See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 470



No. 460 Session of 1999

           FEBRUARY 24, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Prohibiting certain funds from investing in tobacco companies
     2     and requiring the funds to divest any investments in those
     3     companies.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Tobacco Free
     8  Investment and Divestiture Act.
     9  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    10     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    11         (1)  Smoking causes the death of one in five
    12     Pennsylvanians every year and is the number one preventable
    13     cause of death in this Commonwealth.
    14         (2)  Reducing the incidence of cigarette smoking and
    15     other tobacco use in this Commonwealth is a compelling State
    16     interest.
    17         (3)  The Commonwealth has initiated litigation against
    18     the major tobacco companies, claiming the industry has

     1     engaged in a conspiracy to entice children into a deadly
     2     addiction of tobacco use.
     3         (4)  Various funds in the Commonwealth have over
     4     $300,000,000 invested in tobacco company stocks.
     5         (5)  Research shows that it is not necessary for public
     6     pension funds to invest in tobacco company stock in order to
     7     achieve their investment return objectives.
     8         (6)  The future profitability of tobacco company stock is
     9     very much in doubt, in light of extensive litigation against
    10     tobacco companies and increasing public awareness of fraud
    11     and deception by the tobacco company industry.
    12         (7)  Current developments introduce an unreasonably high
    13     element of risk to tobacco company investment and create
    14     serious doubt as to whether it is prudent to continue
    15     investing in tobacco company stock.
    16         (8)  Divestment of tobacco stocks is a financially
    17     prudent and morally responsible choice for the Commonwealth.
    18  Section 3.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    20  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    22     "Board."  A board of trustees or other governing body that is
    23  required by law to administer a fund.
    24     "Fund."  Any account or fund of Commonwealth moneys in the
    25  State Treasury or other moneys of which the State Treasurer is
    26  custodian or moneys under the authority and control of any
    27  department, departmental board or commission or any independent
    28  department, board or commission that may be lawfully invested in
    29  any security of a corporation or other business entity. The term
    30  shall include, but not be limited to, the Pennsylvania Municipal
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     1  Retirement Fund, the Public School Employees' Retirement Fund,
     2  the State Employees' Retirement Fund, the State Workers'
     3  Insurance Fund and the Tuition Payment Fund.
     4     "Security."  Any preferred stock, common stock, commercial
     5  paper or other obligation of a corporation or other business
     6  entity. The term also includes a future contract, option
     7  contract and any other investment device or instrument involving
     8  a corporation or other business entity.
     9     "Tobacco company."  A corporation or other business entity
    10  that derives more than 15% of its annual gross revenues from the
    11  production, distribution or sale of tobacco products.
    12     "Tobacco products."  Cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco or
    13  smokeless tobacco in any form.
    14  Section 4.  Tobacco company investments prohibited.
    15     Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no moneys,
    16  assets or earnings of a fund shall be invested in any security
    17  of a tobacco company.
    18  Section 5.  Divestiture of tobacco company investments.
    19     Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary and except as
    20  otherwise provided in this act, no moneys, assets or earnings of
    21  a fund shall continue to be held in any security of a tobacco
    22  company and the board, State Treasurer and other person
    23  authorized by law to make investments from the moneys, assets
    24  and earnings of the fund shall divest the fund of those
    25  securities within a 60-day period beginning on the effective
    26  date of this act.
    27  Section 6.  Extension of divestiture period.
    28     If the board, State Treasurer or other person required to
    29  divest a fund of the security of a tobacco company under this
    30  act finds that it is not prudent or consistent with its
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     1  fiduciary duty to the fund to divest those securities within the
     2  60-day period set forth in section 5, the board, State Treasurer
     3  or person may divest those securities within an 18-month period
     4  beginning at the end of the 60-day period, provided that:
     5         (1)  No less than one-third of the fair market value of
     6     those securities, as determined on the effective date of this
     7     act, are divested every six months during the 18-month
     8     period.
     9         (2)  The board, State Treasurer or other person resolves
    10     in writing before the end of the 60-day period to exercise
    11     the right to the 18-month extension under this section.
    12         (3)  The board, State Treasurer or other person submits a
    13     quarterly report to the General Assembly containing a list of
    14     the securities of tobacco companies that remain in the fund,
    15     the book value and market value of the securities since the
    16     effective date of this act.
    17  Section 7.  Liability for divestiture.
    18     The board, State Treasurer and other person required to
    19  divest a fund of the securities of tobacco companies under this
    20  act shall not be liable to any person for complying with the
    21  duties under this act, provided that the board, State Treasurer
    22  and other person exercises the degree of care required by law
    23  for the respective fund.
    24  Section 8.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect immediately.

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