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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2338



No. 286 Session of 2002

           OCTOBER 24, 2002


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Directing the Joint State Government Commission to study and
     2     recommend potential changes to the current funding and
     3     benefits structure of the Commonwealth's two mandatory
     4     governmental pension plans, including the need, design and
     5     funding of any future cost-of-living adjustments.

     6     WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania maintains two
     7  governmental defined benefit Statewide pension plans: the Public
     8  School Employees' Retirement System (PSERS) and the State
     9  Employees' Retirement System (SERS); and
    10     WHEREAS, Nearly all full-time and part-time public school
    11  employees are required to join PSERS, and most full-time and
    12  part-time State employees are required to join SERS; and
    13     WHEREAS, Both systems are financed through separate employer
    14  and employee contributions and investment earnings, with each
    15  system's employer contribution rates being variable, based upon
    16  actuarial experience, and the investment returns of each system
    17  and their respective employee contribution rates being fixed by
    18  statute; and

     1     WHEREAS, The employer contribution rate for PSERS is funded
     2  in part by the taxpayers of this Commonwealth, with the
     3  remainder being funded by local taxpayers through either
     4  property or earned income taxes levied by school taxing
     5  authorities; and
     6     WHEREAS, The employer contribution rate for SERS is funded by
     7  the taxpayers of this Commonwealth; and
     8     WHEREAS, Because of excellent investment returns prior to
     9  year 2000, the PSERS employer contribution rate decreased from
    10  20.04% of payroll in fiscal year 1985-1986 to 1.15% in fiscal
    11  year 2002-2003, and the SERS employer contribution rate
    12  decreased from 18.09% of payroll in fiscal year 1983-1984 to
    13  0.00% in fiscal year 2002-2003; and
    14     WHEREAS, These substantial decreases in the respective
    15  employer contribution rates for both systems have resulted in
    16  hundreds of millions of dollars in savings to both State and
    17  local taxpayers; and
    18     WHEREAS, Both systems' employer contribution rates are well
    19  below their current actuarial valuations employer normal costs
    20  of 7.20% of payroll for PSERS and 8.64% of payroll for SERS; and
    21     WHEREAS, Both PSERS and SERS, as of their last actuarial
    22  valuation dates, have assets in excess of their actuarial
    23  accrued liabilities in the amount of 114.4% and 116.3%
    24  respectively and thus both systems are financially sound and
    25  have secured the pension benefits payable to their members; and
    26     WHEREAS, In addition to the current financial strength of the
    27  systems, the pension benefits payable to the members of both
    28  systems are fully guaranteed by the Commonwealth of
    29  Pennsylvania; and
    30     WHEREAS, Because of the current downturn in the financial
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     1  markets, both systems have recently experienced investment
     2  returns less than their current actuarial investment earnings
     3  assumption of 8.5%; and
     4     WHEREAS, Consistent with the design of a defined benefit
     5  plan, the risk of this investment underperformance is borne by
     6  the employers of both systems and ultimately the State and local
     7  taxpayers who fund them; and
     8     WHEREAS, The recent investment underperformance incurred by
     9  both systems will result in increases to the respective employer
    10  contribution rates of each system from their current record
    11  lows; and
    12     WHEREAS, Concerns have been expressed about the impact these
    13  pending employer contribution rate increases will have on the
    14  employers of each system and ultimately the State and local
    15  taxpayers who fund them; and
    16     WHEREAS, Concerns have also been expressed about the impact
    17  these pending employer contribution rate increases will have on
    18  the ability of the General Assembly to either enhance the
    19  existing benefits of the members of both systems or grant new
    20  benefits, including the need, design and funding of any future
    21  cost-of-living adjustments; therefore be it
    22     RESOLVED, That, due to the importance and complexity of the
    23  issues surrounding the pension benefits for State and public
    24  school employees and to maintain the current financial strength
    25  of both the Public School Employees' Retirement System and the
    26  State Employees' Retirement System, the Senate direct the Joint
    27  State Government Commission to study and make any
    28  recommendations concerning the current funding and benefits
    29  structure of the Public School Employees' Retirement System and
    30  the State Employees' Retirement System, including the need,
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     1  design and funding of any future cost-of-living adjustments; and
     2  be it further
     3     RESOLVED, That upon the Joint State Government Commission's
     4  request, the Public School Employees' Retirement System, the
     5  State Employees' Retirement System and the Public Employee
     6  Retirement Commission are directed to provide all relevant
     7  information and staff assistance to the Joint State Government
     8  Commission in response to the issues studied under this
     9  resolution; and be it further
    10     RESOLVED, That the Joint State Government Commission report
    11  its findings and any recommendations concerning the funding and
    12  benefits structure of the Public School Employees' Retirement
    13  System, and the State Employees' Retirement System to the
    14  General Assembly by December 31, 2003.

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