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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 484



No. 480 Session of 1999

           FEBRUARY 24, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for workers in contingent and part-time jobs;
     2     prohibiting certain forms of discrimination; and providing
     3     for powers and duties of the Department of General Services
     4     and for remedies.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Contingent
     9  and Part-time Workers Rights Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Benefits."  Include, but are not limited to, accrual of
    15  seniority, credit for length of service, holidays, vacations,
    16  sick leave and other leave, disability and health insurance,
    17  health and welfare and pension benefits.
    18     "Casual employment."  Work scheduled on an occasional or

     1  intermittent basis, without a regular schedule.
     2     "Client company."  An enterprise that receives services or
     3  functions from another enterprise and that meets the criteria
     4  for a joint employer.
     5     "Contingent job."  A job in which an individual does not have
     6  an explicit or implicit contract for long-term full-time
     7  employment. This includes:
     8         (1)  Casual employment.
     9         (2)  Contractor employment.
    10         (3)  Day labor employment.
    11         (4)  Home-based employment.
    12         (5)  Leased employment.
    13         (6)  On-call employment.
    14         (7)  Part-time employment.
    15         (8)  Seasonal employment.
    16         (9)  Temporary agency employment.
    17         (10)  Temporary direct hire employment.
    18         (11)  Temporary employment.
    19     "Contractor employment."  Employment in which a worker is
    20  employed by a company that has contracted with a client company
    21  to provide services or functions.
    22     "Day labor employment."  Employment in which a worker is
    23  hired for a day or on a day-to-day basis to perform unskilled or
    24  semiskilled tasks.
    25     "Employer."  Includes any individual, organization, including
    26  the Commonwealth and all of its political subdivisions,
    27  partnership, association, trust, estate, joint stock company,
    28  insurance company or corporation, whether domestic or foreign,
    29  or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy or the legal representative
    30  of a deceased person which has 50 or more individuals in that
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     1  entity's employment during any day or portion of any day.
     2     "Full-time employment."  A job with regularly scheduled work
     3  of more than 32 hours per week or greater than 64 hours in a
     4  biweekly period.
     5     "Home-based employment."  Employment in which a person
     6  produces goods or delivers services in or about a home,
     7  apartment, tenement or room in a residential establishment for
     8  an employer who suffers or permits this production or service
     9  delivery, regardless of the source, whether obtained from an
    10  employer or elsewhere, of the materials used by the homeworker
    11  in the production.
    12     "Independent contractor."  A worker who meets all of the
    13  following criteria:
    14         (1)  The individual is free from direction and control
    15     over the performance of the work.
    16         (2)  The service is performed either outside the usual
    17     course of the business for which it is performed or is
    18     performed outside all places of business of the enterprise
    19     for which it is performed.
    20         (3)  The individual is customarily engaged in an
    21     independent trade, occupation, profession or business.
    22  The failure to withhold Federal or State income taxes,
    23  unemployment compensation or workers' compensation from an
    24  employee's wages shall not be used for the purposes of making a
    25  determination under this definition.
    26     "Joint employer."  A contractor and a client where the
    27  employees of the contractor perform work that is an ongoing
    28  component of the client's enterprise and in which one or more of
    29  the following exists:
    30         (1)  The contractor's employees are required to follow
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     1     the client's instructions concerning the specifics of how and
     2     when the services are to be performed.
     3         (2)  The contractor's employees perform the services on a
     4     regular basis on premises owned or managed by the client.
     5         (3)  The capital goods used by the contractor's employees
     6     in performing the services in question are provided by or
     7     substantially financed directly or indirectly by the client.
     8     "Leased employment."  Employment in which an individual
     9  performs services for a client company through a leasing
    10  organization where the provision of the individual's services is
    11  pursuant to an agreement between the client company and the
    12  leasing organization.
    13     "On-call employment."  Employment in which a worker reports
    14  to work only when asked by the worker's employer to do so, as
    15  opposed to having a regular schedule.
    16     "Part-time employment."  Regularly scheduled work of not more
    17  than 32 hours per week or more than 32 hours per week as long as
    18  the work is not greater than 64 hours in a biweekly period.
    19     "Prorate."  Either of the following:
    20         (1)  To offer the proportion of each of the benefits
    21     offered to full-time employees, including full-time employees
    22     in contingent jobs, to part-time employees, which for each
    23     benefit is equal to the ratio of part-time hours worked to
    24     full-time hours worked.
    25         (2)  For insurance benefit purposes, to offer the same
    26     insurance coverage to part-time employees as full-time
    27     employees, but with an employer premium contribution which is
    28     equal to the ratio of part-time hours worked to full-time
    29     hours worked.
    30     "Seasonal employment."  A job which provides no work for at
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     1  least 90 days.
     2     "Temporary agency employment."  Work performed by a person
     3  who is hired and remunerated by an agency which provides the
     4  worker to a client company, where there is no implicit or
     5  explicit contract for long-term employment.
     6     "Temporary direct hire employment."  Work performed by a
     7  person who is hired and remunerated by the company for which the
     8  worker provides services where there is no implicit or explicit
     9  contract for long-term employment.
    10     "Temporary employment."  Work with an established employment
    11  period of one year or less.
    12  Section 3.  Wage discrimination.
    13     No employer, including joint employers at a client worksite,
    14  shall discriminate in any way in the payment of wages as between
    15  full-time and part-time employees, whether or not the employees
    16  are employed in permanent or contingent jobs. However,
    17  variations in rates of pay may not be prohibited when based upon
    18  a difference in the type of work performed or seniority.
    19  Section 4.  Terms and conditions of employment and benefits.
    20     An employer who provides benefits to the employer's
    21  employees:
    22         (1)  may not discriminate against employees in contingent
    23     jobs in the terms and conditions of employment and the
    24     provision of benefits;
    25         (2)  shall provide the same benefits to employees in
    26     contingent jobs that the employer offers to any full-time
    27     employees, provided that the employer may prorate the
    28     benefits of part-time employees;
    29         (3)  who offers health insurance, disability insurance or
    30     health and welfare benefits to any of the employer's full-
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     1     time employees, must offer the same benefits to all full-time
     2     employees, including employees in full-time contingent jobs,
     3     if the employees in full-time contingent jobs have been
     4     employed by the employer for a minimum of 15 weeks; and
     5         (4)  must provide benefits to part-time employees on a
     6     prorated basis by prorating the employer's share of the
     7     premium contribution, if they have been employed by the
     8     employer for a minimum of 15 weeks.
     9  Section 5.  Construction.
    10     Nothing in this act shall be construed to diminish or
    11  otherwise affect the requirements, guarantees or protections
    12  under any bargaining agreement, company policy or Federal or
    13  State law which provides for greater or additional benefits than
    14  those required under this act.
    15  Section 6.  Misclassification of employees.
    16     Misclassification by any employer of a worker as an
    17  independent contractor shall constitute a violation of this act.
    18  Section 7.  State contractors.
    19     (a)  Contingent jobs.--Any employer who receives in excess of
    20  $25,000 per year in funding or payment for services under any
    21  contract with the Commonwealth shall be subject to rules and
    22  regulations, promulgated by the Department of General Services,
    23  regarding the employment of workers in contingent jobs.
    24     (b)  Caps on contingent jobs.--The regulations shall include
    25  a cap on the percentage of contingent jobs and on the percentage
    26  of the payroll which may be used to hire workers in contingent
    27  jobs. The cap shall be no greater than 50% of the average number
    28  contingent jobs found in the private sector.
    29  Section 8.  Enforcement.
    30     (a)  Investigation by department.--The department shall
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     1  investigate complaints made to it concerning violations of this
     2  act and shall, upon its own initiative, conduct investigations
     3  as it deems appropriate and advisable to develop information on
     4  possible violations of this act. An employee may bring an action
     5  in a court of appropriate jurisdiction 90 days after filing a
     6  complaint with the department if the department has failed to
     7  resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the employee.
     8     (b)  Injunctive relief.--In addition to any other remedy at
     9  law or in equity or under this act, the department may apply for
    10  relief by injunction to enforce compliance with or to restrain
    11  violations of this act or any rule, regulation or order made
    12  under this act.
    13     (c)  Remedies.--A court, in rendering a judgment in an action
    14  brought under this act, shall order, as the court considers
    15  appropriate, reinstatement of the employee, the payment of back
    16  wages, full reinstatement of full fringe benefits and seniority
    17  rights, actual damages or any combination of these remedies. A
    18  court shall also award the complainant all or a portion of the
    19  costs of litigation, including reasonable attorney fees and
    20  witness fees, if the court determines that the award is
    21  appropriate.
    22     (d)  Regulations.--The department shall adopt regulations
    23  establishing procedures and criteria necessary to carry out this
    24  section.
    25  Section 9.  Effective date.
    26     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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