See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 442



No. 431 Session of 1999

           FEBRUARY 22, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to teaching visually impaired students.

     2     The purpose of this act is:
     3         (1)  To require the standards for teaching certificates
     4     to teach students who are visually impaired to include
     5     demonstrated competency in the use of braille.
     6         (2)  To require an annual assessment of reading and
     7     writing skills in each medium determined to be appropriate
     8     for each visually impaired student.
     9         (3)  To define "students with visual impairments" to
    10     include those medically predicted to become visually impaired
    11     in the future.
    12         (4)  To require individualized education programs for
    13     students who are visually impaired to specifically contain a
    14     requirement for instruction in braille reading and writing
    15     when that medium is appropriate for the student.
    16         (5)  To require integration of the use of braille reading
    17     and writing into a student's entire curriculum when braille

     1     is specified as an appropriate medium for the student.
     2         (6)  To require publishers wishing to offer schoolbooks
     3     for sale to Commonwealth schools to also offer for sale
     4     computer diskettes for translating the text into braille at a
     5     price no greater than the schoolbook price.
     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Instruction
    10  to Visually Impaired Students Act.
    11  Section 2.  Certification of teachers of the visually impaired.
    12     The Department of Education shall adopt standards for
    13  attaining a certificate that require any teacher certified to
    14  teach students with visual impairments to demonstrate competency
    15  in reading and writing braille. The standards for demonstrating
    16  competency shall be consistent with those adopted for teachers
    17  by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically
    18  Handicapped of the Library of Congress.
    19  Section 3.  Students affected.
    20     Visual impairments for any individual means that one of the
    21  following applies to the individual:
    22         (1)  The individual has a visual acuity of 20/200 or less
    23     in the better eye with correcting lenses or has a limited
    24     field of vision in the better eye such that the widest
    25     diameter subtends an angular distance of no greater than 20
    26     degrees.
    27         (2)  The individual has a medically indicated expectation
    28     of meeting the requirements of paragraph (1) over a period of
    29     time.
    30         (3)  The individual has a medically diagnosed and
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     1     medically uncorrectable limitation in visual functioning that
     2     adversely affects the individual's ability to read and write
     3     standard print at levels expected of the individual's peers
     4     of comparable ability and grade level.
     5  Section 4.  Students who are functionally blind.
     6     (a)  Presumption.--In the development of the individualized
     7  education program for students who are functionally blind, it
     8  shall be presumed that proficiency in braille reading and
     9  writing is essential for the student's satisfactory educational
    10  progress. Each student who is functionally blind shall be
    11  entitled to braille reading and writing instruction that is
    12  sufficient to enable the student to communicate with the same
    13  level of proficiency as other students of comparable ability who
    14  are at the same grade level. Braille instruction may be used in
    15  combination with other special education services appropriate to
    16  the student's educational needs.
    17     (b)  Assessment.--The assessment of each student who is
    18  functionally blind for the purpose of developing the student's
    19  individualized education program must include documentation of
    20  the student's strengths and weaknesses in braille skills. Each
    21  person assisting in the development of an individualized
    22  education program for a student who is functionally blind shall
    23  receive information describing the benefits of braille
    24  instruction. Each individualized education program for a student
    25  who is functionally blind shall:
    26         (1)  Contain a statement that instruction in braille
    27     reading and writing was carefully considered for the student
    28     and that pertinent literature describing the educational
    29     benefits of instruction in braille reading and writing was
    30     reviewed by the persons developing the student's
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     1     individualized education program.
     2         (2)  Contain a statement specifying the one or more
     3     reading and writing media in which instruction is appropriate
     4     for the student's educational needs.
     5         (3)  If instruction in braille reading and writing is
     6     specified as appropriate for the student pursuant to section
     7     3, require a statement of the instruction in braille reading
     8     and writing that is to be provided to the student. This
     9     statement shall specify the date on which the instruction is
    10     to commence, the frequency and duration of instruction
    11     sessions, the level of competency in braille reading and
    12     writing expected to be achieved annually and the objective
    13     assessment measures to be used. Whenever appropriate, the
    14     expected level of braille competency for the student shall be
    15     to enable the student to communicate effectively and
    16     efficiently with the same level of proficiency expected of
    17     the student's peers of comparable ability and grade level,
    18     and the instruction in braille reading and writing that is to
    19     be provided shall be designed accordingly.
    20         (4)  Require that any instruction in braille reading and
    21     writing provided to any student with a visual impairment
    22     shall be provided by a teacher certified to teach students
    23     with visual impairments.
    24         (5)  If the individualized education program for any
    25     student with a visual impairment does not specify instruction
    26     in braille reading and writing as appropriate for the
    27     student, require that each annual review of that student's
    28     individualized education program shall include a written
    29     statement specifying the reasons why instruction in braille
    30     reading and writing is not appropriate for the student.
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     1         (6)  No student with a visual impairment shall be denied
     2     instruction in braille reading and writing under this section
     3     solely because the student has some remaining vision or
     4     because the student is to receive reading and writing
     5     instruction in another medium.
     6     (c)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
     7  construed to require the exclusive use of instruction through
     8  the medium of braille reading and writing if other reading and
     9  writing media are appropriate to a student's educational needs
    10  and enable that student to read and write at levels expected of
    11  the individual's peers of comparable ability and grade level.
    12  Section 5.  Students who will change medium.
    13     (a)  Classification.--Any student who is visually impaired
    14  and is not classified as functionally blind may be classified as
    15  a student whose learning medium will change due to a progressive
    16  eye condition. Instruction in the new learning medium for a
    17  student whose learning medium will change shall begin before it
    18  is the only medium the student can effectively use so that
    19  educational progress will not be interrupted. To identify and
    20  plan educational programs for a transition of learning medium in
    21  advance of actual need, a student whose medium will change may
    22  be reclassified at any time as a functionally blind student.
    23     (b)  Reevaluation.--Students whose medium will change shall
    24  be reevaluated annually. The result of the reevaluation shall be
    25  attached each year to the individualized education program. Each
    26  person assisting in the development of the individualized
    27  education program of a student whose medium will change shall
    28  receive information describing the benefits of braille
    29  instruction as well as a copy of the guidelines. The annual
    30  reevaluation of each student whose medium will change must
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     1  include documentation of the student's strengths and weaknesses
     2  in literacy skills, using methods described in the guidelines.
     3  Section 6.  Local boards of school directors.
     4     The board of directors of each school district shall annually
     5  assess the reading and writing skills of each student with a
     6  visual impairment enrolled in the district in each medium in
     7  which instruction is specified as appropriate for the student.
     8  The results of each assessment shall be provided in a written
     9  statement that specifies the student's strengths and weaknesses
    10  in each medium assessed.
    11  Section 7.  Special education programs.
    12     If any special education program serves a student with a
    13  visual impairment for whom instruction in braille reading and
    14  writing is specified as appropriate, the entity providing the
    15  program shall integrate the use of braille reading and writing
    16  into the student's entire curriculum and other classroom
    17  activities in such a manner that braille reading and writing
    18  becomes an effective learning tool for the student.
    19  Section 8.  Publishers of schoolbooks.
    20     Any publisher of schoolbooks in the United States desiring to
    21  offer schoolbooks for use by pupils in the public schools of
    22  this Commonwealth, before such books may be adopted and
    23  purchased by any school board, must on or before the first day
    24  of January of each year file in the office of the Secretary of
    25  Education the published list wholesale price thereof. When any
    26  such publisher desires to offer for use a schoolbook after the
    27  first day of January, a supplement to the January list must be
    28  filed in the office of the Secretary of Education, showing the
    29  published list wholesale price thereof. No revised edition of
    30  any such book shall be used in public schools until the
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     1  published list wholesale price thereof has been filed in the
     2  office of the Secretary of Education. No publisher shall file
     3  the wholesale price of any schoolbook unless the publisher
     4  complies with both of the following:
     5         (1)  At the same time as filing the wholesale price of
     6     the schoolbook, the publisher shall also file the wholesale
     7     price of a computer diskette that contains the text of the
     8     schoolbook in the American Standard Code for Information
     9     Interchange or in another computer language approved by the
    10     Secretary of Education for translating the text of the
    11     schoolbook into braille.
    12         (2)  The wholesale price filed for any specified number
    13     of computer diskettes for the schoolbook shall not exceed the
    14     wholesale price filed for the same number of the printed
    15     version of that schoolbook.
    16  Section 9.  Effective date.
    17     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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