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under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 583                       PRINTER'S NO. 2081



No. 550 Session of 1989

           FEBRUARY 15, 1989

           APRIL 3, 1990

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Office of the Great Lakes within the Department
     2     of Environmental Resources and designating the office as the
     3     lead agency within State government for the development of
     4     policies, programs and procedures to protect, enhance and
     5     manage the Great Lakes.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Great Lakes
    10  Protection Act.
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Resources of
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     "Office."  The Office of the Great Lakes.
    18     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Resources of the

     1  Commonwealth.
     2  Section 3.  Legislative findings.
     3     The General Assembly finds that:
     4         (1)  The Great Lakes are a valuable resource and provide
     5     an important source of food, fresh water, recreation, beauty
     6     and enjoyment.
     7         (2)  The ecosystems of the Great Lakes, which provide
     8     sustenance and recreation to the people of this Commonwealth
     9     and other states and nations, have been severely affected and
    10     are continually threatened by the introduction of foreign
    11     species into the lakes and by pollution of the Great Lakes
    12     waters.
    13         (3)  Careful management of the Great Lakes will permit
    14     the rehabilitation and protection of the lakes, and their
    15     waters and ecosystems, while continuing and expanding their
    16     use for industry, food production, transportation and
    17     recreation.
    18         (4)  This Commonwealth, because it borders upon the Great
    19     Lakes and because the Great Lakes contribute in innumerable
    20     ways to the Commonwealth's economy, recreation and way of
    21     life, must act as a steward for the protection, enhancement
    22     and wise utilization of the Great Lakes.
    23  Section 4.  Office of the Great Lakes.
    24     The Office of the Great Lakes is hereby established within
    25  the department and is designated as the lead agency within State
    26  government for the development of ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE      <--
    27  policies, programs and procedures to protect, enhance and manage
    28  the Great Lakes. The Office of the Great Lakes shall:
    29         (1)  Advise the Governor, the secretary and the heads of
    30     other appropriate Commonwealth departments and agencies on
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     1     appropriate steps needed to coordinate Commonwealth policy
     2     and action on the Great Lakes and to implement an ecosystem
     3     approach to the Commonwealth's Great Lakes policies.
     4         (2)  Provide ASSIST IN PROVIDING representation at the     <--
     5     national level for the Commonwealth's Great Lakes interests.
     6         (3)  Represent the Commonwealth, WHERE APPROPRIATE,        <--
     7     before Great Lakes policy development bodies such as the
     8     international joint commission.
     9         (4)  Ensure ENCOURAGE adequate research and staff work to  <--
    10     maintain the Commonwealth's regional contribution in
    11     resolving Great Lakes problems.
    12         (5)  Promote ASSIST IN PROMOTING the wise use of the       <--
    13     ports of this Commonwealth and Great Lakes water
    14     transportation.
    15         (6)  Promote the Great Lakes tourism industry.             <--
    16         (7) (6)  Advocate the interests of the Commonwealth in     <--
    17     actions, policies and legislation affecting the Great Lakes
    18     that are proposed in other Great Lakes states, Canadian
    19     provinces, Great Lakes policy development bodies and the
    20     Federal Government.
    21  Section 5.  Reports.
    22     The Governor DEPARTMENT, with the assistance of the Office of  <--
    23  the Great Lakes, shall prepare and submit to the General
    24  Assembly the following:
    25         (1)  An annual report, submitted by December 31 of each
    26     year, on the state of the Great Lakes.                         <--
    27         (2)  A comprehensive analysis, in the Governor's annual
    28     budget message, of ALL ACTIVITIES OF THE OFFICE, INCLUDING A   <--
    29     LIST OF all the funds from Federal and State sources that the  <--
    30     Governor recommends be expended APPROPRIATED for the           <--
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     1     protection, enhancement and management of the Great Lakes.
     2         (3) (2)  A comprehensive inventory LIST, submitted within  <--
     3     one year after the effective date of this act, of all
     4     Federal, State, interstate and international agencies,
     5     programs and projects associated with the protection,
     6     enhancement and management of the Great Lakes.
     7         (4) (3)  A report, submitted within 18 months after the    <--
     8     effective date of this act, giving the status of the
     9     agreement between the United States and Canada, known as the
    10     Great Lakes water quality agreement of 1978, and recommending
    11     steps to be taken to execute the Commonwealth's obligations
    12     in that agreement and to promote the Commonwealth's role and
    13     objectives in the renegotiation of that agreement.
    14         (5)  A report, submitted within two years after the        <--
    15     effective date of this act, listing the priority research
    16     needs with respect to the Great Lakes.
    17  Section 6.  Effective date.
    18     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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