1Designating the week of March 9 through 15, 2014, as "Glaucoma
2Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually
4steals sight without warning through damage to the optic nerve
5and for which there is no cure, although once diagnosed,
6medication or surgery can slow or prevent further vision loss;

8WHEREAS, Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness
9according to the World Health Organization, with over 60 million
10suspected cases worldwide; and

11WHEREAS, Over 2.2 million Americans have glaucoma, but half
12of those do not even know they have it and more than 120,000
13Americans are blind due to glaucoma; and

14WHEREAS, Those most at risk of glaucoma are those of African,
15Asian and Hispanic descent, people 60 years of age or older,
16family members of those already diagnosed, diabetics and people
17who are severely near-sighted; and

1WHEREAS, After cataracts, glaucoma is the leading cause of
2blindness among African Americans, with blindness from glaucoma
3six to eight times more common in African Americans than
4Caucasians and with African Americans 15 times more likely to be
5visually impaired from glaucoma than Caucasians; and

6WHEREAS, The mission of the Glaucoma Service Foundation to
7Prevent Blindness is to preserve or enhance the health of all
8people with glaucoma and to provide a model of medical care by
9supporting the innovative educational and research efforts of
10the physicians on the Wills Eye Hospital Glaucoma Service, the
11largest glaucoma diagnosis and treatment center in the United
12States; and

13WHEREAS, On April 26, 2014, "Glaucoma Screening and
14Information Day," the Glaucoma Service Foundation to Prevent
15Blindness will hold its important annual day-long, patient-
16directed educational conference about glaucoma called the "CARES
17Conference" (Committed to Awareness through Research, Education,
18and Support) at the Dorrance H. Hamilton Building at Jefferson
19Hospital, 1001 Locust Street, Philadelphia; therefore be it

20RESOLVED, That the Senate designate the week of March 9
21through 15, 2014, as "Glaucoma Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania;
22and be it further

23RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
24the Glaucoma Service Foundation to Prevent Blindness, Wills Eye
25Hospital, 840 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107,
26as evidence of the respect and admiration of this legislative
27body for those who work to prevent blindness and who serve those
28who suffer from glaucoma.