     failure to file or for filing a deficient statement of
    21     financial interests.
    22         [(5)  Make] (6)  Provide that statements and reports
    23     filed with the commission be made available for public
    24     inspection and copying during regular office hours and [make]
    25     provide that copying facilities be made available at a charge
    26     not to exceed actual cost and advise other State and local
    27     agencies of the provisions of this paragraph.
    28         [(6)] (7)  Compile and maintain an index of all reports
    29     and statements filed with the commission to facilitate public
    30     access to such reports and statements and instruct other
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     1     State and local agencies which receive and file financial
     2     interest statements in the maintenance of systems which
     3     facilitate public access to such statements.
     4         [(7)] (8)  Prepare and publish annual summaries of
     5     statements and reports filed with the commission.
     6         [(8)] (9)  Preserve statements and reports filed with the
     7     commission for a period of five years from date of receipt
     8     and advise other State and local agencies which receive and
     9     store financial interests statements to preserve such
    10     statements for a period of five years from date of receipt.
    11         [(9)  (i)] (10)  Issue to any person, upon such person's
    12     request, an opinion with respect to such person's duties
    13     under this act. The commission shall, within 14 days, either
    14     issue the opinion or advise the person who made the request
    15     whether an opinion will be issued. No person who acts in good
    16     faith on an opinion issued to him by the commission shall be
    17     subject to criminal or civil penalties for so acting,
    18     provided that the material facts are as stated in the opinion
    19     request. The commission's opinions shall be public records
    20     and may from time to time be published.
    21             [(ii)] (11)  Provide written advice to any person or
    22     the appointing authority or employer of said official, upon
    23     their request with respect to such person's duties under this
    24     act. Such advice shall be provided within 21 working days of
    25     the request, provided that the time may be extended for good
    26     cause. It shall be a complete defense in any enforcement
    27     proceeding initiated by the commission, and evidence of good
    28     faith conduct in any other civil or criminal proceeding, if
    29     the requester, at least 21 working days prior to the alleged
    30     violation, requested written advice from the commission in
    19890S0286B0293                 - 21 -

     1     good faith, disclosed truthfully all the material facts and
     2     committed the acts complained of either in reliance on the
     3     advice or because of the failure of the commission to provide
     4     advice within 21 days of the request [of] or such later
     5     extended time.
     6             [(iii)] (12)  Initiate an inquiry, pursuant to
     7     section 8(a), where [an opinion] a complaint has not been
     8     [requested] filed but where there [is a reasonable belief]
     9     may be reason to believe that a conflict [may exist] exists.
    10     [Such inquiry shall be conducted in privacy with full respect
    11     to the confidentiality of all the parties involved in the
    12     alleged conflict. If the commission finds that there is a
    13     conflict, the information shall be provided for criminal
    14     proceedings unless the alleged offender removes himself from
    15     the conflict with receiving financial gain.
    16             (iv)  Issue advisory opinions to any present or
    17         former State employee who contemplates terminating his
    18         State employment and/or becoming employed by, contracting
    19         with, assisting or acting in a representative capacity
    20         for a business or corporation, upon such employee's
    21         request. That opinion shall state whether, upon the facts
    22         presented, such employment, contract, assistance or
    23         representation would be in violation of section 3(g). If
    24         the advisory opinion states that such employment,
    25         contract, assistance or representation would not be in
    26         violation of the provisions of section 3(g), the person
    27         who requested the opinion may not be prosecuted or
    28         penalized, either criminally or civilly, under the
    29         provisions of this act provided that the actions under
    30         question bear a substantial similarity to the facts
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     1         presented to the commission.]
     2         (13)  Issue findings reports and orders relating to
     3     investigations initiated pursuant to section 8, which set
     4     forth the alleged violation, findings of fact and conclusions
     5     of law. An order may include recommendations to law
     6     enforcement officials. Any order resulting from a finding
     7     that a public official or public employee has obtained a
     8     financial gain in violation of this act may require the
     9     restitution plus interest of that gain to the appropriate
    10     governmental body. The commission or the Office of Attorney
    11     General shall have standing to apply to the Commonwealth
    12     Court to seek enforcement of an order requiring such
    13     restitution. This restitution requirement shall be in
    14     addition to any other penalties provided for in this act.
    15         [(10)] (14)  Hold hearings, take testimony, issue
    16     subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses.
    17         [(11)] (15)  Make recommendations to law enforcement
    18     officials either for criminal prosecution or dismissal of
    19     charges arising out of violations of this act.
    20         [(12)] (16)  Prepare and publish special reports,
    21     educational materials, and technical studies to further the
    22     purposes of this act.
    23         [(13)] (17)  Prepare and publish, prior to June 1 of each
    24     year, an annual report summarizing the activities of the
    25     commission.
    26         (18)  Transmit, free of charge, copies of each order,
    27     advice and opinion which has become a matter of public record
    28     to the appointing authorities specified in section 6(a).
    29  Section 8.  Investigations by the commission.
    30     (a)  Upon a complaint signed under penalty of perjury by any
    19890S0286B0293                 - 23 -

     1  person or upon its own motion, the commission [shall
     2  investigate], through its executive director, shall conduct a
     3  preliminary inquiry into any alleged violation of this act. [All
     4  commission proceedings and records relating to an investigation
     5  shall be confidential until a final determination is made by the
     6  commission. The executive director shall notify any person under
     7  investigation by the commission of the investigation and of the
     8  nature of the alleged violation within five days of the
     9  commencement of the investigation. Within 15 days of the filing
    10  of a sworn complaint by a person alleging a violation, and every
    11  30 days thereafter until the matter is terminated, the executive
    12  director shall notify the complainant of the action taken to
    13  date by the commission together with the reasons for such action
    14  or nonaction.] The commission shall keep information, records
    15  and proceedings relating to a preliminary inquiry confidential.
    16  The commission shall, however, have the authority to refer the
    17  case to law enforcement officials during a preliminary inquiry
    18  or anytime thereafter without providing notice to the subject of
    19  the inquiry. The commission shall complete its preliminary
    20  inquiry within 60 days of its initiation.
    21     (b)  If a preliminary [investigation] inquiry fails to
    22  [indicate probable cause for belief] establish reason to believe
    23  that this act has been violated, the commission shall terminate
    24  the [investigation] inquiry and so notify the complainant and
    25  the person who had been [under investigation.] the subject of
    26  the inquiry. If the commission determines that a complaint is
    27  frivolous, it shall so state.
    28     (c)  If a preliminary inquiry establishes reason to believe
    29  that this act has been violated, the commission may, through its
    30  executive director, initiate an investigation to determine if
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     1  there has been a violation. The commission shall keep
     2  information, records and proceedings relating to an
     3  investigation confidential until a final determination is made,
     4  except as otherwise provided in subsection (f). No investigation
     5  may be commenced until the person who is the subject of the
     6  investigation has been notified and provided a general statement
     7  of the alleged violation or violations of the act and other
     8  applicable statutes with respect to such investigation. Service
     9  of notice is complete upon mailing which shall be by certified
    10  or registered mail. The commission shall notify the complainant
    11  within 72 hours of the commencement of an investigation and,
    12  thereafter, the commission shall advise the complainant and the
    13  person who is the subject of the investigation of the status of
    14  the investigation at least every 90 days until the investigation
    15  is terminated. The commission shall, within 180 days of the
    16  initiation of an investigation, either terminate the
    17  investigation pursuant to subsection (d) or issue a findings
    18  report pursuant to subsection (e). Upon a showing by the
    19  executive director of the need for extension of this period, the
    20  commission may extend an investigation for up to two 90-day
    21  periods, provided that each 90-day extension shall be approved
    22  by a majority vote of members present. In no event shall a
    23  findings report be issued later than 360 days after initiation
    24  of an investigation.
    25     (d)  If an investigation conducted under this act indicates
    26  that no violation has been committed, the commission shall
    27  immediately terminate the investigation and send written notice
    28  of such determination to the complainant and the person who was
    29  the subject of the investigation.
    30     (e)  The commission, upon the completion of an investigation,
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     1  shall issue a findings report to the subject of the
     2  investigation setting forth the pertinent findings of fact. The
     3  subject shall have the right to respond to said findings and to
     4  request an evidentiary hearing on said matter. Any response to
     5  the findings report must either admit or deny by corresponding
     6  number and letter the pertinent facts set forth. The subject of
     7  the investigation shall have access to any evidence intended to
     8  be used by the commission at the hearing. Matters not
     9  specifically denied in the response shall be deemed admitted.
    10  The response must be filed within 30 days of the issuance of the
    11  findings report unless the time period is extended by the
    12  commission for good cause shown. Hearings conducted upon request
    13  shall be instituted within 45 days after the filing of the
    14  response.
    15     (f)  Within 30 days of the receipt by the commission of the
    16  hearing record, or if no hearing is to be held, within 30 days
    17  of the receipt by the commission of the response to the findings
    18  report, the commission shall issue an order which shall be
    19  final. Upon receipt of a final order, the subject shall have the
    20  right to file a petition for reconsideration in accordance with
    21  the regulations of the commission.
    22     (g)  Hearings conducted pursuant to this section shall be
    23  closed to the public unless the subject requests an open
    24  hearing. Any person who appears before the commission shall have
    25  all of the due process rights, privileges and responsibilities
    26  of a party or witness appearing before an administrative agency
    27  of this Commonwealth. All witnesses summoned for such hearings
    28  shall receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses in
    29  accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. § 5903 (relating to compensation and
    30  expenses of witnesses). At the conclusion of a hearing
    19890S0286B0293                 - 26 -

     1  concerning an alleged violation and in a timely manner, the
     2  commission shall deliberate on the evidence and determine, by
     3  majority vote of the members present, whether there has been a
     4  violation of this act. The determination of the commission, in
     5  the form of a final order and findings of fact, shall be a
     6  matter of public record.
     7     (h)  Orders which become final in accordance with the
     8  provisions of this section shall be available as public
     9  documents, but the files and records of the commission relating
    10  to the case shall remain confidential.
    11     (i)  No action may be taken by the commission on a complaint
    12  filed against a public official or public employee unless the
    13  alleged offense was committed during the period of time within
    14  which the official or employee was in public office, was a
    15  nominee or candidate for public office, or was employed as a
    16  public employee, or within five years thereafter.
    17     (j)  Any person aggrieved by an opinion or order which
    18  becomes final in accordance with the provisions of this act who
    19  has direct interest in such opinion or order shall have the
    20  right to appeal therefrom in accordance with law and general
    21  rules.
    22     (k)  No public official or public employee shall discharge
    23  any official or employee or change his official rank, grade or
    24  compensation, or deny him a promotion, or threaten to do so, for
    25  filing a complaint with or providing information to the
    26  commission or testifying in any commission proceeding.
    27  Section 9.  Penalties.
    28     (a)  Any person who violates the provisions of section 3(a)
    29  and (b) is guilty of a felony and shall be fined not more than
    30  $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or be both
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     1  fined and imprisoned.
     2     (b)  Any person who violates the provisions of section 3(c)
     3  through [(h) or] (h), section 4 or section 5(a) is guilty of a
     4  misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $1,000 or
     5  imprisoned for not more than one year, or be both fined and
     6  imprisoned.
     7     (c)  Any person who obtains financial gain from violating any
     8  provision of this act, in addition to any other penalty provided
     9  by law, shall pay [into the State Treasury] a sum of money equal
    10  to three times the amount of the financial gain resulting from
    11  such violation into the State Treasury or the treasury of the
    12  political subdivision. Treble damages shall not be assessed
    13  against a person who acted in good faith reliance on the advice
    14  of legal counsel.
    15     (d)  The penalties prescribed in this act do not limit the
    16  power of either House of the Legislature to discipline its own
    17  members or impeach a public official, and do not limit the power
    18  of agencies or commissions to discipline officials or employees.
    19     (e)  Any person who violates the confidentiality of a
    20  commission proceeding pursuant to section 8, is guilty of a
    21  misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $1,000 or
    22  imprisoned for not more than one year, or be both fined and
    23  imprisoned. Any person who engages in retaliatory activity
    24  proscribed by section 8(k) is guilty of a misdemeanor and, in
    25  addition to any other penalty provided by law, shall be fined
    26  not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year,
    27  or be both fined and imprisoned. Any person who willfully
    28  affirms or swears falsely in regard to any material matter
    29  before a commission proceeding pursuant to section 8 is guilty
    30  of a felony and shall be fined not more than $5,000 or
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     1  imprisoned for not more than five years, or be both fined and
     2  imprisoned.
     3     (f)  In addition to any other civil remedy or criminal
     4  penalty provided for in this act, the commission may, after
     5  notice has been served in accordance with paragraph (5) of
     6  section 7 and upon a majority vote of its members, levy a civil
     7  penalty upon any person subject to this act who fails to file a
     8  statement of financial interests in a timely manner or who files
     9  a deficient statement of financial interests, at a rate of not
    10  more than $25 for each day such statement remains delinquent or
    11  deficient. The maximum penalty payable under this paragraph is
    12  $250.
    13  Section 10.  [Court employees.] Constables.
    14     Nothing in this act, or in any other law or court rule shall
    15  be construed to prohibit any constable [or any employee of a
    16  court of common pleas, the Municipal Court of Philadelphia, the
    17  Traffic Court of Philadelphia, or any employee of a district
    18  justice] from also being an officer of a political body or
    19  political party as such terms are defined in the act of June 3,
    20  1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the "Pennsylvania Election
    21  Code," and the same may hold the office of a county, State or
    22  national committee of any political party, and may run for and
    23  hold any elective office, and may participate in any election
    24  day activities.
    25     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    26  Section 10.1.  Wrongful use of act.
    27     (a)  A person who signs a complaint alleging a violation of
    28  this act against another is subject to liability for wrongful
    29  use of this act if:
    30         (1)  he acted in a grossly negligent manner or without
    19890S0286B0293                 - 29 -

     1     probable cause and primarily for a purpose other than that of
     2     reporting a violation of this act;
     3         (2)  he publicly disclosed or caused to be disclosed that
     4     a complaint against a person had been filed with the
     5     commission; and
     6         (3)  the complaint was frivolous as defined by this act
     7     or there was a lack of probable cause for belief that this
     8     act had been violated by the person.
     9     (b)  A person who signs a complaint alleging a violation of
    10  this act has probable cause for doing so if he reasonably
    11  believes in the existence of the facts upon which the claim is
    12  based and either:
    13         (1)  reasonably believes that under those facts the
    14     complaint may be valid under this act; or
    15         (2)  believes to this effect in reliance upon the advice
    16     of counsel, sought in good faith and given after full
    17     disclosure of all relevant facts within his knowledge and
    18     information.
    19     (c)  When the commission determines that a complainant has
    20  violated the provisions set forth in section 10.1(a) the
    21  commission upon receiving a written request from the subject of
    22  the complaint shall provide the name and address of the
    23  complainant to said subject.
    24     (d)  When the essential elements of an action brought
    25  pursuant to this section have been established, the plaintiff is
    26  entitled to recover the following:
    27         (1)  The expenses, including any reasonable attorney
    28     fees, that he has reasonably incurred in proceedings before
    29     the commission.
    30         (2)  Any specific pecuniary loss that has resulted from
    19890S0286B0293                 - 30 -

     1     the proceedings.
     2     Section 3.  Section 11 of the act is reenacted and amended to
     3  read:
     4  Section 11.  Supplemental provisions.
     5     Any governmental body may adopt requirements to supplement
     6  this act, provided that no such [requirement] requirements shall
     7  in any way be less restrictive than the act.
     8     Section 4.  Sections 12 and 13 of the act are reenacted to
     9  read:
    10  Section 12.  Conflict of law.
    11     If the provisions of this act conflict with any other
    12  statute, ordinance, regulation or rule, the provisions of this
    13  act shall control.
    14  Section 13.  Severability.
    15     If any provision of this act, or the application thereof to
    16  any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the validity of the
    17  remainder of this act and the application of such provisions to
    18  other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
    19     Section 5.  Section 14 of the act, amended February 26, 1979
    20  (P.L.1, No.1), is reenacted to read:
    21  Section 14.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect January 1, 1979 except that
    23  subsections (b) and (e) of section 4 shall take effect August 1,
    24  1979 and subsections (a) and (d) of section 4 shall take effect
    25  January 1, 1980: Provided, however, That the Ethics Commission
    26  shall have the power and duty to require the filing of the
    27  financial disclosure statements of candidates for elective
    28  office between August 1, 1979 and January 1, 1980 at least 60
    29  days prior to such election, or in the case of a special
    30  election at least 15 days prior to such election.
    19890S0286B0293                 - 31 -

     1     Section 6.  Persons who are members of the State Ethics
     2  Commission on the effective date of this act shall serve until
     3  their current terms have expired and shall be subject to the
     4  additional restrictions of section 6(d)(3) and (5) of the act of
     5  October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred to as the Public
     6  Official and Employee Ethics Law, unless a current commissioner
     7  was employed by a political subdivision on or before the
     8  effective date of this amendatory act, in which case the
     9  restriction set forth in section 6(d)(5) shall not apply.
    10     Section 7.  All rules and regulations promulgated by the
    11  State Ethics Commission shall remain in full force and effect
    12  until amended or rescinded by the commission, provided that the
    13  commission shall immediately initiate action to rescind or amend
    14  any rule or regulation that is in conflict with the provisions
    15  of this amendatory act or to promulgate additional regulations
    16  which may be required to implement the provisions of this
    17  amendatory act.
    18     Section 8.  This act, with respect to the State Ethics
    19  Commission, constitutes the legislation required to reestablish
    20  an agency pursuant to the act of December 22, 1981 (P.L.508,
    21  No.142), known as the Sunset Act. The State Ethics Commission
    22  shall continue, together with its statutory functions and
    23  duties, until December 31, 1993, when it shall terminate and go
    24  out of existence unless reestablished or continued by the
    25  General Assembly for an additional ten years. Evaluation,
    26  review, termination, reestablishment and continuation of the
    27  agency beyond December 31, 1993, and every tenth year
    28  thereafter, shall be conducted pursuant to the Sunset Act.
    29     Section 9.  This amendatory act shall not apply to violations
    30  committed prior to the effective date of this act, and causes of
    19890S0286B0293                 - 32 -

     1  action initiated for such violations shall be governed by the
     2  prior law, which is continued in effect for that purpose as if
     3  this act were not in force. For the purposes of this section, a
     4  violation was committed prior to the effective date of this act
     5  if any elements of the violation occurred prior thereto.
     6     Section 10.  The sum of $30,000 is hereby appropriated to the
     7  State Ethics Commission for the indexing of all opinions, orders
     8  or advice of the commission, and for the maintenance of this
     9  index.
    10     Section 11.  Sections 6, 7 and 8 of this act shall be
    11  retroactive to December 31, 1988.
    12     Section 12.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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