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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2162



No. 366 Session of 2006


           OCTOBER 16, 2006

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to
     2     conduct a review of homeland security funding and
     3     preparedness in this Commonwealth.

     4     WHEREAS, Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
     5  on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the Federal
     6  Government has initiated a concerted effort to help states and
     7  localities improve the safety and security of citizens; and
     8     WHEREAS, Federal homeland security grants are a primary, but
     9  not the sole, method of assistance to states and localities; and
    10     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania has received more than $615 million in
    11  Federal funding related to homeland security since September 11,
    12  2001; and
    13     WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency serves
    14  as the point of contact with the United States Department of
    15  Homeland Security and is charged with coordinating policy
    16  development and information exchange among Federal, State and
    17  local branches of government; and
    18     WHEREAS, Other Commonwealth agencies, including the

     1  Department of Health, receive additional Federal funding for
     2  specifically enumerated purposes related to homeland security;
     3  and
     4     WHEREAS, Given the amount of money received by Pennsylvania
     5  and localities in this Commonwealth for homeland security
     6  efforts, a review should determine the extent and sufficiency of
     7  homeland security funding as well as the adequacy of the
     8  coordination and direction of Federal grants going to State and
     9  local agencies; therefore be it
    10     RESOLVED, That the Senate direct the Legislative Budget and
    11  Finance Committee to conduct a review of homeland security
    12  funding and preparedness in this Commonwealth in order to
    13  determine:
    14         (1)  How much Federal funding the Commonwealth has
    15     received for purposes of homeland security and how much
    16     funding Commonwealth localities have received for such
    17     purposes.
    18         (2)  Which State and local agencies are receiving Federal
    19     funds for homeland security.
    20         (3)  Whether Federal funding is being awarded to State
    21     and local agencies in accordance with their critical needs.
    22         (4)  What obstacles State and local agencies confront
    23     when attempting to obtain Federal funding for homeland
    24     security.
    25         (5)  Whether State agencies have adequate resources to
    26     effectively direct the coordination of homeland security
    27     efforts.
    28         (6)  Whether State agencies have sufficient authority to
    29     direct the coordination of homeland security efforts.
    30         (7)  What oversight mechanisms are in place to ensure
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     1     that homeland security funds are being used for their
     2     intended purposes;
     3  and be it further
     4     RESOLVED, That the review conducted by the Legislative Budget
     5  and Finance Committee be an expansive review which broadly
     6  interprets homeland security to include, but not be limited to,
     7  preparedness for responding to threats or acts of terrorism as
     8  well as public health emergency preparedness and response
     9  capability and which broadly interprets localities to include,
    10  but not be limited to, regional counterterrorism task forces,
    11  counties, municipalities, school districts, hospitals and
    12  emergency responders; and be it further
    13     RESOLVED, That the review conducted by the Legislative Budget
    14  and Finance Committee apply to all relevant Federal funding and
    15  all relevant State agencies without being limited to a review of
    16  funds received from the United States Department of Homeland
    17  Security and the United States Department of Health and Human
    18  Services and to a review of the Pennsylvania Emergency
    19  Management Agency and the Pennsylvania Department of Health; and
    20  be it further
    21     RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    22  report its findings and recommendations to the Senate no later
    23  than June 1, 2007.

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